Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Call Me Maybe?

Call when you've had enough
Posted: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 6:00 am

To the 80 percent of Morrisville's registered voters who did not vote in the last election:
When you get tired of paying the highest tax millage on your home in Bucks County (combined borough and school district);
When you get tired of annual tax increases from the borough council friends on the Morrisville School Board;
When you get tired of the Morrisville Borough Council majority giving out bloated lighting contracts to benefit their political contributors (at your expense);
When you get tired of paying for political billboards through bloated contracts;
When you get tired of poor and worrisome police protection;
When you get tired of Morrisville Borough Council spending thousands of dollars in apparent violation of the borough code;
When you get tired of the council majority blocking the Morrisville Borough controller from performing his duties as the elected fiscal watchdog for our town;
Then please contact my office and I will help put together a slate that will operate the Morrisville town council and school district in an orderly, non-partisan and fiscally responsible manner.

Bill Hellmann, former president
Morrisville School Board


Anonymous said...

The people had enough of you, C.P.A. and your BFF's in 2011. They didn't call your business office to tell you, they left a message at the polls.

Anonymous said...

Smart move on the part of Hellmann and friends. I feel sorry for Morrisville's public servants who actually follow the rules and want better for the town, because this nonsense from Hellmann is the way of the future. If they can't get what they want one way, they will try another. The last election showed us that anything is up for grabs. Don't have anything real? Just make it up and make it sound as bad as you can and the people will follow because they love the conflict, the negativity.

Anonymous said...

What's his deliberately overdue garbage bill up to while he spends money on micrscopic font signs that he still hasn't taken down?

Anonymous said...

IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh geez...and many of the people who have recently become so aware have had their heads in the sand for so long that they won't even know who Hellmann is, who he works with or what he represents. They don't know that he tried to bankrupt the school district and used all the savings. Unfortunately, the same people who follow Peppy will think all Hellmann says is true because they have been so uninformed and refuse to look at things logically. So tired of the SOC brand of politics in Morrisville.

Anonymous said...

With tax season just around the corner, he can show you how to eliminate your payments ...

Anonymous said...

I hear Hellmann's $5,000 in arREARs on his garbage bill.

Itemized Deductions said...

Bill Hellmann, CPA
Marlys Mihok
Al Radosti
Ron Stout

Anonymous said...

Why the heck would anyone want to be a public servant in Morrisville. No matter if you follow the law, no matter what you do to try to improve Morrisville, no matter how transparent you have been there will always be this element involved to try to discredit you at every turn.

Not unrelated...Along with Pepitone's most recent rant from this morning he is trying to encourage people to organize a "march" on borough hall. He is loving his 15 minutes. The guy could benefit from a good therapist.

One who knows said...

Hellman will try anything to discredit hard working people who are working for the good of the district and borough at any cost. He had his time, he is done and gone as well as his cronies. The last election proved that when Stout was wiped off the board like a little annoying gnat. Bye bye hellman and burgerbots your day has come to an end dont let the door or gates to hell hit you in the ass

Anonymous said...

How many times has former board pres Hellman been back in the schools since he lost the election in 2011?

Anonymous said...

By my count, 0.00.

Anonymous said...

More importantly, how many feet thick is the rebar-reinforced concrete in his subterranean bunker?

Anonymous said...

William Hellmann...

To help those who have no idea who Bill Hellmann is, let's help them out.

~ As the borough's former controller, he illegally took borough documents out of borough hall. Now his son is the borough controller and hasn't done his elected job for about two years (I may need help on the exact amount of time) because the borough will not allow him to do it illegally.

~ He doesn't pay his sanitation bills which means that we pay them for him.

~ He owns several rental properties in Morrisville which apparently is a big no no in the Pepitone circle because it encourages a criminal element. -ugh

~ He, along with fellow cronies Jane Burger, Bill Farrell and Eric Hellmann sued the borough to ensure Rita Ledger's veto would stand regarding the JC project.

Other things that maybe someone else can elaborate on are:
~ outsourcing the MSD
~ bringing the MSD to the brink of collapse.
~ M.R. Reiter
~ Manor Park School & lawsuit

This is just a start off the top of my head.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw the article posted above. The information was posted to the TW fb page with something that said the BCCT had been contacted but hadn't put out an article. Then it was in the BCCT today. So now people are contacting the BCCT to encourage them to print the bad stuff that happens in Morrisville. Unbelievable. Think the reputation is not looking bad? Don't add to it.

Anonymous said...

It's self-serving, as is much of what is allowed on the TW fb page.

Ted Parker Morrisville School Board Director said...

Hellmann and his board almost bankrupted the school district by leaving revenues flat for five years and using the reserve fund as a pigging bank to balance the budget. oh and the last years of the Hellmann board left a budget short fall of almost a million dollars, let that soak in a million dollars. I welcome Mr. Hellmann's challenge if really want to run a slate base on your board and your own personal record I welcome it because the current school board will need years to finish cleaning up your mess.

Anonymous said...

we need another CPA on the school Board no not you Hellmann.
Come on Gail its time to step up

Ted Parker said...

Please forgive my typos in my post I was using my phone,and I let some typos slip by. At least I admit my mistakes unlike a former School Board President

Anonymous said...

my guess is he doesnt have enough cronies left on his own side to make a slate up himself so he has to go out and recruit through the courier times.

Anonymous said...

I've had enough ...... of Hellman not paying his garbage bills. $5000??? Prosecute him for this willful act of lawlessness that he put in writing. If you support Law and Order you should demand this.