Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Morrisville School Board Talks About Potential Changes to District

Morrisville school board talks about potential changes to district

Posted: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 6:32 pm

There’s one certainty about Morrisville schools: There is no status quo when it comes to the district’s finance and educational operations.That’s what the district’s Education Committee concluded at this week’s meeting, which was attended by two parents who also routinely attend work sessions and agenda meetings each month. Also in the audience were two board members wearing their parent hats.
The closest to status quo the district can remain is keeping the small district intact, school board President Damon Miller said. He sits on the committee with school directors Daniel Dingle and Jack Buckman and Superintendent Bill Ferrara.
But such a scenario is not sustainable, and would come with a false sense of security because each year the administration would have to make adjustments to the educational aspect to balance the budget, officials said.
How much longer can Morrisville schools hold up?
“The question is do we want to survive or thrive?” Ferrara said, adding that thus far the administration hasn’t cut educational programs like other districts have to make ends meet.
The committee has been discussing the future of the district since November. Since then, members have come up with nine options. Each month, they discuss the pros and cons of each. For now, there's no hard deadline as to when changes might happen once the district decides on a route. The options are:
  • Status quo;
  • Five-period day (currently, the high school runs with six periods);
  • Cyber courses;
  • Increasing the number of students attending Bucks County Technical High School in Bristol Township;
  • Tuition out high school students;
  • Increase dual enrollment with Bucks County Community College;
  • Full district merger;
  • Split schedule (staggering school entrance times);
  • Multi-district cyber courses (a pool of districts offering a variety of cyber classes).
At the December meeting, committee members discussed the possibility of paying tuition to other school districts to educate Morrisville high school students. Under that option, students would be able to choose which public school to attend. Private schools wouldn’t be an option.
The discussion continued at this week’s meeting, and committee member didn't have answers to questions that were raised.
Some of the questions concerned transportation, contracts, diplomas, and property taxes and values.
One of the cons for the tuition option was concern that Morrisville wouldn’t have administrative or school board representation at participating districts, leading to possible problems such as tax increases.
Ferrara said Morrisville would continue to have a school board because the district would keep the elementary and middle school students in the borough.
Another con revolved around busing high school students involved in after-school activities in other districts.
But there are some pros to the option. One is the educational opportunities for the the students. Surrounding districts provide various Advance Placement classes, a perk that Morrisville can’t afford. Another is that sending students to another district could be less expensive because a bigger district has a bigger pool of taxpayers.
There were many "what ifs" also during the meeting.
If the high school closes, would property values in Morrisville decrease? If Pennsbury and/or Council Rock school districts agreed to take Morrisville student what would it do to Morrisville property values? These answers were unknown.
What if a participating district “cherry picks” the students it wants to host based on academics? That wouldn't happen because students would be allowed to choose the schools they want to attend, Ferrara said.
Would each participating school have a cap? No, Ferrara said, adding that most surrounding districts are experiencing low enrollment so most likely there would be room for incoming students each year.
What if there’s a moving boom into Morrisville because high school students can attend Pennsbury or Council Rock school districts and a lot of students decide to go to only one school? That wouldn’t be a problem, he said.
What if a participating district wants out, what happens to students who are in the middle of their high school curriculum? Once a student starts attending a school, that student would graduate from the chosen high school.
What if the high school stays the same? Every year, to make ends meet, the educational programs would change. Staying status quo could lead to a five-day period, the superintendent said.
The only pro to that would be that “we would remain a small district,” Miller said.
The administration is looking into whether to suggest to the board to change to a five-period day at the high school, instead of the current six periods for next school year. The change would reduce staff because students would have fewer elective options.
At the Feb. 12 meeting, the committee will continue the discussion of five-period day and the status quo.
The committee meets at 7 p.m. at Morrisville High School, LGI conference room, 550 West Palmer St. Meetings are not video recorded.


Jon said...

What if you have an agreement to tuition out kids to a certain district, but in that district an election sweeps in a majority of school board member who simply ignore or don't honor any contracts or agreements that they decide they don't like?

Not that that ever happens ...

This is one pitfall I am still uncomfortable with.

Jon said...

The tuition out issue and all it's what if's and unknowns somehow reminds me of this ridiculous, mediocre SNL skit from the 90's.

Anonymous said...

2 years ago Paul DeAngelo said the District was in a strong financial position. What happened? He should be asked to tell the truth, along with Ferrara. Not just the political reterict that always comes out of their mouths. They can ask Congressman Fitzy for help, his advice has always benefited the District.

Anonymous said...

That great financial position biz was self congratulatory back slapping and kissing up to the overlords who hired them.

It didn't totally work because the overlords lost the election anyway.

Anonymous said...

No it wasn't. It was fact. Then they spent it each year in order to NOT raise taxes according to fiscal responsibility in order to stay elected/employed/bonused/tuition paid for/etc...

Wait and see the remains of devastation after the next year and half with them in charge.

Anonymous said...

Deangelo's on the Tuition Out plan. He's gonna get his Tuition Out of our wallets.

Anonymous said...

DeAngelo is a Fraud, self serving waste of tax money Business Manager. The only business he manages is his own on our expense !!

Anonymous said...

He can make a budget spreadsheet powerpoint slides and buy and rent stuff.

I don't dig his Nixon Administration demeanor.

Anonymous said...

The question remains quite simple. Can we afford (intended) to allow the current admin to continue to ruin this district while we wait for their contracts to expire?

Anybody know if/when the "Education Committee" will meet with the people who educate the students.

Jon said...

"Anybody know if/when the "Education Committee" will meet with the people who educate the students."

Excellent point. Teachers need to be part of the mix. Students too.

Peter said...

I'm curious how these two ideas help:

Five-period day
Split schedule

Anyone know? It seems to me that a five period day makes us less efficient and the split schedule only extends the hours we need staff and electricity and heat and so-on.

I think tuitioning out is a bad idea. Jon nailed it with his concern about contracts and board elections. Also, I would have to imagine the receiving district(s) would write in language that states that if their enrollment increases (or their needs change) such that they need the space for their own kids that the contract is void. I know that's how I'd write it.

I am open-minded to the rest, though, unless something has changed, I don't think merger with Pennsbury is a possibility. And I don't think a merger with Bristol gets us anything.

It is really frustrating that we are in this position at this point.

Jon said...

Not sure about the split schedule, but as I understand it, the 5-period day is primarily a cost-saver, because it vastly reduces the scheduling opportunites for electives. Less elective choices, less electives, teachers who used to teach the eliminated electives shown the door, lower spending. Voila!

Jon said...

The Duquesne School District outside of Pittsburgh was cited as a district that is already tuitioning out its High School Students.

From the quick google research I've done, it appears that Duquesne is a financially distrssed district (like Chester-Upland in our area) that is already under a State PDE appointed Board of Control (i.e. local School Board either liquidated or essentially relegated to bystander status), and that there is already legislation in place that allows the PDE to designate (i.e. force) other districts to accept the students on a tuition basis. Dusquesne tuitions out not only its High School students, but also its 7th and 8th graders.

I see at least 1 article where 1 of the 2 designated receiving districts is complaining that the amount of tuition $ it receives per pupil is too low.

Morrisville isn't in the same situation as Duquesne, so it isn't quite apples to apples, but I'd have to think many of the pitfalls are common.

In some ways, a district like Morrisville that tries this might even be in a tougher spot without the weight of law and the State behind it.

I know this might sound like I'm totally against it, but I'm not. I just think there are some significant risks and pitfalls that might make it untenable, and that obviously need to be investigated much further.

Jon said...

Below is a link to a recent article (10/18/12) indicating that West Mifflin, 1 of the 2 receiving districts for Duquesne students (the other is East Allegheny) may sue PDE. They want more money and contend the funding scheme is unfair.

Read the article. Doesn't it sound awfully familiar?

Jon said...

Tracy said...

If anyone wants some on-the-ground questions answered, please post them - my niece and nephew attend West Mifflin schools.

West Mifflin also has a cyber academy for high school students that seems to cover most high school topics. If cyber schooling is an option, that may be somewhere to find out how (if) it works.

Jon said...

Good stuff, Tracy. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Worst part about all of this is the severely short sightedness that has gone on since Ms. Dunford was shown the door and continues to occur even as recent as this post. NONE of the alleged options will work long term.

How about creating a committee that figures out how to generate revenue and funding in order to offer MORE for our students and help lesson the burden on the community in order to maintain our small school appeal?

Cutting hurts. Everyone.

Jon said...

"It is really frustrating that we are in this position at this point.'

I'm with you, Peter. That 10 mill election year tax cut in 2009 really bothers me. I never heard a good explanation for it. The only thing I heard was something half-baked like Paul DeAngelo found some other budget line item with like $500,000 in it and so, hey, lets knock another 10 mills off in perpetuity. That sliced off $600,000 in budget revenues PER YEAR. EVERY YEAR (to use Hellmann phrasiology).

To turn around now and say we're in an unsustainable situation is frustrating and somewhat intellectually dishonest, given the hand that some had in making the situation.

Jon said...

Anon, your post came in while I was typing mine. Funny you should mention Ms. (Reba) Dunford. It ties in with the 10 mill tax cut. In the "explanation" I heard there was an implication that this line item Mr. DeAngelo "found" was something left over by Ms. Dunford. The implication wasn't that she was taking the money, just that it was in an odd place, or not where DeAngelo would have put it, something like that. So like GW Bush in 2001, that's your money, I'm gonna give it back to ya, long-term implications be damned, I'll be out the door before the crap really starts hitting the fan, I gotta find me some WMDs.

Does anyone know any more about this or remember it differently? Not the GW Bush part, the tax cut part. Facts aren't necessary, go with your gut.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon, on those GWB tax cuts (Wikipedia)

A report published by researchers with the Heritage Foundation predicted the cuts would result in the complete elimination of the U.S. national debt by fiscal year 2010.[2]

Anonymous said...

Reba was safe guarding for when times weren't dot.comish. She was responsible.


Beth was safe guarding for our children's education. She was responsible.


Now we have an education committee...and we are willing to let current super and bm dictate our future.

Not funny.

Thanks Stop the School.

Students, Homeowners, Teachers, Aids, Maintenance, Cafeteria, etc...ALL will suffer the demise of this district b/c the fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY currently employed.

Anonymous said...

I agree,I don't like what super and bm are selling. I can't believe what they say, I can't take it at face value. I don't trust them with their obscuring and doubletalk. They're pushing an agenda.

Anonymous said...

Stop the School.

Wonder if they meant Stop the School District From Existing?

But didn't want to raise the taxes necessary to pay for the extended signage?

Marlypoo said...

We HEART (love) Our School District .......... to SKULL & CROSSBONES (death)

Anonymous said...

Hellmann Radosti Mihok did so much damage to our school district that I wonder if it can be saved.

Anonymous said...

Except for Mihok and her nasty diatribes where have they been???? I haven't seen Hellmann or Radosti in 15 months.

Jon said...

I don't go around looking for them, but the one and only time I've seen Al Radosti since about November 2011 was on July 18, 2012, when he showed up for his scheduled appointment to the School Board. It turned out his appointment was cancelled. I haven't seen Hellmann for over 15 months. This is not a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

What knowledge does Ferrara have in running a school district. 1. Asked to leave Neshaminy in disgrace 2. Couple of years at Salisbury 3. Asst. Principal at Morrisville, Principal at Morrisville, Superintendant at Morrisville all attained in 5 years, on Morrisville taxpayers dollars. We now have the answer to Hellman's 5 year plan. The answer is Bill Ferrara. Hellman is gone but his Child remains at Morrisville.

Anonymous said...

I think of him more as an ambitious politician than an educator or administrator.
I think we can do better.

Anonymous said...

I hope that happens before Morrisville becomes a K thru 8 District. Cut him off at the knees before he kills the High School.
Buy him out send him packing or put a very short leash on him, yes we can do better. It would be the only buy out that makes sense. Pauly D would have no one to pal around with any more after Donny Harm retires again.

Anonymous said...

Bill F and Paul D contracts are up next year. I really do not see tuition out happening that fast.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Hellmann in a while either, but I know he's a pretty busy guy. Only so many hours in a day to try to bring back all the clients he lost by putting the school district in the crapper. Let's not forget he's got letters to write to the BCCT, continue to go without paying his borough bills, & give a crash course on being a CPA to his son because he can no long be the ghost controller for him.

Anonymous said...

“The question is do we want to survive or thrive?” Ferrara said, adding that thus far the administration hasn’t cut educational programs like other districts have to make ends meet.

I thought that we cut a lot of programs like gifted instruction and shops and other items that were not strictly the 3Rs of reading, 'riting, and 'rithmatic.

Anonymous said...

If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes truth?

Anonymous said...

Cuts. Off the top of my head.

Middle School Football
JV Baseball
Physical Education Classes
K Specials
10+ Teachers = 10+ course offerings...see below.
Senior Electives
Buildings/Classroom Space

I'm sure the list continues but my brain hurts.

Anonymous said...

ALL of these things were affordable before BM slashed budgets by @4M and depleted the fund balance and agreed to legal fees and broke leases and paid for own tuition and pr director and quasi principal and OH BY THE WAY did not raise taxes for the last century even at the responsible cost of living level.

Now we will end up cutting even more when we shouldn't have to cut anything at all considering we were so financially prepared.

Anonymous said...

This blog is a joke. Realize the following. The plan has been the exact same from the day cpa hired super duper. K-8. At all costs. Think back to boiler. Or truck through side of building. Or concrete email evidence. They never thought they'd lose the election. Therefore they never planned for their plan to not be the plan. So super and bm continue the same plan bc they don't have their own plan. Bc they were promised longevity if they installed cpa plan. Now we have nobody willing to reverse course and reinstall all the programs that have been cut all the opportunities that have been taken away all the positions that have been removed etc...

why? bc of politics.

Now we are screwed.

Anonymous said...

The school board can't just do what you're saying(reverse course and reinstall all the programs that have been cut all the opportunities that have been taken away all the positions that have been removed etc..._. It doesn't work that way. Your expectations are unrealistic. The SOC alternative is much worse. You can either come to terms with that or not.

Anonymous said...

You're right. It's totally unreasonable to do everything one can to create educational growth. Must have misunderstood the purpose of a school district.

Anonymous said...

And the SOC terms don't seem so different from the Education Committee's terms...

Anonymous said...

I'd be more impressed if I thought you were actually doing anything about this.

Anonymous said...

"And the SOC terms don't seem so different from the Education Committee's terms..."

You might be right but one thing that's different is that at least the committee is talking in the open about things and not behind the scenes like SOC. I can't make the meetings but what I've read in the paper is more than I ever heard from SOC regarding education.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Human monkey wrenches like Mihok aren't meddling and obstructing as much at the moment either.

That is unlikely to last.

Anonymous said...

I think we'd all be impressed if we thought anybody was doing anything about preventing the current powers that be from running this district into the ground b/c it's easier to say that we can't make amends b/c the people before did too much damage.

Bite the bullet, create a plan that involves growth...not accepting of our own demise.

Woe is me is why Morrisville is where we are. Somebody has to be a leader.

Anonymous said...

Marlys Mihok.
Lance Armstrong.

Proof that sometimes lying does catch up to you.

Anonymous said...

2 different forms of doping.

Anonymous said...

Pa. kindergartner suspended for bubble gun remark

Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013 10:50 pm | Updated: 9:03 am, Sat Jan 19, 2013.

Associated Press |

A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten.

Her family has hired an attorney to fight the punishment, which initially was 10 days but was reduced to two.

Attorney Robin Ficker says Mount Carmel Area School District officials labeled the girl a "terrorist threat" for the bubble gun remark, made Jan. 10 as both girls waited for a school bus.

Ficker says the girl didn't even have the bubble gun with her and has never fired a real gun. He says she's "the least terroristic person in Pennsylvania."

School district solicitor Edward Greco tells ( officials are looking into the case. He said Friday school officials aren't at liberty to discuss disciplinary actions.


Information from: The Patriot-News,

Anonymous said...

The current school board members need to use their positions to take a strong stand AGAINST some of the "ideas" being discussed that would be a complete detriment to out district. They ultimately have the power to tell the administration in which direction to go. Talking about "options' is fine but let's keep the ball rolling and get some of the worst ideas OFF the table, such as making our district a K-8 one or even going to a 5 period day. We need to make our little district better and stronger and not keep taking things away! Morrisville Matters, you were elected for a reason so please don't disappoint us now.

Anonymous said...

Momma like. Momma like. I have faith they have their eyes wide open and will do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could restore all that was cut but you can't
reasons state and federal funding cut
no tax increase in 5 years
and a 10 mil.decrease on soc's watch
You can't blame that on the new board members and no matter what you think they will not interfere with the day to day operations of the district, its not the job of the board.
To do so would make them no better then soc and all their members past and present.
They are honest people who spend their time to do the best they can with what mess they were left. Back off and give them time to fix the mess.

luke said...

The Empire struck back

Anonymous said...

Please stop with the apologies and the woe is me BS...

'They are honest people who spend their time to do the best they can with what mess they were left. Back off and give them time to fix the mess.'

and read this again because it makes sense!

"The current school board members need to use their positions to take a strong stand AGAINST some of the "ideas" being discussed that would be a complete detriment to our district. They ultimately have the power to tell the administration in which direction to go. Talking about "options' is fine but let's keep the ball rolling and get some of the worst ideas OFF the table, such as making our district a K-8 one or even going to a 5 period day. We need to make our little district better and stronger and not keep taking things away! Morrisville Matters, you were elected for a reason so please don't disappoint us now."

STOP focusing on the past and move forward.
Let's see some ACTION!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! A little less talk and a lot more action is exactly what we need to see. Time is a thief and you can't get it back so use it wisely and efficiently.

Mimi W. said...

Stay thirsty, my friends.

Anonymous said...

No offense but board appears to need admin who align better on the vision thing; the current while not the worst are caretakers of the soc vision (or lack thereof). When do their contract expire?

Anonymous said...

Their contracts (Ferrara, Deangelo) expire next year, 2014 I believe.

Anonymous said...

all a board member does is vote on what comes before them and if they don't like what is presented to be voted on they vote no and then admin. has to find something the board will vote yes to it is not the job of a school board member to tell the admin how to run the day to day of the district. Just because SOC did doesn't make it right.

Anonymous said...

And just a heads up some of the districts Teachers are trolling this blog to cause trouble. all they are worried about is their jobs. which makes they say anything and feed the rumor mill with half truths.

Anonymous said...

"And just a heads up some of the districts Teachers are trolling this blog to cause trouble. all they are worried about is their jobs. which makes they say anything and feed the rumor mill with half truths."

No examples + no proof = hot air, right?

Anonymous said...

And just a heads up some of the members of the community are trolling this blog, board meetings, council meetings, hot tubs, senior centers, liquor stores, you name it, to cause trouble. all they are worried about is getting power and attention, even bad attention. which makes them say anything and feed the rumor mill with blatant lies.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that just about everything Mihok, Worob, Stout and Buckman says is ignorant, wrong, or a lie?

Troll hunter said...

danger MEA trolls here

Anonymous said...

I have a question why would a k-8 district be such a bad thing. I don't like Ferrara's plan because it would never work. But again why would having our high school students go to a different high school be so bad this town just can not support a k-12. I'm talking like a pennsbury not a district far away, I would think a better funded high school could offer the student more.

Anonymous said...

Evil union thugs? Who do you think it is? Truth is a defense in libel, so don't worry about that. The truth will set you free.

Anonymous said...

not thugs just one or two people who keep harping on one person which no one not inside the school even know is still alive but they want him gone in worst way. That is how I know who it is they think they are so smart and can say a few smart things to throw you off but it doesn't work.

Jon said...

I'm not condoning the comments. It just seems to me that you're drawing an ironclad conclusion on very flimsy evidence. Who within the schools gets harped on here, with people periodically calling for them to get the axe? These are the names I see:

Bill Ferrara
Paul DeAngelo
Donald Harm
Mrs. B
Pat Wandling

It sounds like you're referring to a male. The first 3 people above are males. The 4th and 5th are females.

I'm not in the schools all the time, and I know of the existence of Bill Ferrara, Paul DeAngelo, and Donald Harm (and Mrs. B and Pat Wandling, although with Mrs. B I might have a hard time identifying her in the supermarket checkout line). You don't need to have special inside knowledge to know who these people are. It's a small town and a small district.

My point is these comments could be coming from anybody. Even I as blogmeister can't identify who makes anonymous comments. Maybe it's possible, but I haven't tried and don't intend to.

Jon said...

"I have a question why would a k-8 district be such a bad thing. I don't like Ferrara's plan because it would never work. But again why would having our high school students go to a different high school be so bad this town just can not support a k-12. I'm talking like a pennsbury not a district far away, I would think a better funded high school could offer the student more."

I'm OK with the Board with its current composition looking into this further. I did not trust the Hellmann Board to do it. They did not earn my trust for a variety of reasons too numerous to lay out here. It requires a lot more study, and the devil's in the details, but I'm fine with looking into it further, and could get on board with it depending on the details.

AFL_CIO member and proud of it said...

Jon trust me there are people using this blog to start rumors, and scare people and the only reason is to save jobs. bottom line. I'm not anti-union hell i'm in one.

Jon said...

Sorry, I can't trust you. I don't know who you are, and I don't think you have any way of knowing what you're alleging. I'm not the one making the comments, but there's nothing in them that is so inside baseball that only an "MEA hack" could know it. If you go to school board meetings, watch them on video, or read board minutes, or talk to people in town, you could know all of it, easily.

You're speculation and suspicion is duly noted. But that's all it is.

Anonymous said...

Wow, an amazing mindreader that can identify an anon commenter and know with 100% certainty exactly what their motivation is.

Why are you a working stiff in Morrisville?

P.S.What will the final score of Sunday's game be?

Anonymous said...

This blog is a complete embarrassment to MSD and you select few who enjoy belittling everyone especially behind a computer are cowards. No decent human being with dignity would bash another adult online. Have you creeps ever really thought about who is reading this? These members of MSD who get called names, some are quite childish like second grade bullshit, the members of this board like to bring negativity , and a few wannabe.s you all know who you are. Grow up do your job but in all honesty not one of you truly have any kind of solid education. so how do you plan on making sure our children our future business owners, our future teachers, doctors, nurses, emt.s, lawyers, moms and dads of Morrisville receive a genuine excellent education? I'm a concerned parent, a parent sick of reading all the bashing of MSD leaders. The school board the administrative members should be working together as a team for our children right? Not belittling each other on the web for everyone to read, help each other, be positive, be respectful to each other as you both are trying to attain a common goal. Our children need a community not a bunch of idiots who get off by playing childish games. Be leaders not followers be the team our children want to respect and admire. As of right now only about one or two,out of the entire MSD are stand up respectful decent humans. Stop all the drama it's pathetic and we need to focus on the kids the the small minded people of MSD. GET IT TOGETHER PLEASE WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU DO IT STOP TALKING AND WORK ON IT WORK IT OUT WORK WITH EACH OTHER

Jon said...

Hypocritical and cowardly. That was just as bad if not worse than what you are complaining about on here.

Anonymous said...

This angry anonymous person above's little world is shrinking. The walls are closing in. People are deserting them. People have heard their lies. They've experienced their nastiness. They've witnessed their selfish contempt for anybody who disagrees with them. They're repulsed. With good reason. You want positivity? This is a tremendously positive development. Long may it last.