"Yes, and let's get something started about that lawsuit you noted from Jane and gang. WTF is that about?"
I only know WTF I know from what I heard last night. Apparently, the lawsuit includes issues pertaining to:
(1) the validity of Mayor Ledger's veto of the capital improvement project (I assume they want to stop the project, and want Ledger's veto to be valid); and
(2) Mr. Bates' status/legitimacy as Business manager (i.e. whether he has the proper authority to sign contracts, like the cap improvement project contract; again, I assume they want Mr. Bates declared an illegitimate Business Manager who has no standing to sign contracts like that).
Did I hear this right? Bill Hellmann, C.P.A.'s son Eric is the Borough's Controller. We've been paying him $200/month, yet he hasn't been in Borough Hall to do his job since February 2012 (20 months ago)?
Yet he has the audacity to be a party to this lawsuit? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Don't give me that crap that Ron Stout was pushing on his behalf last night about how he's not allowed to take official documents out of Borough Hall, so he can't do his job. That's ludicrous.
Is he going to file a lawsuit about that too? Please don't tell me he has already, or I'll be on blood pressure meds in no time.
Yes, I understand. The Borough is probably obligated to keep paying him for services not rendered, unless it gets litigious and initiates some kind of legal due process for dereliction of duty.
I know this: his Daddy would not hesitate to stop paying if the shoe was on the other foot.
If you like this way of governing, via lawsuits and putting up barriers to progress, then vote for anyone associated with these people. That would include, Westrope, Bowers, Pepitone, Sanford, Stout... Who are the other cronies?
Apparently Eric's father had been taking borough documents to his office for years when he was the controller. Bates looked into it and found that it was illegal. No wonder the obstructionists want to get rid of Bates, he does his job.
Eric is demanding to have the ability to take documents out of the office even though that is illegal. He has said that he is being prevented from performing his elected job by not allowing this. He also wanted access to borough hall at night instead of during daytime business hours. Can you imagine the Hellmanns in the borough offices by themselves?! The possibilities are endless.
The borough had to hire an outside firm to fulfill Eric's duties at one point.
When Eric ran for the position that was previously his father's, nobody ran against him. I don't know when his term is over, but may I suggest that the those with the knowledge required seriously consider running for this position when it is available.
I remember one time a couple of bunglers were in an office building after hours rooting around for documents. I think they got caught. Whatever happened to them?
Jon, thanks for the new threads. Anyone see the Hellman signs yet? The in-Balance team plus Ivan is being labeled with a warning that they'll increase taxes. Jon, how do you respond to this? I expect we will see an increase, but I also expect it will be a responsibly considered move to address real needs. Those are my words. What are yours? Any other SDs are encouraged to respond as well. Thanks to all of you for your volunteering to serve, and for being willing to become a big public target for the small-minded fools who seem to pervade the town.
I got to see it with my own eyes so I now know for sure Pepitone chatting away with Jane Burger and Ron stout I thought he was running for his cause but I'm sure now he is just a vote stealer to help Kitty
oh and to the loud mouth going on about the condition of the Police vehicles out in the parking lot during the BC meeting your right your not a mechanic so how can you determine the condition of a vehicle by it's looks in the dark ask Pepi how old some NYPD vehicles are
I could probably write a book, and this is starting to seem like one, but the short answer to the questions posed to me above is that I'm not so arrogant that I can tell you exactly what I'm going to do if/when I'm on the board and have all the information a board member gets.
I have spoken and written before that we had a 5 year period where taxes were flat to down, but it came at a cost. We used up essentially all of our rainy day reserves to balance the budgets. We've experienced programmatic and teacher/staff cuts, increased class sizes, reduced choices, etc.
Also, the prior "Hellmann" board cut taxes by 10 mills in 2009, a big election year that ushered Ron Stout onto the board. I haven't really heard a good explanation for that (the tax cut or Ron Stout). That tax cut reduced annual revenues by about $600,000. This despite Hellmann & his board allies' full knowledge that the PSERs pension bomb/tsunami was coming, teacher/support contracts were coming, health care costs are rising, reserves are being depleted, etc.
So, I think the prior board made some penny-wise pound-foolish decisions that heavily contributed to the state we're in now, where we had board members I know didn't want to cut from full-day to 1/2-day Kindergarten make painful votes to do so to limit tax increases. The board has been holding public committee meetings to discuss and solicit community feedback on how to maintain or enhance educational offerings to our students in this financial environment.
There's also the Act 1 tax increase cap that's been hovering around 2% that has been keeping a lid on tax increases. This year’s (2013-14) tax increase, the first in 5 years, was 1.7%, which is about the inflation rate. And the budget was balanced without using any reserves (because they’re gone, game over).
I can’t promise that there won’t be tax increases. But as you said, I believe they will be thoughtfully and responsibly considered to address real needs. I like the way the board is currently composed (with the exception of Ron Stout and Steve Worob). I don’t feel like I have to look over their shoulders questioning their motivations all the time because I trust them. I certainly couldn’t say that when Hellmann-Mihok-Stout-Radosti etc. were large and in charge. I think the current board is doing a fine job balancing educational and financial considerations. They’ve brought more positive energy and student focus to the board, and they sure as heck treat people with a lot more civility and respect. I would like to be a part of that positive trend.
The only real drama in the school board election is Dann Dingle vs. Ron Stout. They’re going head-to-head on Tuesday, November 5. Dann’s on the Democratic ballot, Ron’s on the Republican ballot. I think it would be a travesty if Dann Dingle doesn’t win this election.
On November 5, please vote for DANN DINGLE, and kindly tell all your friends and neighbors to do so too.
Great Post jon and thank you for your trust and support. We worked hard to dig down deep into the mess left for us and yes some votes were very difficult and ones that we would never want to do if it was not our last resort. What we continue to try to do is find other funding sources and bring in positive events and press that promotes all the good that is going on in Morrisville and we challenge the info we are given.
I have been a first hand witness to the great things Dann Dingle has done on the board so far and all the ideas, suggestions, research and committment he has offered.
I have also witnessed the disinterest from Mr. Stout. The falling asleep at events while sitting right next to me, not participating in committee meetings and not providing any new ideas or thoughts or positive vibes to the board.
The seat holds great responsibility and needs someone focused and committed and dedicated to the ultimate goal of educating our kids and providing them with a strong basis to start their adult life.
There is truly no comparison between Mr. Dingle and Mr. Stout except they both sit on the board right now.
I would only trust my childs education to one of them, Dann Dingle.
I 100% support Dann Dingle for School Board and I hope everyone else will do the same on November 5th. It would be a travesty for Mr. Stout to pull out a win because of old name recognition alone and not on merit, dedication and service to your children or district.
Thank you to Officer Erica McIntyre for her preparation and delivery of the assemblies at the Elementary and Intermediate schools today for our Morrisville kids through the Safe Routes to School Grant.
Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2013 4:00 am | Updated: 7:13 am, Thu Oct 24, 2013.
After doling out $825,000 to settle two lawsuits generated by incidents in the police department, Bristol Borough officials will spend more money on an independent review of department policies and guidelines. Call it an investment in the future. A smart investment.
But let’s also call it what it is — a halfway measure.
No doubt reviewing and then updating policies and guidelines is a good idea. Every police department should do it on a regular basis. In fact, every workplace should do it.
But while reviewing and updating policies and guidelines could avert future problems, it won’t get to the bottom of the troubles at the Bristol Borough Police Department. That’s because those troubles might have more to do with officers and their superiors than with policies and guidelines. If so, changing policies and guidelines won’t provide the protection officials seek, not if it’s officers and superiors who need to be changed. And by changed we mean demoted or fired.
That’s why a comprehensive investigation of the incidents leading to the aforementioned settlements should be conducted, as borough Councilmen Tony Devine and Pat Sabatini called for. Those incidents included the following: a police officer forcibly performing a sex act on a woman who had called police for help during a domestic dispute; and the systematic harassment by colleagues and superiors of a police officer who investigated and corroborated the woman’s story.
The woman’s story and the officer’s ensuing investigation led to criminal charges and ultimately a prison term for the accused cop. But that just outcome did not occur without the investigating officer being put through hell by vengeful members of the police department, including the life-threatening withholding of police backup. That’s why borough officials agreed at the advisement of their insurance company to pay the officer $440,000 to settle a lawsuit related to the harassment, in addition to the $385,000 the borough paid to settle a suit filed by the assault victim.
Signing off on those settlements shouldn’t be the last chapter in this outrageous and embarrassing saga. Much needs to be unearthed and evaluated. And so council President Ralph DiGuiseppe is both wrong and extremely shortsighted in his determination that nothing more needs to be discussed. He bases that analysis on the results of a probe conducted by the county district attorney, which did not result in criminal charges against any police personnel.
Maybe the actions of officers and superiors did not rise to the level of criminal conduct. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t commit offenses requiring disciplinary action.
That’s what officials need to determine — and then act on. Or risk the safety and well being of the department’s good officers and the citizens they serve.
I wasn't planning on voting for Peppy from the beginning. It turned me off that he didn't make himself available for the primary. Then when I read the article that where he said that he hasn't been involved in town and that he decided to run when a neighbor told him about the police dept it just confirmed my initial reaction to him. I assumed all along he was prompted by the cronies and it's more than obvious at this point. It's all about control and power and has nothing to do with Morrisville for them. I just don't get it.
Like so many others who seek office in the ville, he sees an opportunity to finally be somebody after a life of accomplishing nothing. We've seen this act before, and just look at what happens. We get unqualified people who do nothing or worse. Peppy won't get my vote. I see no evidence that he is anything other than more of the same we have with Rita, Eileen, Angry Al, Stout...the list of unqualified, unsuccessful, myopic, obstructionists goes on and on. Let's break the cycle.
He had a big city police career. He could be a great husband, father and neighbor too. I don't know, I never heard of him until a month ago. I don't need to know him, just what he stands for, and I don't like it. I don't like the campaign he's running. Police, fear, negativity, coded inferences, lurking predators, criminal elements, be afraid, be very afraid, Mike Honcho, police. When you're a big swingin' hammer, everything looks like a nail.
With all Pepitone's chest pumping about himself at what he was paid to do, what he was told to do as NYPD, he still wasn't qualified enough to be Morrisville's interim Police Chief. Not only that, but look at this weekend...I didn't see him at Trunk or Treat even though he has children or at the football game. The Rivellas were there even though they don't even have little ones. They were at the game too. I can't say it was because it's campaign season, because they have been supporting this kind of stuff for as long as I can remember. Pepitone wants to be Morrisville's cheerleader but doesn't bother to show the community that he's qualified for that either.
Can I suggest, with respect, that Mr. Pepitone has told everyone that he was an instructor, meaning that he was out of touch with both the people the NYPD protect and the officers themselves. If you're not on the street and you're instructing you get a little disenfranchised as to what's going on, which would explain his fb page and attitude.
My I also offer that any police officer does what he/she is told. Mr. Pepitone did not act alone and was supervised and paid to perform his duties. I haven't read anywhere that he even made it to sergeant or lieutenant in the years before he stepped aside and became an instructor.
I do not care for his campaign tactics. I am thankful that there are only a handful of people who are so willingly playing follow the self-appointed leader.
I would also like to point out that we are now the recipients of what happens when people elect non-committed people to office. Ledger, Dreisbach, Smith, Sanford all represent a direction back to the good-old-boys-club type of governing. I believe Mr. Pepitone is also in this category. He is clearly being fed information from somewhere and it's obvious where it is coming from. He has already publicly said he is not for the new upgrades to the borough. This can be put for a vote again in January. Ask yourself when the next time any of these improvements will happen if this becomes a missed opportunity. I am not trying to scare or threaten anyone into voting for or against anyone. I just want people to realize that their vote is important and to look past what you are being fed to the realities of your vote.
Yes, the upgrades project is the perfect example of how everything is not about the police as mayor. If you only understand one aspect, you really have no business in the seat. Clearly Pepitone has burned more bridges than he has built, he has no local government experience. The mayor shouldn't have to be taught how to do the job. And who would be doing the teaching? I can guess. He has already come out against the upgrades project so in voting for him, know that from the start you are playing a role in killing this project, be aware of this at the polls.
Evil lurking predators will always be able to find dark shadows behind which to lurk and be evil no matter how bright the lights are. Evil-loving evil-doers doing evil lurking predatory things for the love of evil lurking predation. We must eliminate the criminal element that lurks evilly amongst us, waiting for their malicious moments of predatory perpetration. Nothing is safe. No one is safe. It's not possible to be too over the top when it comes to this. Hyperbole is minimalism when it comes to police and public safety. We will pay any costs, bear any burdens.
I can remember hearing or reading something on this, I don't know where though, so I'm no help here. Something about it being handled wrong by council. (something I don't agree with.) Understanding the information given is important for all council members.
My concerns are that Mr. Pepitone is suggesting he is the only one fit to be mayor based on a career that he had years ago in a large city in another state.
My concerns are also that he hasn't been paying attention and that he is clearly being given information from members of Morrisville's Republican Club. This contradicts him saying that he isn't working with/for any Morrisville political faction.
I have seen several Bowers signs up, which kind of surprises me. Jane Burger must be maintaining somewhat of a hold in the 3rd ward. I cannot understand why anyone would follow this her. I saw that a woman I know had a Bowers sign so I made a point of asking her about it. She said that Burger had She said that Burger had knocked on her door with the sign. Since she is also a Republican she talked with her. The only reason Burger could give the woman for why she should take the Bowers sign is because Fred isn't a homeowner. I thought how silly this was and how easily people can be coursed. I remembered that Bowers had used this as his reason in the spring voters guide as well. To me, this is a non-issue. I would like to encourage everyone in the 3rd ward to vote for Fred Kerner. We all know him, we know that he loves Morrisville and wants what is best for the community.
That's a ridiculous reason not to vote for Fred Kerner. He has our household's votes. He wants to move ahead and not bitch and argue and obstruct everything.
I noticed today that if you take away all the Stout signs in Morrisville from the obvious obstructionists and the rental properties of the cronies, there are really only a few throughout the borough from actual supporters of Stout. It will be exciting to see him off school board.
I hear a lot of talk about the Mayor race in Morrisville but there is an equally important race for the School Board going on and that includes the face to face race against sitting board members DANN DINGLE and Ron Stout. DANN is on the Democrat side of the ballot and Ron Stout is on the Republican side. As a current member of the School Board and lifelong Morrisville resident, I personally do not care which party they belong to but I do care about the amount of work either candidate has put into their position and what their individual contributions are to the budget process, increased educational opportunities, committee representation and participation in school and community events. DANN DINGLE is the clear winner in each of these categories! As Treasurer of the school board DANN leads the Finance committee and is an active member of the Education committee, HR Committee, Public Relations Committee, PTO and MOEF (Morrisville Opportunity Educational Foundation). You can find him at the PTO events supporting the fundraising efforts of his wife Bonnie as well as Friday night football games supporting his home team. He researches, investigates and offers new ideas on a regular basis. If something doesn’t seem right, he challenges the answer. He attends all informational meetings and is quick to dig into the next task or the tough subjects that others shy away from. He is always courteous and respectful and presents professionally at every function. There is only one sitting member of the school board running this election that fills all the expectations and more of the job of School Board Director and who deserves your vote and that is DANN DINGLE. Wanda Kartal Morrisville School Board
I suppose this works on some people, but I find it a big heap of misdirected bombastic B.S. from Pepitone.
Restore Morrisville
about an hour ago.
The vehicle break-ins, property removals and acts of vandalism continue on a nightly basis. Another child is nearly abducted off the street in broad daylight, this one not far from us. The aggressive vagrants on Bridge Street are more visible than ever, intimidating our residents and causing our business district to suffer greatly. A convicted felon is arrested, armed with a .40 caliber handgun.
And yet David T. Rivella, the man who wants the keys to the Police Department, says nothing and does nothing.
Perhaps he believes spending $200,000 of OUR tax money on unproductive studies and reports will drive crime out of Morrisville. Maybe he believes removing funding for police vehicles, and replacing full time officers with part-time officers will restore public faith in a department crippled by gross mismanagement by Borough officials. He may truly believe that the Bloods, Crips and other violent gangs that are coming over the bridge will cease their operations once they realize HE instructed the Borough Solicitor to 'research' outsourcing OUR police department, police layoffs and police force reduction and dissolution in Newtown/Wrightstown and Etna Borough.
Surrender is not a proven policing strategy, Mr. Rivella.
Of course, we're all concerned about crime, but the way Pep is going about this is turning me off big time. I guess I expected something more nuanced and sophisticated from him. Why? I don't know. What the H is wrong with me? He's like Hellmann, CPA with a badge. Pepitone, N.Y.P.D. Hellmann didn't end well. Come to think of it, Hellmann didn't begin well either. Neither is Pepitone.
Pepitone sounds like a classic Right Wing Authoritarian.
"Authoritarian followers usually support the established authorities in their society, such as government officials and traditional religious leaders. Such people have historically been the “proper” authorities in life, the time-honored, entitled, customary leaders, and that means a lot to most authoritarians. Psychologically these followers have personalities featuring:
1) a high degree of submission to the established, legitimate authorities in their society; 2) high levels of aggression in the name of their authorities; and 3) a high level of conventionalism.
Because the submission occurs to traditional authority, I call these followers rightwing authoritarians. I’m using the word “right” in one of its earliest meanings, for in Old English “riht”(pronounced “writ”) as an adjective meant lawful, proper, correct, doing what the authorities said. In North America people who submit to the established authorities to extraordinary degrees often turn out to be political conservatives, so you can call them “right-wingers” both in my new-fangled psychological sense and in the usual political sense as well. But someone who lived in a country long ruled by Communists and who ardently supported the Communist Party would also be one of my psychological right-wing authoritarians even though we would also say he was a political left-winger. So a right-wing authoritarian follower doesn’t necessarily have conservative political views. Instead he’s someone who readily submits to the established authorities in society, attacks others in their name, and is highly conventional. It’s an aspect of his personality, not a description of his politics." (Altemeyer, 2006).
Does he really think this is the way to run for office - by posting his resume from JC Penny's, pictures of him with his NYPD brothers and bad mouthing someone who, if he won he would have to work WITH to get things done in this town?? He obviously hasn't been paying attention - I knew that outsourcing crap was going to be used by him. NO ONE else brought it up - the first time I heard about it was from Eileen. You CANNOT trust her. She doesn't see that she is being used to spread more misinformation and downright LIES.
It is actually Victor Cicero who wants to outsource the police department, not Dave Rivella. Rivella did his homework prior to police negotiations during contract time. And he should have done his homework. Dave, take all the lies Pepitone is throwing around about you to your lawyer. You probably have a case.
I'm under the impression that Pepitone thinks he is saying all the right things, but he is really coming off like an idiot. He sounds like another Bill Farrell. I wouldn't be surprised if Dave has never even met this guy who thinks nothing of talking crap about him. Jane must be so proud of her newly found thorn in the rump.
Dave, I commend you for continuing to take the high road. It's gotta suck to have done as much as you have only to be the brunt of Pepitone's misguided tirades. Karma Dave, Karma.
"studies and reports"? What the heck is he talking about. There were no studies. There was an audit and an investigation. He's running for mayor, I shouldn't know more than him.
I think I am lovin Pepitone's campaign strategy. He has already sunk himself but he just keeps paddling while he sings that same tune over and over. Sure he will have a couple of dozen followers(I think I'm being generous) like Scott Robinson, but rational people have already seen for what he is.
Love that find! Haven't heard that song since I was a kid.
Got Peppy's half page lit yesterday. Did he break the law again by using the channel 6 logo? Obviously it's copywrited.
As for his latest rant... is he really asking to be Morrisville's cheerleader? This is a dangerous guy who is trying to en-site a riot type mentality in our little borough. Police! Police! Police!
This guy is so misleading and annoying I cannot believe any normal people would buy into his nasty crap. Looking at some of what he's said, here's what comes to mind.
"The vehicle break-ins, property removals and acts of vandalism continue on a nightly basis."
Not trying to ensite any fear based behavior there. The on a nightly basis thing made me shake my head. He really is new. Yes people have to take care of their possessions as it's always been. I do nothing differently than I have for the past 30 years. I took precautions then and I take precautions now. Everyone should. We aren't living on Walton's Mountain.
"another child is nearly abducted off the street in broad daylight, this one not far from us."
So now Dave should be controlling what happens in Falls Twp. ugh
"The aggressive vagrants on Bridge Street are more visible than ever, intimidating our residents and causing our business district to suffer greatly."
Are we living in the same town? I use businesses on Bridge Street regularly and have no idea what he's talking about.
"A convicted felon is arrested, armed with a .40 caliber handgun."...and...? Police were called, Officer Matthews responded, took control of the situation, and it ended well. What it's actually saying is that the police did their job.
"And yet David T. Rivella, the man who wants the keys to the Police Department, says nothing and does nothing"
The mayor controls the police dept. Statements about the police dept must come from her. Is the suggestion that a councilperson should go over the mayor's head? I don't get what he is saying.
I tend to think Dave running for mayor has nothing to do with what he wants. Knowing the guy, what he wants to earn a decent living and be with his family. He is running for mayor because he can see that Morrisville has suffered by not having a positive PR person in the mayor's seat.
I cannot help but notice that I see over and over again, that Pepitone says nothing at all about Mayor Ledger and her role or lack of role in anything. I love it that he says nothing about Kitty because he doesn't even see her as a real candidate. This is a mistake because she is bothered to get herself on the ballot and will no doubt get more votes than Pepitone.
Or...this could all just be part of the plan to take Dave down and Kitty and Peppy could actually be working together to split Dave's votes and help the cronies. Either way I have no doubt that Mayor Rivella will not put much stock into the attacking mosquito that is Pepitone.
In 2009, the last time judges, some county officials, school board members, borough councilpersons, and township supervisors were elected, only 26 percent of the registered voters came to vote. Three out of four voters stayed home, letting the other one-fourth of the electorate choose the officials who will make decisions that directly affect the quality of their daily life. For example, the quality of the schools, roads, water, sewers, parks, police protection, disaster preparedness and control, environmental protection, zoning, and commercial and residential development is affected by the decisions made by these local elected officials.
If you did not vote in 2009, you did not have an influence over these decisions.
Make plans today to vote on Nov. 5. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Don't let others decide for you how your community, schools, and county are run. Show you care. Vote.
First, 6-8pm you can meet all your Democrat Candidates on the ballot for this November at Cafe Antonios. Stop by after work for light refreshments and ask the important questions that matter to you and your family.
2nd, Morrisville School District is holding a parent workshop in conjunction with NOVA entitled ‘Talking to your Child about Safety’ starting at 7pm in the LGI room at the High School. Refreshments will be served from 6:30-7:00.
So get to know those asking for your vote on November 5th and potentially running your borough and school and get safety information regarding your kids.
If you want progress on the school board to continue and you want people on the board who will put in the time, work hard, research, offer ideas, suggestions, attend meetings and participate in committees and events you MUST vote STOUT OUT by Voting IN Dann Dingle, Joe Gilleo, Jon Perry and Ivan Colon.
Do not let this man continue to merely keep a seat warm for naps.
If you hold an elected position you should be producing, participating, and aware of what is going on around you. There is no comparison between the job Dann Dingle has done vs. Stout.
"Yes, and let's get something started about that lawsuit you noted from Jane and gang. WTF is that about?"
I only know WTF I know from what I heard last night. Apparently, the lawsuit includes issues pertaining to:
(1) the validity of Mayor Ledger's veto of the capital improvement project (I assume they want to stop the project, and want Ledger's veto to be valid); and
(2) Mr. Bates' status/legitimacy as Business manager (i.e. whether he has the proper authority to sign contracts, like the cap improvement project contract; again, I assume they want Mr. Bates declared an illegitimate Business Manager who has no standing to sign contracts like that).
Open your wallets. The tax haters are filing lawsuits that cost taxpayer money!!!
The beginning of the council meeting was screwed up by technical problems with the sound sys? The cap proj would've addressed this.
I got there 5-10 mins late while the sound problems were in progress, and it seemed like it took another 5-10 mins to get the feedback settled down.
From Farrell's befuddled remarks last night, I don't think he's aware of what he signed onto, or has any inkling of how the process works.
Did I hear this right? Bill Hellmann, C.P.A.'s son Eric is the Borough's Controller. We've been paying him $200/month, yet he hasn't been in Borough Hall to do his job since February 2012 (20 months ago)?
Yet he has the audacity to be a party to this lawsuit? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Don't give me that crap that Ron Stout was pushing on his behalf last night about how he's not allowed to take official documents out of Borough Hall, so he can't do his job. That's ludicrous.
Is he going to file a lawsuit about that too? Please don't tell me he has already, or I'll be on blood pressure meds in no time.
"From Farrell's befuddled remarks last night, I don't think he's aware of what he signed onto, or has any inkling of how the process works. "
When has that ever stopped a dumba before?
Eric is in that position until he is voted out, unfortunately.
Yes, I understand. The Borough is probably obligated to keep paying him for services not rendered, unless it gets litigious and initiates some kind of legal due process for dereliction of duty.
I know this: his Daddy would not hesitate to stop paying if the shoe was on the other foot.
This is sheer madness.
If you like this way of governing, via lawsuits and putting up barriers to progress, then vote for anyone associated with these people. That would include, Westrope, Bowers, Pepitone, Sanford, Stout... Who are the other cronies?
Apparently Eric's father had been taking borough documents to his office for years when he was the controller. Bates looked into it and found that it was illegal. No wonder the obstructionists want to get rid of Bates, he does his job.
Eric is demanding to have the ability to take documents out of the office even though that is illegal. He has said that he is being prevented from performing his elected job by not allowing this. He also wanted access to borough hall at night instead of during daytime business hours. Can you imagine the Hellmanns in the borough offices by themselves?! The possibilities are endless.
The borough had to hire an outside firm to fulfill Eric's duties at one point.
When Eric ran for the position that was previously his father's, nobody ran against him. I don't know when his term is over, but may I suggest that the those with the knowledge required seriously consider running for this position when it is available.
Cicero on any given day.
Oh geez Stout. I saw him last night - enough said.
Despite all of this, I am hopeful because it doesn't look like the Burgerite scare tactics are working anymore.
Pretty soon, we'll have our town back. It will take some time. It didn't get like this overnight, we can't fix it overnight.
I remember one time a couple of bunglers were in an office building after hours rooting around for documents. I think they got caught. Whatever happened to them?
So how did you like my flyer last night? I hope you all got a copy.
"Pretty soon, we'll have our town back. It will take some time. It didn't get like this overnight, we can't fix it overnight."
Amen to that!
Spectacular flyer color. Chartreuse? You were out of pink and fuscia?
Jon, thanks for the new threads. Anyone see the Hellman signs yet? The in-Balance team plus Ivan is being labeled with a warning that they'll increase taxes. Jon, how do you respond to this? I expect we will see an increase, but I also expect it will be a responsibly considered move to address real needs. Those are my words. What are yours? Any other SDs are encouraged to respond as well. Thanks to all of you for your volunteering to serve, and for being willing to become a big public target for the small-minded fools who seem to pervade the town.
When I saw the signs this past weekend, all I saw were the candidates names and I actually thought it was theirs with another design.
To the poster above, thank you for the respectful way you asked for information. It's nice to see.
I got to see it with my own eyes so I now know for sure Pepitone chatting away with Jane Burger and Ron stout I thought he was running for his cause but I'm sure now he is just a vote stealer to help Kitty
oh and to the loud mouth going on about the condition of the Police vehicles out in the parking lot during the BC meeting your right your not a mechanic so how can you determine the condition of a vehicle by it's looks in the dark ask Pepi how old some NYPD vehicles are
I could probably write a book, and this is starting to seem like one, but the short answer to the questions posed to me above is that I'm not so arrogant that I can tell you exactly what I'm going to do if/when I'm on the board and have all the information a board member gets.
I have spoken and written before that we had a 5 year period where taxes were flat to down, but it came at a cost. We used up essentially all of our rainy day reserves to balance the budgets. We've experienced programmatic and teacher/staff cuts, increased class sizes, reduced choices, etc.
Also, the prior "Hellmann" board cut taxes by 10 mills in 2009, a big election year that ushered Ron Stout onto the board. I haven't really heard a good explanation for that (the tax cut or Ron Stout). That tax cut reduced annual revenues by about $600,000. This despite Hellmann & his board allies' full knowledge that the PSERs pension bomb/tsunami was coming, teacher/support contracts were coming, health care costs are rising, reserves are being depleted, etc.
So, I think the prior board made some penny-wise pound-foolish decisions that heavily contributed to the state we're in now, where we had board members I know didn't want to cut from full-day to 1/2-day Kindergarten make painful votes to do so to limit tax increases. The board has been holding public committee meetings to discuss and solicit community feedback on how to maintain or enhance educational offerings to our students in this financial environment.
There's also the Act 1 tax increase cap that's been hovering around 2% that has been keeping a lid on tax increases. This year’s (2013-14) tax increase, the first in 5 years, was 1.7%, which is about the inflation rate. And the budget was balanced without using any reserves (because they’re gone, game over).
I can’t promise that there won’t be tax increases. But as you said, I believe they will be thoughtfully and responsibly considered to address real needs. I like the way the board is currently composed (with the exception of Ron Stout and Steve Worob). I don’t feel like I have to look over their shoulders questioning their motivations all the time because I trust them. I certainly couldn’t say that when Hellmann-Mihok-Stout-Radosti etc. were large and in charge. I think the current board is doing a fine job balancing educational and financial considerations. They’ve brought more positive energy and student focus to the board, and they sure as heck treat people with a lot more civility and respect. I would like to be a part of that positive trend.
The only real drama in the school board election is Dann Dingle vs. Ron Stout. They’re going head-to-head on Tuesday, November 5. Dann’s on the Democratic ballot, Ron’s on the Republican ballot. I think it would be a travesty if Dann Dingle doesn’t win this election.
On November 5, please vote for DANN DINGLE, and kindly tell all your friends and neighbors to do so too.
Thanks for listening.
Great Post jon and thank you for your trust and support. We worked hard to dig down deep into the mess left for us and yes some votes were very difficult and ones that we would never want to do if it was not our last resort. What we continue to try to do is find other funding sources and bring in positive events and press that promotes all the good that is going on in Morrisville and we challenge the info we are given.
I have been a first hand witness to the great things Dann Dingle has done on the board so far and all the ideas, suggestions, research and committment he has offered.
I have also witnessed the disinterest from Mr. Stout. The falling asleep at events while sitting right next to me, not participating in committee meetings and not providing any new ideas or thoughts or positive vibes to the board.
The seat holds great responsibility and needs someone focused and committed and dedicated to the ultimate goal of educating our kids and providing them with a strong basis to start their adult life.
There is truly no comparison between Mr. Dingle and Mr. Stout except they both sit on the board right now.
I would only trust my childs education to one of them, Dann Dingle.
I 100% support Dann Dingle for School Board and I hope everyone else will do the same on November 5th. It would be a travesty for Mr. Stout to pull out a win because of old name recognition alone and not on merit, dedication and service to your children or district.
as well as Gilleo, Perry and Colon.
Thank you to Officer Erica McIntyre for her preparation and delivery of the assemblies at the Elementary and Intermediate schools today for our Morrisville kids through the Safe Routes to School Grant.
Yes nice. I'm glad that happened.
Halfway measure
Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2013 4:00 am | Updated: 7:13 am, Thu Oct 24, 2013.
After doling out $825,000 to settle two lawsuits generated by incidents in the police department, Bristol Borough officials will spend more money on an independent review of department policies and guidelines. Call it an investment in the future. A smart investment.
But let’s also call it what it is — a halfway measure.
No doubt reviewing and then updating policies and guidelines is a good idea. Every police department should do it on a regular basis. In fact, every workplace should do it.
But while reviewing and updating policies and guidelines could avert future problems, it won’t get to the bottom of the troubles at the Bristol Borough Police Department. That’s because those troubles might have more to do with officers and their superiors than with policies and guidelines. If so, changing policies and guidelines won’t provide the protection officials seek, not if it’s officers and superiors who need to be changed. And by changed we mean demoted or fired.
That’s why a comprehensive investigation of the incidents leading to the aforementioned settlements should be conducted, as borough Councilmen Tony Devine and Pat Sabatini called for. Those incidents included the following: a police officer forcibly performing a sex act on a woman who had called police for help during a domestic dispute; and the systematic harassment by colleagues and superiors of a police officer who investigated and corroborated the woman’s story.
The woman’s story and the officer’s ensuing investigation led to criminal charges and ultimately a prison term for the accused cop. But that just outcome did not occur without the investigating officer being put through hell by vengeful members of the police department, including the life-threatening withholding of police backup. That’s why borough officials agreed at the advisement of their insurance company to pay the officer $440,000 to settle a lawsuit related to the harassment, in addition to the $385,000 the borough paid to settle a suit filed by the assault victim.
Signing off on those settlements shouldn’t be the last chapter in this outrageous and embarrassing saga. Much needs to be unearthed and evaluated. And so council President Ralph DiGuiseppe is both wrong and extremely shortsighted in his determination that nothing more needs to be discussed. He bases that analysis on the results of a probe conducted by the county district attorney, which did not result in criminal charges against any police personnel.
Maybe the actions of officers and superiors did not rise to the level of criminal conduct. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t commit offenses requiring disciplinary action.
That’s what officials need to determine — and then act on. Or risk the safety and well being of the department’s good officers and the citizens they serve.
Maybe Mayor Rivella isn't as dumb as Pepitone and the rest of the Burgerbots want you to think he is.
Sounds like Bristol is getting kudos and being advised to do what Pepitone is tearing a new one to Dave & council for having the intelligence to do.
Don't believe me? Look at Pepitone's anti Rivella campaign.
So it makes sense now, that Corinne Q. is likely aka Mike Honcho/Campaign Manager to Pepitone.
It's fun to guess but it doesn't matter.
Why does it make sense now?
I wasn't planning on voting for Peppy from the beginning. It turned me off that he didn't make himself available for the primary. Then when I read the article that where he said that he hasn't been involved in town and that he decided to run when a neighbor told him about the police dept it just confirmed my initial reaction to him. I assumed all along he was prompted by the cronies and it's more than obvious at this point. It's all about control and power and has nothing to do with Morrisville for them. I just don't get it.
Like so many others who seek office in the ville, he sees an opportunity to finally be somebody after a life of accomplishing nothing. We've seen this act before, and just look at what happens. We get unqualified people who do nothing or worse. Peppy won't get my vote. I see no evidence that he is anything other than more of the same we have with Rita, Eileen, Angry Al, Stout...the list of unqualified, unsuccessful, myopic, obstructionists goes on and on. Let's break the cycle.
He had a big city police career. He could be a great husband, father and neighbor too. I don't know, I never heard of him until a month ago. I don't need to know him, just what he stands for, and I don't like it. I don't like the campaign he's running. Police, fear, negativity, coded inferences, lurking predators, criminal elements, be afraid, be very afraid, Mike Honcho, police. When you're a big swingin' hammer, everything looks like a nail.
With all Pepitone's chest pumping about himself at what he was paid to do, what he was told to do as NYPD, he still wasn't qualified enough to be Morrisville's interim Police Chief. Not only that, but look at this weekend...I didn't see him at Trunk or Treat even though he has children or at the football game. The Rivellas were there even though they don't even have little ones. They were at the game too. I can't say it was because it's campaign season, because they have been supporting this kind of stuff for as long as I can remember. Pepitone wants to be Morrisville's cheerleader but doesn't bother to show the community that he's qualified for that either.
My question for Bill Pepitone is an easy one.
What have you done for the Morrisville community in which you live?
My advice to Pep is wear full NYPD uniform at the polls.
Can I suggest, with respect, that Mr. Pepitone has told everyone that he was an instructor, meaning that he was out of touch with both the people the NYPD protect and the officers themselves. If you're not on the street and you're instructing you get a little disenfranchised as to what's going on, which would explain his fb page and attitude.
My I also offer that any police officer does what he/she is told. Mr. Pepitone did not act alone and was supervised and paid to perform his duties. I haven't read anywhere that he even made it to sergeant or lieutenant in the years before he stepped aside and became an instructor.
I do not care for his campaign tactics. I am thankful that there are only a handful of people who are so willingly playing follow the self-appointed leader.
I would also like to point out that we are now the recipients of what happens when people elect non-committed people to office. Ledger, Dreisbach, Smith, Sanford all represent a direction back to the good-old-boys-club type of governing. I believe Mr. Pepitone is also in this category. He is clearly being fed information from somewhere and it's obvious where it is coming from. He has already publicly said he is not for the new upgrades to the borough. This can be put for a vote again in January. Ask yourself when the next time any of these improvements will happen if this becomes a missed opportunity. I am not trying to scare or threaten anyone into voting for or against anyone. I just want people to realize that their vote is important and to look past what you are being fed to the realities of your vote.
Yes, the upgrades project is the perfect example of how everything is not about the police as mayor. If you only understand one aspect, you really have no business in the seat. Clearly Pepitone has burned more bridges than he has built, he has no local government experience. The mayor shouldn't have to be taught how to do the job. And who would be doing the teaching? I can guess. He has already come out against the upgrades project so in voting for him, know that from the start you are playing a role in killing this project, be aware of this at the polls.
Evil lurking predators will always be able to find dark shadows behind which to lurk and be evil no matter how bright the lights are. Evil-loving evil-doers doing evil lurking predatory things for the love of evil lurking predation. We must eliminate the criminal element that lurks evilly amongst us, waiting for their malicious moments of predatory perpetration. Nothing is safe. No one is safe. It's not possible to be too over the top when it comes to this. Hyperbole is minimalism when it comes to police and public safety. We will pay any costs, bear any burdens.
I told you a million times not to exaggerate!
" He [Pepitone] has already publicly said he is not for the new upgrades to the borough."
He has? when did Pepitone say that he did not support an upgrade to borough street lighting?
I can remember hearing or reading something on this, I don't know where though, so I'm no help here. Something about it being handled wrong by council. (something I don't agree with.) Understanding the information given is important for all council members.
My concerns are that Mr. Pepitone is suggesting he is the only one fit to be mayor based on a career that he had years ago in a large city in another state.
My concerns are also that he hasn't been paying attention and that he is clearly being given information from members of Morrisville's Republican Club. This contradicts him saying that he isn't working with/for any Morrisville political faction.
I have seen several Bowers signs up, which kind of surprises me. Jane Burger must be maintaining somewhat of a hold in the 3rd ward. I cannot understand why anyone would follow this her. I saw that a woman I know had a Bowers sign so I made a point of asking her about it. She said that Burger had She said that Burger had knocked on her door with the sign. Since she is also a Republican she talked with her. The only reason Burger could give the woman for why she should take the Bowers sign is because Fred isn't a homeowner. I thought how silly this was and how easily people can be coursed. I remembered that Bowers had used this as his reason in the spring voters guide as well. To me, this is a non-issue. I would like to encourage everyone in the 3rd ward to vote for Fred Kerner. We all know him, we know that he loves Morrisville and wants what is best for the community.
That's a ridiculous reason not to vote for Fred Kerner. He has our household's votes. He wants to move ahead and not bitch and argue and obstruct everything.
How's this for a reason not to vote for Bowers? I don't care if he owns 0 homes or every single house in town, he creeps me out.
I noticed today that if you take away all the Stout signs in Morrisville from the obvious obstructionists and the rental properties of the cronies, there are really only a few throughout the borough from actual supporters of Stout. It will be exciting to see him off school board.
I like Fred Kerner in the third!
Bowers is a Democrat who was put up by the Republicans as a write in. Voting for him is giving the no votes on council another no to progress.
Say Yes to Fred Kerner in the 3rd.
Justin Bowers = Mike Honcho.
Also "jayarby" on the BCCT's opinion page.
Bowers is Honcho and jayarby? I don't think so.
I hear a lot of talk about the Mayor race in Morrisville but there is an equally important race for the School Board going on and that includes the face to face race against sitting board members DANN DINGLE and Ron Stout. DANN is on the Democrat side of the ballot and Ron Stout is on the Republican side. As a current member of the School Board and lifelong Morrisville resident, I personally do not care which party they belong to but I do care about the amount of work either candidate has put into their position and what their individual contributions are to the budget process, increased educational opportunities, committee representation and participation in school and community events. DANN DINGLE is the clear winner in each of these categories! As Treasurer of the school board DANN leads the Finance committee and is an active member of the Education committee, HR Committee, Public Relations Committee, PTO and MOEF (Morrisville Opportunity Educational Foundation). You can find him at the PTO events supporting the fundraising efforts of his wife Bonnie as well as Friday night football games supporting his home team. He researches, investigates and offers new ideas on a regular basis. If something doesn’t seem right, he challenges the answer. He attends all informational meetings and is quick to dig into the next task or the tough subjects that others shy away from. He is always courteous and respectful and presents professionally at every function. There is only one sitting member of the school board running this election that fills all the expectations and more of the job of School Board Director and who deserves your vote and that is DANN DINGLE.
Wanda Kartal
Morrisville School Board
I appreciate the Stout and Hellman signs around town . It clues me in where all the morons live.
I'd say misguided or underinformed. Stout has done nothing good to distinguish himself, that's for sure.
I suppose this works on some people, but I find it a big heap of misdirected bombastic B.S. from Pepitone.
Restore Morrisville
about an hour ago.
The vehicle break-ins, property removals and acts of vandalism continue on a nightly basis. Another child is nearly abducted off the street in broad daylight, this one not far from us. The aggressive vagrants on Bridge Street are more visible than ever, intimidating our residents and causing our business district to suffer greatly. A convicted felon is arrested, armed with a .40 caliber handgun.
And yet David T. Rivella, the man who wants the keys to the Police Department, says nothing and does nothing.
Perhaps he believes spending $200,000 of OUR tax money on unproductive studies and reports will drive crime out of Morrisville. Maybe he believes removing funding for police vehicles, and replacing full time officers with part-time officers will restore public faith in a department crippled by gross mismanagement by Borough officials. He may truly believe that the Bloods, Crips and other violent gangs that are coming over the bridge will cease their operations once they realize HE instructed the Borough Solicitor to 'research' outsourcing OUR police department, police layoffs and police force reduction and dissolution in Newtown/Wrightstown and Etna Borough.
Surrender is not a proven policing strategy, Mr. Rivella.
Of course, we're all concerned about crime, but the way Pep is going about this is turning me off big time. I guess I expected something more nuanced and sophisticated from him. Why? I don't know. What the H is wrong with me? He's like Hellmann, CPA with a badge. Pepitone, N.Y.P.D.
Hellmann didn't end well. Come to think of it, Hellmann didn't begin well either. Neither is Pepitone.
My advice would be to beware of Big Swingin' Alpha Dogs who claim they have all the answers.
Pepitone sounds like a classic Right Wing Authoritarian.
"Authoritarian followers usually support the established authorities in their society, such as government officials and traditional religious leaders. Such people have historically been the “proper” authorities in life, the time-honored, entitled, customary leaders, and that means a lot to most authoritarians. Psychologically these followers have personalities featuring:
1) a high degree of submission to the established, legitimate authorities in their society;
2) high levels of aggression in the name of their authorities; and
3) a high level of conventionalism.
Because the submission occurs to traditional authority, I call these followers rightwing authoritarians. I’m using the word “right” in one of its earliest meanings, for in Old English “riht”(pronounced “writ”) as an adjective meant lawful, proper, correct, doing what the authorities said. In North America people who submit to the established authorities to extraordinary degrees often turn out to be political conservatives, so you can call them “right-wingers” both in my new-fangled psychological sense and in the usual political sense as well. But someone who lived in a country long ruled by Communists and who ardently supported the Communist Party would also be one of my psychological right-wing authoritarians even though we would also say he was a political left-winger. So a right-wing authoritarian follower doesn’t necessarily have conservative political views. Instead he’s someone who readily submits to the established authorities in society, attacks others in their name, and is highly conventional. It’s an aspect of his personality, not a description of his politics." (Altemeyer, 2006).
What is Pepitone's problem???
Does he really think this is the way to run for office - by posting his resume from JC Penny's, pictures of him with his NYPD brothers and bad mouthing someone who, if he won he would have to work WITH to get things done in this town??
He obviously hasn't been paying attention - I knew that outsourcing crap was going to be used by him. NO ONE else brought it up - the first time I heard about it was from Eileen.
You CANNOT trust her. She doesn't see that she is being used to spread more misinformation and downright LIES.
It is actually Victor Cicero who wants to outsource the police department, not Dave Rivella. Rivella did his homework prior to police negotiations during contract time. And he should have done his homework. Dave, take all the lies Pepitone is throwing around about you to your lawyer. You probably have a case.
I'm under the impression that Pepitone thinks he is saying all the right things, but he is really coming off like an idiot. He sounds like another Bill Farrell. I wouldn't be surprised if Dave has never even met this guy who thinks nothing of talking crap about him. Jane must be so proud of her newly found thorn in the rump.
Dave, I commend you for continuing to take the high road. It's gotta suck to have done as much as you have only to be the brunt of Pepitone's misguided tirades.
Karma Dave, Karma.
"studies and reports"? What the heck is he talking about. There were no studies. There was an audit and an investigation. He's running for mayor, I shouldn't know more than him.
I think I am lovin Pepitone's campaign strategy. He has already sunk himself but he just keeps paddling while he sings that same tune over and over. Sure he will have a couple of dozen followers(I think I'm being generous) like Scott Robinson, but rational people have already seen for what he is.
It's like Pepitone only has one button so he keeps pushing it. Note to Pepitone, you're showing everyone what you're made of and it ain't pretty.
Love that find! Haven't heard that song since I was a kid.
Got Peppy's half page lit yesterday. Did he break the law again by using the channel 6 logo? Obviously it's copywrited.
As for his latest rant... is he really asking to be Morrisville's cheerleader? This is a dangerous guy who is trying to en-site a riot type mentality in our little borough. Police! Police! Police!
What an ugly guy he Pepitone has turned out to be. At least he has shown what he isn't made of before election day.
This guy is so misleading and annoying I cannot believe any normal people would buy into his nasty crap. Looking at some of what he's said, here's what comes to mind.
"The vehicle break-ins, property removals and acts of vandalism continue on a nightly basis."
Not trying to ensite any fear based behavior there. The on a nightly basis thing made me shake my head. He really is new. Yes people have to take care of their possessions as it's always been. I do nothing differently than I have for the past 30 years. I took precautions then and I take precautions now. Everyone should. We aren't living on Walton's Mountain.
"another child is nearly abducted off the street in broad daylight, this one not far from us."
So now Dave should be controlling what happens in Falls Twp. ugh
"The aggressive vagrants on Bridge Street are more visible than ever, intimidating our residents and causing our business district to suffer greatly."
Are we living in the same town? I use businesses on Bridge Street regularly and have no idea what he's talking about.
"A convicted felon is arrested, armed with a .40 caliber handgun."...and...? Police were called, Officer Matthews responded, took control of the situation, and it ended well. What it's actually saying is that the police did their job.
"And yet David T. Rivella, the man who wants the keys to the Police Department, says nothing and does nothing"
The mayor controls the police dept. Statements about the police dept must come from her. Is the suggestion that a councilperson should go over the mayor's head? I don't get what he is saying.
I tend to think Dave running for mayor has nothing to do with what he wants. Knowing the guy, what he wants to earn a decent living and be with his family. He is running for mayor because he can see that Morrisville has suffered by not having a positive PR person in the mayor's seat.
I cannot help but notice that I see over and over again, that Pepitone says nothing at all about Mayor Ledger and her role or lack of role in anything. I love it that he says nothing about Kitty because he doesn't even see her as a real candidate. This is a mistake because she is bothered to get herself on the ballot and will no doubt get more votes than Pepitone.
Or...this could all just be part of the plan to take Dave down and Kitty and Peppy could actually be working together to split Dave's votes and help the cronies. Either way I have no doubt that Mayor Rivella will not put much stock into the attacking mosquito that is Pepitone.
This cop wanting to be mayor speaking out against an investigation of the police department that he wants to be in charge of smells bad to me.
Pepitone is the Jane Burgermeister Meisterburger.
The Vent for Oct. 29
Is Obama applying for Affordable Health Care? Or is he too good for for his own program?
Bill Minder, Morrisville
If Mother Nature told Obama not to apply, would that be OK?
Don't vote, don't complain
Posted: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 6:00 am
In 2009, the last time judges, some county officials, school board members, borough councilpersons, and township supervisors were elected, only 26 percent of the registered voters came to vote. Three out of four voters stayed home, letting the other one-fourth of the electorate choose the officials who will make decisions that directly affect the quality of their daily life. For example, the quality of the schools, roads, water, sewers, parks, police protection, disaster preparedness and control, environmental protection, zoning, and commercial and residential development is affected by the decisions made by these local elected officials.
If you did not vote in 2009, you did not have an influence over these decisions.
Make plans today to vote on Nov. 5. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Don't let others decide for you how your community, schools, and county are run. Show you care. Vote.
Madeline Rawley
Doylestown Township
Good post!
Two great events tonight 10/29 in Morrisville:
First, 6-8pm you can meet all your Democrat Candidates on the ballot for this November at Cafe Antonios. Stop by after work for light refreshments and ask the important questions that matter to you and your family.
2nd, Morrisville School District is holding a parent workshop in conjunction with NOVA entitled ‘Talking to your Child about Safety’ starting at 7pm in the LGI room at the High School. Refreshments will be served from 6:30-7:00.
So get to know those asking for your vote on November 5th and potentially running your borough and school and get safety information regarding your kids.
Good stuff, Wanda. I wish I could be in both places at once, but I will be at Cafe Antonio.
If you want progress on the school board to continue and you want people on the board who will put in the time, work hard, research, offer ideas, suggestions, attend meetings and participate in committees and events you MUST vote STOUT OUT by Voting IN Dann Dingle, Joe Gilleo, Jon Perry and Ivan Colon.
Do not let this man continue to merely keep a seat warm for naps.
If you hold an elected position you should be producing, participating, and aware of what is going on around you. There is no comparison between the job Dann Dingle has done vs. Stout.
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