Posted: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 5:40 pm | Updated: 6:41 pm, Tue Apr 16, 2013.
Posted on April 16, 2013
Morrisville will undergo a much needed revamp, after the majority of the borough council voted on a $1.2 million loan to cover the cost of the improvements.
The loan from Green Campus Partners will have a 2.47 percent interest rate for 15 years. And the borough could pay off the loan in full after the fifth year.
The majority of the council said this was the best deal from the nine loan proposals that borough Manager Tom Bates gathered over the last two months.
At the March meeting, the council turned down a promise of a 15- to 17-year loan from TD Bank totaling $1.4 million. The interest rate on the loan would have been 2.46 percent, with an option to negotiate the rate during the 16th or 17th year; or pay off the entire loan at the end of the 15th year, but no sooner, without penalties.
Taxpayers won’t have to pay a dime directly toward the loan, officials said. The improvements are expected to save the borough $2 million in utility and operating costs. Those savings would pay for the loan. And the remainder would go to the borough’s savings ideally, Bates added.
Not everyone on the council agreed with the project’s financing.
The vote for the loan was 5-3, with council members Eileen Dreisbach, Todd Sanford and Debbie Smith voting against it.
“I wasn’t going to vote for a financial packet that, like it was said last month, would tie other people’s hands for 17 years. I can’t see it’s going to pay for itself. I don’t see any guarantee of that. I’m afraid that eventually it is going to start costing the borough money,” Dreisbach said after the meeting.
Before the vote, Smith said other projects such as road improvements need to be completed in the borough but there’s no money for them.
Bates said the borough could start putting aside money for such projects through the savings of other budget line items. He also said that the 1 mill in taxation for road improvements that was removed from the budget can be put back in.
For nearly a year, Morrisville officials worked with consulting firm Johnson Controls on plans for the improvements such as lighting at the library and public works facility, streetlights and traffic lights, as well as the first upgrades to borough hall since it was built in 1948.
A bank loan was needed, considering the borough had already agreed to the project, with the condition of having a viable loan. Morrisville had signed a contract with Johnson Controls, which has contacted contractors, who have reached out to suppliers already.
Now that the loan is in order, the planned projects can go forward.
The borough’s 632 streetlights will be converted to cost-saving LED lamps. Lighting upgrades will be made to the interior and exterior of borough hall. A boiler will be converted to natural gas, and new heating and air-conditioning systems will be replaced.
Additionally, windows and doors will be replaced in borough hall, as well as new insulation put in the upstairs council chamber.
Bates warned the council that, without improvements, repairs would be costly if the boiler and air-conditioning system break down.
The loan from Green Campus Partners will have a 2.47 percent interest rate for 15 years. And the borough could pay off the loan in full after the fifth year.
Taxpayers won’t have to pay a dime directly toward the loan, officials said. The improvements are expected to save the borough $2 million in utility and operating costs. Those savings would pay for the loan. And the remainder would go to the borough’s savings ideally, Bates added.
Not everyone on the council agreed with the project’s financing.
The vote for the loan was 5-3, with council members Eileen Dreisbach, Todd Sanford and Debbie Smith voting against it.
“I wasn’t going to vote for a financial packet that, like it was said last month, would tie other people’s hands for 17 years. I can’t see it’s going to pay for itself. I don’t see any guarantee of that. I’m afraid that eventually it is going to start costing the borough money,” Dreisbach said after the meeting.
Before the vote, Smith said other projects such as road improvements need to be completed in the borough but there’s no money for them.
Bates said the borough could start putting aside money for such projects through the savings of other budget line items. He also said that the 1 mill in taxation for road improvements that was removed from the budget can be put back in.
For nearly a year, Morrisville officials worked with consulting firm Johnson Controls on plans for the improvements such as lighting at the library and public works facility, streetlights and traffic lights, as well as the first upgrades to borough hall since it was built in 1948.
A bank loan was needed, considering the borough had already agreed to the project, with the condition of having a viable loan. Morrisville had signed a contract with Johnson Controls, which has contacted contractors, who have reached out to suppliers already.
Now that the loan is in order, the planned projects can go forward.
The borough’s 632 streetlights will be converted to cost-saving LED lamps. Lighting upgrades will be made to the interior and exterior of borough hall. A boiler will be converted to natural gas, and new heating and air-conditioning systems will be replaced.
Additionally, windows and doors will be replaced in borough hall, as well as new insulation put in the upstairs council chamber.
Bates warned the council that, without improvements, repairs would be costly if the boiler and air-conditioning system break down.
"Chances are, you could satisfy anything she [Dreisbach] brings up and she'd just bring up something else. It's always something. Never satisfied."
Well said. Exactly what happened. You predicted it, though truth be told, this was totally predictable.
On a previous post, Jon had asked about the vote. I had posted this in the previous post, then saw the latest article, so here it is again. I'm sorry for the repost.
Yes Jon there was another vote and the funding passed. A number of people came to public comment to encourage council to vote for the project. Mary Singleton was extremely well spoken as we Deborah Colgan. Both Mary and Deborah publically called Vic out on some of his backroom deals and Vic did not defend or deny what they said.
It's my understanding that after the March meeting, while in borough hall (in front of witnesses) Vic made it clear that he would only vote for the funding if Wayne O'Neal withdrew from running against him. Wayne did back out. I cannot blame Wayne, he's a good man. I'm sure he did what he thought was right for the town.
Have no fear that Vic will be re-elected. Upon hearing that Wayne had withdrawn from running against Vic, Mary Singleton has been agressively mounting a write-in campaign against Vic for his seat. Traditionally, write-in campaigns are difficult against someone who is on the ballot but in this case we are talking about Mary Singleton who is very well known throughout the 4th ward. Please feel free to help Mary in any way you can.
As far as the project goes,it is no surprise that there were three no votes for the funding. Once again, Eileen proved that she doesn't even understand what she's voting on. She read a ridiculous statement, part of which stated that if we took out the loan that the borough would have no money for the next 15 years for projects. We all know that this project is self-funding and that we will actually be saving money by doing it. Money that will allow the borough to do other projects. What an idiot. Likewise, Debbie Smith also made it clear that she did not understand what she was voting on. Mrs. Smith also spoke about how she intends to continue on has she has been, an obstructionist. Todd, well Todd was Todd. He complained about LED streetlights...again. Todd also read a letter from the head of the public works dept, Ron Scheese. In the entire letter, Ron praises the new street sweeper and its abilities. Directly following this, Todd complained about the new street sweeper.
I have no time for these people.
Before finishing this post I want to give some advise about the upcoming election. In the 1st ward there is one Dem & one Rep on the ballot. My advise is to find at least one 1st ward write-in candidate for council. Without this there is a realistic chance that, as a write-in, Rita Ledger or Eileen Dreisback will be back on council.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad it passed. As far as the drama and shenanigans, I wish I was surprised, but I'm not.
At the meeting, both Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Dreisbach brought up needing to pave streets. Personally, I think the borough has been trying to take on street paving over the past few years. PennDOT has done repaving in the borough. Most recently, Plaza Blvd & part of Doloro were re-paved with grant money. The project came to $100,000. It was all grant money. Before that, Nolan Ave was repaved with another grant. There was also a street re-paved in the first ward, once again with grant money. All of this grant money is annual meaning we potentially have a shot at it every year. It would be well worth it to try to seek out money for re-paving in this way. I'm not sure we are at a point where we have to raise taxes for street re-paving when other avenues are being persued. I don't think the sky is falling as some on council would like everyone to think.
Heaven help us in Dreisbach, Smith and Sanford are joined by some like minded cronies on council. Incompetent obstructionists acting all large and in charge is a scary scenario.
Common sense prevailed!
Comments posted to the article as of 4/17/13 5:23 AM:
Eileen Dreisbach
"This article is totally incorrect, misquoting others again!! AS TYPICAL for this paper! Gema asked me to speak with her last night at the meeting, after some discussion I did. A mistake on my part. What she printed was not what I said, and does not include the most important comments on this issue.."
Eileen Dreisbach
"I dont know if certain council members received the Johnson contact before the vote at the March meeting, but I do know for a fact that I did not receive it or look at it until the day of that meeting. Todd Sanford nor Debbie Smith received it either. I only received it that day because I went to boro hall to check the bill list and Mgr. Bates came out to speck to me about voting on the contract. He then had a copy printed for me. If it were not for that, I would have had to,wait to receive it in my council packet that following Friday, like Todd and Debbie did. As far as we know that contract was not distributed to ouncil until the Friday after the vote passed at the March meeting.m that is unless there as certain members of council that are privy to information that we don't receive.."
Eileen Dreisbach
"We did not see one advertisement for bids on the projects, or any bids received, or any contracts issued, or what they are for!! How can anyone run our Borough this way?? I can't!"
Anna Surdy Emery
"Did I read that right no up grade to Borough hall since 1948 lol
OMG, I can picture Eileen typing those comments the same way she is at council meetings, loud, agressive & unprepared for the work at hand.
Can someone who knows the inner workings of council address Dreisbach's oft-repeated complaints of I never got this, I never got that, I only got this after the meeting, etc. etc. etc.?
Why is it that the people who always want to keep everything the same and never improve scream conspiracy whenever they are called on it?
I can tell you know I know from Dave being on council.
There are times when Dave may know his information better than others. This is because Dave is usually the one spearheading whatever is being talked about. He is the one seaking out the project, having learned everything needed to bring it before council.
I can tell you what I know from when Dave was council pres. Everything that came in during the week went out in Friday packets to council. Everybody got the same information.
I can also tell you that Dave and Eileen get the exact same information and they get it at the same time, in the Friday packets. Sometimes there is information waiting for them at their seats when they come for a meeting, but it's the same information. Dave doesn't know about anything before Eileen or anyone else does. He doesn't receive any information that Eileen or anyone else does not also receive.
When Dave is given information, he reads, researches, asks question, etc. He does his homework, he does his job, he attends meetings prepared, not just sits at a council meeting complaining that he didn't know something / doesn't understand something. He is present at the meetings, not just taking up the seat.
- Janet
WOW, the council appears to be behave just like the previous school board did!
It's time to clean house and move into the 21st century.
Come on First Ward, isn't there anyone with more than a high school education that can run for a seat?
4th Ward, wake up!
Do you really want someone who uses intimidation to keep his seat to be making decisions for you?
It's time for Eileen to put up or shut up. If Tom Bates is that incompetent, she should introduce a motion to fire him at the next possible meeting. Any boro manager that doesn't keep the boro council up to date does not deserve the job.
If on the other hand, she is the one not doing her homework, it's time to resign.
If she is silent, then we know where the problem is.
Mr. Bates has a proven record of doing an outstanding job as borough manager.
Eileen has a proven record that she is in over her head as a councilperson, brings nothing positive to the table & that she is not working for the community.
Eileen has a proven record that she is over her head as a person! She denigrates everyone else, yet she does less than nothing, not only trying to stand in the way of any progress, but actively undermining the efforts of others. She is worse than a parasite on this community, she is a cancer.
Don't sugarcoat it, give it to us straight, how do you really feel about her?
It's clear to anyone paying attention that Dreisbach and her inept compadres Sanford, Ledger, and Debby Smith are cut from the same cloth, and are the problems.
They suck, we suffer.
if you feel that way get them out, pass the word, get to the polls, help those running against what you can to get rid of the cancer or stop complaining
Why do people always assume a poster isn't doing anything except posting? How do you know I am not already involved? Ass/U/Me.
The best way you can speak is with your votes against them and for the alternatives who almost by default are surely better.
"Friday Night Live!" - 4/19 7PM
This year will be the third annual Friday NightLive, a play put on by the students of Morrisville High School. The play follows the guidelines of the popular NBC television show Saturday Night Live. All Morrisville High School students may take part in the play. Those who take the theatre arts course, alone with their teacher and director Michael Scott, write sketches for the show. By writing their own material and using their own clothes as costumes, Dr. Scott and his students saved the district around $1,000. The students rehearse during class time and those not in the class rehearse after school on Wednesdays. Everyone gets to be a star in this play because everyone gets to be in a sketch, and for those in the course it is a requirement. If a student in the class does not put in the full effort of the others in their sketch, then it affects the grade of the both themselves and the students they are working with. So just as if it were a real business, student learn to work towards a good outcome. Just like the regular Saturday Night Live show, Morrisville's Friday NightLive has both a host and musical guest. This year there are two hosts, Moon Shafi and Dionna Berry. Our musical guest will be impersonations of Sparkle and The Blues Brothers. The show will be one night only on April 19th at 7pm. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. All the proceeds will be used for renovations to the auditorium. Come out and support the arts program of Morrisville High School.
This was very strange may want to go back to a normal play next year
Peas porridge hot,
Peas porridge cold,
Please make a new Pot Luck,
It's over nine days old.
If the borough could harness the glare off Rivella's bald head and convert it into useable energy, we wouldn't need the $1.4 million Johnson Control project.
That is hilarious and practical.
Buying time
Posted: Friday, April 26, 2013 6:00 am
Congratulations to your reporter who presented an account of our April 15 council meeting uncluttered by political accusations and ranting. My obstinacy appears to have paid off.
The energy loan we approved is $1.2 million instead of $1.4 million; no $46,000 up front cost, no prepayment penalty after five years instead of 15 years. The interest rate is one basis point higher but that amounts to less than $10,000 over the term of the loan. Borough manager Bates estimates a savings of $500,000 instead of $300,000.
At the April meeting, Dave Rivella's loyalists stated that I had nefarious, political motives not voting for the first offering in March. Some asked if I had a better plan; elected officials should not be business negotiators. That is the role of hired administrators.
We do, however, have the responsibility to review and analyze proposals for their costs and worth to our borough. We make decisions which at times do not satisfy everyone. Tell me where I went wrong for buying time for a better deal.
Victor Cicero, councilman
Morrisville Borough
I don't go for side deals, backdoor deals, or any secret deals. I get that it's the old way of getting things done in politics, but it may be time for Vic to retire.
Vic is a backdoor man? Do the men know? Do the little girls understand?
Hey gotta thank you. I haven't heard any Doors for quite a while. Of course you know I'm going to spend the next hour or so listening to old rock. Have an enjoyable day.
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