Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jazz in the Park

- FREE -

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Williamson Park, Morrisville

Featuring: Music and Entertainment

This year's Festival will include the following performances:

1-3pm The Naturals
3-5pm Karen rodriquez/Latin Jazz Ensemble
5-7pm Kevin Ripley Trio
7-9pm Thursday Night Jazz Band

Bring your blanket or chair


Peter said...

Sounds like a good time, I'm hoping to make it down for at least a couple bands. It would be cool if they were to invite the school's jazz band next year.

Anonymous said...

The Morrisville Jazz Band has been invited to perform during the Jazz Fest every year for quite a few years now but they decline from doing so. The offer is always there. I do understand that its in the summer and that it would be difficult to get the kids together to perform, let alone practice for the event. With a band as small as Morrisville's, it would take every kid to be willing to maintain the sound quality - it really would only work if every kid played. There have been a few years when I suggested that a couple of the band members get together to form a small piece band & practice to enable the band to be represented at such events, but thus far the students haven't taken on this idea.

wanda said...

hope it went well, we are still away otherwise would have been there, this is a great event, kudos to those to organize the event, its just another way to celebrate our small town.

Peter said...

Oh... I guess what I meant to say is, it would be cool if the school's jazz band would accept the invitation to play.

Peter said...

I made it down to the park for the last act, Thursday Night Jazz Band, and they were terrific. A trio of 19-year-olds, they were super talented! Even bought their CD.

Nice job to the organizers. I really enjoyed the concert in the park and look forward to next year.

Jon said...

The sax player in that trio is the son of an old friend who I hadn't ssen in years - the man who was selling their CDs (I bought one too).

I'll probably have lunch with his dad this week. Music and friends, old and new, that's what it's all about. Kudos to the organizers, musicians, attendees, and everyone else who made it happen.

Wanda said...

to the person above who posted

(((The Morrisville Jazz Band has been invited to perform during the Jazz Fest every year for quite a few years now but they decline from doing so.))))

can you let me know who is contacted re: the morrisville jazz band participating in the festival? I ask because my son is part of the jazz band and we have not been asked whether we would want to participate or contacted in any way. Would love to see our band in this and think that if more of the parents were actually contacted and more of the kids knew about it they might actually want to do it. Perhaps I am speculating here but it seems to me it was turned down without the kids/parents being asked or informed about the invitatioin. Would like to pursue and perhaps help organize it for next year if possible. Thanks for info in advance.