Monday, October 28, 2013

Dann the Mann. Out with Stout!

Wanda said...
I hear a lot of talk about the Mayor race in Morrisville but there is an equally important race for the School Board going on and that includes the face to face race against sitting board members DANN DINGLE and Ron Stout. DANN is on the Democrat side of the ballot and Ron Stout is on the Republican side. As a current member of the School Board and lifelong Morrisville resident, I personally do not care which party they belong to but I do care about the amount of work either candidate has put into their position and what their individual contributions are to the budget process, increased educational opportunities, committee representation and participation in school and community events. DANN DINGLE is the clear winner in each of these categories! As Treasurer of the school board DANN leads the Finance committee and is an active member of the Education committee, HR Committee, Public Relations Committee, PTO and MOEF (Morrisville Opportunity Educational Foundation). You can find him at the PTO events supporting the fundraising efforts of his wife Bonnie as well as Friday night football games supporting his home team. He researches, investigates and offers new ideas on a regular basis. If something doesn’t seem right, he challenges the answer. He attends all informational meetings and is quick to dig into the next task or the tough subjects that others shy away from. He is always courteous and respectful and presents professionally at every function. There is only one sitting member of the school board running this election that fills all the expectations and more of the job of School Board Director and who deserves your vote and that is DANN DINGLE.
Wanda Kartal
Morrisville School Board


Jon said...

I'm proud to have both Dann Dingle and Joe Gilleo as my running mates. Don't forget Ivan Colon. Forget what's his name?

Anonymous said...

IN with dINgle. OUT with stOUT

Anonymous said...

Love it! Well done Wanda.

Wanda said...

To all of our Fellow Morrisville Borough Voters who are registered as Independent or Other Than Dem or Rep.

We appreciate your voting on November 5th and registering your vote for School Board Candidates Dann Dingle, Joe Gilleo, Jon Perry and Ivan Colon under the Democrat levers.

A non- vote may give one of the seats up to current member Ron Stout who is running against other current member Dann Dingle.

Dann Dingle is highly respected and productive and wins by a mile when it comes to participation, dedication, and understanding of the process and representation of your children.

Dann and his wife Bonnie Dingle have three children and two are currently in the district now so he understands the direct impact of any decision he is required to make and researches all avenues before making his vote.

Jon Perry, Joe Gilleo and Ivan Colon are Dann's fellow candidates on the School Board Ballot this November 5th. All have long history in Morrisville schools, community participation, children in each building including the Tech School and all are dedicated to serving you and your children for the coming years.




Anonymous said...

When I first read this I thought it said "Damn the Man, out with Stout!"....which also works just fine.

Anonymous said...

After the election Worob can write a new book called "Last man Sitting" . And a song , one is the lonliess number.

See you later Ronny Boy.

Anonymous said...

Ron Be Gone

Anonymous said...

Wanda do you or any of the other sitting SB members have a response to this post?

Anonymous said...
As a former school teacher, I know students are graduating that can't read or write. And what's worse is that the school board signs graduation certificates of students that miss 65 days or more from school. That's one half of the school year. How can they graduate? But this is what's happening in our schools.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Anonymous said...
What school did you teach? As you know the school board woukd never know what a child's attendance is and diplomas are signed by those given the authority to do so based on the administrations report that they met the requirements for graduation.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Anonymous said...
The school board was advised of students that didn't meet the requirements to graduate and one of them refused to sign so the superintendant signed instead. That's what's happening in our schools.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Anonymous said...
And when you became aware of this, what did you do?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Anonymous said...
please provide specifics.

If it's MSD the parents & voters deserve to know.

What school district are you referring to?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Damon said...

The diplomas are given to the president and secretary of the board to sign. To the best of my knowledge, as current president, all students that had their diplomas signed met requirements. Also to the best of my knowledge, none were questioned and signed by someone else. I can only vouch for the class of 2013. I cannot vouch for previous years.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should and see if our Superintent is giving the Correct information to the Board. He has been known to stretch the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

It was previous around 2010.

Anonymous said...

This was Morrisville High School. Marlys Mihok refused to sign when a student missed half the school year so someone else signed instead and put her through.

Jon said...

In 2010, the Board President was Bill Hellmann and the Secretary was Marlys Mihok. Both were defeated for reelection in 2011, and are no longer on the board. In 2010, the Superintendent switched from Dr. Yonson to Bill Ferrara. Yonson resigned in September 2010. Who signed instead of Mihok? Yonson or Ferrara? If it was Yonson, then none of the people involved at the time are involved now. In which case, it begs the question: why are you bringing this up and acting like it's happening now? Also, how were you made privy to this information? This isn't something a casual citizen would know. And as someone asked earlier, what did you do when you became aware of this, besides wait 3 years to mention it on this blog?

Anonymous said...

Yonson signed the diploma. The person that missed half the school year made no bones about not going to school. At the end of the school year, she had missed at least 63 days. I commend Marlys for not signing the diploma because, clearly, the person didn't meet graduation criteria. But Yonson put her through anyway. This is what's going on in our schools. These students are graduating, unable to read or write. I know one person who couldn't even write his own name and he graduated. Is this what we want for our children?

Anonymous said...

What did I do about it? I went to Yonson and told her that this person didn't attend school half the year and she told me it wasn't up to her. She said that if she was given the diploma, then she was to sign it. Period. Even after she was told this student didn't qualify, she signed it anyway.

Anonymous said...

What do you want for our children?

Anonymous said...

I do believe your beloved Marlys voted for a settlement package to send Yonson packing in 2010, and to make Ferrara the Superintendent. Are you now saying that our current Superintendent, who Marlys helped hire, is improperly signing diplomas?

Jon said...

Since 3 years later you now feel free to mention some of the details behind Yonson's departure with 1 year left on her contract, would you care to elaborate more on the terms of Yonson's settlement? How much did it cost us taxpayers? Were there any restrictions on talking about it, like you are now? Or do the Covenants Not To Blab end after 3+ years?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused.

Is this person Marlys herself, or a past board member?

If you are, I can't tell you how glad I am that you aren't on the board anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What kind of name is Marlys anyway?

Anonymous said...

Ron Stout is on one committee and never shows up. Dann Dingle puts Stout to shame when it comes to involvement and understanding of what our district needs for the future. Dann Dingle is getting my vote

Anonymous said...

Yes, Dan is the obvious choice.

Anonymous said...

Dingle and his crew are stapling signs to poles all over Morrisville. That's illegal. You can only use tape. So why should anyone vote for a team that's doing illegal things?

Anonymous said...

Yonson signed them.

Jon said...

Fine, Yonson signed them. She left in Sept. 2010, and she must have signed that diploma in June 2010. So we're coming up on 3.5 years later, or was it even earlier than that?

Yet you wrote "But this is what's happening in our schools", implying that this is a current situation. Why? Did you mean to make it sound current in an attempt to associate it with the current school board majority, which didn't take office until the end of 2011? Do you see how your statements could be misleading?

If this was such a big issue for you in 2010, why did I not hear a peep about it until you brought it up a couple weeks ago? I've been to many school board meetings, including the ones where Yonson was departing, and didn't hear word one then or since.

I do remember hearing from a very reliable witness about a then-school board member running for election who was mouthing off at the Ward 1 polls in November 2011 that Dr. Yonson should be in prison for what she did, but that's about it. Thank GOD that person lost, if you catch my drift.

If you want to know why I'm still kicking around and running for school board, this is it in a nutshell. If you value education and common sense, but you hang back and don't get involved, understandably hoping to avoid confrontation and the dirty business of politics, this is what fills the vacuum.

Ted Parker said...

Thanks poster two above not sure if your right or wrong but we corrected them last night but you can now count on more going up with tape and hope you like the out with Stout signs as well

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that poster is also coming down on Pepitone with the same methodology for his illegal 50/50, for spending his illegal funds on his campaign and for not including who paid for his yard signs on them. They must all be arrested... LOL yes I'm kidding.

If the suggestion is that Ron Stout is the better candidate, please go directly to your doctor. I think there must surely be something wrong with you.

Anonymous said...

I actually think the rule was that nobody was allowed to screw or nail anything into the posts. I don't believe this includes stapling, but I'm not absolutely sure.

Wanda said...

If you want progress on the school board to continue and you want people on the board who will put in the time, work hard, research, offer ideas, suggestions, attend meetings and participate in committees and events you MUST vote STOUT OUT by Voting IN Dann Dingle, Joe Gilleo, Jon Perry and Ivan Colon.

Do not let this man continue to merely keep a seat warm for naps.

If you hold an elected position you should be producing, participating, and aware of what is going on around you. There is no comparison between the job Dann Dingle has done vs. Stout.



Jon said...

Is it OK to rip down campaign signs that don't belong to you that are taped to poles? That's what someone did between last night and now, after staples were changed to tape in an abundance of caution.

Also, is it then OK for Bill Hellmann, CPA to put up his signs with nails? Apparently that was done too. Nails and ONLY TAPE are the same thing, huh?

Just checking to make sure the rules only apply in one direction, as usual.

Anonymous said...

I have more to put up no worries OUT WITH STOUT NOW!!!!!!!