Friday, April 26, 2013

Potluck #77


Anonymous said...

Can someone tell Ron Stout how to spell "School Board". I think that's what's holding him up, from rolling out his election signs.

Anonymous said...

Ron its School Bored

Anonymous said...

I have seen the black and yellow signs popping up, but no others. I'm not even certain for whom these signs exist. It's almost enough to make you forget there's a primary coming up, and perhaps that is what some folks are counting on happening. So, what do you do? Make sure to help get out the vote. Encourage every eligible voter to get to the polls, cast their votes and let's try to get rid of more of these idiots who somehow get elected and screw it all up, always blaming someone else for their ineptitude. Get out the vote!!!

Anonymous said...

Dann Dingle
Joe Gilleo
Jon Perry
Ivan Colon

vote individually for each candidate for School Board above at the polls on May 21st.

Oust Ron Stout

Anonymous said...

Ivan Colon ? Really ? That's the best we can do?

Anonymous said...

Ivan is running independently.

Dann Dingle, Joe Gilleo, Jon Perry are running together. They're all good solid citizens. Reasonable, practical. Not driven by rabid ideologies.

If I had to choose between Ivan Colon and Ron Stout, I'd choose Ivan in a heartbeat. Stout has no business being up there. He's ignorant and mean and sleepy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said

"Ivan Colon ? Really ? That's the best we can do?"

Guess you're unable to run huh? Dont criticize unless you're putting your name on the ballot too.

Anonymous said...

Ivan Colon will be the peoples choice. He knows what going on in the school, and the administration won't like that.

Anonymous said...

Ivan is an independent businessman and a dedicated coach and teacher. Even if I disagree with him, or the other three credible candidates, I don't question their motives. Ivan, Dan, Jon, and Joe will all be a great addition to the school board.

Jon said...

Thanks for the kind words!

Anonymous said...

Jon, I will vote for with enthusiasm. I don't know the others so well.

To this poster"Guess you're unable to run huh? Dont criticize unless you're putting your name on the ballot too." This is the kind of thinking that got us the likes of some of the folks most pilloried in this blog. Criticize anyone who wants to run for an elected position, as long as it is valid, it should be encouraged. Colon is better than Stout is a weak reason to vote for him.

I won't ever vote for Ron Stout. The man is illiterate, ill-mannered, and unfit for any position of responsibility. I may vote for Colon, as I've heard some mixed reviews on him, but I think it sounds like he wants to do the right thing for the town, unlike the Driedbacks, Ledgers, Radostis, Myhocks and Hellmans of the town. I think these folks just like to feel important (Or is it impotent?) They are like a chronic disease from which the town suffers periodic flareups that keep it from ever becoming fully healthy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and given hat this blog seems to be a good source for information, I ask our esteemed blogmaster to organize the other folks running to use this venue to help us become more informed. People always have advice about going to meeetings, etc., but we can't all make them, and I for one appreciate being able to see what the BCT is ignoring in town. If there are other good sources of info that can be accessed at will, please share them in here.

Finally, my one bit of advice to those running,get a domain name that will catch some attention, and simply place signs around town with the URL printed on it. People's curiosity will drive them to the site, and you can get the word out about who you are inexpensively and in a modern fashion. Printed materials get dropped on the counter and put out of recycling day with the other junk mail.

Anonymous said...

Give Stout a rest. He desperately needs one. Send him home for some R&R (Ranting & Raving).

Anonymous said...

It does appear that whoever is monitering this blog is quick to defend statements & individuals that they like, and quick to criticize statements & individuals they don't like.

For example:

Anonymous said

"Ivan Colon ? Really ? That's the best we can do?"

Guess you're unable to run huh? Dont criticize unless you're putting your name on the ballot too.

Unless your name is also on the ballot or you're a member of the existing board, perhaps you need to stop criticizing too.

Jon said...

Personally, I'm not censoring anyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Of course, people like and defend certain people and dislike and criticize other people. That's kind of human nature, especially when it involves elections, where you have to make choices between people.

A lot of this is subjective. I can only recommend that you try to back up your opinions with facts, because no one should be entitled to their own facts.

That is a historical problem I've had with a bunch of people who were formerly on the school board, and a few who are still on it.

Anonymous said...

Ivan Colon is being Inducted in the Softball Hall of Fame. Who votes on that? The same people that will be voting for the school board.

Anonymous said...

Ivan Colon - the people's choice!

Make Dingle, Gilleo, and Perry the other 3, leave Stout in the dust, and all's good in the Ville.

Anonymous said...

The partial voter's guide is on this morning.

Anonymous said...

From the online voter's guide

Name: Ronald Stout

Party: Dem

Age: No response.

Residence: No response.

Education: No response.

Job: No response.

Website: No response.

Answer: No response.

Name: Victor A. Cicero

Party: Dem

Age: No response.

Residence: No response.

Education: No response.

Job: No response.

Website: No response.

Answer: No response.

Name: Pat Pordash

Party: Dem

Age: No response.

Residence: No response.

Education: No response.

Job: No response.

Website: No response.

Answer: No response.

Anonymous said...

They must be clones or live in a comune.

Anonymous said...

No response.

Anonymous said...

You betcha! We're not gonna dance to your tune, lame stream media, with your gotcha questions like who are you and why should we vote for you.

Anonymous said...

On the advice of myself and Stay on Crack High Command HQ, I respectfully assert my right to remain silent and decline to answer your questions on the grounds that it may incriminate me as a bad choice for your vote.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are telling the truth since they have done nothing.

Captain said...

What we've got here is...failure to communicate.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for them, they really seem to have a grip on things. their platform is consistent.

Anonymous said...

Our Platform: F--- You, vote for us, don't vote for us, we don't give a S---, and we're technologically inept.

Michael C. said...

My final offer is this: nothing. Not even the fee for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally.

Billy P. said...

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing, you gotta have something if you want to be with me.

Anonymous said...

Those were trick questions they were asked.

deb said...

Really ridiculous that people wanting a vote cannot even provide background info or answer a few questions. Yea, they get mine, NOT

Anonymous said...

They must be in the witness protection program.

Anonymous said...

I think you must mean witless protection program

Sigmund Fraud said...

Possibly the Witless Projection Program. They do tend to project their foibles and inadequacies onto others.

Psychological projection was first conceptualized by Sigmund Freud as a defence mechanism in which a person unconsciously rejects his or her own unacceptable attributes by ascribing them to objects or persons in the outside world instead.

Thus, projection involves projecting positive or negative qualities onto others, and is a common psychological process.

Theoretically, projection and the related projective identification reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires through displacement.

Anonymous said...

It's so funny that Steve Worob was one of the most vocal SOCs on the school board and come December, he will be the last one standing.

Anonymous said...

Bullies are nothing when they're not surrounded by enough like minded cronies. Having to stand on your own is like a kryptonite suppository.

Anonymous said...

"Having to stand on your own is like a kryptonite suppository."

That simile seems so so so wrong on oh so many levels.

Anonymous said...

So wrong and yet so right in that it accurately describes how toothless a lone bully really is. What they lack in figurative teeth they more than make up for in figurative Superman-debilitating radioactive substance up their butts.

Anonymous said...

There sees to be some focus on the posteriors of certain individuals in here lately. What's up with that?

Jon said...

Apparently Kryptonite. This could be a sign to move on.

Anonymous said...

Vic Cicero said…I have a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the City University of NY. I worked as a police commander in NY for 20 years; was Chief of Police for Morrisville Borough; Chief of Police North York Regional Police Dept.; Director of Police Penn Hills, PA; Director of Public Safety Catholic University, Washington D.C.; Manager of Security NY Public Library; Borough manager Morrisville Borough, PA; and for the last 3 years 4th ward Councilman

Anonymous said...

Nice resume

Anonymous said...

Where did Vic Cicero say that?

Jon said...

Could someone post a link to the phillyburbs voters guide, please?

Anonymous said...

I saw the voters guide yesterday online. At that time it listed no response from Mr. Cicero. Last night the voters guide had been taken off phillyburbs. Maybe it's back on?

I voted for Mr. Cicero that last time, but I no longer have faith that he is working for Morrisville so I will not be voting for him this time. I am not a risk taker when it comes to my vote. I do not believe it is a coincidence that both of the people who were running against him have dropped out. I believe he knows he is the swing voter on council and that he has been using this power for reasons other than what is best for the community.

Anonymous said...

I can't find it and don't recall ever seeing it. From what was posted here, it would seem to be mostly useless.

I am surprised and disappointed to find so little information available about the elections this year. I know it is just a mid-term primary, but even so, the lack of any information, adverts, signage, handouts or anything else related to this seems odd.

I do hope more info is on the way before election day.

Anonymous said...

I would expect a career police officer to have a resume. Maybe it's time for Vic to retire...again.

Anonymous said...

" I believe he knows he is the swing voter on council and that he has been using this power for reasons other than what is best for the community."

Please elaborate. I am genuinely curious about this, and as noted above, unless you want to wade knee deep in the muck, there doesn't seem to be much info available.

Anonymous said...

"There sees to be some focus on the posteriors of certain individuals in here lately. What's up with that?"

Germans maybe?

John Blutarsky said...

Anonymous said...


Forget it, he's rolling.

Good one!!

I think he was going for the scatological tendencies for which the Germans supposedly have a proclivity, but Belushi is always good!

Anonymous said...

"There sees to be some focus on the posteriors of certain individuals in here lately. What's up with that?"

Morrisville seems to elect a large number of walking and talking posteriors, that's why.

Anonymous said...

On Cicero as the swing vote,in general:
there are three on Council who ALWAYS vote as a bloc to obstruct any progress, or even to paying bills. They are Smith, Sanford and Dreisbach. Four others - Sherlock, Kerner, Rivella and Johnson generally vote the same way.

So, if Cicero votes with the three naysayers, it becomes a 4 - 4 tie, and the mayor - Ledger - has to break it. she always sides with the three no people.

Cicero likes to play between the two sides, but it doesn't seem like it is for high minded principles.
These old school people like to play the big fish in the little pond game and forget that the whole thing is about the Boro.

The primary is coming up May 21, and in Morrisville, primaries are really important. It would be great if this website had a posting for the elections, to emphasize the need to share information.

Anonymous said...

Public interest first

Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 6:00 am

Victor Cicero submitted an interesting version of events surrounding his obstructionist vote on Morrisville's green energy update plan. Fortunately for Morrisville, the project will move forward with a good financial package.

The objections that "Dave Rivella loyalists" expressed are the methods employed by Cicero and others, who I believe obstruct progress for no reason. Morrisville residents are tired of these shenanigans, and we would like to see an open, transparent government that actually works.

Instead of fixing problems and moving good ideas forward, these folks have played the same games over and over. In my view, they divert resources from productive work, attack those they think are against them, or dream up things they can promise in exchange for votes.

As a "Dave Rivella loyalist", I will continue to support those who bring ideas to the table, vote on the issues at hand, and actually vote on the merits of a resolution without bringing personal baggage to the table.

Having the ability to grasp the concepts that are being discussed is also an important quality for borough council members. Unfortunately, there are those on council who vote no on everything because they cannot understand how bills are paid, how projects are funded or how contracts are awarded, despite clear and patient explanations. Once a decision is made, they work to try to make it fail.

In order for a government to function, those in the minority must sometimes accept that their path was not chosen, but keep the borough residents' welfare in mind. Does the continued negative stand help or hurt the borough?

Morrisville, there is a primary on May 21. We all need to make sure to vote for those who will keep our interests in the forefront when they vote.

Deborah Colgan


Anonymous said...

I am starting to see some signs, but they mostly seem to be appearing on the lawns of people who have supported the SOC. So, if nothing else, and via guilt by association, I seem to be getting some inkling of the people for whom I expect I DON'T want to vote.

Anonymous said...

So if you consistently agree with the majority you're O.K..If you don't agree with the majority you're an obstructionist?

Anonymous said...

If you have legit reasons for disagreeing that's one thing. A lot of the time, the reasons mentioned don't hold water, and as Ms Colgan's letter implies, are borne of ignorance. I for one am also sick of hearing union this, IBEW that.

Anonymous said...

Council members should cast votes based on what is good for the community. Not because you don't like the people who support a particular resolution, or if you can get something personal from it.
Of course, dissent when there is good reason. But explain why, and make sure it is for the right reasons.
I agree with the letter, some of these people are just not smart enough to grasp basic concepts. Plus, they are just nasty about it, and as a watcher of the meetings, I don't understand their anger.

Anonymous said...

They are angry because they don't have all the power. They like to be large and in charge and they're not right now. They can't make intelligent arguments so they do what they know how to do: juvenile behavior, attacks, lies, distortions, strawmen, red herrings, and other shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Miss Colgan and the other self proclaimed "loyalists" who are being mislead. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Anonymous said...

Words to live by. That's exactly why I oppose the Mihoks, Hellmans, Worobs, Stouts, Burgers, Dreisbachs, Ledgers of the world. Charlatans and the useful idiots who carry out the schemes.

Anonymous said...

"My heart goes out to Miss Colgan and the other self proclaimed "loyalists" who are being mislead. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

I don't remember Rivella call himself any kind of prophet, if that's the suggestion here. This guy has been on council for what, six years? I have only seen this guy work for the town & take a lot of crap in the process.

Anonymous said...

Saturday in Williamson Park looks crowded

A public park is a natural and appropriate choice to hold a demonstration — except when the park is being used for another event.
We refer to Williamson Park in Morrisville, where the Bux-Mont Coalition for Peace obtained a permit to hold a rally this Saturday. The group, which paid a thousand bucks to use the park, is campaigning for gun sale background checks, a bubbling issue all across the nation. About 200 people are expected to participate.
As might have been expected, citizens concerned about impingement of their Second Amendment right to bear arms will stage a counterprotest. That’s the word, anyway.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with any of this. Protests and counterprotests are a natural part of public debates and vital to the democratic process.
Problem is, in addition to a few hundred demonstrators, some 600 kids will likewise converge on Williamson Park to play baseball, as they do every Saturday. About 30 games will unfold on the eight fields at the park.
Call it a booking boo-boo. And Morrisville officials who OK’d the protest should be held accountable. After all, the baseball fields at Williamson are heavily used every Saturday throughout the spring and into summer. It’s been that way ... oh, forever!
And while booking two very American events at the same place at the same time isn’t necessarily a big deal — indeed, the civics lesson could be instructive to all those kids — that the Second Amendment advocates might bring guns with them is a problem. That’s been the trend elsewhere across the country where similar dueling protests have been held.
That’s not to suggest the gun advocates are going to shoot up the place. It’s just that the appearance of gun-toting protesters could frighten the children and more so their parents. (If you’re one of those moms or dads, who could blame you for having the family avoid Williamson Park this Saturday?)
The Coalition for Peace might want to seek to keep the peace and reschedule. If that’s not possible, then here’s our suggestion: Move the demonstration.
Where? That’s for Morrisville officials to figure out. They issued the permit apparently without thinking the issue through.
One possibility might be Morrisville High School, or perhaps the site of the shuttered M.R. Reiter Elementary School. One more suggestion: Check with the school district before issuing another permit.

Anonymous said...

freesoul posted at 2:22 pm on Tue, May 7, 2013.

Concerned Gun Owners of Bucks County
Concerned Gun Owners of Bucks County are calling on theBuxMont Coalition for Peace Action to reschedule their rally planned for this Saturday, May 11th in close proximity to 600 kids involved in Little League baseball games. We further invite them to a public forum at a later date where we can peacefully debate the issues surrounding our Constitutional guarantee to self defense and bearing of arms.

Our rally and counter protest was planned solely in response to their planned event, as it is our moral obligation to defend our Constitution and Liberty against treasonous attack. It is unfortunate that they did not have the foresight to realize that this was the wrong time and place for such a political event. Our rally in response was specifically planned along the river and away from the ball fields to avoid disruption of the kids day at the park playing baseball, which is as American as apple pie and firearms.

“Peace Coalition”, the ball is in your court. If you choose to proceed we will hold our peaceful line in the sand at the park.

Anonymous said...

What a circle of self feeding suck this is. Morrisville officials know a counter protest is coming but granted permits anyway. The Peace people won't cancel, the gun nutz won't cancel, and the kids are in between. God Bless America, the land of free speech and no common sense.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Morrisville is allowed to turn them away.

Anonymous said...

LOL - I am always talking about staying local but in this case I think the best action on the part of Morrisville residents may be to find something to do on this day outside of town. Sounds like it's going to be quite a circus.

Anonymous said...

"Call it a booking boo-boo. And Morrisville officials who OK’d the protest should be held accountable."

Legally, I don't think Morrisville can say no to someone booking the park like this. They would be sued.

Anonymous said...

There was no reason to turn anyone away. They should have never granted the permit for a time when the park was in use by the little league. This is more Morrisville half a$$ery.

Anonymous said...

Circle of suck sums it up. Circle of suck with guns takes it to another level. The Gun Lovers should take the high road and back down, but that's goes against their spirit of flag swathed machismo. Nobody's coming to take your guns, paranoids.There are far too many of them out there anyway. Our tyrannical government has tanks, fighter jets, even better guns, and nuclear weapons, so you'd lose that battle too. To put this on Morrisville officials to sort out just compounds the circle of suck. Bravo BCCT editorial board! May the circle be unbroken by and by lord by and by ...

Anonymous said...

Where's the mayor and council members now that we desperately need their firm and wise leadership?

Anonymous said...

My guess, Mayor's in the hallway looking for the keys to the police Dept files. Dreisback, Sanford and Smith are voting NO on the permit for the little leaguers to use the field. Cicero's looking to cut a deal to bring his old service revolver to the rally.

Anonymous said...

"Morrisville officials know a counter protest is coming but granted permits anyway."

Since you seem to know, would you please tell us what "Morrisville officials" granted permits?

Anonymous said...

"My guess, Mayor's in the hallway looking for the keys to the police Dept files. Dreisback, Sanford and Smith are voting NO on the permit for the little leaguers to use the field. Cicero's looking to cut a deal to bring his old service revolver to the rally."

OMG you made me laugh so hard. This is so well done.

Anonymous said...

It's like shooting fish in a barrel. So to speak.

Anonymous said...

Ed Rendell's coming on Saturday!

This is the best quote even though it's twenty games being shut down "Hey grownups Stop being idiots! You know what would be idiotic? Shutting down a Little League game in Morrisville this weekend so that you adults can have competing gun control rallies."

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like this is spiraling nicely out of control in typical Morrisville style.

Anonymous said...

If I have to choose between the people without guns who made the arrangements first, and the people with guns who feel compelled to jump in, I choose the people without guns.

Sit this one out, pistol packers. Go hit the range or something. Check your own backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

Just another liberal who wants to ignore the First Amendment Freedom of Speech and Second Amendment Gun Rights. Let them come!

Anonymous said...

I got no problem with them all coming long as no one gets shot. Civics lesson for the kids? Perhaps. The kids will most likely exhibit the best behavior of the day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Multiple groups have rented the park during little league games for years. If it were, for example, two different birthday parties, this topic wouldn't be up for discussion. It certainly wouldn't be up for grabs in the media.

If either of these groups can show that Morrisville has, on occassion, rented space to more than one entity during the same time, which it has, Morrisville could be sued for denying either of these groups.

Morrisville simply does not have the legal ability to pick to whom they will and will not rent areas of the park.

"Discrimination refers to the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit."

It's a day that will come and go. No doubt, the police dept knows it's happening and I would think our mutual aide neighbors know as well. Of course this is a situation I would rather not see Morrisville involved with, but as far as renting the park, the hands of the borough office is tied as far as what could / could not be done in granting permits.

I would think that borough council / the mayor learned of these two groups renting the park the same way the rest of us did, from newspaper articles. To the campaigners on here who think this topic is bait to blame council / the mayor, please pay closer attention to council meetings. Council does not vote on who is renting the park, nor is the mayor involved with this process, it's administrative. (but it makes for a nice spin in the reading) Ever rent the park? If you have, you know that there is a book in the office for such things.

Do I want these two groups in the park at the same time, of course not. But I don't want everyone to have to pay for the lawsuit that no doubt would have been filed if either of these groups were denied.

Jon said...

I agree. No bashing of Mayor or Council is warranted on this. Come one, come all, keep 'em in their holsters, make your statements, play ball, be good sports, go home, drive safety, y'all come back real soon now, ya hear!

Anonymous said...

As a fervent 2nd amendment supporter, I think it would be wise for the pro-gun side to lay down their arms in favor of the children. In my personal, professional, and political debates a weapon is never required. Why should this day be any different. Your words and attendance are what speaks to the public. Just because it is your right, doesn't mean you should always exercise it, especially in light of these concerns.

Johnny said...

Anonymous said...

It's not in the United States Constitution "per se", but how's about the 2nd amendment lovers exercise the amazing concept of "common sense". We know you support the 2nd amendment. Do you really need to bring your guns to prove it?

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. Some people are upset that unarmed protesters advocating sensible gun control measures like universal background checks are "standing their ground"?.

Anonymous said...

Who is paying for the extra police that are probably on overtime? That $1000 won't cover much.

Anonymous said...

If I wanted to exercise my 1st and 2nd amendment rights to the hilt by yelling fire in a crowded theatre, with my gun, how well do you think that would go over?

Anonymous said...

Good question but bad application. It was already tried in Colorado.

Anonymous said...

" Jon said...

I agree. No bashing of Mayor or Council is warranted on this."

While this might be the logical and well-thought-out answer here, I think bashing the mayor and council is ALWAYS the right thing, that is, as long as these asshats we have now are holding these positions. (Notice I said holding and not fulfilling!) If the system allowed this to get to this point without their intervention, and now their hands are tied, the system is not very well developed, and as the leadership, they are to blame. Besides, it's not just this time, but a seemingly endless set of such mishandlings that stretches back as far as anyone can remember. This is what happens when unqualified people take on important roles and fail to fulfill their obligations. Maybe this can't be directly laid at their feet, but the culture of laziness, obstructionism and mediocrity is what created this, and yes, for that they are responsible.

Anonymous said...

You get the government you deserve, right? What did we do to deserve this? There are some decent people who are trying, but the crap tide is so strong. There are only so many decent people who have the desire, patience, or stomach for an unpaid or meagerly paid public service role. It's a haven for douchebags and charlatans with time on their hands and/or out of control egos who get off on power tripping. It seems like when boro council is somewhat normal, the school bord is effed up, and then vice versa. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What are you smokin? Council and the mayor are bound to follow county, state and federal rules, which this falls under. It has nothing to do with "this time".

But your intention was to get some campaign bashing in here, so you have accomplished that, made yourself look like a smacked ass in the process, but got your say in.

Following the rules is rarely popular, sometimes difficult and not the easiest thing to do, but it must be done, as it was in this situation. I'm sorry if you don't value that.

Anonymous said...

Council will be much improved if Dreisbach & Sanford get shown the door in Ward 1. Justin Bowers is more of the same in Ward 3 but with a better pedigree. Reject him. Look at the people who have his signs. Same old same old. Cicero in Ward 4 is worn and tired, give him the rest he desperately needs.

Anonymous said...

They're cranks. Cranks don't bring anything to the table except crankiness and negativity. Their crankiness is rarely if ever supported by real facts. Down with cranks. We don't need more of them in positions of power and authority over our lives. Their one trick pony crank line is always about taxes and money. News flash: everybody gets it. You don't need to be a crank to want to spend tax money prudently. Others less cranky, more reasonable, and more practical can handle it.

Anonymous said...

Cranks love conspiracy theories. Double news flash: the main conspiracy in action is cranks being cranks and stirring up turmoil as a power grab tactic. Witness the last 30+ years here.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! What are you smokin? Council and the mayor are bound to follow county, state and federal rules, which this falls under. It has nothing to do with "this time".

But your intention was to get some campaign bashing in here, so you have accomplished that, made yourself look like a smacked ass in the process, but got your say in.

Following the rules is rarely popular, sometimes difficult and not the easiest thing to do, but it must be done, as it was in this situation. I'm sorry if you don't value that."

What kind of freakin' shill are you? Have you missed the crapola these morons have been foisting on this town continually for the past umpteen years? I think you look like more than a smacked ass trying to defend this. It could have been avoided with a minor amount of foresight and careful planning. Once again, these idiots make Morrisville look like the red-headed step-child to the region.

Anonymous said...

The peace group could have stayed in NJ where this is starting but they deliberately chose to cross the bridge to Pa to highlight the less stringent gun laws. That and the Morrisville rubes wouldn't be smart enough to think this through. Welcome to the free media circus paid for at taxpayer expense. If there's not 10 news vans here Saturday then its a failure.

The concerned gun owners don't have to counter protest. If they feel they must let them get the same permits and pay the same fees. I'm sure we could expedite the paperwork and cash the check by tomorrow. Freedom isn't free. You gotta pay like everyone else. Its in the Constitution. The part that doesn't have the amendments.

The town could have granted the permit for any other time or venue. I accept that they probably felt there would be no harm. And there probably wasn't until the pro gun people stepped in. But how often do protests and kids fit well together?

The little league was prudent in cancelling but the parents need to get a grip. The rescheduling is no more of a problem than a rainout. Deal with it. Your precious snowflakes are worth it right?

Anonymous said...

Hey jackass defending these idiots, or are you one of them? This could have been avoided with even a modicum of planning and common sense. Just because the supposed leadership of this town dropped the ball, and now we can't legally back out, doesn't mean it's not their fault. Your politicizing of this issue, when no one else did tells me what I need to know about you. You ARE the problem, not the solution.

Anonymous said...

To the poster directly above, you lost my interest when I read your first sentence. Talk to your children like that, or just strangers?

Anonymous said...

No just you.

Anonymous said...

So, who are y'all voting for in the upcoming council elections? Who are the 'agents of suck' to avoid?

Anonymous said...

Let's make some connections.

Today I learned something about Kitty, who is running for mayor. She went to the house of my neighbor. She said that she is working with Hellmann (who does their taxes) and asked to put a sign in their yard. Kitty who has started attending council meetings, sits with Jane Burger. Kitty and Justin Bowers are using the same pac. Justin Bowers and Jane Burger are in the group FOMDP together. And let's not forget that Kitty was the second person to drop out who was running against Victor Cicero. I know what Vic's deal was in getting the other Dem to drop out but I can't say for sure what deal was made to get Kitty to drop out.

These are all the connections I need.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Debbie Smith's front yard. That is all the connection I know who NOT to vote for.

Anonymous said...

Poor Pat Pordash. Not even Bill Hellmann will endorse her for tax collector.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info. I will not support anyone affiliated with Hellmann or Burger. I've seen way too much of them already. Their opponents may or not impress but they are inevitably the lesser of 2 evils.

Anonymous said...

Did Pordash screw up Hellman's property taxes one too many times too???

Anonymous said...

It's just as likely he screwed up her filings. Would you trust him to prepare your returns?

Pat Pordash may be the official tax collector, but in the years I've been paying my taxes, I don't think I've ever dealt directly with her. The other Pat and/or some collection of the Morrisville Old Ladies Club always seem to be handling things.

Anonymous said...

For a few years, it was Kitty and Pat B. in the tax office with Pat Pordash. I remember the council meeting when Kitty came to public comment and told everyone that she had been illegally helping Pat Pordash in the tax office for years. The borough ended up bonding her to allow her to continue to help Pat Pordash without continuing to break the law.

Anonymous said...

I know that I, for one, really enjoy seeing partisan election materials displayed in Pordash's home tax office. I especially enjoy the political editorializing she engages in when you go in to pay your tax bill. That's ethical and professional.

Anonymous said...

Robin Reithmeyer gets my vote for Tax Collector. She annoyed the Hellmaniacs by not 'just cooperating' --- with good reason. That's good enough for me to know that she has some integrity and values and respects the process.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Victor Cicero is fond of using the term, "just cooperate" as well.

Yes, it will be nice to get the tax office out of the Pat Pordash house. Never did trust that at all.

Anonymous said...

Ladies & gentlemen,
I am not here to discuss politics or take sides in an argument but only to correct a misconception. While Mr. Bowers is indeed a valued member of the FMDP, Ms. Burger has no affiliation with our group. The FMDP encourages all residents who are interested to enjoy the park and take part in our events to enhance and strengthen our community.

Thank You,
Scott Pattley
Vice President, FMDP

Anonymous said...

Dear Scott Pattley
Vice President, FMDP:

Thank you for confirming exactly why anyone who cares about moving Morrisville forward should not vote for Mr Bowers.

The tea party slogans & talking points fool no one.

And while Ms Burger may not be affiliated with your organization, it's quite clear she's involved in this campaign.

An Independent Voter

Anonymous said...

I don't understand.

Why is this gentleman trying to distance the Dog Park and Justin Bowers from Jane Burger?

Anonymous said...

As I stated before I am not here to debate politics. If my words are going to be twisted then I feel no further need to contribute here. I'm not trying to distance anyone. I was simply trying to correct a misconception I read a few times. No innuendos, nothing to read between the lines.


Anonymous said...

Jane Burger not affiliated with Dog Park. Got it.

Jane Burger affiliated with Justin Bowers and his election campaign? Yes? No? Maybe? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?