Saturday, May 21, 2011

Potluck #7

What's on your mind, besides these magical disappearing acts?  Naturally, we're bad people for bringing this up.  If anyone with actual, honest knowledge of these issues has additional explanations or information, please contribute.

Magical Disappearing Aides
9 or 10 aide/classroom instructors are apparently terminated at school year's end.  Word comes the day after the May 18 Board Agenda Meeting, at which the proposed budget is unveiled, and not one word is said about it at the meeting.

Magical Disappearing Deficit
A $2.5 million preliminary budget deficit disappears between Jan-Feb and May 18.

Magical Disappearing Powerpoint
The Feb11 Preliminary Budget Powerpoint presentation disappears when the May11 Proposed Budget Powerpoint presentation appears, making it difficult for people to compare apples-to-apples on how budget items changed.


Anonymous said...

dude, maybe he replaced the old file with the new file. theres noting evil about that. stay focused on the real magic of the way these *real americans* keep the fear machine on full overdrive and scare people into voting for them.

Jon said...

I realize that. But please note that I've been asking about these Powerpoints for the last 3-4 years, and it's always like pulling teeth when it should be routine. So, I think I have good reason to be slightly suspicious of the motivations. I didn't say it was evil. More like possibly petty and inconsiderate. I've got both the big and the little pictures in mind. I think little counts too. And a lot of littles add up to big.
I do appreciate your spot on observations about the fear machine.

Jon said...

Can anybody locate and post Marlys Mihok's "aides aides and more aides" not-meant-to-be-seen-in-public email?

In it, Mihok mentions aides related or married to Eileen Dreisbach (Ward 1 Boro Counilwoman) and George Bolos (former Ward 3 Boro Councilman).

I didn't look super hard, but couldn't find it handily. I'm sure it's on one or both of the "old blogs". Links are at the upper right corner on this blog.

Since aides are being eliminated, this is a timely topic.

Peter said...

I think you may be referring to this post

which makes reference, I think, to this one

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i guess it's never a good time to tell the public you're firing aides, especially when you claim you're not

The Devil Made me ask it said...

Isn't it the Admin that does the firing?

Anonymous said...

Know the Rules of Disinformation and watch how they are used by the Dirty SOCs

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how many of the people being "let go" are Morrisville Borough residents. If anyone knows, please post this info. Nothing like supporting the community that does not support you back. LOL...sounds like Morrisville.

Champ Kind said...

You mess with the bull, you get the horns!
Super Political Jerks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

bloggen about it is fine but if you don't go to the board meeting this week and voice whatever you are unhappy or happy with you are doing the district a disservice and in turn the kids. have your voices recorded and heard by the community on the board meeting videos so everyone can see what is happening and hear it from their neighbors. you don't even have to stay for the whole meeting, get there before 7:30p to sign up and use your 3 minutes for what is right. You can head home after that and know that you did the right thing.

wanda said...

Tech budget meeting tonight in auditorium of school on wister road Levittown, 7:30pm

wanda said...

To vote in the General Election in November...You must Register at least 30 days before the election and you must be 18 years of age on or before the date of the election. Novembers election day is 11/8/11. The Morrisville School Board election in November is a critical vote for change in your district and its representation on the board. if you are NOT registered. Please go to this website and download your forms to mail them in or follow their other options for registering. It cannot be done on line. Another thing to consider is if you have moved, have a name change or want to change your political party affiliation, you must change that information 30 days before as well otherwise you may not be able to vote on election day and you will lose your voice and right. Please Register! Please Register those turning 18 and help them to excercise their new rights and priviledges as an adult . Any questions or need assistance with the forms, email Morrisville Matters at

Anonymous said...

This isn't a commercial for the aides or teachers. It's a reminder that these cuts aren't "jobs", but "people" who pay taxes and mortgages too.

Morrisville Matters said...

The Tradition carries on this Monday when Morrisville will host its annual Memorial Day parade beginning at 9am from the Presbyterian Church and winding through town to the Cemetary for a memorial service. Please come out and enjoy the great work done by the parade coordinators who worked so hard to put this together and make it bigger and better each year!
Morrisville Matters wishes everyone a safe and very happy Memorial Day Weekend and please be sure to pay respect to those who fight every day and gave their lives so that we may enjoy our friends and families!