Monday, April 22, 2013

Potluck #76


Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about this Bowers guy running for 3rd ward council?

Anonymous said...

He's involved with the dog park in some way, that's all I know.

Anonymous said...

Ivan Colon for School Board

Anonymous said...

Justin Bowers is the official secretary of the Friends of the Morrisville Dog Park, Club/Org? (which Jane Burger & friends are connected with) Don't get me wrong, having a dog park in town is a nice amenity.

I know he isn't Fred Kerner : ) I thought he and Fred were friends, or at least friendly. I'm kind of surprised that Justin Bowers would be disapproving enough of Fred as a councilperson to run against him. Fred has been nothing but supportive of Justin's cause. Fred has continually voted for projects, etc aimed at cleaning up & moving the town forward. I believe Mr. Bowers may be misguided / trusting of the wrong people like the puppet master, which concerns me because we are talking about a 3rd ward seat, which gave us Debbie Smith. No offense to all of you rational thinking 3rd ward residents ☺

Having said all of that, I also want to say that....I am so tired of Jane Burger & friends being any part of my day.

Anonymous said...

Dann Dingle
Joe Gilleo
Jon Perry

for School Board too!!!

Anonymous said...

Jane Burger, the boogeyman (Boogeywoman?) of Morrisville politics.

Does everything really tie back to her? I'm no fan, but the constant trotting out that every bad politico is one of her puppets has long since sounded like tin-foil hat territory.

Yes, she's manipulative and seems power hungry, but I think people attribute far more power to her than she possibly wields.

I find that the non-intellectuals who seems to constantly find their way into power in Morrisville are far more adept at their own brands of idiocy, and they don't really need Jane's help to
demonstrate asshattery of the finest caliber.

Anonymous said...

Jane Burger is an active member of the dog park group. She was even given an award by the group at one point. It would be nice if she was just a part of the group to be a positive, contributing member, but I'm a realist. I've seen her game enough times to know that her motives are self serving.

The act of forgetting what this woman is capable of simply because she no longer sits on council is a mistake. She spends at least part of every day plotting because it's apart of who she is, it's part of her mind-set. One thing she can always count on is that there will always be people in town who either forget or don't know what she is capable of.

I would love to believe the previous post. I would love to know less about Jane Burger & friends but my eyes are wide open, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Burger seems to be present at critical moments when her not so subtle cronies need a little extra juice to hold onto power or make another clutch at it. For this reason alone she creeps me the hell out, and I eye anyone who comes up through that wing of Morrisville politics with suspicion.

Anonymous said...

Marlys Mihok. She no longer has a seat on the School Board. Would you say she isn't plotting against you every chance she gets?

Burger is smart enough to know nobody listens to her old group of cronies anymore. It's no surprise that she would be looking for some newer, younger, less known recruits for her puppeteer company.

Anonymous said...

It appears to be all that Mihok lives for.

Anonymous said...

Rumor Has it Don Harm is on another Vacation.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding!!! He is milking the system. Dear SOC you brought him in, are you happy with this situation???

Anonymous said...

Saw on the our 10 year curriculmn plan. How is the plan lookinging since its 10 years are up in 2015.

deb said...

jane burger is def plotting 24/7, experienced it first hand many times. Marlis lives for plotting and huring others as well.
just because bowers is running doesnt mean he doesnt like fred or support him, it may mean he just wants to experience council. you know, friendly competition, a drive to do something more, just because someone holds a seat doesnt mean they should keep it or not have someone run against them even if their supporter or friend lives in same ward, you have to go up against someone due to the wards, it kinda has to happen that way, friend or not

Anonymous said...

I still say the Burger-bashing is a bit too tin-foil hatty for me. I am not claiming anyone should embrace her, but I also don't think she can be the sinister mastermind she is made out to be. Even if she is, the easiest means of defanging her is simply to run quality candidates against anyone associated with her.

I do think that some of the weaker-minded folks holding positions of responsibility might listen to her more than some would like, but I don't think they are simply her puppets. These folks just don't seem that bright to me, and to their limited intellects simple and often short-sighted, wrong-headed ideas appeal.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Marlys is just the female version of Angry Al - All bluster and no substance. Why does anyone even give her the time of day anymore? She is the past. Let's move on to getting rid of the rest of the dead wood.

We all know who that is....the list isn't that long.

Scoop Jackson said...

Anonymous said...

"just because bowers is running doesnt mean he doesnt like fred or support him"

Just because Bowers is running (against Fred) doesn't mean he doesn't support Fred?! Supporting Fred while he's trying to take Fred's re-election seat?! Okay...

Yes yes I know, the term is up and it's an open seat at that point.

I'm sorry I feel like I should be saying something like, I've heard absolutely everything now.

I really hope the reason this guy is running is less self serving than wanting to experience council for himself. The town cannot afford someone making decisions who is just testing the waters for himself / because he wants it for himself.

By what has been said he would have to know nothing of happens on council, which I doubt. Council already has a swing voter. Going into the idea of running against Fred, this guy knows he is attempting to break up a group of people who have gotten into the thick of things to clean up years of neglect & finally begun to move Morrisville in a more positive direction after all these years.

This guy, who IS working with Jane Burger, knows exactly what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

I just read the article about the mayor. Interesting that she said it's been happening for three years and she is only now coming forward with it during election time. The police investigation must not have been going very well for the police department because her complaints look like an obvious attempt to claim no responsibility for whatever the investigation yeilds.

Anonymous said...

Big surprise that after not doing her job for three years, Rita is now making excuses. Does this mean she knows she has been a terrible mayor?

Pretty wild that she gets to use taxpayer money for this.

Anonymous said...

I never saw Rita conducting business in the hallways. Then again, I never saw her conduct any business anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Wait, we set this up so she can use our tax dollars to sue us for $100K? WTF?!

I want to see the outrage over this from her usual supporters. Should make for some interesting theater.

It's like dividing by zero.

Somehow I don't see a lot of public support for her in this.

Anonymous said...

Now I've seen it all. One of the biggest loads of B.S. in Morrisville history, regardless of gender. Another product of a small not so bright person with a big chip on their shoulder, bad at their job, and using the "best defense is a good offense" tactic She should quit now. Why serve out the rest of her miserable zero accomplishment term in further disgrace!

Anonymous said...

Why is it no one wants to sit down and talk about the issue here ? That's a big Red Flag! But once again it's normal for Morrisville with it lack moral standards. Hopefully the IBEW will pay since they own this town.

Anonymous said...

Your brain probably isn't wired to comprehend this, but when somebody lawyers up and files a complaint thru said lawyer, it's game over for 'talking'. All this inside baseball bull-crap is a smokescreen from the basic premise (it's a good one, btw) that Ledger is a meddling incompetent. Your claim that IBEW owns the town is another red herring with no merit. Always looking for the bogeyman, you can't imagine that it might be you.

Anonymous said...

How did it go from "let's sit down and talk about my concerns" to "I experienced sexual discrimination"? If Ledger was sexually discriminated against, that's a serious charge and she needs to file that lawsuit immediately regardless of her other claims, not dangle it around as a bargaining chip. Like a petulant little child who throws a tantrum when they don't get their way.

Anonymous said...

Like Ledger is a paragon of morality. What a joke! Look, not everyone is born smart, it's no disgrace to not be smart, but Good Lord, go home and be not so smart outside the public sphere where your actions can wreck a community.

Anonymous said...

There is a new puppet master on council that has taken Jane Burger place. He maneuvers with a more covert style. We will refer to him from this point forward as (POCO)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like maybe everyone should encourage their 4th ward friends to WRITE IN MARY SINGLETON for borough council.

Anonymous said...

He's working with Jane. Jane & Vic sit on the MMA together. Jane's term on the MMA has been up since January. He wants to put her on the MMA for another term. Dave Rivella made a motion to appoint someone else to Jane's MMA seat in February but Vic tabled Dave's motion because it wasn't Jane. It's April & her seat is still up. She's just attends the meetings, waiting for the primary to be over so her buddy Vic can appoint her for another five year term or give the seat to one of her cronies.

Anonymous said...

I presume this litigation will have, possible, many others coming out of the woodwork. As we know this is the usually what happens once abuse/discrimination is exposed by one.

Anonymous said...

OR...maybe its self serving and a diversion because she is in charge of the police dept & it looks like the police dept is going to be in pretty big trouble when the investigation report comes out.

Anonymous said...

I presume this litigation is frivolous and will lead to nothing but a waste of taxpayer money. Let's check back in a year and see how it turned out.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the person that POCO wants is another IBEW bro I

Anonymous said...

Hey Brain, so I guess you never heard of settling out of court.....Happens all the time ...Anyone can talk at anytime this is not communist China.

Anonymous said...

IBEW - Steve Worob?

I'm sure there are a lot of nurses & teachers in town too. Attacking them next or is it just construction workers?

To the person who keeps writing about the IBEW, you are offending every blue collar person in Morrisville. You are offending me and I am not employed by anyone. My father who passed away when I was young was a steel worker his entire life. Your attacks are so offensive to me in ways you cannot possibly comprehend in your small "attacking" mind. When you attack unions, you are also attacking my memories of own father in your ignorance, and I am not alone in this.

You surely must not realize how many types of union employees there are in town. It's making you look very stupid.

Anonymous said...

What's up with these SOC people? Always filing or threatening law suits, never honoring contracts. They lose due to their ignorance of the law and their laughable cases. They delusionally think every position in town is their birthright, everyone who opposes them is the enemy.

Anonymous said...

This is a great lesson in why you shouldn't elect buffoons for mayor or other public offices. They become buffoons with badges, so to speak, with real powers and authorities to run amok.

Anonymous said...

On the Brighter Side Morrisville Schools was awarded a Bronze medal. See article in Courier Times. Its time to stop all this Merger, Farm Out BS and shhot for the Gold. Thats what education is about, not everything that seems to be going on in this Crazy little river town. Great Job teachers, staff and STUDENTS. You did this in spite of a weak administration, that doesn't want you.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!!! Congratulations MSD & thank you for the heads up on the article.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who "Voters for Responsible Government" are? They paid for the Bowers signs.

Anonymous said...

Wow "voters for responsible gov't" you mean, "The" Voters For Responsible Gov't. Fantastic organization, He's got my vote. They are the type affiliates we need in this town. Hey Bristol, we are coming right behind you. And we are going be much better, because demographically we have a nicer river view!

Anonymous said...

Since when does "friends" = carbon copy? Just because Bowers is running, automatically makes him against the incumbent? Whatever happened to the not discussing religion or politics idea? I don't know this Bowers guy but maybe he doesn't want to be part of the IBEW machine. As you can see throwing money at a problem doesn't fix it. Like him or hate him, why not hear him out before jumping to conclusions?

Anonymous said...

You had me until IBEW machine. What's behind this dull roar of IBEW bashing?

Anonymous said...

In my experience, I have usually found humor in PACs of this nature. I am amused by the use of words like "good government" or "responsible government", ("united" is often used as well). Titles designed to automatically boost credibility.

When creating a Political Action Committee, before registering, it is important to pick a name for the PAC. A word like "The" is very important when you are talking about a PAC name. It changes everything. Changing a word or even a letter for that matter allows anyone interested in doing so the ability to affiliate themselves with another PAC. This can at times be of great benefit to one, or both PACs. I am not saying this is happening here, just that the wording of a legal pac is somewhat important.

Recently, I saw the most current Morrisville Times and noticed that a few, not all, election day ads did not name their treasurers as is legally required. I am sure this is an oversight and not an example of how they will lead if elected. I encourage candidates to be sure to include this requirement as they move forward.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know that anything can be done about those Morrisville Times ads because they are already out. I remember a few years ago, when a candidate had to go around town with a permanent marker and write the name of their treasurer on all of their yard signs. I can remember this happening two separate times with candidates. At hearing about this the first time, I remember that my immediate reaction was how petty it was. But then in thinking about it, it made sense. If you aren’t willing to follow the election campaign rules how are you going to govern.

Anonymous said...

I remember a few years ago a candidate took a permanent marker and crossed out a former political ally's name from the campaign T-shirt he wore to a school board meeting. The person with the crossed out name was elected to the school board but became persona non grata to this candidate when they didn't tow the line and 'just cooperate'. You can and should put the fine print on your election literature but it's more important to me that you not be a dick.

Anonymous said...

: ) agreed - I think you made my morning...yes, I do need a life.

Anonymous said...

I think I remember that one year Rita hadn't included the fine print on her signs & had to fix it.

Luckily Morrisville isn't big so if it has to be done, it's not that big of a deal.

Anonymous said...

“Hey Bristol, we are coming right behind you. And we are going be much better, because demographically we have a nicer river view!”
Ugh! Did you really just publicly tell everyone; including Bristol that Morrisville is better than them. I thought we were done with this kind of stuff. In recent years we have come a very long way in mending the relationships we have with our neighbors in Bucks County. Can we NOT go back to the days of telling them off like this?! This is so annoying. Another example of how choosing your words, (and your leaders), is so very important.

Anonymous said...

To this poster bashing Bristol, in this “nicer river view!” you have given away that which you have worked to conceal. I knew it before this wording, but you have just told some others, (not all but some), who you really are and given away your agenda.

Anonymous said...

Should we anticipate some Thank GOD's and bible verses in the near future???

Anonymous said...

Some here are in denial. And very high-strung. I guess not many are familiar with satirical agenda...just an ability to see reality and adjust my attitude to that reality, through humor. THANK GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Satirical humor works better when it's funny to more than just you, and makes a modicum of sense. Nice try though. Keep at it, maybe you'll strike comic gold some day. I promise to laugh if it's even mildly funny, and not just incoherent.

Anonymous said...

Incoherence can be funny at times. This isn't really one of those times, but just sayin'.....

Anonymous said...

you forgot a newspaper opinion from today's paper. Another surfaces from out of the woodwork. referring to "Loyalists"- Wow, what do you know, I am, at this point, going to have to ask myself....Who's next, or what's next???????

Anonymous said...

Who's next?

Great Album

1. "Baba O'Riley" 5:01
2. "Bargain" 5:33
3. "Love Ain't for Keeping" 2:10
4. "My Wife" (John Entwistle) 3:35
5. "The Song Is Over" 6:17
6. "Getting in Tune" 4:49
7. "Going Mobile" 3:43
8. "Behind Blue Eyes" 3:42
9. "Won't Get Fooled Again" 8:35
10. "Baby Don't You Do It" (Longer Version) 8:21
11. "Getting in Tune" 6:36
12. "Pure and Easy" (Alternate Version) 4:33
13. "Love Ain't For Keeping" (Electric Version, Townshend on lead vocals) 4:06
14. "Behind Blue Eyes" (Alternate Version) 3:30
15. "Won't Get Fooled Again" (Original New York sessions version)

Anonymous said...

Write in Mary E. Singleton for 4th Ward Borough Council!!!! Tume for something and someone new in Morrisville!!!