Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Potluck #86

Potluck 86.  86 Potluck.  The days are getting noticeably shorter.  There's a slight crispness in the air.  The new school year is just around the corner.  What's on your minds?  Yes, yes, I know, the Police Dept.  But besides that, though you can comment on that too.  What happened with last night's vote on the lighting project?  I'm sorry I couldn't make the meeting.


Anonymous said...

Call in the state police and close down the PD. This is disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

That's how it works, you just pick up the phone and call?

Wanda said...

All Years MHS Reunion-

October 5, 2013


Williamson Park (The Island stage area)

Register at http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=4elrwznab&oeidk=a07e7x8jdswa96890b4

Anonymous said...

"That's how it works, you just pick up the phone and call?"

That's a good question. It would likely require our boro council and mayor to admit in public that they lack the ability to govern the town. I'll lay money down that will never happen voluntarily.

Anonymous said...

We have a great school district with great teachers and students. The benefits of small schools increase our sense of community.
It is a shame we can't get the adults to follow the lead of the school students.

Anonymous said...

You got that right!

Anonymous said...

"That's a good question. It would likely require our boro council and mayor to admit in public that they lack the ability to govern the town. I'll lay money down that will never happen voluntarily."

You spelled borough wrong.

Anonymous said...

What happened at last night's council meeting?

Did that project get voted on?

Jon said...

You ended your second sentence in a preposition. However, I too am interested in how last night's council meeting went.

Jon said...

Saw this too on BucksLocalNews. Is there an election coming up or something? (Yes, it's Nov. 5). Is modernizing the system something she was getting criticized for during the primary election season when her own party didn't endorse her? (Yes). Was Jack Buckman telling people at the Grandview 4th Ward polls during the May 2013 primary to vote for her because she's his boss at the County and they'll get raises if she wins? (Yes again, I'm afraid).

Bucks County Prothonotary introduces electronic filing system for civil documents

Published: Wednesday, August 14, 2013

DOYLESTOWN - Bucks County Prothonotary Patricia L. Bachtle on Aug. 14 announced a comprehensive e-filing system to bring efficiencies and convenience to the Bucks County Courthouse.

Bachtle began exploring the e-filing systems in 2009, working with outside contractors and many stakeholders inside the courthouse to determine the best system. During a county business meeting at the Middletown Grange Fair, she garnered the support of the Bucks County Judges and the Board of Bucks County Commissioners. The approval of a $182,300 contract with Paperless Solutions, Inc. of Bensalem will allow the office to move forward with the final testing and deployment of the e-filing system.

"Our goal all along has been to implement a system that worked for our judges, lawyers, and the entire court system, but we also wanted to make sure our e-filing system was the most responsible one for the taxpayers," Bachtle said. "I know this system will make the Prothonotary's office more efficient and save taxpayers money."

Bachtle has a history of bringing new technologies to the Prothonotary office. In recent years she's instituted a pay-per-page program that allows 24-hour access to documents and generates revenue for her office. She also implemented an innovative case management system that saves thousands of dollars a year and helped pave the way for the more extensive e-filing system.

"The new technologies we continue to bring to the office improve services for lawyers, residents, and employees, while bringing in money that helps operate the office that doesn't have to come from taxpayers," Bachtle said. "This e-filing system will reduce the amount of paper we need to use, reduce the amount of warehouse space needed for storing documents, and eventually lead to a smaller staff in the Prothonotary's office. All of that will save taxpayers by making government smaller and smarter."

Anonymous said...

This would be a good time for her to receive an award!

Anonymous said...

"We have a great school district with great teachers and students. The benefits of small schools increase our sense of community."

What benefits? Serious question.

Anonymous said...

What sense? Joke question.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone name a benefit of having a small district? Aside from amorphous feelings of "community"?
I'm asking because it seems nobody can.
Screw "community"- this community put Ron Stout on the school board. These people destroyed our schools.

Anonymous said...

These have been mentioned as benefits of a small district (others please add .......):

Everybody knows everyone (not as easy to get lost in the shuffle).

Individual attention from teachers.

Easier to participate in extracurriculars (sports, band, clubs, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Admittedly the more tangible benefits are more towards the direct end users of the district (e.g. kids, parents). Just like I at age 36 won't feel a whole lot of benefit from having a small senior center, but that doesn't mean it's not good in some ways for the people who go there.

Jon said...

... and if it's good for them, by extension it's in some way good for the rest of the community too.

That doesn't mean merging with another senior center wouldn't open up new opportunities, allow you to meet new friends, and would maybe cost less per person, or have better food, or alienate and annoy people if they have to travel further to get there or if too many people hog up the good bridge tables so you can't play anymore like you used to, make you feel feel like a small fish in a big pond, etc.

Anonymous said...

"You spelled borough wrong."

Your write. When talking about the council in Morrisville it should be "burro" council. Because all they do is show what asses they can be.

Anonymous said...

The negative comment above is childish and brings nothing to the table.

Anonymous said...

You spelled "right" wrong.

Anonymous said...

You spelled "you're" wrong as well. I can see why borough would give you trouble.

Anonymous said...

Table meet nothing. Nothing, table. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

The negative comment above is childish and brings nothing to the table.

Pot meet kettle.

get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the table was already full, so here was no room for anything else.

D'ja ever think of that?

They think I'm dumb.

I think I'm just happy.

Anonymous said...

Nice work, everyone. Sharp broadcast. Really good. Everyone on the floor as well. Really a lot of hustle. I liked it.

Anonymous said...

We all know how to spell borough and you're and right. Spell check pretty much takes care of that. The larger point is that we have a bunch of people running the town acting collectively like a bunch of third graders at recess. All nine of them leave a legacy of mistrust and unaccomplished goals at a time when Morrisville needs constructive cooperation and action to save the town.

Anonymous said...

I just don't agree with that. A lot of good has taken place over the past couple of years. A lot has gotten done with creative thinking/without raising taxes. Of course nine people will not always get along, but I simply cannot lop them all together that way. Some have tried/are trying to get things done in spite of the senescence that goes on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I see a lot of progress. Taxes out of control, no business base, crumbling buildings, and a laughingstock police department.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget increasing violent crime, tanking property values, a school system that is forced to offer less and less every year, a core of old-timers who screw up everything they touch, but who insist on touching everything, a mayor who is suing our broke ass town for cash for her personal gain, and council with a block of individuals who consistently vote no to everything, who never have all the information, who don't seem to understand anything and have no business in any position of authority or responsibility, a town pool that sits unrepaired, un filled-in and unsafely ignored, more tobacco shops than ever, derelict empty school buildings, no plan to address or improve any of these things, but hey you keep telling us about that progress and the good things, none of which you cited.

I've just loaded up this side of the scale, now you load the other and let's see what we have.

Anonymous said...

Our health? Random acts of kindness? God's love?

Anonymous said...

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet?

Anonymous said...

All those things are wonderful, even chevrolet, but have nothing to do with the matter at hand.

I'm serious, I wonder if anyone can cite what positives the current batch of leadership have brought to the town and its prosperity.

Just being better than the previous isn't a valid answer.

Anonymous said...

Got awful quiet in here.

Anonymous said...

Library renovations

Dog park

In progress...


Lighting project

River trail

Anonymous said...

Lower trash bills, better practices on our trash hauling and single stream recycling. With our last hauler we could only recycled up to #3. Now we can recycle up to #7 and we can recycle things like cardboard which I appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Not to forget Tea Party Fitz this is what he's introducing to keep us safe.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...who wrote that for him?

Anonymous said...

It's tough to accomplish things when you've got 3-5 albatrosses around your neck dragging you down.

Anonymous said...

There always has been an excuse, there are current excuses, and there will always be an excuse to find...your town is only a strong as it's school district. It's economics 101. Instead of crying poor why don't you invest in your town, you live there, no? Raise your property values from within, instead of what you've done since "industry" left...Opportunity is behind every closed door. Clean out the dead weight and embrace change.

Anonymous said...

Easier said than done, but good comments. Dead weight is a cottage industry here.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the attempts at positivity, but if that paltry list is the best we can do, then yes, the leadership is absent at best, and more often than not, harmful to the well-being of the town.

Anonymous said...

Serious questions. What ideas do you have? What projects would you like to see done? How much money are you willing to pay for them?

Anonymous said...

Library renovations (used by a small group)

Dog park (used by a small group)

In progress...

Pool (what about the pool? What is plan, bring it back, fill it in, make into something useful for community kids? what is the plan)

Lighting project (we have bigger issues, need police and crime fought the good old fashioned way)

River trail (where, when, cant enjoy it if you get robbed)

Anonymous said...

How about we set the bar nice and low and just ask for a few simple things:

Fix the pool. or fill it in.

Manage the police force in such a manner that it isn't a regional embarrassment and so that people can walk around town without fear of being mugged.

Have a leadership group that is committed to the betterment of the community instead of grinding their generational axes and standing in the way of any good ideas just because someone else may have proposed them.

If we are committed to the small school district, then fund it such that it becomes a reason to move here instead of moving away. We almost made it with the new school, but instead we got the SOT-SOC debacle. But hey, Sandy Gibson... she's got a Doctorate in social work, she's educated! She doesn't get us poor folk, we'd rather wallow in mediocrity and misery. She is the evil, kill the idea!!!

Short of the merger, the new school was the best chance we had, and we blew it..HARD!

Are there new chances coming? Yes, but all I see is the same obstructionist, xenophobic, myopic reactions. I am not sanguine about any chance to break the cycle. We promote and elect people with no management ability whatsoever to manage our town and education, and then we wonder why they do such a shitty job. If someone is even remotely more successful, they quickly get branded as a yuppie or some such crap and then they get beaten down to the least common denominator or quit. It's much easier to see the endless cycle and just leave it behind.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, even if someone is trying to make change, is trying to move forward, is trying to work with everyone this person will still get raked over the coals because that's how it's done in Morrisville.

Anonymous said...

You don't know Morrisville.

Anonymous said...

I think the two posters above hit the nail on the head. They seem to know Morrisville pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Those two posters above have Morrisville nailed. Roast any progress until well done, chase the liberal progressives out of town, and serve the wreckage cold.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be liberal. Any kind of sharp, competent forward thinkers will do to be chased out of town.