Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Promote Excellence in Education?

The "Stay on Course" candidates' flier says they "Promote Excellence in Education".

Do you think they have really promoted excellence in education?

If so, how?

If not, why not?


Anonymous said...

That's a joke. They've promoted themselves and their friends first and foremost. Everybody else can generally kiss off.
Education is way down on their priority list.

The teachers and kids succeed despite them, not because of them.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to education, Stay on Course can say what the want, and they will, and a lot of it will be inaccurate, but .....

..... their hearts are NOT in the right place.

Their talk about education drips with insincerity.

Anonymous said...

They have no clue what "staying on course" means. They don't care about the children. They care about themselves. Our children deserve respect and deserve the chance to succeed. How can anyone expect the youth to respect them when their needs are tossed aside?

morrisvillematters said...

sounds like you need to help get the word out to vote Morrisville Matters and put respect and integrity back on the board!

morrisvillematters said...

So, the Statewide District Ranking for school districts is out....Out of 501 Districts in PA, Morrisville is ranked 431 for 2011!!! Sadly we dropped another 20 spots since 2010 when we were 413. Good news though, we beat Bristol Borough and Bristol Township...Very sad state of affairs. How do you explain that SOC? How is that excellence?

morrisvillematters said...

Want to help paint the town Blue and Gold...Email Morrisvillematters@yahoo.com with name and address if you are ready to display our election sign...Signs are due here tomorrow and flying out the door. Show your support for Morrisville Matters and add some color to your lawn...Get the hottest sign in town. Call us at 267-798-6916 or email us or message us on facebook. Thanks from Kartal, Parker, Miller and Stoneburner