Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Morrisville Schools - BCCT Profile


Posted: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:00 am | Updated: 5:57 am, Wed Aug 17, 2011.
Morrisville school students won’t see much change in the district in the upcoming school year, but behind the scenes, officials have been working and making decisions.
District spokeswoman Pat Wandling said that there’s “nothing new to report at this time” in the district for the 2011-12 school year. But paperwork has been shuffling during the summer, making things official and ready to go for the year.
Bill Ferrara was appointed as superintendent in June, after serving as acting superintendent since September 2011, when Elizabeth Yonson abruptly resigned from the position.
Principal Donald Harm will continue leading Morrisville High School as principal, at least for the 2011-12 school year, since in June he signed on for an additional year.
And although M.R. Reiter had been closed since a December 2008 furnace explosion, the school board and administration made it official and closed the school permanently in June.
Because of the explosion, board members moved grades four and five into the same building as middle and high school students. Students in lower grades were sent to Grandview Elementary.
That arrangement continues in the new school year.
The district serves 866 students from kindergarten through 12th grade in Morrisville, the only municipality that the district covers. The district will run on a $17.2 million budget for the 2011-12 school year.
Superintendent: William Ferrara, 215-736-2681, ext. 5931
Special education coordinator: Tony Gesualdi, ext. 5926
Business administrator: Paul DeAngelo, ext. 5932
Director of facilities: Tim Lastichen, ext. 5924
Psychologist: Alison Bechberger,ext. 5926
IT director: Joe Myat,
Communications: Pat Wandling, ext. 4003
Morrisville Intermediate School/Morrisville High School (grades 6-12): Donald Harm, 215-736-5930
Grandview Elementary School/Morrisville Intermediate School (grades Pre-K-5): Laurie Ruffing, 215-736-5280
School Board:
President William Hellmann, Vice President Alfred A. Radosti, Secretary Marlys Mihok, Treasurer John DeWilde, John “Jack” Buckman, Gloria Heater, Yvonne Ruthrauff, Ronald M. Stout and Steve Worob
The board meets at 7:30 p.m. on the third and fourth Wednesdays of the month, except in July. Public work sessions and public board meetings are held in the LGI room of Morrisville High School. To reach the school board, visit and follow the links.
Sept. 6 — First day for students first-12th grades
Sept. 8 — First day for students pre-K and K
Sept. 29 — Rosh Hashana, no school
Oct. 21 — Staff in-service, no school
Nov. 8 — Election Day, staff in-service day, no school
Nov. 10 — End of first marking period
Nov. 11 — Veterans Day, no school
Nov. 22-23 — Staff conferences
Nov. 24- 25 — Thanksgiving recess
Dec. 23 — School dismissed at noon
Dec. 24-Jan. 2 — Winter recess
Jan. 3 — School starts up
Jan. 16 — Martin Luther King Jr. Day, no school
Jan. 27 — End of second marking period
Jan. 30 — Staff in-service, no school
Feb. 20 — Presidents Day, no school
March 12-23 — Reading and math PSSA
April 3 — End of third marking period, early dismissal
April 5-9 — Spring recess
April 13 — Conferences, early dismissal, elementary only
April 16-20 — Writing PSSA
April 23-27 — Science PSSA
April 24 — Election Day, staff in-service day, no school
May 4 — Staff in-service
May 28 — Memorial Day, no school
June 13 — Last day of school
Information provided by Morrisville School District.


Anonymous said...

is this a joke? really, nothing new, paperwork shuffling behind the scenes? isn't that how most of things are done with the board, behind the scenes. a joke is all they are, a big joke

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing they hired Wandling on the taxpayer dime as a Public Relations Director or whatever.
Nothing to see here, paperwork shuffling, where's my paycheck???
You're right it's a big joke.

The March of Dimes said...

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Wandling's salary of up to $25,000 per year equates to up to 250,000 dimes per year.

Jon said...

Don't get me wrong, neither option is particularly good, but would you rather have:

A) "nothing new to report"; or
B) Rose-colored glasses board-promoting propaganda?

No, you can't have a C) or a D) or anything else. That's not in the cards with the people that are in place right now.

angryyet said...

angry says people are being fooled thats alot of paper shuffling and things going on for not much to be going on maybe some of those other rumors are coming true

Anonymous said...

Shuffle off to buffalo --- us into thinking everything is fine & dandy and they're doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

What about the 10 or more teacher aides that were let go for the start of this year? In a small district like Morrisville that is a pretty significant cut. Why wasnt' that discussed in the BCCT articl?
I believe we could hire back about 2.5 of those lost aides if we let Pat W go. That would be a smart move on the part of the school board. From what I've observed of her in her position as communications director she usually gets in the way of good communication. And I've observed plenty. The district is much better off without her.

Anonymous said...

The aides and other things were termed "unnecessary expenses" by the Hellmann Board.

Jon said...

"What about the 10 or more teacher aides that were let go for the start of this year? In a small district like Morrisville that is a pretty significant cut. Why wasnt' that discussed in the BCCT articl?
I believe we could hire back about 2.5 of those lost aides if we let Pat W go. That would be a smart move on the part of the school board. From what I've observed of her in her position as communications director she usually gets in the way of good communication. And I've observed plenty. The district is much better off without her."

Then you'll be glad to know that at tonight's agenda meeting, Steve Worob requested that this very thing (eliminating the Pat W. position) be put on the agenda for next Wed.'s Board Business Meeting.

Is there an election coming up or something? Because I'd hate to think that this is politically motivated.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bungleheads scurrying around, talking out of their butts, acting like they're all responsive and responsible and S.
Anybody who's paying attention is not fooled by the Board's attempts to disguise their cynical insincere political ploys.

Jon said...

Would anyone who was there care to recap or mention some highlights (or lowlights) from last night's agenda meeting?

Topics included, but not limited to:

1. Grandview Paving Project

a. Basketball Court (or lack thereof)
b. Safety Improvements (or lack thereof)
c. Community Involvement in (or lack thereof)

2. Elimination of Pat Wandling Position

What else?

Anonymous said...

"Then you'll be glad to know that at tonight's agenda meeting, Steve Worob requested that this very thing (eliminating the Pat W. position) be put on the agenda for next Wed.'s Board Business Meeting."

Why wasn't this pitched alot sooner like in the 6+ months leading up to adoption of the coming school-year's budget in June? As decisions were being made to tell 10 aides goodbye and cut programs???

Wanda Kartal said...

A recap of last nights board agenda meeting:

Public Comment>>>>>

Damon Miller- asked why is board recommending review of a contract for an Athletic Trainer? Don't we have one now?

Ted Parker- brought the safety of the grandview school driveway up since the kids will still be crossing the lot where cars come in and out so its not really a safety project as previosly stated by Mr. Worob and he was disturbed to see the basketball hoops sawed in half and tossed aside into a dirt pile which only further reflects the lack of caring and respect to the kids of the district by taking them down with no intent to replace.

Wanda Kartal- brought up the baskeball hoops, that they were taken down without regard to the impact it would have on kids in the neighborhood. Asked for an update on the Penndot/solar traffic safety lights that were supposed to be coming over a year ago. Asked when the parents will be told what the $95,000+ cuts in the student activity budget will mean to the kids in the Fall and that thousands of dollars have been cut again in the supplies budget therefore costing parents even more money to send their kids back to school and mentioned an All Years MHS Reunion is planned for 10/1/11 starting 1pm to dusk at Williamson park.

Lisa Castillo and MHS students who use the basketball courts at Grandview spoke about the taking away of the courts and the impact on the kids and the practice time they get in outside of the school. They were excited about a new paving project but shocked to see the hoops tore down and not returning.

The board responded in various ways to these questions and other Business^^^^^^^

Bill Ferrara responded to Damon that they offered an existing employee the job of Athletic Trainer but they took another position so they were lucky enough to find this company who provides certified Athletic trainers at practice etc) What Bill didn't say is that they cut the FT position of Dean of Students and offered that person a PT trainer position. and what the cost of the contract will be.

Marlys said the basketball hoops were originally donated by Mike Vreswyck (alumni) but he did not leave $ aside fo renovation or maintenance. Maybe MOEF or the PTO might be able to pay for another location. also posed perhaps kids could use the inside gym during non school hours.

Buckman proceeded to say that it is usually NJ cars he sees pulling up to use these courts and not the kids that spoke about it tonight. The audience was not happy to hear this and those that live next to the court said that is not true it is kids from all neighborhoods using the courts. Just another hit on "those kids" by the board.

John DeWilde asked the board to add this to the agenda and have a full discussion on it as it is an important topic for the parents and kids and they took the time to come out and talk about it. He also asked Bill Ferrara and Paul Deangelo to provide some sort of timeline as to when we could expect the courts back or an alternative plan.

Paul DeAngelo said the flashing safety lights were not part of Act 77 as originally planned and due to some confusion between the borough saying they must be penndot approved lighting and the school saying its not a penndot road it is back in the boroughts hands but is on hold until other projects are completed and will be revisited at that time.

To Be Continued in next posting

Wanda Kartal said...

Page Two of Recap...

The Board also responded to questions or new/old business as follows^^^^^^

It was mentioned perhaps Century 21 could offer an after school program for basketbal until other options are known for the courts.

John DeWilde asked Bill to give a report next meeting on he senses the vision and challenges
are for the upcoming school year.

Yvonne Ruthrauff asked that the Race to the Top program be looked into as PA is to be given $ now and to see What Morrisville might be eligible for. applications come out in the Fall. Bill will f/u on this.

Steve Worob- hoped that th items mentioned during public comment tonight were not political (no Steve just parents who happen to sctually have concerns that they would like addressed) and that tough decisions were made to cut staff that worked directly with kids and that perhaps the PR position should be eliminated at this time to save more #.

Mihok wants a Grant update from Laurie Ruffing next meeting, lots of money out there and to see what we are working on or eligible for and perhaps something will cover new courts.

New vans school will be leasing not avail till Oct. IU will still provide transport they do now until then along with other private school arrangement. First Student was contracted to take over techschool transport.

It appears that the board will be approving a 7th 8th grade cheerleadig coach but it does not appear that the job was posted as it should be. Now would the board really appoint someone without going through proper process????

It seems that the board will be voting on the lunch program for new school year, without increase.

Jon said...

Thanks Wanda! It’s good to document this stuff for posterity.

Jon said...

A couple tidbits that caught my ears last night:

Marlys Mihok claimed that Laurie Ruffing (who was not there to agree with or refute this) was adamant that the Basketball Court be removed; 6 cars have allegedly been damaged at one time or another due to basketball activity.
(Note: Remind me again, what was that parking lot before it was a parking lot? Oh, that’s right, it was a Basketball Court.).

Marlys Mihok’s said her husband played basketball, which then led to her suggestion to look into using the gym for basketball instead during non-school hours.

Marlys Mihok claimed she arrived at the August MOEF meeting with the intention of bringing up the subject of using MOEF funds for a Basketball Court. Alas, she learned that MOEF doesn’t meet in August.
(Note: How long do you have to be involved in MOEF and on the MOEF board to know that it doesn’t meet in August?).

Mihok regrets that the Basketball Court was taken down.
(Note: I regret that it was removed too, and I also regret that the Board/Admin. didn’t solicit/listen to input from, or communicate it to, the general public before it was a done deal.).

Jack Buckman said he can see Russia, er, the Basketball Court, from his house.

I thought I heard Paul DeAngelo say that the Traffic Safety Lights were in the original Act 77 Lighting Project scope, but that none of the bidders bid on that portion of the scope, so it dropped out? So it's a PENNDOT issue, and it’s all in the hands of the Boro at this point.
(Note: Why the difficulty and long delay in getting a straight answer to this question? And It still seems murky. And time marches on).

Marlys Mihok mentioned putting some kind of fence on the island surrounding the Grandview flagpole to prevent kids and other pedestrians from utilizing that area for pickups & dropoffs. Of course, as Mihok noted in her inimitable backhand style, it wouldn’t necessarily stop someone from hoisting a child up over the fence.
(Note: There’s no fence shown on the sketch or elsewhere in the bid specs., so it’s a curious thing that she mentions a fence now. When’s the fence coming, Phase 2? Phase 3?).

Re: Steve Worob saying he hopes that the safety questions from the public aren’t politically motivated, because he feels like the Board is being attacked...
It’s not an attack (and you of all people should know what one is), it's genuine constructive criticism from concerned citizens about the level and effectiveness of safety improvements, and the pace and quality of the process you and the Board/Admin. have used. Consider this: Mr. Worob’s public touting of the "safety" aspect of the $144,000 paving project at the June 29 Board meeting could be construed as political, especially since the at-this-point imaginary fence Mihok mentioned last night isn’t installed.

John DeWilde's call for additional discussion about the Basketball Court, and to put it on the agenda for the August 24 Board Meeting is a totally reasonable and prudent thing to do. I’m sure it’s appreciated by the people and kids who expressed concern about the removal of the Basketball Court. It’s also appreciated by me, who doesn’t use the Basketball Court. This kind of community input is supposed to happen BEFORE something is done, rather than after, but that’s not on him. Thank you, John, you must be stopped!

Melissa Danbury mentioned that the PTO has also looked into funding a Basketball Court, and suggested a possible location near the fenced in playground area.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Borough Council's take on the status of the traffic safety light is. I'd be very interested to hear someone from the council (preferably the council president)speak up about the delay at the next SB or council meeting to confirm or deny what was said at last night's meeting.
I'm sorry but the school board and much of the administration have proven themselves to be less than truthful time and time again. Information from another source would be very helpful at this point.

Anonymous said...

I agree you cannot trust the SB, too many lies before and still.
They talk about cutting Pat W and her $25000, but $144000 (almost 6X that) seems like a boatload of money for a re-blacktopped parking lot, what with 10 aides gone, programs cut, the basketball court gone, Pat W still there and all the rest.
It better improve the living crap out of safety. Prove it.
On the surface -- NO pun intended -- it's like they just spent $144000 of taxpayer money on better parking for teachers and Administrators, and screwed kids out of a recreational asset.

Dull Side said...

$144,000 on that parking lot could have paid off the debt on the community pool.


Lisa C. said...

Using the high school gym to play basketball during "non school hours" is neither practical nor cost effective in the long run. The cost to have the school remain open after hours would add up in no time. Besides, this is NOT THE SAME THING as having an outdoor court for our kids! Many kids will at the spur of the moment, call or text a few friends and soon a pick up game is on. These courts are used by our elementary kids - high school. They need to be available for the recreational activity of the kids. Weekends, after school during the week, and days off from school are prime playing times. The fact that the funds for these courts were DONATED by an alumni, and were indeed COURTS long before they were half heartedly made into a parking lot, just adds insult to injury. This matter should have been thoroughly and OPENLY discussed prior to the beginning of the paving project. Many adults may not understand what the big deal is about removing a few old basketball nets. I assure you, however, that it is a HUGE deal to the great kids of Morrisville who use the courts often. Evidence of this could be seen as 10 or more kids came to the agenda meeting this past Wednesday (in the middle of their summer break) to show they care about saving the courts! Do not take this away from them. A timely and acceptable solution needs to be reached and carried out.

Jon said...

"Marlys said the basketball hoops were originally donated by Mike Vreswyck (alumni) but he did not leave $ aside fo renovation or maintenance."

Mihok, Buckman, Radosti, Worob and their friends & allies involved in MSD Board politics for decades didn't show a propensity to leave any $ aside for school renovation or maintenance either. They seemed to prefer deferral, further deterioration, & lower taxes to preventative maintence. They acted to scuttle attempts to address the declining buildings and infrastructure.

For example, I have an October 9, 2003 BCCT article where Steve Worob admantly insists that the new board that was to be seated in December 2003 be the one to make the decisions about the school buildings. That was the incoming "Sandy Gibson" board. We all know how that turned out.

MR Reiter blew up 12/13/2008. Bill Hellmann tried to drop fixing Reiter's furnace from the bidding process in July 2008. Why? He said Reiter was unsafe. He was right, but how was nixing the fixing of the furnace going to help?The subsequent Reiter explosion forced them to stick a bunch of extra kids & teachers into GV, and they turned the GV B-Ball Court into a parking lot.

Of course, the moral of the story is that Mike Vreswyck should have donated a lifetime supply of nylon basketball hoop nets.

Anonymous said...

You mean this Jon?

Jon said...
How about this?

In an October 9, 2003 (yes, 2003) newspaper article about the Morrisville School Board evaluating options (new, renovate, etc.).
Steve Worob was quoted as follows:

"But Stephen Worob, a borough councilman who was a member of the school board, said the board had no right to have that conversation since some of its members will be gone after November's elections. He also chided them for using a feasibility study that he called a "sham" used by Superintendent John Gould to trick the board into approving a bond issue.

"I'm concerned that a lame-duck school board is dicsussing this," he said. You should wait until December so that the new board can decide how our dollars are spent".

And the rest is history. The "new board" he and many current Stay on Trackers helped get elected voted for the $30 million new school bond issue. At a post-victory party at HIS HOUSE, he got up on his furniture and proclaimed himself the "King of Morrisville".

How did that work out for Morrisville?

Jon said...

Yes, thanks for finding it so I didn't have to!

Re: Wanda's post:

"Mihok wants a Grant update from Laurie Ruffing next meeting, lots of money out there and to see what we are working on or eligible for and perhaps something will cover new courts."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this board eliminate a Grant Writer position and then put the grant writing burden on Principal Ruffing, and make a $10,000 bump in her salary contingent upon Ms. Ruffing "delivering the grant goods", so to speak?

Actually, I just found the answer to my own question. It reads like Ms. Ruffing doesn't get the $10,000 if the Board decides to ditch the Grant Administrator position entirely.
Below is from the Aug. 26, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes.

3.4. Appointments
3.4.a. Approval, Appointment of Elementary Principal/Grant Administrator
The Board approved a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Laurie Ruffing to the
position of Elementary Principal for the 2009-2010 salary of $75,000 and to the position of Grant Administrator for the 2009-2010 salary of $10,000 in accordance with the Act 93 Administrator Agreement, effective August 26, 2009.

Moved by Mrs. Reithmeyer; seconded by Mr. Farrell passed by a unanimous voice vote of 7

Mr. Hellmann questioned the wording on the “grant administrator” portion of this motion.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Fitzpatrick advised that if the need for a grant administrator goes away, so does the stipend related to that purpose.

Anonymous said...

I hope we aren't missing out on substantial grant money because (board) overburdened Principal Ruffing with duties and things are slipping through the cracks. We've got to get away from this pennywise pound foolish mentality. It's hurting us as a district and as a community.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder what Borough Council's take on the status of the traffic safety light is. I'd be very interested to hear someone from the council (preferably the council president)speak up about the delay at the next SB or council meeting to confirm or deny what was said at last night's meeting.
I'm sorry but the school board and much of the administration have proven themselves to be less than truthful time and time again. Information from another source would be very helpful at this point."

I've spoken with Dave Rivella about the traffic safety light. He said he hadn't seen it on here because he hasn't been reading much online lately. He checked his info at borough hall and got back to me. Over a year ago, Mr. Ferrara gave the borough specs on the light they wanted. It did not meet PennDot specs so the borough gave Ferrera the regs, came out, measured and marked where it should go and thus far the school has done nothing. This is a school project, not the borough's. The borough assisted the school district but the school district did not follow through thus far.

I hate to give Marlys any slack although she shouldn't have spoken if she didn't know. It could be that the project was being worked on so long ago that Maryls just doesn't remember or remembers it wrong. It could be that the info never got from Ferrara to the school board. I have no idea. Or it could be that Marlys can only see her way to blame others for what she does not do or does not know.

Dave did say that if I was going to address this issue on here to thank everyone for their kindness to his family, it really does help.

Jon said...

Thanks for the good input, and condolences again to the Rivella family.

Question: If the School District were to conform the specs with PENNDOT requirements, does the Borough then have to vote on it or is the District free to install at that point? I guess I'm asking what approvals (if any) would the District need at that point, Boro, PENNDOT, or otherwise?

I realize you might not know all the answers because why should you, it's the District's job to figure it out, but thus far they seem more content to stall, get it wrong, and point fingers.

Lack of trust is a BIG problem. Their answers might work on somebody who isn't following things, but among people who are more involved, you'll hear about a big credibility gap that's especially prevalent among the current board members up for election/re-election.