Posted: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:00 am
I see the Morrisville School Board majority wants to start raising school taxes.Thank God we have an index limit. Even this they are trying to exceed with their wasteful spending.
A 1.7 percent increase is about $178,000. This tax increase is not for education. It is for more raises, more pensions and more health insurance.
Right now, Morrisville Borough has the highest combined borough/school tax millage in Bucks County.
When are Morrisville senior citizens going to receive their Morrisville school tax discount as presented in the school board election propaganda?
I suggest the Morrisville school board majority and the Morrisville Council majority along with their pro-new school friends get together and make a $178,000 contribution to the Morrisville School District general fund. They should easily find 178 of their supporters' households for this contribution for only $1,000 per household.
The Morrisville School Board from 2007-2011 saved them thousands of dollars on their school tax bills. Therefore a $1,000 contribution per household that supported the new school board does not seem unreasonable.
Bill Hellmann, CPA
When are Morrisville senior citizens going to receive their Morrisville school tax discount as presented in the school board election propaganda?
I suggest the Morrisville school board majority and the Morrisville Council majority along with their pro-new school friends get together and make a $178,000 contribution to the Morrisville School District general fund. They should easily find 178 of their supporters' households for this contribution for only $1,000 per household.
The Morrisville School Board from 2007-2011 saved them thousands of dollars on their school tax bills. Therefore a $1,000 contribution per household that supported the new school board does not seem unreasonable.
Bill Hellmann, CPA
1 comment:
neshaminygrad posted at 7:24 am on Wed, Mar 13, 2013.
Posts: 2
Yeah, you saved everyone money at the expense of the future. Instead of planning for future fiscal needs like other districts in the area, you slashed away. You railed against a new combined school by scaring parents with the notion that the younger students would be walking the halls with the high school students. Yet, here we are, thanks to you, with Pre-K and 3rd through 12th grade all in one school. Except, it's the old school and everyone's just shoved where space can be found. Don't blame the current board for your misdeeds, Mr. Hellmann!
neshaminygrad said it all. Board members William Hellmann, Marlys Mihok, Alfred Radosti, Steve Worob, Brenda Worob, Jack Buckman, Ron Stout and their legion of willing idiots are responsible for scaring our citizens, blowing up one school, and depleting our capital fund.
Would his rants be less ridiculous if he had shown his pathetic a$$ in the schools even ONCE in the 16 months since he and his political cronies were defeated for re-election???
Good work Hellmann, insult the people who rejected you, that'll bring them around. No amount of money back is going to make people like you and your hardcore SOC crony ilk - your personalities, ideology, and tactics all suck big time.
"Thank God we have an index limit."
I think Mr. Mastermind just outed himself as the anon "Thank God" poster who would sometimes grace this blog with his witty repartee.
His letters to the editor since being trounced in his re-election bid are truly the hallmark of a delusional egoist. His behavior fits the profile of someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Here are the clinical symptoms. You decide:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an excessive sense of self-importance, an extreme preoccupation with themselves, and lack of empathy for others.
A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:
React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
Have excessive feelings of self-importance
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Need constant attention and admiration
Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy
Have obsessive self-interest
Pursue mainly selfish goals
Certified Pain in the A$$
I cannot even follow his rant. He wants (some of) borough council to pay into a $178,000 contribution to the school district? Yes I know his intent...just sounds so stupid. Seems like the rest of the town has moved on while people like Mihok, Hellman (I'll include Eileen D & Debbie S to that list) are still singing their same old songs. It's really getting old. I'm guessing as election day get closer, we will see more of these rantings in the media.
Are we or are we not already picking up the slack by paying Hellmann's unpaid trash bills?
Thank God...
Hellmann does not hold ANY public office in Morrisville Borough.
off the top of my head,
Mr. Hellmann,
Maybe you could "Thank God" you haven't been taken to court over being a deadbeat by making the rest of the town pay for your trash pickup.
Maybe you could "Thank God" that you haven't gotten your kid in any real trouble (yet) for never teaching him enough of you magic cpa tricks to allow him to do his own elected job properly (or at all for that matter).
Hellmann is so out of the loop he still call the new board members new schoolers what a jagoff all he did was spend what money there was in the bank to fill the holes for 5 years of no new taxes I wish he would crawl back under the rock he Marlis, Al and soon Jack and Ron will be hiding under get a grip you 4 reall F*#@ed this town
State budget negotiations are heating up and state legislators need to hear from us! nearly $1 billion in cuts to education (in each of the last 2 years), increased class sizes, programs and positions have been cut.
Pennsylvania’s way of funding schools is badly flawed, causing and compounding problems and creating unfairness to children, communities and taxpayers. Quite simply, it is inadequate and unfair. Pennsylvania must adopt and implement a schedule to provide adequate financial support and allocate that funding through formulas.
Tell your representatives in Harrisburg that it is time to fix this. We can't go on kicking the can down the road - our students can't wait any longer.
It is time for the legislature to renew its work on the permanent adoption of a sensible approach to funding our public schools: one which takes academic expectations, the costs of programs and services, the individual learning needs of students, and community financial health into account. A funding formula must be predictable, accurate (use updated data) and provide accountability and transparency mechanisms; it must address issues of equity and the fact that Pennsylvania has a variety of communities in both size and type.
For the 2013-14 budget year, we are calling on the state legislature to:
•Reinstate $270 million in funding to K-12 education in this year’s budget (and for the next 2 years - to restore the nearly $1 billion in state funding level cuts over a three year timetable).
•Put in place funding formulas that have a strategy for allocating dollars, working toward a permanent, rational funding formula. Formulas must account for the number of students, include “weights” for the additional costs for educating students with special needs (including students in poverty, gifted students and English language learners), and provide sustainable and predictable funding for districts.
•Begin to address formula and funding mechanism flaws in the way that charter schools are funded (a good formula will set rates appropriately and not pit groups of children against each other);
•They must also provide cost of living increases for special education (which has been flat funded for 6 straight years) and career-technical education;
•Develop a comprehensive plan to guarantee that the students in financially distressed districts have the resources necessary to meet the state’s academic standards.
Today we are asking you to do 3 quick things:
1. email your legislators today and ask them to support these measures.
2. Mark your calendar for the next Call to Action Day on Wednesday April 10th - where thousands of Pennsylvanians will take 10 minutes to call their State Senators and House members.
3. Identify just 2 other people (or more) that you can ask to join you in making a call - another parent from school, a cousin who has kids, your parents or neighbors who know how important schools are to communities.
Thank you!
Susan Gobreski
Executive Director
Education Voters
But the new/old/recycled tax shift plan will solve all of this, didn't you see the news today?
HARRISBURG — School property taxes cost Pennsylvania homeowners billions of dollars each year, but some lawmakers hope a few simple pennies will be enough to finally erase the controversial levy from the books.
Two dozen Republican and Democratic lawmakers unveiled legislation Tuesday to replace the $10.4 billion collected every year in school property taxes with new revenue generated by increases in sales and personal income taxes.
Pennsylvania has been unsuccessfully waging the property tax debate for decades. If legislation being proposed in the House and Senate is approved, the sales tax would rise from 6 cents on a dollar to 7 cents. The personal income tax would go from 3.07 cents for every dollar earned to 4.34 cents.
To Rep. Jim Cox, R-129, that amounts to a one-penny increase on a $1 purchase, and a 1.27-cent increase for every $1 earned.
“I find it very difficult to believe that a penny … will keep (Pennsylvanians) from having their legislators do what needs to be done to eliminate their school property taxes,” said Cox, the chief sponsor of House Bill 76.
Sen. David Argall, R-29, is writing Senate Bill 76 for his chamber.
“This outmoded, archaic, unfair system (of property taxes) has to be eliminated,” Argall said.
The legislation would use existing gambling revenues to help replace the $10.4 billion that is generated by school property taxes. Additionally, things that aren’t now taxed — like candy and gum, newspapers, textbooks, personal care services, basic TV subscriptions, and theater tickets — would be added to the sales tax levy.
If approved, lawmakers contend someone would have to spend $70,000 on the newly taxed items to equal the elimination of a $5,000 school property tax bill — and experience a tax increase.
Each legislator who spoke Tuesday during a press conference to unveil the legislation said property tax is the one subject constituents repeatedly complain about.
Rep. Tina Davis, D-141, who has been a Realtor for 22 years, said eliminating the property tax is the biggest thing the state can do to help senior citizens remain in their homes.
“I’m just so proud to be a co-sponsor of this bill. I know it’s going to take awhile … but I’m committed to Representative Cox. I’ve already offered to have a hearing in my district and you’ll see a lot of people coming out for that,” Davis said.
Soon after lawmakers unveiled the legislation, representatives from an advocacy group were delivering half apple and cherry pies to legislators’ offices to show how special attention to cutting business taxes has added to the financial pinch for schools, health care services and local communities.
Part 2
“We have been cutting business taxes for 12 years and we are not further ahead than we were when we started, and that’s a problem,” said Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center Executive Director Sharon Ward.
“Refusing to adequately fund essential services in order to protect these big corporations is the ultimate false choice and that’s why we’re all here to say enough is enough. We’ve had it,” Mike Brunelle, executive director of Service Employees International Union’s PA State Council, said.
Lawmakers who want to replace the school property tax with increases in the sales and personal income taxes say they believe their plan will work because it’s based on an analysis conducted in 2012 by the state’s Independent Fiscal Office.
According to its October report on state and local tax comparisons, Pennsylvania has the 39th-highest sales tax as a percentage of income — 2.05 percent. Its property tax, at 3.03 percent, is the 31st-highest in the country. Pennsylvania’s personal income tax rate of 2.63 percent is the nation’s 16th highest.
The legislative proposals already have the support of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Taxpayer Associations, which represents 76 local taxpayer advocacy groups.
“(It) stabilizes school finances with a predictable revenue stream, continues to fund all school districts at their current levels, and does not interfere in any way with local spending decisions,” the association’s David Baldinger said.
Baldinger said another reason he likes the proposal is because it would limit school budget increases to the rate of inflation.
Argall said he hopes a penny is all it takes to finally enact school property tax reform.
“Hopefully, this is the year we put the stake through the heart of the beast,” Argall said.
I ain't buying it. Why do these bills always have to have "76" in their numbers? It's not a good enough bill to have some random number, you have to invoke some fake Americana to sell it, like some Tea Party lapel pin bunting bald eagle Geo Washington patriotic bullpucky convention?
Watch this parody of shameless heartland pandering, then you'll buy it.
Hellmann does indeed fit the profile of a delusional egoist with narcissistic personality disorder.
What about Mihok?
Pathological liars - or "mythomaniacs" - may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. The following comments basically reflect a pathological liar who has the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder.
Some Characteristics:
Exaggerates things that are ridiculous.
One-upping. Whatever you do, this person can do it better. You will never top them in their own mind, because they have a concerted need to be better than everyone else. This also applies to being right.
If you try to confront an individual like this, no matter how lovingly and well-intentioned you might be - this will probably not be effective. It's threatening their fantasy of themselves, so they would rather argue with you and bring out the sharp knives than admit that there's anything wrong with them.
They "construct" a reality around themselves. They don't value the truth, especially if they don't see it as hurting anyone. If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).
Because these people don't value honesty, a lot of times they will not value loyalty. So watch what you tell them. They will not only tell others, but they will embellish to make you look worse.
Their loyalty is fleeting, and because they are insecure people, they will find solace in confiding to whomever is in their favor at the moment.
They may be somewhat of a hypochondriac. This can come in especially useful when caught in a lie, for example, they can claim that they have been sick, or that there's some mysterious "illness" that has them all stressed out. It's another excuse tool for their behavior.
Obviously, they will contradict what they say. This will become very clear over time. They usually aren't smart enough to keep track of so many lies (who would be?).
Lost his mind I think
And truth she knows not
I'll send the school district a check for $1000 if the Hellmann board members who voted to end the Head Start Manor Park lease split the bill if the district loses the pending lawsuit. Hellmann, Mihok and the others (who else?) voted to end the lease without considering the consequences, leading to the lawsuit.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but Financial Wizard Hellmann, C.P.A. got the index wrong. It's 2.0% for Morrisville, not 1.7%. It would have made his letter not only more accurate, but also even more asinine.
He still seriously thinks you can halt taxes forever even while costs rise all around us. He really just doesn't get it.
Apparently a lot of Morrisville citizens don't get it either.
He doesn't get it, and he doesn't care about anything but money, mostly his own money.
All the money in the world couldn't redeem this devious, arrogant, narcissistic jerk.
...and as long as Morrisville is chock full of myopic sheep, people like him will continue to have power and hold sway over some part of the direction the Ville heads. Sad but true.
and because we love to quote rock music here, here's one for this thread and those who stand up to Hellman and his ilk.
The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long
Feels like we're running out of time
Every day it seems much harder tellin' right from wrong
You got to read between the lines
Don't get discouraged, don't be afraid, we can
Make it through another day
Make it worth the price we pay
The Good Book says it's better to give than to receive
I do my best to do my part
Nothin' in my pockets I got nothin' up my sleeve
I keep my magic in my heart
Keep up your spirit, keep up your faith, baby
I am counting on you
You know what you've got to do
Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
It's your only way
All your life you've been waiting for your chance
Where you'll fit into the plan
But you're the master of your own destiny
So give and take the best that you can
You think that a little more money can buy your soul some rest
You better think something else instead
You're so afraid of being honest with yourself
You'd better take a look inside your head
Nothing good is easy, nothing good is free
But I can tell you where to start
Take a look inside your heart
There's an answer in your heart
Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay
Every moment of your lifetime
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay
He's already crawled back into the hole he came out of. Can somebody with more compassion than I have for him tell him to reposition the rock above it?
Fight the Good Fight by Triumph! Sweet!
No not Sweet - they do Little Willy, which is also appropriate.
North side, east side Little Willy Willy wears the crown He's the king around town
Dancing, glancingWilly drives them sillyWith his star shoeShimmy shuffle down
Way past one and feeling alright'Cos with little WillyRound they can last all nightHey down, stay down, stay down, down
'Cos little Willy, Willy won't go homeBut you can't push Willy round, Willy won't goTry tellin' everybody but, oh noLittle Willy, Willy won't go home
Up town, down townLittle WillyWilly drives them wildWith his run-around style
Inside, outsideWilly sends them sillyWith his star-shine Shimmy shuffle smile
Mama done chaseWilly down through the hallBut laugh, Willy laugh, he don't care at allHey down, stay down, stay down, down
'Cos little Willy, Willy won't go homeBut you can't push Willy round, Willy won't goTry tellin' everybody but, oh noLittle Willy, Willy won't go home
Little Willy, Willy won'tWilly won't, Willy won'tLittle Willy, Willy won'tWilly won't, Willy won't
Little Willy, Willy won'tWilly won't, Willy won'tLittle Willy, Willy won'tWilly won't, Willy won't
Little Willy, Willy won't go homeBut you can't push Willy round, Willy won't goTry tellin' everybody but, oh noLittle Willy, Willy won't go home
Little Willy, Willy won't go homeBut you can't push Willy round, Willy won't goTry tellin' everybody but, oh noLittle Willy, Willy won't go home
Alright! You done me wrong, alright. If Hellman, being a real hellraiser, shows his face, he'll be like a fox on the run. It would be like a real ballroom blitz on the desolation blvd. But we all know, love is like oxygen, and it can send you on a teenage rampage.
Hah! The Sweet. Now it is getting a tad obscure in here.
How Sweet it is that Hellman's isolated, out of touch and out of office!!!!
...but still acting the stick that stirs the drink... hee-hee too bad the drink is sour grape juice.
Stir this Billy, here's a straw, you suck!
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