Thursday, November 21, 2013

Potluck #95


Anonymous said...

Pennsbury thanks outgoing board members for their service

Posted: Thursday, November 21, 2013 5:15 pm | Updated: 7:23 pm, Thu Nov 21, 2013.

By Joan Hellyer Staff Writer

The Pennsbury School District community joined recently to thank the school board's four outgoing members for their volunteer efforts.

Board President Allan Weisel and board members Howard Goldberg and Kathleen Zawacki opted not to run for another term in office. Board member Simon Campbell lost his Nov. 5 election bid for a second term.

The board faced several key decisions during the past four years. Three of the most critical came in the last several months, when the board voted to close Village Park Elementary School to save about $1.4 million per year and approved new labor agreements with the district's teachers' union and support staff.

The governing body unanimously approved resolutions thanking each of the board members individually. Weisel, Goldberg and Zawacki received standing ovations after their respective resolutions were read. Campbell didn't attend the Nov. 14 meeting where the members were thanked.

"It's one of the best things I have done," Weisel said of his term in office. "It's a lot of responsibility."

Campbell, a Republican, and Zawacki, an independent, will be succeeded by Democrats Debra Wachspress and Joshua L. Waldorf. Weisel, a Republican, and Goldberg, a Democrat, will be succeeded by Democrat Debra E. DeBlasio and Republican Allison Smith.

The new board members will be sworn in at 8 p.m. Dec. 2.

Anonymous said...

At the Council meeting,someone mentioned having a Town Hall meeting.
Anyone else think this is a good idea?

Jon said...

I thought it sounded like a good idea. Unlike a more formalized council meeting, the back and forth allowed in a more informal setting like a Town Hall might help clear the air and get more information and answers out there. I think it's worth a try.

Anonymous said...

Yea the school tried that with the superintendent meeting and the same three people show up and sometimes none at all thats what will happen with a town hall these people will be missing soon. The same person can tkeep showing up at all meetings

Anonymous said...

"Campbell didn't attend the Nov. 14 meeting where the members were thanked."

Say he's feeling bitter and spiteful because he lost an election. Is it better to skip the meeting, or attend and act like a classless oaf?

Anonymous said...

They could at least try a few until the dust settles.

Anonymous said...

In theory a regularly scheduled "town hall" type meeting sounds good. It would be nice to have neighbors come together with council people in an informal setting to give input and have questions answered.

The reality is that people cannot even be respectful during public comment when there are children in the room it seems. Even the woman who suggested the meeting was abrasive, accusing and spreading misinformation during her comment.

These meetings would be a wasted attempt by council people to communicate with residents because of people like Bill Farrell and this new uninformed group of citizens who would hijack the effort at every turn to spew even more of their uninformed hatred and promote their new platform of negativity. This would leave any residents who are actually there for the meeting's intended purpose to feel as though they have wasted their time by attending.

Keep in mind that two council people are elected by each of the four wards so that no single ward has all the representation, but when they become council people they do not represent their wards. They represent the entire borough.

Also keep in mind that this effort has the strong potential to create an even larger rift and separation factor in our community.

Anonymous said...

Town hall or no, I suggest council members come more prepared to make statements answering the questions the public is asking on the topics the public is asking about. Not a back and forth but when public comment is over. Kind of like Cicero did. You have the office, use it.

Anonymous said...

I see your point, but should council be required to give a history lesson at each meeting? Council talks endlessly about the topics they work on.

Anonymous said...

How can a council member be prepared to answer a question when they don't what it is beforehand?

I don't hear these nutty people asking questions really, it's more just yelling at them. If they had been paying attention, they would know the progress of the police chief search.

Town meetings sound like a great idea. But typically, there are usually only a few people at the council meetings. Council members are available to residents. It's called a phone.

Just like the agenda meetings idea. You don't need to pay a solicitor so you can't announce the agenda items. And the agenda meetings didn't keep something new being added to the final agenda the next week.

These things sound good, bit they don't really play out in reality.

How many of these newly interested residents attend any community activities?

Anonymous said...

It's the same with the Facebook pages - even though they have hundreds of members, it's the same 10 or so always posting and responding. Some people need to respond to But the quantity is misleading when it's the same two people having a conversation/ flirting.

Anonymous said...

I wonder about the people who seem to need to speak just because they can speak. I don't see a lot of thought behind those opinions. If I were on council I'd have a hard time not laughing in their faces when they spout poorly thought out silliness posed as "questions". Watching it on Facebook is even better.

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time keeping up with some of the facebook pages. So much of what is talked about is nonsense. I always think how sad it is for the community that some people have found their voices but don't really care if the information they are giving/receiving is true. It's peppered with Peppy here and there, as if he's the voice of reason, while he's spewing his misinformation which people seem to follow like it's scripture. I find his information to be just as inaccurate as the rest. I do think it's entertaining when Peppy and "brian jones" have interactions with each other, (since they're the same person.)

Anonymous said...

I fear it's degenerating into petty arguments and the steam is hissing out.

Anonymous said...

After having promoted the town watch information along with his own campaign materials, I wonder how Dave Rivella feels about the TW being so one sided for Pepitone.

Anonymous said...

There already seems to be an awful lot of infighting on the TW page - it doesn't help that people insist on posting things without even bothering to do a Google search to see if they're incorrect in their assumptions about laws, crime stats, etc.
they can't even agree what does and doesn't belong on the page.

Anonymous said...

Hope the dedicated practical people stay involved and it doesn't collapse under its own weight.

Anonymous said...

The know-it-alls could easily smother it.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm being petty but one of the last posts on the TW page was "I think someone's breaking into the house that's for sale next door. Should I call the realtor tomorrow?" If this is the level of awareness for a town watch, we should move now.

Anonymous said...

Ha - not petty. I thought the same thing.
"Someone is trying to break into that Chevy, should I call GM?"

Peter said...

"I know I'm being petty but one of the last posts on the TW page was "I think someone's breaking into the house that's for sale next door. Should I call the realtor tomorrow?" If this is the level of awareness for a town watch, we should move now."

Cut her a little slack. Most of us are new to this. Three months ago this would have gone completely un-checked. At least she asked the question.

Anonymous said...

Taking the time to ask a question on a facebook page when you obviously know that you see something wrong before calling police is idiotic. No slack afforded here sorry

Anonymous said...

I know fear can lead to hasty decisions, but people on the TW are now actively advocating violence. I'm more afraid of them. They'd take that as a sense of pride though.

Anonymous said...

Bounty, the quicker beater-upper.

Anonymous said...

With our idiocracy, we're about as governable as Afghanistan.

scared of TW said...

I fear them more than criminals for sure

Anonymous said...

The TW group is a great thing to try. The swings between petty jabbering and outright advocation of violence are unnerving. There's the wannabes who feel like they are part of Hawaii 5-0 or SWAT now. There's the ones who feel like they are the Mrs. Kravitz of Morrisville. It's all more than a bit scary. It's Fifties-McCarthy report your neighbor thinking. Why does everyone in Morrisville who gets into a leadership position get there through exploiting the fear of the people.

Anonymous said...

Didya ever long for the days when you didn't know quite so many of your fellow townsfolk???

Anonymous said...

I don't think EVERYONE in Morrisville who gets into a leadership position get there through exploiting the fear of the people. It is frustrating to watch those who buy into it though.

Anonymous said...

I prefer sweeping generalizations and black&white thinking, thank you very much LOL.!

Anonymous said...

if you could stop being pro pepitone peter,that would be great

Anonymous said...

Leave Peter alone I'm sure he's frustrated by crime and gridlock that doesn't mean he worships Pepitone.

Anonymous said...

Although I have not, am not and will not support Mr. Peppitone unless he changes his pattern of the destruction of our community, I appreciate the behavior of Peter and those who have shown respectfulness toward this past election and the continual post election campaigning. Peter and a few others do not represent this newly emerging "down with government" group and stand out as an example of maturely conducting themselves.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone is a wacko and (most) of his followers are even worse. What little information they do actually acquire, they don't know how to process. I can see that Nancy Sherlock is their next intended victim. No doubt they have rolled right from one campaign to the next.

It really is too bad for Morrisville that no sooner does council put behind them the nut jobs that have held this town back/down for so long than another group of them emerges.

Anonymous said...

Did I read right? Pepitone's supporters want Council to just GIVE him the police chief job??
That's a government handout and I won't have it!!!

Anonymous said...

The group supporting Pepitone are proclaiming corruption in local government where none exists, yet they want our local government to hand him the job outside of the hiring process. HYPOCRITES!

Wanda said...

Sad to report but All options were discussed between schools and there was no way a game could be played safely. This was just posted to and a phone blast will be going out to school parents this evening.

Game Cancellation

The annual Thanksgiving day game with Bristol has been canceled

Anonymous said...

Thank you Wanda.

Anonymous said...

why is the game being cancelled? what is the safety issue?

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong and maybe I'm overreacting but Bristol is afraid to play Morrisville because of all the crime LOL!

Anonymous said...

Bristol didnt cancel, Morrisville did. Wondering what the safety issue that is mentioned is.

Anonymous said...

I'd assume it's the crime and get even more jacked up about it regardless of the real reason.

Anonymous said...

Time to CUT the program, Save Money. If that does not happen FIRE the Coach.

Anonymous said...

Hire Pepitone as Coach the will go undefeated and there will be no saftey issues.

Anonymous said...

I just read some posts on the TW page and it got me thinking how much I value this blog over the facebook pages. On facebook, too often Eileen is viewed as the voice of reason as scary as that sounds. Currently there is a conversation about the school resource officer. It seems as though even simple concepts are too difficult for some. There is a lot of assuming and speculating.

Thank you for this blog. The conversations are intelligent, the humor is funny and there's even a song thrown in here and there.

As for the football game, we know that the game is not being played. We don't know why, so let's not speculate. In time accurate information will be available.

Anonymous said...

So now it's everyone else's fault that we've gotten "no" grants, according to Eileen...?
Does anyone know how many grants she got for the town?
What has she done? She votes no because things are too much money but does NOTHING to counteract that.

I'm sick of her taking over threads on those pages, trying to sound like she's the poor, put-upon voice of reason.
She is continually talking about things she has no business talking about on there.
You don't see any other members of council taking over any threads!

Damon said...

The safety issue has nothing to do with crime. It has to do with the number of players Morrisville has that are committed to playing the sport, which at this time is low. Keeping the safety and well-being of the players in mind first, it was determined that the game shouldn't be played. There would be too many players having to do both offense and defense and therefore the risk of injury is higher.

The Morrisville Student Loan Fund breakfast is still happening this Thursday and I hope to see everyone come out and support this great program for Morrisville students.

Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Damon.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh I'm busting!!!

Brian Jones (aka Bill Pepitone) had the gall to just start of a tangent with: "First off anyone who thinks the cheapest option is the best option is a fool."

He seems to forget his fool-proof plan of lowering his salary until Council would say yes to his being police chief.

Too much.

Anonymous said...

No grants?! Really?! Eileen really has had absolutely no idea what she was doing as a councilperson. I have wondered how any of the people on any of those pages have taken her seriously, and with this I really do hope some will see what a poor representative of the borough she has been. When I had read Dave Rivella's campaign literature, I was actually amazed at the amount of grants that have come into the borough. How can she not know this? UGH! I am so thankful she is done as a councilwoman. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

He could be a supporter but I don't think Brian Jones is Pepitone.

Anonymous said...

I swear I get dumber every time I look at those FB pages. Not to say this is much better but...

Anonymouse said...

A cursory search yields a Brian Jones who graduated from Morrisville in 1991. Brian Jones' facebook page shows he is either a steamfitter or friends with a few.This could be a red herring, as they are members of "Local 420".
Very rarely do sockpuppet accounts have actual friends-it's kinda hard to put together a network of sockpuppets...they all have to have 'likes' and photos and such.
I think Brian Jones is real,and I am beginning to suspect I was incorrect in my earlier assumption that Justin Bowers was Mike Honcho.....Still think he is 'jayarby' on the BCCT boards though. His e-mail is JRB etc. etc.
Question for Peter- why is the TW page invite-only? Just wondering, but if you want to get news out it might be better to open it up.
The other FB pages make me lose what little faith in humanity I've got left. So dumb. It. Hurts.

Anonymous said...

Gee what a coincidence Michael Falkevitz is a Local 420 Steamfitter at Parx Casino.

Anonymous said...

Brian Jones was also a baggy eyed drug addled member of the Rolling Stones until he was kicked out in June 1969. Less than a month later he became one of the earliest members of the 27 Club, drowning in his home swimming pool. Have you seen your mother baby standing in the shadow?

Anonymous said...

How much you wanna bet Falkevitz is Brian Jones? Don't leave your kids in the car though!

Anonymous said...

If Nancy has three apples and Bill takes one, how many apples does Nancy need to hire to not confuse half the TW people?

Anonymous said...

Kurt holthenrichs is mike honcho. Brian jones is real. Eileen dreisbach is an idiot who is looking for sympathy when she is nothing but a slug sitting up there with no idea whats going on. The town watch group is a joke and waste of time. The right to know page is even worse. Other than that all is good in the land of oz

Anonymous said...

Don't sugarcoat it. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I don't care ???

Anonymous said...

OMG - now Eileen was "attacked" at the meeting????!
You've got to be kidding me!!! She rips other council members apart on that page over and over in the most unprofessional way imaginable and other people say she was attacked??
Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

If she was attacked then so was Dave, but you aren't hearing anything from him about her going up to him after the meeting spewing at him when he was trying to leave. She did it in front of everyone, where is this attack talked about.

So stupid. People within any group have words with each other at one time or another, council is no different. For years I have heard Eileen sit on the dais and yell her venom at others. Now she is the victim.

Anonymous said...

I saw that Kathy Panzitta commented on Eileen's post about not going for grants. Kathy named some of the grants for the police that have been obtained. Then Eileen said she meant recently. My first thought was that she just voted no to the grant that will put an officer in the school district, yet she can't think of any grants...OMG, not bright! She must think the grants just happen. She must hate it that some on council seek out grants while she has sat and done nothing. She complains that the borough doesn't bring in any grants, (which is a lie) but does not see that she should be looking for them. When they are presented by a fellow councilperson, she should actually vote for them, not against them. Does Eileen not even realize that she is complaining about herself?

Anonymous said...

Newsflash for Eileen ~

Someone not agreeing with you is not attacking you. This makes you look even smaller than most think you are. Should have known you would not leave with grace.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that at the same meeting where Vic chose to use Dave's tragedy as a part of his speech to make some point, (which apparently is somehow okay - it's not) Eileen said something to Dave but didn't like something Dave's response so she accused him of attacking her. Then after the meeting Eileen, in her own terms, attacked Dave and that's okay.

Anonymous said...

Eileen is an ill mannered child. Can we expect a child to conduct himself/herself with grace? hmmm... If I thought my child was behaving poorly I would correct the situation and hope they learn something as they move forward. When Eileen behaves poorly it is rewarded with praise from people of the same caliber as her. These people have no idea Eileen has been a huge part of Morrisville's problem and in receiving this information, they would not believe it would not believe it anyway. They have been comfortable being blind and now that they can see, they are misguided by her and those like her.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If everyone in this town put their energy to work together instead of fighting against each other this town would once again be a great place to live and send our children to school. Grow up adults and learn to play nice with each other.

Anonymous said...

You may want to turn that comment lose on the TW & RTK facebook pages. Borough Council and the School Board have been respectful to everyone from what I can see.

one who knows said...

So now peppitone is attacking nancy sherlock on facebook tonight. Is there no end to this mans disgusting attempts to intimidate, scare, and cause mob mentality. He needs to go, before he tears this town apart person by person. Completely disgusting behavior, im ashamed for him

Anonymous said...

He made good showing for mayor but didn't win. He pitched for the chief job but that's not happening, so he sets his sights on his next conquest, Sherlock's 2nd ward council seat. This is one sickass town.

Anonymous said...

Leaving aside Mr Peppitone's rude and unprofessional behavior, leaving aside his disdain for facts and truth, leaving aside that he is under-qualified for the position of chief (and he would still be under-qualified even if he had that graduate degree that his supporters keep going on about), leaving aside that he takes great pleasure whipping up his supporters into a braying mob who frankly seem pretty dangerous right now, leaving aside that he has shown that he could never in a million years work amicably with the mayor-elect...

he has made it very clear who his friends are in the police department. This is a police department under investigation. A police department where officers are suing other officers. Yeah, I'm sure he'd step into the role of chief with level-headed and impartial leadership.

Anonymous said...

They don't tell you any of this in the real estate brochures.

Anonymous said...

Wait until the backlash and circular firing squad when taxes go up to pay for all this police.

Anonymous said...

Go Back to New York Officer Pepitone !

Anonymous said...

We need strong leaders like Ledger and Dreisbach to see us through this crime seige. Why are they abandoning their posts in this time of crisis???

Anonymous said...

I tell you what, you raise my taxes by one thin dime for this and I'm calling Hellman!

Anonymous said...

Hey I just extracted my head from my a$$ and I'm outraged, what's going on around here?

Anonymous said...

When armed guards aren't available to deliver me a 1/2 gal of milk, I'm forced to drive to Newtown to get it.

Tired of the TW complainers said...

so I wonder if the 566 Town Watch people on facebook are going to come out of their safe houses to attend the Pancake breakfast at the high school tomorrow to support their community? I think not because most of those people are not directly involved in this town but have a lot to complain about that others do or do not do. yep thats what I thought silence in the room, Who me? yea you on the TW page, are you coming to the breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Pass the syrup, Mrs. Butterworth!

Anonymous said...

Donna said...

I will be at the pancake breakfast. It is a great morning and opportunity to spend sometime with friends before the day gets busy. It is a great opportunity to support the great Morrisville students who want to go farther with their education, but need some help.
Thanks so much to the Kerners and all the others who donate their time to help and support Morrisville's future.
It takes a village.
Only wish we had a football game to go to.

Jon said...

Just for the record, I am not making the posts about the other Facebook pages that have cropped up about town.

Other blogs or blog-like entities have come and gone over the last 6-8 years, and they were valuable sources of information. I only picked this one up when the last one abruptly pulled up stakes in the April 2011 timeframe.

I didn't set out to change the world when I started this blog; it was meant as a continuation of the prior blogs. The other blogs allowed anonymous comments, until the last one started experimenting with requiring your name right before it ended.

Personally, I understand people wanting to remain anonymous. I don't like the negative bickering either, but I don't have the time or energy to be blog policeman. I don't subscribe to the school of thought that if the poster is anonymous, their comment is 100% invalid.

I am alarmed by the misinformation and polarization that pervades the community, and saddened by the fact that it always seems to take a crisis to get people engaged around here.

On that bum note, I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Once again, the true intent of a person always shows at the end of the day.
Is it to bring the town together or year us apart?

Certain people will benefit by tearing down council and other individuals in town. It's a shame that the town has to continue to suffer and will never come together because of the selfishness.

Anonymous said...

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to everyone that came out to support the school and it's students. It's a wonderful thing to see everyone come together for Morrisville!!

Anonymous said...

Morrisville taking steps to beef up public safety

Posted: Friday, November 29, 2013 12:15 am | Updated: 6:42 am, Fri Nov 29, 2013.

December could be a key month for public safety in Morrisville, with interviews of the top three police chief candidates and the potential hiring of three police officers and a school resource officer.
Some Morrisville residents, including Corinne Quince, have told the borough council repeatedly that a chief is greatly needed and it has taken too long to replace former Chief Jack Jones, who left the force Dec. 31. She and others have also called for more security in the schools.
Officials say the district and borough council are working on those issues and more.
The Morrisville School District has approved hiring a school resource officer if the district gets a $100,000 state grant. Of that, $60,000 would be for the officer and $40,000 would be for programming.
The district will get the final decision on the grant by year’s end, said Superintendent Bill Ferrara. If all goes well, the school resource officer would start patrolling Morrisville schools in March.
School officials are working with the local government on the plan, since the resource officer would be a borough employee. Council members are supportive of the school officer, officials said.
Also this month, council will interview the top three candidates for the police chief position.
In July, Morrisville hired the CityBurbs Group, a consulting firm run by Lower Makefield police Chief Ken Coluzzi, to help find a new chief. Nearly 20 applications were received and reviewed by the consulting group, which has narrowed the field to three, officials said.
In other action, the council is in the process of hiring full-time police officers. Later this month, the committee in charge of the hiring will present the final candidates to the council, Councilwoman Eileen Dreisbach said.

Jon said...

"Thank you to everyone that came out to support the school and it's students. It's a wonderful thing to see everyone come together for Morrisville!!"

Yes, there was a nice turnout at yesterday's pancake breakfast. Football game or no, it's a great event for a great cause. Funny thing is, I had French Toast.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the people at Town Watch and Morrisville Right to Know and Saint Billy Pepitone the Brave all hate Bulldog Banter and the anonymous postings. Before you start condemning the unknown commenter, go back to the title page and take a look at the Save the School blog and see what Morrisville was like when the Burgerbots ran council and The Emperor Hellman ran the school board. People were legitimately harrassed and bullied because they were the officeholders and you the little person weren't. All those people who want to speak at meetings, the timekeeper of the school board really held a stopwatch and stopped you at three minutes. Morrisville arrived here because of those right wing authoritarian figures who exercised complete power. Ask Hellmann where the capital fund is from the school district...he SPENT IT because he had unchecked power. He ran the school board from his accounting office and excluded even the other school board members.

Do you know why people fear you Billy and stay silent? Because you represent the same people we already threw out of office and you already practice the right wing authoritatian im the f***ing police do as i goddamn say attitude. I DO NOT WANT THAT BACK IN MY TOWN. Be very careful who you ally yourself with.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Now he's "calling out" people to condemn this blog?? His control freak ways knows no bounds. This blog is now the only way to balance the lies Mr. Pepitone and his allies spread

tina fitzpatrick said...

Then was then, it is time to hit reset and start working together. If you don't like someone's politics, question them, speak out against their politics. The personal attacking and baiting does nothing because there is no discussion of the facts.

Anonymous said...

People are not free to stand up to Mr. Pepitone and some of his supporters. They've already advocated violence on those pages... I do not want to be on their list.

Anonymous said...

You say to question them, but I have no idea what Mr. Pepitone's politics are.
The only thing he's done is bash Dave Rivella and his "controlled Democrats". What would he (Mr. Pepitone) do? What changes, specifically, does he want to make?

He has some eyes and ears- I have yet to hear anything productive. Just bashing and nasty lies.
Maybe some people on here are just taking their cues from him...

Anonymous said...

There are some comments on this blog that I don't agree with and some that I think are needlessly personal attacks. However, there are many others that are thoughtful and that help advance discussion around certain issues.

I like the ability to comment anonymously here because I don't feel at all comfortable posting a dissenting opinion on the town watch or right to know pages. That itself isn't a condemnation of the administrators of the TW (who I think work very hard), but I've seen too many other people get harassed in the comments to want to jump in myself.

I do think that some of the people complaining about this blog on facebook should take a look at the comments they are posting and 'liking'. I've seen many personal attacks on members of council and school board on those pages.

Jon said...

Hi folks. I just returned from Thanksgiving in the Scranton area with some of my relatives. I didn't want to advertise this on social media. I haven't had good internet access the last couple days, except for a short stint at a coffee shop yesterday.

I've had a chance to check in here and on the Right to Know and Town Watch Facebook pages. I hardly know where to start. First, I'm sorry for all the turmoil this blog has been causing. I condemn the personal attacks, anonymous or with names attached. However, I’ve been around long enough to know that it’s a losing, energy sapping battle for me, or anybody else, to try to play behavior police Whac-a-Mole. I'm not unique in this by any means, but I have a demanding full time job and a child to raise. I also don’t like playing censor and the arbiter of morals and good taste.

I’ve tried to lay down some ground rules before on posting, but there are some people who don’t or can’t abide by them. I’m also sensitive to the fact that some people are uncomfortable with confrontation and/or the repercussions of making oneself known. Sure, there can be an element of cowardice involved, but people have had their jobs, property, and/or persons threatened or damaged over stuff like this.

This blog and ones before it used to be more heavily tilted towards the schools and School Board issues. In the last 3-6 months, things have shifted and gotten intense over the crime/police situation and the recent Mayoral and Borough Council elections. The discourse has definitely gone downhill.

As far as ground rules for posting, Peter said it better than I ever did in what I’ll call his “13 Commandments”. Peter, apologies in advance for any copyright or trademark infringement.

[1] Don't say anything that you won't attach your name to;
[2] speak about our past and present with facts;
[3] speak about our future with vision;
[4] be realistic;
[5] always take the high road;
[6] be respectful;
[7] expect respect in return;
[8] turn the other cheek if you don't get it;
[9] it's ok to disagree respectfully;
[10] you can't make everyone happy but at least consider their point of view.
[11] We all mostly want the same thing, we just have different ideas on how to achieve the goal;
[12] the other person is your neighbor, and is someone's friend and family member, and once this [insert issue du jour] blows over they will still be your neighbor;
[13] everything is not black and white, there are infinite shades of gray.

Going forward, what I’d really like to do going is concentrate my energies on serving on the School Board.

Lastly, I don’t have my own Facebook account. How’s this for irony? I generally dislike Facebook and social media. I find a lot of it inane and strangely impersonal. Now I think I’ll need to set up a rudimentary Facebook account to clock in from time to time. I’ll do my best to adhere to the 13 Commandments.

If you made it this far, thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jon. Please don't feel bullied to change what you're doing.

Jon said...

One thing I really want to comment on is about Kurt Holthenrich's posting on the RTK page about the Head Start Manor Park lawsuit. The history is too long to cover in one post, but as people can attest, this is something I spoke against publicly several times at Board meetings over the last 4 years. Yes, it was even covered on the Bulldog Banter blog.

I know people are upset about the “Cornerstone Report” and its purported $200,000 cost. This Head Start lawsuit has a chance to cost much more than that, and resulted in the loss of a good, rent paying tenant. We now have a building that’s been vacant for the last 3+ years. It may take a lot of money to bring the building up to code so a tenant can use it.

Plus, this lawsuit was 100% avoidable. No good explanation was ever provided for the action (not just the lease termination, but the seemingly deliberate non-payment of obligations under the lease). Some falsehoods were told though, that's for sure.

I hope to learn more about this as a Board member. Unfortunately, I may not be able to say much about it because it involves ongoing litigation.

I’m glad more people are getting involved now, but I’ve got to say it would’ve been much better if more folks had been involved back then.

Suffice it to say, there’s a lot more common ground than there may seem on the surface.

Jon said...

Note: This has 0% to do with the School Board that will be in office on December 2, 2013. The terms of the last members who voted for lease termination just ended.

tina fitzpatrick said...

"What would he (Mr. Pepitone) do? What changes, specifically, does he want to make?"

I am not for or against Mr. Pepitone. Those are good questions, ask him. Meanwhile, since you don't know the answers to those questions, I'm not quite sure why you are so vehemently against him. I see bashing on both sides, not very productive.

Welcome back, Jon.

Jon said...

Thanks, Tina. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet and speak soon.

Anonymous said...

He's had months - hasn't said one constructive thing.
Just a nasty man who bashes whomever is his opponent or who had the job he wants. Now it will be Nancy Sherlock for two years...
There are tons of specific jobs that would serve the town that he could throw his hat in and do - I would love him to prove people wrong by pushing up his sleeves, step away from his computer (or the mic) and get something done.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what jobs could he throw his hat in for?

Anonymous said...

Whah! People are mean to me on a blog! Whah! Welcome to the modern world you Luddites! They don't like anon postings? Tough! If you can't take the heat, just GTFO! No one forces anyone on here to read anything. I do like how pissed off some people get about this. I find it amusing to watch their impotent rage against something they can't seem to understand. Signed, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Many commandments were broken during the posting of this message.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the tone of the message; but, I also don't disagree w/some of the points. What does that make me, hateful, vitriolic, coward, a-hole, trash, despicable, attention seeker, clown, egotist, who should be ignored?

Anonymous said...

The same points can be made in a toned day way, more persuasively.

Anonymous said...

Ooops I meant toned down way.

Anonymous said...

To more reasonable TW and RTKers: a litany of awful things were done by school board members supported by people who post regularly on the TW and RTK fb pages. The Headstart Manor Park lawsuit Jon mentions is the tip of the iceberg. I'm too not condemning the entire TW and RTK groups, as that's painting with a broad brush. I support the overall efforts. Just know there are some people you should watch out for and are not necessarily named Rivella or Sherlock. Keep eyes and ears open. Politics makes strange bedfellows. Don't get too cozy is my advice.

Anonymous said...

Bullies come in all flavors and stripes, anonymous and right out in the open.

Many bullies don't realize they're bullies. They just think they're right.

Everybody, grab a mirror.