Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grandview Avenue Again Two-Way

MORRISVILLE SCHOOLSGrandview Avenue again two-way

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Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 12:00 am | Updated: 6:41 am, Wed Sep 19, 2012.
Months of discussion between Morrisville government and the school district about congestion on Grandview Avenue have just been that: talk.
The council took action Monday when it voted to reopen Grandview Avenue as a two-way street all year long. But officials made the move without running it by the school board. The council didn’t set a date as to when the change would start, but indicated it should happen sooner rather than later.
School director Wanda Kartal was surprised to learn Tuesday of the move. As of 4 p.m. Tuesday, she was waiting for the district to be officially notified by the borough of the change so the district could go ahead and make needed adjustments with the crossing guards and send notification to parents.
“The safety of the kids crossing that street is our priority,” she said.
The residential street turns into a one-way avenue during each school year. Borough police Chief Jack Jones came up with the plan as an alternative to relieve the area’s congestion after M.R. Reiter Elementary students were moved to the high school following a 2008 furnace explosion left the school unusable.
Councilman David Rivella pushed for the change back to a two-way street, arguing that traffic isn’t as bad as it had been in previous years because this year third-graders were moved to the high school building on nearby Palmer Street, so there’s less traffic going to Grandview Elementary School and instead is going to the high school parking lot.
That street’s congestion has been a frustration for the community for years. The Joint Board/Council Committee had been discussing possible solutions since earlier this year.
A walkability study was conducted in May that showed that 70 percent of parents drive their kids to school. The committee received the results in June. During the summer, the group worked on street improvements, such as signage, for this school year based on that study, said Kartal, who sits on the committee and lives on Grandview Avenue.
Council President Nancy Sherlock, who also sits on the committee, said she didn’t believe traffic congestion was any less since the third-graders were moved.
Councilman Victor Cicero suggested having parents park their cars and walk over to pick up their kids.
Councilwoman Eileen Dreisbach motioned to table the matter until Monday, when the borough is having a special meeting, giving more time to study the area. But her motion failed 5-3 with council members Todd Sanford and Debbie Smith supporting her.
Sherlock said no study could be done in less than a week, and besides, the borough already had the walkability study results.
She said Grandview Elementary is no longer a neighborhood school. Rather, it’s the borough’s grammar school, so that’s why there’s more traffic than years ago.
Mayor Rita Ledger suggested encouraging parents to make Morrisville a walking-friendly community by assigning a parent to walk a few kids.
The council agreed that although it was a good idea, it would be unlikely to happen.
Kartal said her understanding from the committee’s meetings was that traffic flow was going to be observed since the third-graders’ move, and the results were going to be discussed at the Oct. 3 committee meeting.
“The council made a decision, and we have to work with it in keeping the kids safe,” Kartal said.


Anonymous said...

So communications between boro council and school board remain one way?

Anonymous said...

I would not agree with the first comment. The current sch brd & council have, in good faith, met regularly and seem to have respectful communication as a group.

I would think the school district makes many decisions (like moving 3rd grade to the high school) without the borough, this is no different.

The trailers were brought in, so the borough made Grandview Ave one way, I get that. The trailers were taken out, so the borough made Grandview Ave two way, I get that too.

The borough says the one way wasn't legal and could have cost the taxpayer millions if it was challenged.

It was never intended to be a long term solution. Less kids means less traffic, means less need for an illegal one way.

I mean no disrespect to either the school district or the borough council. I have a great deal of respect for both of these bodies and the difficult work they do for all of us.

Anonymous said...

"Councilwoman Eileen Dreisbach motioned to table the matter until Monday, when the borough is having a special meeting, giving more time to study the area. But her motion failed 5-3 with council members Todd Sanford and Debbie Smith supporting her."

Gee what a surprise that she wasn't ready to handle an agenda issue. wash, rinse, repeat. Why do people seek positions of responsibility if they're not willing to live up to the charge?

Anonymous said...

Question how was it a illegal one way? just asking not sure how it can be

Anonymous said...

SOC GOP Tea Party of NO obstructionism is a way of life. It matters not what it is. Just say NO. Streets - NO. Taxes - NO! Bills - NO!

Anonymous said...

i think it is sad for the kids when decisions are based on political motivations it is clear where this came from

Anonymous said...

"I get that" the police should be tickting speeding cars in a 15mph zone and the cars parked in the yello zone instead we see a car parked at the high school chatting away with their dunkin cup most everyday

Anonymous said...

"i think it is sad for the kids when decisions are based on political motivations it is clear where this came from"

I think it is sad when people make public statements without having all of the information needed to make an informed public opinion.

Anonymous said...

"The trailers were brought in, so the borough made Grandview Ave one way, I get that. The trailers were taken out, so the borough made Grandview Ave two way, I get that too."

I love this, easy to understand and to the point. Thank you for posting your comment.

Anonymous said...

I must have missed that before. To the poster above, what is the political motivation? I must be missing it.

Anonymous said...

If you are seeing an officer at the high school who is not doing his/her job, my suggestion is to send a written complaint to the police department, not only post it on a blog.

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD this is two ways now!!

Now, can discussion about issues follow suit?

Oh, I forgot, that only works around here between people with the same narrow point of view.


Anonymous said...

It is a ridiculous notion to suggest that council is not concerned with keeping everyone in the borough safe.

Council is doing their job by protecting the entire borough. If you received your tax bill and it was increased to pay for a multi-million dollar lawsuit that was lost because of Grandview being one way, you would be complaining about that.

It seems to me that some of the same people who voted to put the one way in place when the trailers were brought in are the same people voting to take it back to a two way now that the trailers are gone. I believe both decisions were made with the community in mind.

I agree that tickets could not be given because an indivaul could claim the situation was caused by the one way. I hadn't even thought of that until I read it here today. That makes sense.

Anonymous said...

There is also some discussion about this here:!/pages/Morrisville-Borough-PA/156974577671011
If you scroll down a bit, you will see the article and then some comments.

Anonymous said...

from there, I like this:
"Taking the step to take Grandview Avenue back to a two way street now takes that one illegal option off the table and opens the door to alternative legal solutions."

Jon said...

Holy Crow! It's not the end of the world! I only see 3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse so far...oh, no wait, ... never mind, false alarm.

Anonymous said...

LOL Nice Jon : )

Anonymous said...

"from there, I like this:"

From there, I like this: Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day - Matey! Yes, I had to.

Anonymous said...

That explains it. I tried to take my kids to the movies this afternoon, but they wouldn't let them in because the movie was rated ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Anonymous said...

why is it that the people who needed to get orders from republican headquarters always delay things and cant think for themselves?

Anonymous said...

70% of parents drive their kids to school...yet most students do live within walking distance

Anonymous said...

"70% of parents drive their kids to school...yet most students do live within walking distance"

Well they sure as hell can't ride their bikes. They are stolen right off the racks!

Anonymous said...

Many are afraid of the people they've been conditioned to be afraid of and fear letting their kids walk. We can all understand that, right? Fear. Same reason people gun up, live in gated communities, buy home alarm systems, all that. Fear is a multi billion dollar industry in this country. Fear of crime, fear of terrorism, fear of socialism, fear of communism, fear of preditors, fear of not being fearful enough. You name it.

Anonymous said...

Fear of having their bikes stolen right off the racks.

Anonymous said...

The bike takers should send letters to the school district saying that they'll keep taking peoples' bikes until they are convinced that more people are riding their bikes to school.
That way, their brazen depravity and lack of personal responsibility would be elevated to a virtuous crusade to encourage the district to increase bike riding to school.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO Clever, nicely done.

Brian F. said...

They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works ... every time.

Anonymous said...

That young Crossing Guard at Grandview is Cute.

Anonymous said...

I grad u tated from Neshaminy, please refrain from using such big words!

Jon said...

I'm no Chuck Woolery, but I think we might have a Love Connection here.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure its the Chief of police who is at the High School everyday chatting with Ms. B.

Anonymous said...

Ms.B and the Chief have been "buddies" (some kind of buddies) for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Still dosen't excuse it

Anonymous said...

Crime and doughnuts don't mix.