Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fitzpatrick Town Hall

Sorry about the horrible formatting.



On the hot seat

Posted: Thursday, August 4, 2011 5:00 am | Updated: 10:16 am, Thu Aug 4, 2011.
One of the first sign-ins at Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick’s town hall meeting Wednesday night asked a staffer if “this is where I can vent my frustrations.”
At the end of the 2½ hour meeting, a speaker shook the congressman’s hands and said, “I gave you some grief, but thanks for listening.”
Sandwiched in between was a sometimes respectful, other times raucous, meeting where Morrisville residents, businessmen and organized protesters stated their opinions, asked questions, or expressed anger of issues such as the federal budget, health care, entitlement programs and the tea party.
Whether he was being praised or flamed by the audience, Fitzpatrick listened, answered the questions and explained the obstacles the Congress faces in planning for the country’s future.
“It is my responsibility to tell you the truth,” Fitzpatrick told the gathering of 100 people at Morrisville High School. The congressman has held 16 town hall meetings since taking office six months ago.
At the top of the agenda was the recently passed 2011 federal budget just days before a looming government shutdown.
Fitzpatrick said that he supported raising the debt ceiling but, like fellow Republicans in Congress, dug in his heels by insisting that a raised ceiling be balanced by a cut in federal spending.
“As it stands, we’re not funding programs, we’re funding financing — by China,” he said. “For me, the next battle is a balanced budget and the bill that (President Obama) signed is the first step toward that.”
Not everyone was optimistic about the deal.
Eleanor Guerriero, of Penn Action, and, with her group, a frequent visitor to Fitzpatrick’s office and to town meetings, opposes Fitzpatrick’s record, fearing that cuts will impact on those who can least afford them.
She said if Congress pares down Medicare and Medicaid, the “poorest of the poor” could suffer.
Newtown resident Steve Cickay accused Fitzpatrick of “always voting the party line,” which he likened to governing practices in Russia.
“Congress is concerned more with costs and profits rather than what the people need,” he said.
The national debt ceiling has been raised a number of times throughout history, but the reason it’s getting so much attention now is that times are hard and people are concerned about spending.
“My vote was based on two principals. First, for every dollar that the debt ceiling was raised, there had to be a corresponding cut in spending. Second, it had to be done without raising taxes,” Fitzpatrick told his audience.
One supporter, Donald Barder, spoke about tax breaks and creating jobs. Barder, owner of Liberty Coating Co. in Morrisville, reminded critics that, yes, he did get tax breaks, but that money went back into his business.
“I don’t take that money home. It goes for a piece of equipment or something else for the business,” Barder said.
He finished his comments by praising Fitzpatrick for “doing a great job in Washington.”
Jane Berger, a Morrisville resident and a former borough councilwoman, agreed with Fitzpatrick that the new budget was just a first step in resolving the country’s financial crisis.
“There’s a long way to go and you have to start somewhere. There are lots of ways to cut without hurting people. You have to work incrementally,” Berger said.
John Bachalis, a Yardley resident and a New Jersey school teacher, said that he was happy at the turnout and the way people expressed their opinions.
“Mike must be aware that any decision he makes affects living people,” Bachalis said.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could of made it (short notice!).

Anonymous said...

No need to go. The Republicans know whats best for all of us. Just vote Mikey in 12.

wanda said...

would have liked to be there for sure but on vaca this week. Can anyone else who went offer more info on what topics were brought up, questions asked and by whom? thanks

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for Fitzpatrick-but I've already seen him more than Murphy.I don't like his policies,but at least he's having these town halls.They also have more of an outreach thing going on,with mailers asking what issues the voters are concerned about.The only time I EVER heard from Murphy was right at election time.
All the usual suspects were there,sitting on the right hand side of the LGI.Marlys,squatting like an odious toad,backed up by Sharon The Hutt and the rest of the senior brigade.They mainly wanted to kiss the ..errr.. ring,and some fellow who thought that the free market could solve any problem and had appointed himself moderator.He told Fitz that he wasn't right wing ENOUGH,and that he needed to step up his game and knuckle down on the freeloaders.There was this artist lady who held up a picture she had painted,she was arguing for universal healthcare,but she was shouted down by a lisping right-to-lifer,who stated that anybody on HIS street would be taken care of by holding a bake sale or taking up a collection.One brave soul pointed out that although Fitz repeatedly exhorted everyone to buy American,the pens they were giving away had Made in China stickers on them.There was a Vietnam Vet who told Fitz that although he agreed with him on the fiscal issues,he held no truck with religion and on the social side,considered himself pretty liberal.
Mixed bag of nuts,I guess.

Jon said...

Pretty apt synopsis!

I don't know how we manage to remain a stable society as a mixed bag of 300+ million nuts with an eclectic collection of belief systems that in many cases defy facts, reality, and logic. But in the 224 years since the U.S. Constitution hit the streets, we've done all right, even if there have been some bumps in the road.

Mike Fitzpatrick was in the middle of it, keeping his suit jacket on and buttoned most of the night. I don't agree with a lot of his or his party's positions, and I have trouble understanding how some of his supporters do too, but I'll give him some props for holding the Town Hall, not sweating, and showing much more skill than he ever did as Morrisville School District solicitor. Obviously, his skill is in being a politician, not school law.

Before anyone gets their bile up any higher towards me, the above post is not mine. Despite (or because of) my own Movie Star good looks and Adonis-like musculature, I try very hard not to rub it in by making public remarks about other peoples' personal appearances.

Anonymous said...

Odious Toad and Sharon the Hutt!!!! LOL!!
You owe me a new keyboard!!! I just sprayed coffee all over mine when I burst out laughing at that.

As long as we are at it, if the Villains of Morrisville (Like the pun?) were Star Wars Characters, who would they be?

Mom said...

Moderator: This is uncalled for. Delete these comments and do not allow the personal attacks. That's exactly the tactic they use on others and we shouldn't stoop to the same level.

Jon said...


Thank you, and I agree about let's not go there. Let me think a little more about deleting them, though. On the one hand, I don't want to jump right into censorship. On the other hand, they serve as examples of where not to go, if that makes sense.

Here's what I said way back on April 11, right after I started this blog. By the way, it wasn't my deep desire to do this, but the other blog seemed to be drying up.

[Cue patriotic music, preferably something by John Phillips Sousa ...]

Let's all try to uphold some semblance of these lofty ideals. My apologies to everyone for anything I may have posted that strayed from them, despite my efforts to police myself and focus on things specific people have said or done.

You're welcome! It would be nice to hear equally from "both sides". Past history shows that's not likely, but hey, we can dream.

It would be nice if everything was positive, but constructive criticism has its place. Be factual - if you've got an opinion, back it up. No personal attacks, please. Let's be adults about this. This ain't High School - or is it?

It would be nice if everybody put their names, ranks, and serial #'s on each posting too. But anonymity will be respected.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Anonymous said...

An interesting comment on the online article that I am in agreement with.

tomc444 posted at 4:36 pm on Fri, Aug 5, 2011.
Posts: 5 It's so very interesting that the Congressman is suddenly opposed to deficits when, during his prior time in Congress he was a loyal supporter of the Bush deficits (recall Cheney's "deficits don't matter), the Bush tax cuts that went to the wealthy, both of which drained the surplus.

I simply don't understand how so many people are so ignorant of the fiscal games the Republican have played since 2000. And why Mr. Fitzpatrick is given a pass on his record. He is, as someone mentioned, a puppet of the GOP powers that be. And his economic and fiscal ideas have been proven to be dishonest and changing with the wind. Even Mr. Frum, the long-standing supporter of the Republican Party, has publically begun questioning the validity of the GOP's policies.

You will never get an honest and factually supported answer from Fitzpatrick, because he votes as he is told.

Anonymous said...

I've been a victim of Al Radosti's long cop glares, Bill Hellmann's "impartial" presiding, and even Marlys Mihok's hypocritical three minute timer, but if you can't beat these [insert words of your choice here] with facts, then maybe they deserve to win. These people have been given the same factual free pass as Fitzpatrick and even have the same Republican puppeteers. Stop three decades of madness in Morrisville and vote them all out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I didn't vote for Fitzpatrick-but I've already seen him more than Murphy.I don't like his policies,but at least he's having these town halls.They also have more of an outreach thing going on,with mailers asking what issues the voters are concerned about.The only time I EVER heard from Murphy was right at election time."

Patrick Murphy had the same style of meetings, but didn't call them "town hall". All anyone seems to remember about these meetings is Fitz following Murphy around at these gatherings saying they weren't town hall meetings. I was at a few of them and thought his behavior was was ridiculous.

When Murphy was a congressman, I had to work with his office a few times. Generally, he was away, doing the job he was elected to do. His staff was very helpful every time, (doing gthe job they were paid to do). Even so I did always got a call back from Murphy.

I honestly cannot say anything about anyone not seeing Murphy around Morrisville Borough. He has family who live in Morrisville, his kids childcare was in Morrisville, he & his family even lived in Morrisville for over a year recently. His family attended Holy Trinity Church. I saw him at Borough Hall, the library, Williamson Park, Concerto Fusion, & even at Anthony's, the farmer's market & 7-11.

I do not need to see our congressman, I don't need the face time with him. What I need is for him to be a free thinker and remember that its the everyday people he is supposed to be representing, not big business. I need him to make tough decisions, not go with what's popular. I need him to think of my children, my parents and my grandparents and what is best for all of them, not what will get him re-elected.

Anonymous said...

I like your post. It's how I feel too.
The Town Hall is more for the politician to sell you on what they've already done. It's more for them than it is for you. I felt that ripping Murphy on Town Halls (or alleged lack thereof) wasn't really about wanting him to have more Town Halls.
It was more geared to ragging him for ragging's sake because they disagreed with him politically on this issue or that issue.

Anonymous said...

"I felt that ripping Murphy on Town Halls (or alleged lack thereof) wasn't really about wanting him to have more Town Halls.
It was more geared to ragging him for ragging's sake because they disagreed with him politically on this issue or that issue."

Wrong.It was simply an observation that the only time I EVER heard from him was at election time.
I happen to agree with Murphy on all issues.That's why I voted for him,and would do so again.

Anonymous said...

Got it.
Thank you for your clarification.

Anonymous said...

Personally I knew where Murphy stood on issues and how he voted from newspapers, TV, online media, etc.. I didn't necessary need him to come to a local auditorium and give a dog and pony show about it, though I wouldn't have minded if he did either.

Jon said...

There definitely were Dog & Pony aspects to it. For example, they handed out a quiz where the answers were slanted towards Fitzpatrick's point of view. Sort of like a push poll. Stubby eraserless pencils were distributed for the quiz and collected afterwards.

Also, near the end of the meeting, a man who was either a Fitzpatrick campaign worker or a wannabe handed Fitz a note. If you were in the back of the audience, you might have heard the man say something about the Pledge of Allegiance, his thought triggered by the couple of veterans who spoke. The note he handed to Fitz was a surreptitious prompt to Fitz to ask the 2 veterans to lead the audience in the Pledge. If you didn't hear and see it unfold, you'd have thought it was Fitz's idea. It wasn't.

Note: the man who handed Fitz the note is prominent in the Election Season video where Fitz magically appears at Murphy's office when Murphy was having one-one-one's with constituents - Fitz was accompanied by his supporters clamoring for a Town Hall).

Ah, politics.

Jon said...

Info on push polls (from Wikipedia).

angryyet said...


Anonymous said...

Check this load of B.S. from our US COngressman Mikey Fitz. What a clueless phony!

Anonymous said...

YES! The moonbat over the top grassy knoll types have officially taken over the Tea Party and Mikey Fitz is the newest moonbat!

Jon said...

Wow! Check the comments - most are rightfully slamming Fitz for his dishonesty and hypocrisy on this.

Anonymous said...

You can have Town Halls all day every day but if you're serving up dump salad sandwiches of cluelessness, hypocrisy, and lies who are you serving but yourself and your big corporate money Tea Party overlords???

Anonymous said...

Did I mishear this? Did a sitting congressman accuse the President of the United States of treason in a time of war?

Anonymous said...

“Folks at Treasury knew it was going to happen before the public did,” he said. Of course they did. Most of the public really doesn't understand how well and truly screwed we are by the Republican Double Dip Depression Creators, but the people at Treasury do. Republicans knew what had to be done to stop the downgrade and they insisted on ignoring it all. The people at Treasury could see the storm coming. Not Mike. Ask Mike where your 401K went this week.

This is the Mike Fitzpatrick we remember here in Morrisville. Even when he showed up for school board meetings, we were never sure if he was really there. He is a classic Republican tool.