Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kindergarten Registration Now on in Morrisville

MORRISVILLE SCHOOLSKindergarten registration now on in Morrisville

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Posted: Thursday, July 5, 2012 12:00 am | Updated: 6:09 am, Thu Jul 5, 2012.
Morrisville will have full-day kindergarten, but just how many classes isn't set in stone.
The deadline to register for full-day classes is July 16.
Anyone who registers their child after that date won't be guaranteed a spot for a full-day class.
The district hasn’t decided what it will offer parents after that day. It will depend on the number of students enrolled and budget figures.
Such decisions might be made at the July 18 meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. at the LGI building inside Morrisville High School on West Palmer Street.
Although most district officials strongly believe that offering full-day kindergarten is more beneficial to the educational experience of children, the district is facing a budget crunch and can only offer what it can afford.
So children enrolled after the cutoff date could end up in half-day kindergarten classes. Officials said that some parents are OK with their children attending half-day, so offering that option might work out.
Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1.
For registration, parents or guardians need to provide the birth certificate, Social Security card and immunization records of their children. Parents will also need an identification card with their picture, in addition to four proofs of residency, one of which must be a current lease with the child’s name included or a deed or mortgage statement.
Registration takes place from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the high school or by appointments. For more information, call 215-736-5937.


Anonymous said...

Hope no family that moves into town after July 16 and is told their kindergarteners can't have full day has a litigious nature. Is that any way to operate?

Anonymous said...

Does the extra money given to Administrators impact the ability to provide full day K for all?

Jon said...

Could somebody please explain, in 5,000 words or less, the Kindergarten situation?

We have 4 Full Time K teachers in the budget, but we need, but don't have, a 0.2 Phys. Ed., a 0.2 Music, and a 0.2 Library teacher in order to provide Full Day K for all? I listened as hard as I could, but I'm still confused.

Anonymous said...

The best thing would be for the board to have little or no discussion and just vote yes for anything and everything the Administration wants, for it all makes so much sense.

Anonymous said...

I see the parents of the kindergarten students need to submit to the information rape process in proving they live inside the district. Isn't it time again to start up the wholesale information rape of the rest of the parents? We know there's hundreds of ILLEGAL STUDENTS in the district sucking up all out tax money.


Anonymous said...

Please could you not use the word rape?

Anonymous said...

"Please could you not use the word rape?"

I'm sensitive to the use of the word. It's an unwanted intrusion and violation of someone with greater power taking advantage of another.

That's exactly what the SOC school board did. It's the type of big government power grab they talk about stopping but it's hypocritically just oh so fine and dandy when they do it.

Information mining is the biggest threat to individual privacy today. Identity theft is rampant and it truly ruins people for a very long time, sometimes permanently.

Anonymous said...

You said Rape twice.

Anonymous said...

I did. I did. Stop being offended by language and be offended by the substance of what the SOC group and their allies have done to Morrisville over the past 20 or 30 years. I may use it a third time.

Anonymous said...

I am. I am. Get active or if you are active stay active and do something about it.

Anonymous said...

March 28, 2007 board meeting:

Herbert Brooks, Oak St.
The residents of this community have been pitifully, shamefully, blazingly, brutally raped and nobody cares but the people that may in all probability lose their homes because of 6 people. Six people have raped this community. May 15th is the time to let these people know what you think. We are better than all of you put together. Urge your neighbors to vote.

Anonymous said...

I guess it depends on your point of view as to who the six people are.

Jon said...

Yes, I remember it well. Steve Worob was his big defender. Steve turned it around to portray anyone who was offended or troubled by this guy's remarks (these weren't his only doozies) as fakers engaging in political theatre. This guy was later hired by the School District as a crossing guard. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Anonymous said...

Quentin Tarantino makes more sense than this district.

Anonymous said...

No this district makes sense. We've lost our primary sources of tax revenue and we're scared. A handful of people exploited that fear for gaining public office. As far as I know, no personal gain was involved. What was involved was the stagnation of this boro.

Get rid of the fear exploiters on boro council and school board and Morrisville has a change

Jon said...

Good post. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Morrisville had it's chance. New school, new facilities, new fields, new programs, new energy...a chance to remove the "whoa is me attitude, poor us, we can't, etc..."

A chance to attract new young families with children that want to send their children to a new fresh building with a bright sense of change because of the new fresh attitude instilled by the innovative super/principal and the best kept secret of a staff in bucks county no longer being a hidden gem but a destination.

Instead, a slumlord led the minions to remain downtrodden and helpless.

Anonymous said...

Can we please stop talking about a new school. You are only giving campaigne material to Mihok & friends for the next round.

Anonymous said...

Agree, but lying liars like Lie-Hok will lie about it anyway.

Anonymous said...

"a slumlord led the minions to remain downtrodden and helpless."

There you have it in a nutshell.

We seem to seek the least common denominator, and then we complain about it.