Tuesday, April 26, 2011

School Spirit Night at Barnes &Noble this Thurs. 4/28

Featuring the MHS Jazz Band.  It's the Barnes&Noble near the Oxford Valley Mall.

District Event
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Barnes&Noble School Spirit Night at Barnes &Noble
Site: Off-Site Barnes and Noble
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time: 9:00 PM


Anonymous said...

Will someone post the number of Morrisville Matters candidates who attend this function and the number of *incumbent* Morrisville School Board members running as Stay on Course candidates who attend and/or buy items supporting this event?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this may have altered the experiment.
Normally, the answer is zero, but now the SOC penchant for electioneering opportunism may prompt some to show up.

Anonymous said...

one or two soc'ers will be there for sure because they have a few 'voters' playing into their hand (s)

Anonymous said...

Make sure that they are there and make sure to ask them real questions that they either answer or run away from.

Anonymous said...

Ok....this is PTO event not a political event. Let's keep it that way, please!

Anonymous said...

"Ok....this is PTO event not a political event."

Stop being naive. It's all political. Stand up for the rights of your children to have a real education.

Anonymous said...

Like the slogan says, test scores up, taxes down!

If it's in a slogan, you know it's true!

Wanda Kartal said...

Yes, this is a KID/ School spirit event and please lets keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Wanda and the Morrisville Matters people want to shut the Stay on Course candidates out of this event.

Jon said...

Yeah, that's what I got out of it...

If you show up, do it with a glad heart and with love and support for the kids. Buy a book or 3. Listen to the MHS Jazz Band. Say hello to friends. Make new friends. Mend tattered friendships. Buy some overpriced Starbucks.

It's a public place. Nobody's shutting anybody out.

What I get out of this is: don't turn this into a political event.

Can you handle it?

If you can't, then maybe you ought to sit this one out.

Wanda Kartal said...

To the person above who posted anonymously....

Anonymous said...
It looks like Wanda and the Morrisville Matters people want to shut the Stay on Course candidates out of this event.

I just need to ask....Where in my posting did it say that I would like to block SOC??? That doesn't even make sense...

I am a parent of a child who happens to be in the 6th grade at the middle/intermediate school
who happens to be a member of the Jazz band and as far as I know is playing instruments at the Barnes and Noble event (unless his current illness prevents him from doing so) so I will be at the event, as I was last year even when my child was not playing and when I was not a candidate because as a resident of the borough and a supporter of my alma mater, I have always attended school events. Signed Proudly Wanda Kartal

Unknown said...

As a coordinator of this event I would kindly ask that everyone refrain from using this event as a political forum. This event was in part created to boost pride within our community - not to create unnecessary conflict. Please come enjoy the activities with your children, buy some books, mingle with our wonderful teachers, wear our school colors proudly and respectfully leave your hate somewhere else.

Jon said...

I just want to make it "perfectly clear" that when I said "Yeah, that's what I got out of it...", I was being sarcastic. I thought it was a ridiculous insinuation.

Unfortunately, I can't say it hasn't been tried before in Morrisville. But that was by SOC'ers trying to intimidate local businesses. It wasn't on videotape so it never happened - and yet happen it did.

Dee wild said...

hey what happened to the other blog, oh yeah it got shut down in hope that a program wouldn't be cut.
welcome back !!!!!!
P.S. Marlis says thanks

Donna said...

I can't believe that an event that is for the kids of this town is being turned into a political thing. All it is about is the kids, family and friends and showing your blue and gold pride. Please do not come to the event and turn it into something ugly. Please everyone come and be respectful of what the night is about and leave the politics in Morrisville where they belong.

Anonymous said...

*sniffle* *cry* *whine* *but its all for the children!*

thats why your gonna lose again. say it with me!

four more years!
four more years!

Anonymous said...

Maybe so, time will tell, but this illustrates why you don't deserve to win.

Anonymous said...

only time will tell is so true
alot can happen between now and november like the budget, programs get cut, aides laid off thats their plan and anyone who thinks this election is just about the children are fools this is about the town the children and everyones future

Anonymous said...

hey sniffle sell your soul to the devil if you want just don't come back crying when the only cheering you hear is the soc camp on how much of a fool you were for trusting them

Anonymous said...

Otter: Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You ****ed up... you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help.

Anonymous said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!! That is all that can be said to so many of the comments above. Really people need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

The comments on this post are a prime example of one of the reasons the other blogger gave it up. Such infancy really gets old after awhile. And it's coming from both "sides"!

Jon said...

I can respect that to a degree. What I can't quite fathom is running it for 2 years and then giving it up 1 month before an election. Relying on the trust of a current School Board member is extremely risky business, if that's what's going on.

I also think there's a lot of truth and insight mixed in with the "infancy". Then I think about our elected School Board officials' public actions and words. I think they've demonstrated themselves time and again to not merit another 4 years.

I think deciding that there's "infancy" on these blogs is an extremely poor reason to vote for Stay on Course candidates, if that's driving anyone's decision-making.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhh, deep cleasing breaths.
I hope everyone is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

a little gassy, but my emotions are in check now! Thanks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

for sure has the "don't go there" vibe.
but if he really doesn't make a dime off the school bowling there good for him!!! but I have heard his views on the district first hand, so I won't be spending any of my money there

Anonymous said...

oops this is why I don't blog the comment above isn't meant for here sorry lol

steve said...

the "other blogger" gave up because she/he/she is working with SOC and for no other reason!!!!!! all in the hope of saving a program that her/his/her child is in.

Jon said...

That’s a widespread rumor.

In fairness, it may be their way of trying to do what they think is right for the district, build some kind of working relationship with SOC (3 seats held by Buckman, Stout, and DeWilde aren’t up), etc.

Personally, depending on stealth and the trust of decidedly untrustworthy SOC board members is a strategy I have trouble understanding, but everybody has to find their own path. Divide and conquer has been an effective SOC strategy, and I hate to see it in play here.

Everybody, please consider the big picture, and vote your conscience.

Ted Parker said...

It is in play Jon but this time, they may try to divide. But I hope behind that curtain, in the voter booth, you think long and hard as to what is best in the long run. four more years of how the current board has treated you and the district, Or vote for a change and not let them conquer.

Anonymous said...

wow seems the morrisville's future blog claims it never went way or supported soc and is going to change how you post back to how it was funny thing is I have google account and still couldn't post anything hmmm

Anonymous said...

Let us all pray that poll workers will not be standing by to assist you with telling you who to vote for.

wanda said...

What a great night to see the Jazz band play, wish they were on longer for all the people that come a little later though, but they did a great job as did the readers and all the kids and parents who showed up to support the school tonight.

Jon said...

Yes, it was great. Excellent turnout. The band rocked the house.

Thanks to everyone who did the hard work of organizing and implementing it so well.

Ted Parker said...

Yes thanks to everyone who worked on organizing it, great turn out

Anonymous said...

thats a joke all they did was make a statement and there's one post. Don't claim you didn't shut it down and then it's still it's not open I'm starting to believe the rumors

Anonymous said...

Meh. It got weird, its getting less weird, it could always be a little weird, weird makes the world go round, evidently. Vote on May 17 for Morrisville Matters, even the SOC judges of elections don't follow you into the booth yet.

tax paying parent said...

here's my two cents one I believe MM, when it says test score aren't really up, they dropped 30% and have only climb up a little bit. And really whats the SOC plan? I don't know, they don't seem to have one! All they can say is taxes, taxes and taxes again. To me that really speaks volumes to what they think about education.

Anonymous said...

The plan, as always, is whatever they decide to do, whenever they decide to do it. Just cooperate sand-pounders!!!!!!!!