Friday, July 15, 2011

Potluck #16 - Papa's Got a Brand New Thread

Wow!  I'm going to start a new thread because that last one really filled up.  Thanks to all who posted those historical articles.  Sad to know that during all the strife and politics and blown money and careening budgets, with familiar names woven all through it, the buildings were continuing to decay.


Anonymous said...

I'm not "AngryYet", but I really am angry. What is it going to take for Morrisville voters to throw out this toxic group of people?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the threadjack....but does antone know if the man who was shot yesterday in Ewing is any relation to Dave Rivella? Same last name and the picture in the Trentonian looks an awful lot like him.
Such a shame that someone was killed over what was apparently a fight about a parking space.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord I think that was their oldest son? trying to confirm

Anonymous said...

So so sad, Please pray for Dave and Janet Rivella, they lost their oldest son in a horrible, senseless act in NJ.

Anonymous said...

This is the 5th public official/ family premature senseless death since January.
In a soul searching sense, seems everyone needs to band together and take heed to a possible message being sent from above. DROP your hachets and make a consientious effort to consider the good for this town. God help us all! Some of us are truly blessed but are not willing to look at the ones who aren't and lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Some are very gossippy and get a thrill when some one suffers a hurdle and many are just plain mean spirited. I say wake up people, look with-in yourselves, deep, and have your own truth revealed. No, not one, will be finding themselves perfect!!!We are all created equal.
I've lived over a half century and I've had my grief,(my child's death) which made me take a long hard look and I asked myself, what's most important, and the grief heightened with the mere fact, I couldn't go back, but I COULD DO IT DIFFERENTLY and move forward in a non-combatant, non-partisan & non-profit way. LIFE is much better now. Why are we lacking in knowledge & understanding when it comes to discovering the true meaning of THIS LIFE?

Peter said...

Heartfelt condolences go out to the Rivella family.

wanda said...

don't forget weds 7/20 special meeting called by current board re: grandview paving project, the plan does not include keeping the basketball courts the kids use to stay active and keep entertained. 7:30pm in the LGI room.

Anonymous said...

A viewing for Tim Rivella will be held from 6p.m. to 9p.m. Wednesday at M. William Murphy Funeral Directors, 935 Parkway Ave., Ewing, N.J. A Funeral Mass will be held at 10a.m. Thursday at Incarnation Church on Pennington Road in Ewing. A burial will follow at Ewing Cemetery.

We're asking that people who are attending NOT bring cards to the viewing or to the funeral mass but instead mail/bring them to the house to ensure we receive them. IBEW members can even send them to the Hall if they are more comfortable in doing so.

We want to thank everyone for reaching out during this horrible time for our family. We appreciate that so many are helping us through this devastating time.

Take a picture of your children everyday. Some day you may be glad you did.

God Bless
Dave & Janet Rivella

Ms. Manners said...

I'm sure that the school board will cancel the special Wednesday meeting and show up as a group to pay their respects to Mr. Rivella and his family in their time of grief.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful statement in the courier today of a father's love for his son, sharing about his life, his researching God. So precious. The bitter sweet fragrance of a sudden loss here on earth and a victorious gain for God and His angels in Eternity. Thank you Lord, we have the promise of heaven in your word.
I was at a funeral for a baby and the priest said " I believe when we get to heaven we will utter 3 words upon arrival," Now I Understand. "
" In our human nature, we ask why? But when we see the Glory of Eternity & we know all things, it will all make sense!"

wanda said...

God bless the Rivella familly as they endured one of the toughest challenges of thier lives tonight.

Mr. Ferrera attended the viewing but the board still held the special 'paving' meeting as they had planned. In true form, other items were added to the agenda. Also in true form the board interrupted the meeting 5 minutes into it and broke off for an executive session and did not return until about 8:20pm to conclude the meeting.
The act 77 project was tabled, they approved the paving project without the public/community/parents/neighbors of the school getting to see any part of the plans for the project but Mr. Worob was sure to make note that it is not only a paving project but it is for the 'safety of the children"! You know how our board is all about the safety and education of the kids right? !!!
First Student was approved to provide certain levels of bus transportation in the Fall, Bill Ferrara was approved for a 3 year contract (this was brought up again because the Dept of Educ requires an end date and that apparently was missed by our board during the voting last month). Mr Harm was approved for Acting Secondary principal but not without throwing another option into the playing field. Please go to when the video is available from tonights meeting and listen to the end of the tape about the next part of Mr. Harm, his job posting and the person coming out of collective bargaining to assume a new role, etc. Let us know if it sounds like one of the 'rumors' currently out there. Oh yes, and Ms. Mihok was approved to attend the PSBA school leadership conference for the 4th year this October. Lets hope she brings back more than chocolate this year and her expenses for the trip are worth it to the district.

wanda said...

On all of the student/school success stories, awards, photos etc from the school year that just ended was cleared off the front page (after it took months to get it on there) BUT guess whose article from April 2011 is still on there front and center?


Tell me how all the student information gets removed but the political message from Mr. Hellman gets to stay on there?

You could say they removed everything since it was old. BUT Mr. Hellmans message was the oldest on there.

You could say the student information is now irrelevant. BUT Mr. Hellmans message pertains to a budget that has already gone through multiple revisions and was approved and put to rest on June 29th

What you could say is the Board President is using his position to force a political message to remain on the webpage and did not care enough about the accomplishments of the studets to keep their information on a page meant for them first.

Anonymous said...

Wanda. Thanks for the summary of the meeting. Good commentary about the front page of website also. Based on the facts (disappearance of student accomplishments/activities yet political message remains) what else could a reasonable person derive from the page update but more unethical and inappropriate political marketing by those in power.

SOC Road Kill said...

Ah, the old "safety of the children" dodge. Does that apply to the way student safety is ignored on the road? Maybe it applies to the inaction on the dead tree that's ready to fall in the playground.

Politics is all this group knows. Win at all costs. Crush anyone and everything in the way. Victory is everything.

wanda said...

yes that would include the traffic/safety lights promised in 2010 and then promised in the Act77 and then somehow dead again and the extra crossing guard on palmer. don't forget the tech bus stop switched to a school that is officially closed for good and pitch black with no covering for inclement weather at 6am. And yes they have not yet checked into the complaint of the very dead heavy branches (that keep cracking onto the playground at grandview). But ITS ALL ABOUT THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN! I think that is their new slogan since Stay the course isn't worken so well for them! Everyone is looking for an exit ramp from that course.

Anonymous said...

"Politics is all this group knows. Win at all costs. Crush anyone and everything in the way. Victory is everything."

This has become the modus operandi of American politics at every level, and it is worrisome for our future. Not to Godwin the thread, but there are very scary parallels in what's happening these days to a certain national socialist movement in another country from our not too distant past. I just hope we are not headed down that path or anywhere near it.

Heil Sarah Beck Fox News Bachmann! said...

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis (1935)

wanda said...

A Beautiful service for Timothy Rivella today in Ewing. Please keep their family in your prayers and thoughts and remember their pain will go on after todays life celebration so be sure to continue the prayers long after for healing

Jon said...

I didn't want to advertise it, but the family and I are just back from vacation. Our hearts go out to the Rivella family over the senseless and tragic loss of their son Timothy.

Anonymous said...

Morrisville Borough public meeting wrap
Posted: Thursday, July 21, 2011 3:53 pm | Updated: 10:41 pm, Thu Jul 21, 2011.
By GEMA MARIA DUARTE Staff writer | 0 comments
Morrisville council

When: Monday, July 18
Issue: Approve tax refund in the amount of $480.34 due to tax parcel No. 24-010-275-001 as requested by the tax collector on June 16.
Vote: Approved 6-0 by council members Kathryn Panzitta, Victor Cicero, Eileen Dreisbach, Fred Kerner, Todd Sanford and Nancy Sherlock. Council members David Rivella and Rhonda Davis weren’t at the meeting.
Issue: Approve tax refund totaling $74.62 due to tax parcel No. 24-004-724 as requested by tax collector on June 16.
Vote: Approved 6-0
Issue: Approved tax refund in amount of $639.11 due to tax parcel No. 24-004-700 as requested by tax collector on June 16.
Vote: Approved 6-0
Issue: Authorize borough manager to contract for outside and independent audit of borough accounts and records.
Vote: Approved 6-0
Impact: The borough has not undergone such audits in 16 years.
Issue: Adopt ordinance amending the zoning ordinance to allow for electronic message board signs.
Vote: Approved 6-0

Anonymous said...

Issue: Authorize borough manager to contract for outside and independent audit of borough accounts and records.
Vote: Approved 6-0
Impact: The borough has not undergone such audits in 16 years.

Now we can see if the Hellmann lock on the comptroller position has helped or hurt Morrisville

angry yet said...

Angry says you better stand up now for whats right or you might as well never stand again

Anonymous said...

So the board scheduled a Special Meeting for 2 things (Act 77 and the paving project) and then tabled 50% of what Special Meeting was supposed to be about?


Anonymous said...

great whinny blogposts from a bunch of do nothings. the do somethings are cleaning up the bloated top heavy school district. thank GOD for there strong leadership and financial savyy

Anonymous said...

would it have been too much to at least hold up a drawing of what the paving project looks like?
i guess i answered my own question, it was too much.

Anonymous said...

Do nothings? We've spend a lot of precious time & energy getting your lame butts to do things you should have done all along, and stopping you from doing the worse things you wanted to do.

Anonymous said...

"bloated top heavy school district."?

Then why are you hiring a High School Principal? You're continuing the top heaviness. Make Ferrara wear 2 hats, save Harm's salary.

Anonymous said...

Help get the word out about the Free and Reduced Lunch Program; otherwise the board may jack up lunch prices by 20% again like they did last year.

Anonymous said...

A walking district should be packing a lunch, and the aids should be wearing 2 hats and making sure the 42 per cent economically challenged (Yonsons figure/excuse; 2006) have peanut butter and jelly. we would save approx. 400K!!! Less eating, more learning!
Come on, some-one please tell me that I'm politically incorrect or just lawlessly out of my mind, whatever! All prices have gone up 30% since last year!
Put your money were your mouth is and help this district that's in trouble. Don't disgrace these children by complaining about 50 cents, let them know they are worth it, so they can go to school feeling good about themselves and be successful grade getters!

Anonymous said...

You are both politically incorrect and lawlessly out of your mind.

Anonymous said...

some days these posts just simply disgust me. And you all are supposedly part of my community? wow, its an embarrassment to say the least

Wanda said...

Congratulations to the ladies who held the Beer for Boobies fundraiser at the Morrisville Fire Company last night, despite the air conditioning issue, it was a tremendously good time and put together so well. So very proud of your accomplishments and hope you have everything you need to walk for the cure in October! Coming from a family who has experienced this disease first hand we applaud you in your efforts and committment. Blessings to you!

Jon said...

"some days these posts just simply disgust me. And you all are supposedly part of my community? wow, its an embarrassment to say the least"

I'd agree with you more if I felt it was 50/50. But the "whinny do nothings" and "aides should provide the peanut butter and jelly lunches" posts disturb and disgust me the most. I believe they are the posts of a current appointed school board member running for election. Personally, I want less of that kind of representation. I think we as a community can do better than that.

I see several posts with legitimate unanswered questions here about how the board handled things in a number of areas. I know that's not important to some people, but it is to others.

angry yet said...

Updates page

Bobby B. said...

If you shouldn't go grocery shopping hungry you probably shouldn't go vote angry but you should vote and you should vote informed. Angry has good points and angry should motivate you to get out and vote. Get on up get into it get involved get involved get involved.

Anonymous said...

you wont do anything but blog and complain and the real voters of morrisville will show up and vote. four more years!

Jon said...

Maybe so, but that's a pretty crappy and dismissive way to treat about 50% of the community. Personally, I see a lot more than just blogging and complaining, and that's why I reject your brand of politics. If all you see is blogging and complaining, then I have a problem with you. To think that you're on the school board is bad enough. To think that you're one of the more reasonable people on the school board is even worse.

M.V. Observer said...

You can't really debate with someone who is seemingly out of their mind, but Jon I appreciate you trying.

angry yet said...

dont worry people Angry says your board is diggen their own holes and angry does not believe they will get out of them in November. Your Morrisville residents are not stupid, just misinformed and scared from your boards threats. from what I see from afar, they are diggen out of fear for whats to come to them in the Fall.

Anonymous said...

A certain high and mighty public official who likes to criticize others, and who is often found anonymously blogging here in an effort to antagonize others, will likely find himself just another citizen after the REAL voters of Morrisville act on election day. I doubt there will be any couch dancing happening.

Jon said...

One can only hope ... that there will be no couch dancing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tom Cruise can guest star as the couch dancer.

Anonymous said...

no couch dancen going on this november if I have anything to say about it and I know everyone I talk to feels the same. run soc run just like forest did

Anonymous said...

Morrisville beat the county average, down 10%

Bucks home prices down 2 percent

Posted: Monday, July 25, 2011 10:43 am | Updated: 11:01 am, Mon Jul 25, 2011.

The number of homes sold was also off by a third across the Philadelphia suburbs.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Morrisville took such a hit. Could it be that the slow motion failure of the school system might be having a bit of an influence on Morrisville housing prices?

No, it's probably all the sour grapes whiners, aliens, Wall Street, inflation, the Gulf Coast oil spill, the Exxon Valdez, Harry Potter, homeowners who don't clean up dog poop, and the failure of the McRib at McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

Why did the McRib fail?

Anonymous said...

Poop on a bun, even slathered with sauce, just won't sell. An apt metaphor don't you think?

Anonymous said...

poop on a 'board' as well. McRib and the board have much in common. failed to be a success and will go away just the same way the Mcrib did

Anonymous said...

Chomp. Mihok, Buckman, Radosti, Worob, et al. All on the board or at the mic (whining perhaps?)from the 1980's on. How many deteriorating school buildings did they fix during this time? Talk about do nothings. When they finally did overdue repairs it was with money they didn't have to raise. Talk about do nothings. The one thing they did do - make possible a board that pushed a new school.

Anonymous said...

Sassy sauce

Jon said...

My personal favorite for who's to blame - Gloria del Vechhio's "Alien Yuppie Vegetation". A great name for a rock band if there ever was one.

Jon said...

It's del Vecchio. My bad. Alien Yuppie Vegetation her bad from a civility standpoint, her good from a rock band naming standpoint.

Anonymous said...


English translation of del Vecchio:

"Of the Old".

Anonymous said...

Blow winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drenched our steeples, drowned the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Smite flat the thick rotundity o’th’world.
Crack nature’s moulds, all germens spill at once
That make ingrateful man.

Norman Lear said...

Or you can just blow like usual and not own up to your own part in the mess as usual.

Anonymous said...

4 long years of participating and questioning and no one from the non-SOC side of the aisle has ever had a valid point?


Amazing how ignorant you'd have to be to believe that.

Anonymous said...

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to those small minded people over there.

- Steve Worob

angyyet said...

angry says you keep letting it happen and happen again. get your info straight-put in your vote and take them down. why arent you angry enough yet?

angrybutjaded said...

Rant all you want angry dude. You don't have the support. Every other year all this blogging fails on election day when the old people come out and vote and the young people don't.

angry yet said...

well jaded sorry turns out the old people happen to want a change too and the young and the middle aged and the white, black, asian and anyone else who can wobble to the booth. This dude says get angry, stay angry, be angry. Its a good thing

Jon said...

Necessity is the mother of invention. Deal in a positive reasonable way with the legitimate constructive criticism that runs through this and prior blogs and maybe they wouldn't exist. And why does it bother people so much that they exist anyway? There's some sophomoric stuff on here, but also a darn good amount of truth. I guess the truth hurts. I guess it's easier to ignore and/or belittle than use your noggins. Problem is, I've learned that most of the ones running the show are incapable of dealing with any kind of dissent or constructive criticism in a reasonable way. If you go into a voting booth not knowing that, well shame on you. There are craploads of cockamamie beliefs about the schools that are held throughout this town by people who I've never seen at a school board meeting - and I doubt they watch the reruns either.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what evils lurk in the hearts of men?

The shadow knows!

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Crime does not pay.... The Shadow knows!!

Anonymous said...

well all righty then

Anonymous said...

Some words of wisdom:

Always use tasteful words. You may have to eat them.

If you don't change your direction, you may end up where you were headed.

Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.

A penny saved is ridiculous.

Change is good, but dollars are better.

A closed mouth gathers no feet.

Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the above, lets hope the voters are old enough to know better this Fall and make the right change

angrybutjaded said...

Dude I hope you're right but you guys haven't delivered the votes in the past.

Anonymous said...

Apathy is hard to overcome, no doubt about it. Scaring the urine out of gullible people has worked way more effectively than it should. Just because you "win" doesn't mean you're "right" or "honest" or "good".

Anonymous said...

Pennsbury Schools
Eleanor Roosevelt project likely to cost $4M less than expected
July 28, 2011
Joan Hellyer Staff Writer
Work is under way on the estimated $18.8 million renovation and addition project at Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary School in the Pennsbury School District.
It includes a new energy-efficient roof, solar panels, new plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems, a new walkway and driveway setup, and an addition that will house a media center and classrooms, said the architect who designed the project's plans. The new wing will replace the portable classrooms the school has been using to help serve its approximate 445 students.
Project costs are expected to run about $4 million less than originally expected, architect Daniel J. Jalboot said during a tour of the gutted school Wednesday.
Jalboot, of the Philadelphia-based Daley + Jalboot Architects, said contractors are facing a competitive environment for jobs because "times are tough." As a result, they have been bidding lower than in previous years to secure work, said the architect, who has also designed recent renovation projects at the district's Manor, Penn Valley and Walt Disney elementary schools.
The general contractor on the Disney project, Little Builders Inc., also is overseeing the Roosevelt project.
The renovations got under way in late June after Sargent Enterprises Inc. removed classroom floor tiles during an asbestos abatement of the building off Walton Drive in Falls, said Thomas Gillette, the district's physical plant and facilities director.
Now crews are working to install the new plumbing and mechanical and electrical lines in the school's corridors, Jalboot said. The upgrades will include central air conditioning. Roosevelt is the last of the district's elementary schools to receive central air, officials said. Pennwood and Charles Boehm middle schools are the only other Pennsbury schools to not have central air, they said.
The district is using money from a bond issue to pay for the Roosevelt project. The school board is aiming for the work to qualify for a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design reimbursement of about $3 million from the state education department, officials said.
To qualify for a LEED certification, a project needs to incorporate several "green" elements, including water efficiency and indoor environmental efficiency, according to the department's website.
Environmentally conscious elements of the Roosevelt project include the solar panels, upgraded operating systems and energy-efficient lighting, officials said.
The project also is focused on safety, particularly at the entrance to the building, Jalboot said. The old entrance way has already been torn up and the area is being readied for a new walkway and driveway.
The sidewalk will be a straight line up the middle of the property leading to the front entrance. To the left of the walkway will be a horse-shoe shaped driveway for school buses. To the right of the walk will be a driveway in the shape of a loop for parents to drop off and pick up their children, Jalboot said.
On the right side of the building will be a parking lot and retention basin to collect water from the site.
The back of the school will be a paved lot for recess that is adjacent to an existing playground, the architect said. Previously students had to walk through a parking lot to get to the playground.
The new driveway and sidewalk will be in place for the first day of school on Aug. 31, Jalboot said.

Anonymous said...

As has been the case with other recent projects in district elementary schools, crews will continue to work during the school year inside the building, he said. They will take up four classrooms at a time.
Classes will be moved to another part of the facility as needed so the renovations can be completed, Gillette said.
The rooms that have not been renovated will have a temporary floor in them until their work is completed, he said. The corridor ceilings will be exposed until all the systems are hooked up to each classroom, Jalboot said. The project is expected to be completed in August 2012.

Anonymous said...

Nice. So when Pennsbury is forced to take over our sorry butts, the Morrisville kids will have a nice elementary school.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the old "scrubbing bubbles" commercials.

"We do the work so you don't have to." Thanks Pennsbury!

Anonymous said...

whose lifetime will that happen in, i don't think they've been born yet??

Anonymous said...

I'm counting on Republican Gov Corbett and a 30-20 Republican controlled PA Senate and a 112-90 Republican controlled PA House to make it happen.

P.S. I can't count.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Simon, Dorothy? Governor Tom here. Listen, I got some great news for you, you're gonna love it ...

Anonymous said...

I'm counting on nine brain dead zealots to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the uproar if Pburry was forced to merge in Morrisville? I seem to recall one of their board making the comment the last time this was broached, "They don't have a good demographic for us." This is white suburban speak for "They have too many brown people and we don't want them." I think if the 501 PA districts were merged to 67 County level districts, it would make perfect sense. What we have now isn't working in too many districts.

Anonymous said...

some people just use the n word like the school board vp

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that Eleanor Roosevelt article.

The new energy-efficient roof and solar panels, energy efficient lighting, and new walkway and driveway setup certainly catch the eye, as does the attention to stormwater collection.

But the main theme that stands for me is the UP FRONT, PROACTIVE focus on safety, environmental consciousness, and energy efficiency. Our board had a chance to do it better here (I mean renovations, not new school), the money was there, and they blew it.

Anonymous said...

what part of 'we insist on doing it half as*ed 1000s of days late & a dollar short or not at all' don't you understand?

Anonymous said...

Class Dismissed!!!
(early again due to excessive heat even though we just allegedly installed AC)

Jon said...

"But the main theme that stands for me is the UP FRONT, PROACTIVE focus on safety, environmental consciousness, and energy efficiency. Our board had a chance to do it better here (I mean renovations, not new school), the money was there, and they blew it."

Good post. Remember a few short years ago when chronic flooding in the vicinity of the High School was repeatedly mentioned as a big problem? Now, not so much, even though to my knowledge nothing was done about it in terms of stormwater collection/management at the school. What happened?

Anonymous said...

Good advice for Morrisville too

Posted: Friday, July 29, 2011 1:34 pm

Police: Lock your car and garage By George Mattar Staff writer Calkins Media, Inc. | 0 comments

LOWER MAKEFIELD — A recent rash of unlocked garages and cars being entered and items stolen has brought a stern warning from police.

"We are urging everyone to keep their garage doors closed and locked. You also should take valuables from your vehicle and always lock it," said Lower Makefield Chief Ken Coluzzi.

Coluzzi was referring to 14 incidents in a week throughout the township, in which a person or persons are taking advantage of residents who don't protect themselves.

The most recent incidents were reported Wednesday on Oak Avenue, Leslie Lane, Sensor Road, and Edgewood Road, In all four incidents, the unlocked vehicles were entered and taken was cash, sunglasses and DVDs, the chief said.

Three other incidents were reported Wednesday, the first in the 900 block of Gainsway Road, where a garage was entered by removing a window screen. Once inside, someone entered several vehicles, but nothing was taken.

The second incident was reported in the 700 block of Briarwood Court, in which the garage was entered. Alcohol was taken from a refrigerator.

The third incident occurred in the 700 block of Jade Road when an unlocked garage was entered. Alcohol and $60 in cash were taken.

The last four incidents were reported July 20. They occurred on Noreen Drive, Cinnabar Lane, Delaware Rim Drive and Pevsner Road, police said.

A .357 Colt Magnum firearm was taken from an unlocked garage on Noreen Drive, alcohol valued at $200 was taken from an unlocked garage on Cinnabar Lane and several GPS units were stolen from garages on Anderson Road and Gordon Drive.

Coluzzi said carelessness is an opportunity for thieves.

"If you leave your vehicle or garage unlocked, they will act. They simply walk down a street and try to open car doors. If it's open, you lose," he said.

Anonymous said...

Mikey Fitz is working hard to take away your Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Anonymous said...

Of course, Fitz has to support taking it out of poor and middle class hides so the "job creators" can keep creating all those jobs for us!!! Isn't that what you wanted when you voted for him?

Anonymous said...

Guy .. Excellent .. Amazing .. I will bookmark your web site and take the feeds alsoI'm happy to find so many helpful info right here within the post, we need work out extra techniques in this regard, thanks for sharing. . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.