Thursday, September 12, 2013

Retired NYC Cop Enters Morrisville Mayor's Race as Write-in Candidate

Retired NYC cop enters Morrisville mayor's race as write-in candidate

Posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 3:10 PM

A retired New York City cop has joined Morrisville’s mayoral race as a write-in candidate, telling Bucks Inq that he’s running in part to quash the inner turmoil that plagues the borough’s police department and government.
Bill Pepitone said his law enforcement background would help him put an end to the “adversarial relationship” between the borough’s current mayor and the police department as well as the infighting between cops.
As we’ve written before, officers within the department are suing each other. One has alleged harassment from fellow cops over making too many arrests. Another has filed a hostile work environment complaint.
At the same time, the borough’s current mayor is suing the borough manager, some council members and the former police chief. Rita Ledger, who lost her re-election bid in this year’s Democratic primary, claims she has been denied access to police records and other information and that borough officials harassed her with sexist comments.
Morrisville, a small town across the Delaware River from Trenton, is currently searching for a new police chief since Jack Jones retired in December. Frederick De Vesa, a retired New Jersey judge, served as an interim police chief for two weeks but resigned last month because of the turmoil.
Pepitone, the write-in candidate, said: “The mayor has to come in and establish a relationship with the incoming police chief and act as an intermediary. Right now it’s an adversarial relationship that just won’t work.”
The Democratic candidate in the borough’s mayoral race is David Rivella, an electrician and a borough councilman. He is one of the council members being sued by Ledger, the current mayor.
Rivella said he'll come to the job with first-hand knowledge of the police department's conflicts, which he has been privy too through executive session.
"The other two candidates don't have any idea what they're getting into," Rivella said.
The Republican candidate, Sandra Kitty Westrope, a psychologist, said the mayor has a limited role when it comes to the police department.
"I don’t really see where being a retired police officer makes [Pepitone] a strong candidate," she said. "Basically, the mayor is supposed to represent the borough in public relations. It’s time to get someone in there that’s going to be the voice of the people."



Jon said...

Note: if you click on the blue Bill Pepitone link in the article, it takes you to his campaign website.

Jon said...

Double Note: I don't mean this as an endorsement. I just saw several posts wondering who he is, including my own extremely helpful post wondering whether he's related to former MLB player Joe Pepitone. This link has pictures, a bio, and some info on his "agenda".

Interestingly, his agenda includes the following on Schools.


The relationship between the Borough Council and School Board needs to be addressed. Political agendas need to be put aside in the best interests of our children's education and safety. As Mayor I will do whatever is necessary to address our school's issues and parent's concerns, and I will strongly encourage ALL community members to attend school board meetings and interact with our officials. If you do not have a child in the school district and believe this does not impact you, consider this: when a family is looking to move into a new neighborhood, their first order of business is to investigate the area school system. If our school district fails, what hard working family would want to live here?

Anonymous said...

He's like the lovechild of Graeme Thompson and Serpico!

Anonymous said...

Fitzpatrick and Corbett follow him on Twitter. Kitty better watch out cause campaign dollars may go to this guy instead of her.

1st warder said...

Yea another option with a d3cent agenda not wrapped around old politics

Anonymous said...

He is an interesting consideration thats should be checked out

Anonymous said...

FOP Union money????

That would be filthy, right?

Anonymous said...

Kitty you must have sensed it, but still how can we break this to you, we're just not that into you anymore, we found someone new, who we hardly even know.

Anonymous said...

I went to New York once in 1981, and I just did not feel safe

Not the Boss, Still need the Info. said...

Decent agenda? Not so sure. Mostly tough guy pronouncements about things a Mayor can't do much about.

Not wrapped around old politics? Sweet Lord I hope so but who is bankrolling him?

Anonymous said...

This guy sounds like just what our borough needs! Not connected to either party...just the citizens of the borough. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Lets hope he's not connected, and not some trojan horse candidate the overlords built but can't control.

his neighbor said...

he is definiely not connected to anyone except his wife and kids and his involvement in his community. his background makes sense to want to become involved in where you live and have your kids growing up. his wife is a police officer elsewhere and is very involved in the school and i think even helps keep the garden at grandview going. no hidden agenda except putting new ideas out there and wanting to make a difference give this guy a chance by checking him out he deserves that much for putting himself out there, get to know him, call him, email him, he has a webpage, facebook, and twitter, go to a school meeting and you will see him or his wife there too

Anonymous said...

Having now seen his website (Thanks for the link Jon!), I'd say he certainly passes the eye test. To the union basher above, WTF? Is everything some union conspiracy? I've never encountered any union issues driving the crap that happens in the Borough. It all seems driven by myopic, uneducated power grabbers who want to rule with no real responsibility, hard work or foresight. Right now, I like this guy and will probably be a write in voter. I only hope he can withstand the shit-storm that ensues if he really tries (and I mean REALLY!) to push his agenda. If he manages to get half of what he says done, he'll be a huge success. And even though we have a weak mayor (Not the person, the office) I think that a determined individual, dedicated to this can make a real difference.

So, Go Pepitone, Go!!

I do wish this was in the BCCT though. Ar4e they asleep over there? I wonder just how many people are even aware of his campaign. Not enough I suspect.

Anonymous said...

Agree this will not endear prospective Pepitone writein voters who check in here, esp. those who dedicate their time and energies throughout the community and schools. Not a great way to be an ambassador for Pepitone.

Anonymous said...

"he is definiely not connected to anyone except his wife and kids and his involvement in his community."

Really? He is a republican who didn't bother to run in the primary election. I have no doubt that he is working for Jane.

A agree with what I heard that he is Rivella's vote splitter.

Community involvement? Where? I attend almost everything that happens in Morrisville and I haven't seen him at anything, helping with anything. I'm sure I will see him everywhere between now and election day though.

He did want to be on the MEDC but quit after a couple of months. That was a few years ago. I hadn't even heard his name in all that time until he publicly announced that he wanted to be the new police chief. What happened to that? Now he wants to be the mayor. I think he may be confused as to the powers of the mayor to manage the police dept. Sounds to me like he wants to micromanage the police department, which isn't allowed because their is a chain of command. He should know that having been an officer.

I am not willing to take a chance on this power hungry creation of Jane Burger.

Anonymous said...

Not connected to either party?

He's a Republican.

Fitzpatrick and Corbett follow him on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...and how do you think he knows them

Anonymous said...

I must be missing something. Mr. Pepitone has sat back and done nothing. Now with two months before election day, he barrels in with all the answers. Why hasn't he been working on some of his plans prior to this? You don't have to be the mayor to do the things he's talking about. You just have to be willing to work with others, which he obviously has not been willing to do up to this point.

Anonymous said...


Look around at the smoke and tobacco shops, the bail bond offices and dollar stores. What element does that attract? Legitimate businesses will no longer call Morrisville home as long as apathy and neglect continue to permeate the Borough's business district. I will utilize the 'broken windows' approach that was so successful in turning New York City around under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton. Business owners will be held accountable regarding upkeep of their buildings and property. Vagrants will no longer be allowed to stand in your way of entering a store or establishment. Eliminate any criminal element and the businesses will return.

How do I know this approach works? I enforced these laws for over twenty years, witnessing firsthand how New York City went from being the murder capital of the United States to one of the nation's safest cities.

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm tired of playing chicken with a bum when I'm trying to get into my favorite mani-pedi parlor.

Anonymous said...

You will never get rid of homeless folks in your Pennsylvania community. This is not NYC.

Anonymous said...

" Why hasn't he been working on some of his plans prior to this? You don't have to be the mayor to do the things he's talking about. You just have to be willing to work with others, which he obviously has not been willing to do up to this point."

Anonymous said...

Look out Bobby Seward. It looks like he's talking about you.

Anonymous said...

If he will stop the nail and smoke shop crap I'll vote for him twice.

Anonymous said...

If he makes monkeys fly out of his butt I'll endorse him as Mayor For Life and squeegie every unbroken window in the business district.

Anonymous said...

"If he will stop the nail and smoke shop crap I'll vote for him twice."

This is not New York. If someone thinks they are going to come in and strong-arm legitimate businesses we will all be sued because of this inexperience and bullying attitude.

This is called spot zoning and it is illegal.

Not allowing them in town is discrimination and the borough will be sued. Talk to the state because that's the only way this will be changed.

Anyone who promises you change in this area is either blowing smoke or has no idea what what they're talking about.

The mayor, no matter who holds the office, can do anything about the smoke shops and nail salons.

Not only does the mayor have no vote on these issues unless it is to break a 4/4 vote, the mayor does not make resolutions, ordinances, or town policy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have read Mr. Pepitone's website and facebook page.

I don't get it. So fear is his main selling point. Buzz phrases aside, a lot of what he talks about is already being done in Morrisville but they are being said in a way that makes them seem like new ideas.

I'm not ready to go on a love fest by this unknown.

So much NYPD brass in my family I'm blinded on a sunnyday said...

It seems Mr. Pepitone has no idea how our towns government works or what real impact the mayor has on this town. He would have help more if he had run for council, but then that would have hurt one of the Burger bots. "I'm a former NYPD cop" so Vote for me. Mr. Pepitone I knew Bill Bratton he was a good man who knew to learn the inner workings of anything before he changed anything. If you really want to be like Bill learn more about what you can and can't before you leap into something.

Anonymous said...

How he is in person?
His site comes off as NYC alpha dog cop with all the answers. I find that un-appealing and un-realistic.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that his idea of running our Morrisville police department the way a New York City police department was run whenever it was that he worked there/or the way it's run today is not making me feel warm and fuzzy.

2nd ward friend sick of the naysayers said...

What a bunch if asses behind your computers passing judgement on someone you have no idea about just because his name is not in the paper everyday doesnt mean he is not active or working with others or willing to figure things out. Is he going to hit walls, yes. He will hit controversy, the unknown, idiots like many on this blog, ignorance, head butting, political bs you name it but if you dont put yourself out there and make an attempt to contribute to the fix and not complain and whine and blame then shame on you an I say God bless and good wishes to mr pepitone and anyone else who takes a chance and steps outta that broken box. Have an open mind people and dont listen to the competitors cause obviosly their going to blur the lines and talk bad about him and act like he has nothing to contribute but thats an election and im sure mr p can handle himself.

Deb said...

Just because you are Republican does not automatically align you with Jane Burger. That is so ridiculous people do have their own minds yes believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

2nd ward friend, I admire your intellect and passion. The way you bring people together without negativity, without broad brush insulting groups of people you don't know. I will write in Pepitone on your recommendation.

Anonymous said...

2nd ward friend appears to be another ITG, maybe the same one. Maybe he is new to this newfangled internet thing, and he doesn't cotton to how things work on here. He obviously doesn't even see his own hypocrisy, coming on a blog to insult others who post less than flattering things on said blog. Probably thinks his post makes some difference in the world. I might even suggest this ITG is in fact our new candidate using an ALT.

Anonymous said...

Hey 2 nd ward friend, you sound like you need a douche to wash out that sand. In the immortal words of Sgt. Hulka, "Lighten up, Francis!"

Anonymous said...

To Mr Pepitones neighbors and friends and supporters,

I don't have a problem with home running. I am sure he has his heart in the right place and is willing to work toward making Morrisville the best it can be.

I read Mr Pepitones website and I found the two things he spoke about to be outside of the realm of responsibilities (running the police dept and the schools). Schools are for the school board to run and the police dept has a chief to run the dept (someday when we get one).

The criticisms I read on this blog tend to come from the direction of "if this is all he has to bring to the table, he's misguided in his knowledge of what the mayor can do". It's nothing personal. Should we reach out to him to find out more about him? Maybe. But he's not offering a lot either.

Take this as advice. If you support your candidate, he needs to understand what the mayors position can do and get his message out to the voters. The voters will not come to him. They will read materials, visit websites, answer the door if he knocks, etc. but don't expect the voters to come to you because if you do, don't expect to win.

Anonymous said...

Good summation. Did Pepitone try to be police chief? That may be a better fit than Mayor. I wish him well and might even write him in. Ledger lived here all her life, but is ignorant & political to our detriment. As mayor she's in a word, awful. Pepitone (almost by default) would be an improvement. At least he has education and professional experience in a bigger arena.

Anonymous said...

"Deb said...
Just because you are Republican does not automatically align you with Jane Burger. That is so ridiculous people do have their own minds yes believe it or not."

You must be new to Morrisville. Or you've missed the past few Republican strategy meetings.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Mr. Pepitone didn't file to run in the primary or even do a write in then. It's tough to beat either of the candidates on the ballot in November.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone did want the interim police chief job. When it was given to the other guy, Pepitone made a public statement that he couldn't believe someone else was hired instead of him. Saying that he was the Morrisville guy so he should have automatically gotten it. Mike Martin is a local guy who isn't the chief. Assuming you should have the Chief's job because you live in town and were a cop some years ago sounded kind of strange to me then and it still does. A few weeks later, he announced that he wanted to be mayor.

Okay, it's no surprise that I will not be voting for this guy. I don't like tantrums. He decided he was going to be mayor after he decided he was going to be the interim chief and that didn't work out for him.

Anonymous said...

I got a fever, and the only prescription is, more Pepitone!

Anonymous said...

No thanks.
I will not do anything to promote the Republican machine gaining control in Morrisville once more. I will not take this step in moving backwards.

Bill Pepitone said...

Hello everyone. I am Bill Pepitone, and I appreciate all the comments here, both pro and con. Addressing some of the comments, first I was never turned down for police chief and never threw a public tantrum. I am not a NYC bully, just someone who can bring law enforcement experience to a town that, by its own admission, is suffering from an increase in crime. I am not beholden to the Republican Party or any present or former council members. I am funding my campaign with my own money. I am someone who has a vested interest in this community and has decided he can no longer sit by and watch the crime and corruption destroy our investments. For those of you who say a mayor can't do this and can't do that, how do you know? Why are so many people saying 'you can't do that in Morrisville? That's defeatist talk. The notion that NYC is all skyscrapers and Wall Street and my plan won't work is erroneous. New York has small, tight knit communities just like here, and they were able to take back their quality of life. I am willing to talk openly with anyone, and you can contact me through Thank you again for your input and your opinions.-Bill
BTW the Judge Dredd You Tube link/video was funny. Well done!

Unknown said...

As I continue to read the posts, there is some information that is simply not true. The reason I decided to run for Mayor after applying for Police Chief is twofold. One, I can offer the community more from the Mayors office, as the next chief will be hamstrung by some of the powers that be. Secondly, I believe the Chief search process is not a legitimate one at all. Why have we not had a police chief for 9 months, and why have we allowed that to happen?
The notion that I have not been involved in the community is also misleading. I did in fact join the EDC but had to leave shortly after because I had a newborn daughter and needed to go back to work full time to help support my family. My wife attends most school board meetings and, fact is, many times she is the only one there. Members of the school board can verify that.I can assure you I am not being 'bankrolled by any party, persons or unions. My wife and I are funding this campaign. Please do not listen or be influenced by those who have an agenda to keep things status quo in Morrisville. If you have a question or opinion do not hesitate to contact me. Again, I am open to speak to anyone.
Thank you all again.-Bill

Anonymous said...

I know of the family and have met Bill on a few occasions. I have been a lifer here in Morrisville and feel it is about time we have a candidate who is not wrapped up is the usual borough politics!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody said he turned down the chief's job and I saw the tantrum. People saying "you can't" surely realize that pa laws and ny laws differ. Sometimes "you can't" means you can't.

No offense to Mr. Pepitone, but talking is easy, so is sitting back while others have worked within the Morrisville community.

Some of what Mr. Pepitone talks about are already being done in Morrisville. Much of what is said from Mr. Pepitone are things he could have been helping with.

Not bothering to involved yourself in the community while you live here, not bothering to run in the primary, then coming in with two months left, no matter what the excuses, are red flags that I cannot get past.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pepitone speaks well, I'll give him that much at least.

"I believe the Chief search process is not a legitimate one at all. Why have we not had a police chief for 9 months, and why have we allowed that to happen?"

Sounds like working with council is going to be a problem for him.

Even I can answer this question, just from paying attention.

The borough conducted a lengthy investigation of the police department. They were told by the insurance company to conclude the investigation first, and to promote someone within the dept as acting chief.

They were then told to search for an interim police director.

They were told to hire a search consultant and to form a search committee both of which they have done.

Advertisements went out. Applications are being accepted.

Everything still has to go through Morrisville's Civil Service Commission before it can go to the council.

Anonymous said...

"I know of the family and have met Bill on a few occasions. I have been a lifer here in Morrisville and feel it is about time we have a candidate who is not wrapped up is the usual borough politics!!"

Mr. Pepitone, did you write this one two? (this is a rhetorical question)

Unknown said...

Hello again,
First off, let me make this clear. Any posts by myself will have my name next to it. There will be no 'anonymous' posts by myself I assure you. I am open to everyone's opinion, though I do prefer speaking with those that deal in fact. The 'tantrum' that some keep mentioning is not only non-factual, it is laughable, considering I have not heard back from the consulting firm that is conducting the search which concluded just two weeks ago. Let me also say working with council will not be a problem, for there are good people on the council and, to be honest, anyone who enters government should be applauded for putting the communities needs ahead of their own. To those who do I have much respect. As far as doing little for the community, again, my wife has been a regular at school board meetings and safety meetings, some of which I have attended, and personally witnessed a lot of empty seats there. Again, this can be verified by the school board. The landscaping at Grandview Elementary was led by my wife and her close friends. I have attended Borough Council meetings and, again, many empty seats.
The reason I 'bothered' to enter the race so late is that I was encouraged by neighbors and community members who are growing increasingly concerned over public safety. I am not a politician, I am a husband and father who is also concerned and has decided to do something about it, risking time with my family and enduring some non-factual allegations in order to make a difference. And make no mistake, a Mayor can make a difference here. If you are looking for a Mayor who waves at parades and cuts ribbons, then no, I am not the right person. If however you are looking for someone who has experience dealing with diverse communities and the problems they face on a daily basis, and someone who will not sit by and accept the 'Morrisville is not like that' or the 'Mayor has limited authority' mantra, then I consider myself the right person for the position.
Again, I am accessible and available to anyone who would like to discuss moving Morrisville forward. Contacting me through is the best way to engage in a productive conversation, even if you do not agree with my views or my positions. Anonymous quotes have accomplished little in our nation's history. Action, however late to the game it may come, trumps apathy every time.
Thank you all again.

Anonymous said...

Good. This is better than a star spangled web page. Nothing makes the entrenched more nervous than someone they can't control.I bring a pencil to the polls. If I find out Janey B, Mikey Fitz and Tommy Frack, and the R Club Hacks are pulling your strings I'll drop you like a bad habit.

Unknown said...

In regards to the last post, no one is pulling my strings, except my wife and children whom I have sworn to keep safe and provide the best schools and opportunity for. I am not beholden to anyone. Some say that approach will never work in politics. I say I am not a politician, I am a leader. You can look at my career and talk to my peers and they will tell you the same.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Mr. Pepitone, but you are wrong. The landscaping at Grandview School was led by Pam Alverez, and a few other parents, students, staff members and businesses and has been an ongoing process. The landscape since it began some time ago. Perhaps your spouse has been working to make improvements and that is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pepitone, the search did not conclude two seeks ago, it is ongoing.

Anonymous said...

"I can assure you I am not being bankrolled by any party, persons or unions"

Anyone else find it interesting that he said he wasn't bankrolled by unions? Sounds very familiar.

Corinne said...

Anonymous- This is a great example of what is wrong with this town everyone is so caught up in being right. You and Bill Pepitone are both correct. The landscaping job was initially done by the amazing secretary at Grandview, Pam Alvarez. However in the past few years it had become to much for her to upkeep. On one of my weekly visits I asked Pam about it and she said no one is keeping it up. I volunteered with Jo Ann Pepitone to care for it. Since then it has been an ongoing project with Dave Stoneburner of the School Board, Bonnie Dingle of the PTO, Jo Ann and myself. We are always looking for more volunteers so if you are interested in volunteering contact the PTO! We will be planting fall flowers in the next couple of weeks and would love to see more smiling faces!

Anonymous said...

Get the children involved. He had been working on it for years.

Anonymous said...

I think that person meant "they".

Anonymous said...

I remember when it was just bushes everywhere. They were never even trimmed. I remember that we took care of cleaning out & planting for a couple of years too. I didn't spearhead the redo, that was before I took on the replanting with a couple of parents and the little ones from the school. It was a couple of years after it had all been cleaned out and the boxes put in. I think at that time one of the landscaping companies donated some plantings and mulch.

Anonymous said...

Even when something good happens, we fight over who should get credit?

When will the madness end?

Morrisville, we put the fun in dysfunction. Well maybe not so much fun, and a lot more dys.

Anonymous said...

The problem seems to be that once a good thing gets done, that's it, people feel like they accomplished something, and then they want to rest on their laurels and bask in the accolades. There's no real vision, only tasks.

Ted Parker said...

Mr Pepitone seems like a good family man who has good intentions. But I can not vote for someone who comes in two months out and decides to run. crime and public safety are Important but there is more to being Mayor then just that. I hate the whole write in thing, it cheapens the whole process and for that I can not vote for a write in

Anonymous said...

The same process that gave us Rita, Debbie, Eileen and Sanford? That gave us Ron, Al, Marlys and the SB nightmare? Sorry, that argument doesn't hold up for me. It sounds like Mr. Rivella may be a good guy, and maybe he is deserving, but he needs to address the issues surrounding his intentions.

Anonymous said...

At this point I'll vote for whoever knocks on my door and asks for my vote.

That will tell me who's serious and who's not.

Anonymous said...

Your name and address might be helpful in that case.

Anonymous said...

That's up to the candidates to ensure that they get in front of their intended supporters. If any of them are not willing to get out and meet the people on the people's terms, they don't deserve to represent them, and they will likely make lousy public servants. This goes for the SB, Council and mayor. I will no longer vote for someone in a local election I've not met, and the onus is on the candidates to ensure that happens. I expect most of them read this blog from time to time, and I also expect there are others who feel the same way. You want my vote, you need to earn it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but name and address is irrelevant.

If the contenders are serious all doors will be knocked on.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if you are a healing therapist, an electrician or a security guard. Putting your face in front of someone and saying what you will do doesn't really mean squat.

Prove to me what you have done for our town so far and you can have my vote.

Anonymous said...

The first candidate to bring me a sammitch gets my vote. A little prazhjoot, a little gabbagool, some supersott on a ciabbatta.

Anonymous said...

If he's so big on Morrisville, does anyone know I why he only served a year on the Morrisville Economic Development Council?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a year, it was only a few months.

He answered this question somewhere. I was actually offended by his answer. Something about him having to step down because he had to take a full-time job and because he has kids.

As if everyone who sits on all of the boards, committees, orgs, clubs, etc in Morrisville don't have full time jobs and families.

Eileen Dreisbach said...

First of all I'd like to mention that Rita Ledger was not on he primary ballot. That cold be why she didn't win her party's votes. Second. The school district is totally separate frome the borough. Third the Civil Service Commission has nothing o o with hiring a chief. Tht I hy a committee was formed. Mr Rivella was originally a member, but decided to put someone else in his place. The Civil Service Commission on deals with the applications, testing, and recommendations to council for hiring. The chief applications are closed. I believe it was August 31 st.

Anonymous said...

"First of all I'd like to mention that Rita Ledger was not on he primary ballot. That cold be why she didn't win her party's votes."


"Second. The school district is totally separate frome the borough."

Thank GOD.

"Third the Civil Service Commission has nothing o o with hiring a chief. Tht I hy a committee was formed. Mr Rivella was originally a member, but decided to put someone else in his place. The Civil Service Commission on deals with the applications, testing, and recommendations to council for hiring. The chief applications are closed. I believe it was August 31 st."

Thanks, but not sure for what. Just trying to be polite, while hoping the crime wave and confidence rattling dysfunction and lack of leadership end soon.

Anonymous said...

I so much want good things to happen. It's just that my actions and behaviors tend to lead to bad things happening.

It's OK (not really, but roll with it). There's a cure for that. Don't run for public office. Stay out of politics. Lead, follow, or get out of the way? Opt for get out of the way. This has been a public service announcement.