Friday, October 28, 2011

Potluck #29

83 comments in #28.  Time for a fresh one.  Thanks for visiting and posting.  What else is on your minds?


Anonymous said...

a few more days to four more years. THANK GOD for these smart patriotic taxsaving americans. we love our school board. stay on couse for savings and leaders

Anonymous said...

Yes Thank God for one school board president who thinks he's the only answer to our problems and 8 others who are clueless enough to follow along blindly without question and don't show up half the time.
Thank God the School Board Directors love themselves. Too bad they don't love the students or the rest of the community.

Anonymous said...

Thank God SIC did not raise enough money for their campaign to put up their usual ridiculouly, fraudulent billboard! 4 more years of no billboard!

Jon said...

As Meatloaf said, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. The first one's a broken record broken record broken record broken record. If that's all you got, that's the OPPOSITE of smart in my handbook.

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD the only pro SIC commenter on here has nothing to offer but THANK GOD.
Too bad for SIC that there is nothing else you have to offer besides that and the ever popular scare tactic "Our Opponents want to build a New School".
Can't even try to use the "Test Scores up" scam because we all know they have been dropping since SIC came onto the baord and have dropped signigicantly in this past year. Are you thankful to God for that too?

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD the only pro SIC commenter on here has nothing to offer but THANK GOD.
Too bad for SIC that there is nothing else you have to offer besides that and the ever popular scare tactic "Our Opponents want to build a New School".
Can't even try to use the "Test Scores up" scam because we all know they have been dropping since SIC came onto the baord and have dropped signigicantly in this past year. Are you thankful to God for that too?

Anonymous said...

Thank GOD that certain people are so transparent in their vain attempts at AWing that they are easily identified and thus avoidable. Remember this at the polls.

Anonymous said...

What is AWing?

Anonymous said...

It's that thing on either side of a bird or airplane.

Dr. Rumack said...

Shirley you can't be serious, but that's not important right now.

Anonymous said...

Today I went to Grandview School to see the parade, which was wonderful. What was not wonderful was the amount of adults not following the rules. Standing & sitting in the road to watch the parade go by. Many cars parked within the yellow lines, etc. Afterwards, I watched the mayor and her best bud on school board park in the road in front of the school, which is a big no no and go into the building. Live by example people! LOL yeah that was funny when I thought it as well. Can't possibly expect our parents to follow the rules when people like the mayor and school board are breaking them as well.

Anonymous said...

"was"? sorry "were"

Anonymous said...

They're real Morrisville patriot true American leaders. They're "Above the Law". Demented Mayberry RFD nightmare!

Jon said...

Funny (strange, not ha ha), people were told at Wednesday night's School Board meeting to take their school traffic concerns to Borough Hall, in particular Mayor Ledger, because she's in charge of the police.

Great example setting, Mayor Ledger, and who's her buddy, Ruthrauff?

Anonymous said...

LOL .. the School Board Member Handbook must have told Ruthrauff to Roadhog out in front of the school.

Anonymous said...

Typical that once again the school district is blaming others for their problems. Must be nice to be able to displace over 500 children and then blame the problems associated with doing so on someone else's shoulders.

I absolutely do not think the police officers who happen to be on duty during the times of great traffic congestion should be taken off their rounds to direct traffic because the school district has created a situation it refuses to be responsible for.

The mayor is not in complete charge of the police dept and in fact has little control over anything the police does/does not do. Chief Jones is in charge of the police dept. She is a figure-head, scary as that is. She is supposed to be the town's PR person, of sorts. Sadly, she spends way too much time with her own power/control issues and seems to not even know what is her actual job as mayor. I honestly believe the seat of the mayor is a waste that Morrisville Borough really can do without.

Anonymous said...

The school district stupidly took down the basketball courts and blamed it on the the borough. The school district stupidly created a nightmare traffic situation and blamed it on the borough. Starting to see a pattern here.

Jon said...

The School District also said that traffic lights/signs were also in the Borough's hands. The pattern is there all right.

Anyway, I watched the video of the 10/26 Board mtg. Check it out. 45:00 in, it sounds like Al Radosti tells Mr. Ferrara “Yvonne (Ruthrauff) wants to say something. Let her speak”.

Radosti is Hellmann, Profy, at least 2 empty seats (Worob, Heater), and DeWilde away from Ruthrauff. I didn’t see any notes passing, so unless she communicates telepathically with Radosti, this was pre-scripted.

At 45:40, Ruthrauff then begins to speak against the Bonfire.

If the Bonfire relies on a Board vote, I'm thinking it's toast. Even if no Board vote is involved, what do you think they're telling Mr. Ferrara to do?

Jon said...

Gayle Haug pointed out the Marlys Mihok's attendance record as the School Board’s rep. for MOEF (Morrisville Opportunity Educational Foundation) stunk about as badly as her attendance record as the School Board’s representative to the Bucks County Intermediate Unit (IU). Gayle Haug, who is also on the MOEF Board, respectfully requested that the Board replace her with another Board rep.

John DeWilde offered to replace Mihok. He’s doing a much better job than Mihok as the I.U. rep., so this would be a major upgrade.

Anonymous said...

"4 more years of no billboard!"

I loved that.

Jon said...

Bonfire --> No District money involved. Ruthrauff has questions about the cost.

School District Budget --> $18-19 million per year. Ruthrauff ain't got much to say other than "YES".

Anonymous said...

I would think there would be a cost involved with the school district having a bonfire. There would be a fee to have the ambulance squad and fire department present. Also costs involved in the wood used for burning. There would also be an added cost to the district's insurance carrier for the event. I think it may be called an added one day rider, but that might not be the name.

I really like the "idea" of a bonfire but I also think it could be problematic.

Then again, it could be one of those things the school board is simply talking about, knowing it will get shot down. This way they would be able to seem as though they were trying to embrace the idea when in fact it is only being brought up to make them look community active. The reality could be that they have absolutely no intention of seeing the idea of bonfires through.

Morrisville had bonfires years ago and someone got seriously hurt with lifelong injuries.

Anonymous said...

laugh all you want. the real people of morrisville know whose keeping taxes low. our senior keep there houses. THANK GOD the real people have a voice. four more years

Anonymous said...

You may be right. You may be wrong. Either way, ignorance is nothing to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

This much is clear --- Stay on Course will win any race to the bottom

Jon said...

The "real people" of Morrisville couldn't fix a GOD blessed thing and let the school buildings rot for 30 years as they illegally locked out workers, paid Superintendents not to work, and deteriorated education and extracurriculars.

The "real people" of Morrisville were told by the likes of you and your furniture hopping buddies to vote for this ticket in 2003:

Sandy Gibson
Peter Mulcahy
Corinne Martin
Al Radsoti
Gloria Heater

It brought us the new school. Then you and your furniture hopping buddies demonized, picketed, and insulted 3 of these 5 individuals and others. Somebody or somebodies sent ominous anonymous threatening letters to Board members. I would not be surprised in the least if it was a prominent "Stay on Course" person.

I wish the "real people" of Morrisville would wise up to the poor judgment "leadres" who have been feeding them bull pucky for decades.

By the way, the "real people" - what an insulting dog whistle of a term to use.

wanda said...

ATTENTION ALL...Due to the inclement weather and our poor actors etc who are required to be outside during the Morrisville Ambulance Haunted House, the organizers have called off the event for tonight and unfortunately today will be take down day for season 2011. Its just too yucky for our poor guys and girls to be outside and we know the bad weather will prohibit enough peoople from coming out to enjoy it! Thanks to all those who did make it out, we appreciate your support, hope you liked it. The Delmor Youth group is still having their bowling party tonight at Delmor Lanes 5-8pm. $10 per person gives you food, fun, doorprizes. 3 games of bowling, shoes, etc and its Halloween so wear your costumes! after that the wonderful youth center at First Baptist Church is open as well and you can really make a fun night of it for the kids despite the bad weather

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with the Board of Health issues in the school cafeteria?

Anonymous said...

That's nice. What "Board of Health issues"?

Jon said...

Video of 10/26 mtg. at 40:00.

Ferrara: cafeteria issues are or are in the process of being resolved. Talk to Mr. DeAngelo if you want more info. Website updates will be provided.

I don't know specifically what the issues are.

Anonymous said...{ts%20'2011-09-30%2008:35:03'}&ed={ts%20'2011-10-30%2008:35:03'}&id=242407

Anonymous said...

Above was Grandview cafeteria Board of Health inspection. This is Inter-High cafeteria inspection.{ts%20'2011-09-30%2008:35:03'}&ed={ts%20'2011-10-30%2008:35:03'}&id=244824

Anonymous said...

That's funny, none of that was in the newsletter.

Anonymous said...

That's double funny, people with children in the district didn't even get a newsletter.

Wanda Kartal said...

The School board used district money to mail a campaign newsletter to taxpayer homes last week. Many parents who rent homes or apts did not receive the newsletter about their district. After last weeks board meeting, a Right to Know Request was submitted asking what mailing list was used, how much if any did their solicitor pay to place an ad in the district newsletter, what was the cost of the mailing altogether and what other businesses were contacted to place an ad to offset the cost of the printing (per bill Ferrara). Mr. DeAngelo replied with a letter saying "they would be taking full advantiage of the 30 days response time allowed under the Right to Know". There is only one reason to put the public off on such a request and that is to push attention away from their "suspect" activity before an election. These are the people running your school that you entrust with your tax money and your kids safety and education. Are you ready for 4 more years of this or are you getting out to vote on Nov 8th for Morrisville Matters? Kartal, Parker, Miller and Stoneburner.

Wanda said...

Your current school board stopped including check registers suddenly in the meeting minutes for the public so we cannot see where the money is going. Morrisville Matters had to ask for it to be put back.

Our opponents are not including the 2011 PSSA scores on their website yet their platform is all about "test scores are up". If they are up why are they avoiding the information. That would be beacuse they are not up, for the 4th year in a row most areas have gone down, some over 20 percentage points. What else are they hiding from you.

Anonymous said...

Paul DeAngelo @ 59:27 into the 10/26 Board Meeting:

"We pride ourselves on being transparent...”

What an absolute JOKE!

YOU pride yourselves on being transparent. Anyone who has tried to get info and straight answers out of you feels and knows otherwise.