Big changes could be coming to Bristol Borough School District
Friday, November 2, 2012 7:30 am | Updated: 10:38 am, Fri Nov 2, 2012.
Posted on November 2, 2012
Bristol Borough School District officials announced Thursday night that they met recently with state Department of Education officials to discuss the potential future configuration of the district including the potential closure of the high school if it came to that.School board President Ralph DiGuiseppe III who attended that meeting said consolidation of districts throughout the state could happen quickly.State Secretary of Education Ron Tomalis, DiGuiseppe said, was “very quick to point out” that at one time there were 1,500 school districts in the state, and currently there are about 500. Tomalis believes that number will be cut in half soon.
“The topic of conversation was finance and the potential high school closure if that’s something we had to do in terms of budget,” DiGuiseppe said at the school board meeting Thursday night back in Bristol. The board convened to give the public an overview of the situation.
DiGuiseppe continued: “Nobody on this board or in this district is looking to closing the high school tomorrow or anytime in the future. But we have to think outside the box on how we can potentially survive because we can’t continue to raise taxes as we have discussed over and over again.”
School board members agreed that it’s time to reassess and figure out the district’s finances and the quality of education for the students with budget season approaching.
“All I can say is that we are not going to get any more money. The message was clear that things are going to get worse. Things aren’t getting any better,” DiGuiseppe said.
DiGuiseppe, Superintendent Gregory Wright and board solicitor Bill Salerno met in Harrisburg in recent weeks with Tomalis, members of Gov. Tom Corbett’s office, Sen. Tommy Tomlinson, R-6, Sen. Chuck McIlhinney, R-10, Rep. John Galloway, D-140, and members of the Department of Labor and Industry.
Speaking of Tomalis, DiGuiseppe said, “He said he would support us, help us, in that decision (to close the high school) if that’s something the board decided in the future. The state senators and state representatives that were there, they are fighting for us…They are fighting for us, but that doesn’t mean they are going to win…As a district we need to find a way to survive.”
DiGuiseppe welcomes any suggestions from the public on how to balance the budget and provide quality education.
“I urge people to come out and voice their opinions,” he said after the meeting.
chapmanc posted at 10:26 am on Fri, Nov 2, 2012.
Posts: 3
This is what happens when you vote in a bunch of outsiders Who care nothing for the children in Bristol Borough And only for their own financial gains
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MrHarley posted at 10:05 am on Fri, Nov 2, 2012.
Posts: 711
Well, I guess this is what a "degree in finance" gets us. I hope the sheeple are happy.
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chapmanc posted at 8:53 am on Fri, Nov 2, 2012.
Posts: 3
Residents of bristol boro.. you wanted to give the town to the over to one family to control everything that happens in the borough now you reap what you sew... your town and your children's welfare were never on there aGenda. building houses in filling their pockets is there on the agenda.. this has to end for the sake of Bristol Borough.
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Mr Bill posted at 8:39 am on Fri, Nov 2, 2012.
Posts: 729
Where are your tax dollars going people of Bristol? You gave every once of power to the DuGuiseppe family and this is what you get. They started talking about this when they were building the new elementary school. Now your kids are going to Truman......and you pay among the highest taxes in the county to live in a ghetto. But Ralphy doubled his net wealth while in office. Wow, how does this happen???? And I can guarantee school taxes will go up in order to go to Truman some how. This is the 1st step in the Boro becoming a part of Bristol Twp. And Ralph is laughing all the way to the bank
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MrHarley posted at 7:59 am on Fri, Nov 2, 2012.
Posts: 711
“I urge people to come out and voice their opinions,” he said after the meeting. Funny, when people do speak up they are talked down to like they are crap.
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Sounds Familar ? Combine Morrisville and Bristol.
Farm them out! Morrisville will take the students at $15,000 per student.
"...with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on."
- Ricky Bobby
Holy Cripes does this sound familiar!!!
SaveOurSchool posted at 12:15 pm on Fri, Nov 2, 2012.
Posts: 1
People of Bristol...We cannot let this happen. What happens to our property values without a HS? Who will buy a home here? Nobody with kids that's for sure. You would think a real estate agent would have an opinion on that. The people on the board who are leading this movement: Saxton, Kalinowski and the III have had this goal since they came into power. Did you notice that the Business manager was not included in this secret meeting? He has kept this district solvent for many years but now is on the outside when it comes to finances. They hired this superintendent with an "MBA" but obviously has no skill at managing a district other than saying to shut it down. These people are only interested in the bottom line not in the 100+ years of history of our beloved school. They don't care!!! The superintendent is an outsider who has no stake in our town and is pushing for this to happen. Those board members who follow his lead must be thrown out of office and get caring, financially creative people involved who have a stake in this district in office. That's what board members are elected for... not to say "hey does anybody have any ideas? because we're clueless" This is the board's way of saying let the public in so that they can blame the public for inaction and lack of ideas. Don't let them get away with this. The board and the superintendent are sneaky but now they are taking significant steps.
Wait a minute everybody is very unhappy with the boro and their choices! Now why do you vote them back in? Why do you have a son of the president of council on a school board and he went to private school? You have his son in law running the municipal dept? Come on wake the f$&k up! Boat slips at the end of mill street now that will solve everything and people will want to get a tattoo and let's see what else ? Tan? Now they are talking! Lol! Sad!
Saxon for mayor now didn't they want him out as mayor or now is he just a yes man!
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