Saturday, October 12, 2013

3rd Candidate Enters the Morrisville Mayoral Race

3rd candidate enters the Morrisville mayoral race
Posted: Friday, October 11, 2013 4:51 pm | Updated: 6:43 pm, Fri Oct 11, 2013.

The mayoral race in Morrisville has two official candidates on the ballot – one for each party. But three people are campaigning for the seat that oversees the town’s troubled police force.
Republican candidate Sandra Kitty Westrope, who serves as president of the local Republican Club, is facing Democrat Dave Rivella, who is trying to make the switch from council to town mayor.
In late August, the race took a turn when Bill Pepitone decided to run for mayor and started a write-in campaign, making it a three-way race.
Although he’s a Republican, he running his campaign without a party affiliation in hopes that he gets the support from all voters.
The 47-year-old retired New York police officer said he decided to run so late in the game after talking to residents who informed him of the issues facing the police department.
Since January, the small force has been without a police chief, and the search for a replacement has been ongoing for months. The department is understaffed with police officers; however the borough is seeking to hire three additional patrol officers. Beyond that, the department lacks professionalism, supervision and up-to-date guidelines, according to a recent report on the department by Frederick DeVesa, who served as interim police director but resigned abruptly after only two weeks this summer.
In his two-page resignation letter, DeVesa criticized the mayor who is not seeking re-election.
He said he tried to arrange a meeting with Mayor Rita Ledger and borough Manager Tom Bates to "resolve at least some of the issues relating to my proposed authority and duties, but (Ledger) stated that she was unwilling to 'negotiate' or delegate her proper authority and role."
Pepitone says he's the man to take charge.
“With my experience in law enforcement, I know I can clean up the Morrisville Police Department,” said Pepitone, who works part-time in the security team for New Hope-Solebury School District.
He moved from New York to Morrisville with his family in 2007.
“I’m here for the long haul,” he said. “Morrisville has much to offer. People want their community back; I want to help that happen.”
He’s currently not active in the community, but said he’s going to start because he wants to help improve the borough.
Pepitone has been giving heat to Rivella because he sits on council. Through social media, Pepitone claims local government officials haven’t done much to improve the police situation.
Rivella agrees with Pepitone that the police department needs to be cleaned up, and that’s why he’s running for mayor, he said.
“The mayor’s office and the officer in charge control the police department,” Rivella said. “Council is not permitted to circumvent the mayor’s authority regarding police matters.”
If elected, Rivella said he would “work with police and borough council to initiate reasonable solutions that the residents can afford. Officers must be given the support they need to properly care for our borough. I am the only candidate who has been privy to executive sessions and confidential information regarding the police department meaning that beginning on day one as mayor I can actively participate to begin to resolve problems within the department. Given the proper resources and having proper policies in place, morale will improve which will lead to a more cohesive department.”
Westrope, who is running for political office for the first time in the borough, said she’s running for mayor because “we need to change the way things are done in Morrisville. I’d like to change the overall environment in Morrisville into something positive. Morrisville has so much to offer. We need to work together for the greater good of the community."
Westrope, who is an active community member, said she has two goals if elected.
For one, she wants to get the police department fully staffed. Westrope would have the department undergo an evaluation and improve from there.
Additionally, she’s determined to unite Morrisville’s political arena to work for the betterment of the community, she said.
“We should be working for the same goal – what’s best for the residents,” Westrope said.


Anonymous said...

Rivella gets my vote. He is the one who has been involved in all areas that the mayor can affect.
We have an opportunity to elect someone with a proven record, not a Johnny come lately who is using scare tactics, and who aligns with the obstructionist few (ledger, smith, dreisbach, Sanford, etc). Westrope is part if that too, and she would probably be as good as ledger is now.

So we pretty much know what we will get with any of them. Want more of the same crap that is going on? Probably not. So the only choice is Rivella. And it's a good one!

Anonymous said...

Pepitone does not get my vote. He's angry and armed. That's a bad combination.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the idea of an alternative to the other mayor candidates.
Sadly Pepitone is turning out to not be that guy. Proxy bomb throwers like Mike Honcho and the ill informed bombast and bickering on his restore morrisville facebook page are losing my vote.

Anonymous said...

Finger point and trash just about everyone on boro council, even though almost all of them will still be there after November. Then expect that you, with no vote yourself, will get 4, 5 or more council people to vote for, let alone bring up for a vote, whatever plans you concoct to 'fix' the police dept., which are likely to cost a good chunk of change and a tax increase. Someone explain to me how this works as a strategy for 'governing' as Mayor in the event you win. Is it even an effective campaign stategy?
I feel Pepitone has useful experience but he's going about it wrong.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone has lived here 6 yrs. Many people supporting him have lived here a lot longer. I'm amazed at how little the average citizen knows about who's who and how our local government works. It finally took a spike in crime for a bunch of people to wake up and get their heads out of the sand? WTF? This is how we got where we are. We got what we deserved. We neglected it and the chickens came home to roost. Fat dumb, unhappy and apathetic has real world consequences.

Anonymous said...

Give it a chance. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Anonymous said...

I'm so fed up with idiocracy I want to scream!

Anonymous said...

"The 47-year-old retired New York police officer said he decided to run so late in the game after talking to residents who informed him of the issues facing the police department."

"after talking to residents who informed him of the issues"

"He’s currently not active in the community, but said he’s going to start"

just saying

Anonymous said...

You have to start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Like him or hate him, you have to admit Rivella has been out there promoting Morrisville for years.

Anonymous said...

I agree people have to start somewhere and that is not in the mayor's seat. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone didnt want to get involved in Morrisville and quit the MEAC. Now he wants a job that he didnt work for and just wants to have awarded to him. Will he quit that too?

Anonymous said...

Why would Mayor Ledger negotiate anything with a mayoral candidate. Only a Republican would be that clueless and arrogant?

Anonymous said...

Can't tell if the article is referring to Pepitone or DeVesa about negotiating with Ledger.

Anonymous said...

DeVesa, not Ledger, is my understanding. I had heard this before. She wouldn't meet with DeVesa to discuss the police dept. Maybe she knew she wouldn't be able to keep up with any conversation they would be having with out help.

I think someone is confusing MEAC with EDC. It's my understanding that Pepitone wanted to be on the EDC - Economic Development Corporation, which is a borough committee. As I've read previously, Rivella even voted for him. But Pepitone only stayed on this committee for a couple of months, then quit. On this blog in a previous post he said the reason was because of his family. As if we don't all have families. I remember being irritated at learning of this. He wants to be Morrisville top good PR guy yet quit the EDC which promotes the town.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Pepitone went to the police station to talk about running with the officers. Is highly inappropriate. If we paid their salaries while he campaigned at our police dept that would be unacceptable. I had heard that Pepitone had said that he had tried to get Westrope to drop out of the race so he could get her Republican votes.

Anonymous said...

I haven't really heard anything at all from Kitty Westrope. I looked her up on facebook but only came across her personal page, not a campaign page.

I have been following the facebook campaign pages of both Pepitone and Rivella.

Pepitone posts whatever bad press Morrisville gets and stabs at who he thinks is to blame, generally council. I assume this is because Rivella is on council. Pepitone's page is somewhat anti everything. Rivella's page is basically community based.

I saw this article 'kind of' mentioned on Pepitone's page. He posted a line and a half of the article, not the entire article, which told me something, so I looked for and read the entire piece. On his page, Pepitone used a portion of a sentence where Rivella says there are problems in the police dept as a sort of "gotcha" moment which told me how much this guy really doesn't know what's going on as if him saying he hadn't been paying attention in the article wasn't enough for me.

Here are the links to both pages:



Anonymous said...

Council,you're all a bunch of incompetents. So anyways, I want to hire a bunch of police officers, buy a bunch of vehicles, spend a bunch of money on equipment, and boost taxes for my Giuliani style Operation Broken Windows. So, bozos, you with me?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed David Janet Rivella's book he dropped of yesterday.

I especially like how he claimed that he believes the police should have risked more lives and let more people be shot to save his sons. That is not selfish at all.

When did being a crime victim make you an expert on crime?

Mike Honcho said...

where did the $2,500 come from to pay for the book Rivella's union dropped off at my door step?

Anonymous said...

Why are you trying to win the race to the bottom?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you received a different packet and I.

Show me where it says "he believes the police should have risked more lives and let more people be shot to save his sons. That is not selfish at all."

I realize you think you are making some ridiculous point.

I would think Rivella talked about his son because people like you had already made it part of the campaign.

I received the packet as well yesterday from Janet Rivella as she and her husband and two of their friends walked around the first ward delivering them.

Where does the price tag come from? Are you suggesting you have this information? If so produce it. I know you will not because your comments are not based on truth.

For that matter, none of what you said in your comment holds up. This is one of the problems with Morrisville. How is anything supposed to move forward when people such as yourself continue to use the same old tactics to promote yourselves and your candidates instead of promoting the borough. All you do is spread venom and hatred.

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me some busybody operative isn't running up to Doylestown to dig up this sh*t for you?

Anonymous said...

Honcho and anonohocho have succeeded. In putting the Rivellas on the High Road.

You dimwit(s) are sinking the USS Pepitone!!

Anonymous said...

To the loser poster above, what you don't seem to get is that people have a lot of respect for the Rivella family. I'm glad they didn't just pack it in a couple of years ago, I think I would have. They continue on to try to make Morrisville better in spite of people like YOU who have other agendas.

I got one from Dave yesterday, I talked to him as well.

Here's what the packet included:

There was a small card, with his election day voting info.

There was a small sheet of paper with information about going to his facebook campaign page as well as info on the other facebook community pages he has - it also asked people to support the new Morrisville Police Dept fb page and gave information on the newly formed Neighborhood watch group including info on the next mtg.

There was a handout that had four sides.
Side one: talked about his record as a councilperson.
Side two: gave his endorsements and the voting record of the two endorsed, ballot and write-in candidates.
Side three: The entire page talked about the Morrisville Police Department and public safety.
Side four: had photos and talked about some things he has done to move our borough forward.

I would think because Rivella has as people like to say "put himself out there" the anti any progress movement will come out as it has here to promote their two candidates, as you have this morning.

Anonymous said...

It's official. Honcho is the operative. Proxy stink bomb thrower.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone is sinking himself. He has the police thing down but otherwise hes an empty uniform.

Anonymous said...

Stop and Frisk.

Anonymous said...

Has (or will) Pepitone receive support (monetary or otherwise) from the FOP or police unions?
I don't care if he does or doesn't, just asking the yes or no question.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone says on his own website that he has received the full support of the County Fraternal Order of Police. The FOP is a labor union, is it not?

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between the FOP snd the IBEW unions, other than FOP is public sector and IBEW represents both private and public sector?

Anonymous said...

In the standard Republican Playbook, public sector unions are the worst of the worst, sucking away at the taxpayer teat with their endless and growing demands for more and more wages and benefits. Except, of course, when it's a union that happens to mostly vote their way.

Anonymous said...

I highly recommend that Honcho/Pepitone '13 get off the union shit.

Anonymous said...

“Tragically, in 2011, our oldest son was fatally shot at the hands of a person with mental health issues. Without proper training and equipment by police, our son lost his life while lying on the pavement for eight hours during a standoff. I do NOT want anyone to go through our nightmare. My top priority is doing whatever is needed to ensure the safety of our borough and its families.”

If you visit any article from the incident you will see that the police were equipped properly and properly trained. They didn’t risk the lives of more innocent people to save one person. It is an unfortunate decision that has to be made. Is this why David Janet Rivella has been a part of a campaign to outsource the Police Department duties to Falls Township? Is this why he has stood in the way for over 2 years and not pushed to replace the retired officers or officers who left?

I would rather trust a police professional to fix our department then a guy who campaigns on his social networking.

Anonymous said...

Evidence please, I can't just go by your word.

"David Janet Rivella has been a part of a campaign to outsource the Police Department duties to Falls Township? Is this why he has stood in the way for over 2 years and not pushed to replace the retired officers or officers who left?"

Anonymous said...

Does this make sense to you? His son is tragically murdered in Ewing Twp., NJ. Therefore, it is imperative to him that Morrisville Boro, PA's police be outsourced to Falls Twp., PA?

I wanted very badly to believe in a newcomer alternative like Pepitone. You, as a proxy dirtmonger, are ruining him with your ridiculous smear campaign.

A different, better Pepitone would be muzzling your ass, and your mouth, which may be one in the same.

Anonymous said...

Honcho, pick up the red phone to Pepitone and tell him to switch to a MORRISVILLE picture of the canal. That's M-O-R-R-I-S-V-I-L-L-E, the place he wants to RESTORE. Gee whiz, do we have to do everything for you?

Anonymous said...

Mike Honcho is like that kid in the schoolyard who craves attention so badly that he pursues bad behavior to acquire it. I have to walk the other way because he has no boundaries in his quest for attention. I can no longer engage Mike Honcho or his bad behavior and I encourage others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mike Honcho is Bill Pepitone.

Anonymous said...

I don't think so, but he might as well be.

Anonymous said...

It is actually, Pepitone's friend, fellow NYPD Victor Cicero who is the councilperson desiring to be rid of the MPD, not Dave Rivella.

For anyone who, at this late date, is still trying to suggest that Rivella and Cicero are working together, let me remind you that in the 2013 Primary Election, Rivella supported someone other than Cicero for the 4th ward council seat. I suspect this is the real motivation behind Cicero's friends running against Rivella.

In a letter from Victor Cicero to council, dated August 23, 2013, Victor Cicero says, "Last Monday I suggested we examine dissolving the department and contract for services."

Furthermore, recently it was Victor Cicero and the borough manager who secretly met with Chief Wilcox from the Falls Twp PD to have a discussion about outsourcing but Wilcox gave them a price tag of two million dollars annually which is more than the MPD currently costs to operate.

Mike Honcho, facts are interesting things when used properly, try it.

Anonymous said...

As if you haven't crossed enough lines, please stop using Janet Rivella's name to attempt to make a point. You will miss your mark every time. She is very well liked by all and is a very sweet lady who has proven that she would do anything for anybody at anytime. Leave her out of your games.

Anonymous said...

Keep your unions straight. Police are supported by those in power and the establishment so police unions are OK. Industrial unions are disliked by those in power and are just a bunch of thugs.

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Never been in a union and probably never will be, but I understand their purpose and necessity. Unions are at their weakest in many decades, so to shower them with blame for why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is baffling.

People are really getting sold a bill of goods, fueled by well heeled fat cats who would cut you loose in a heartbeat if they could squeeze another buck out of it for themselves and their shareholders.

Union, non-union, this is a struggling blue collar town that shouldn't be devouring itself over the shrinking pie.

Anonymous said...

"It is actually, Pepitone's friend, fellow NYPD Victor Cicero who is the councilperson desiring to be rid of the MPD, not Dave Rivella.

For anyone who, at this late date, is still trying to suggest that Rivella and Cicero are working together, let me remind you that in the 2013 Primary Election, Rivella supported someone other than Cicero for the 4th ward council seat. I suspect this is the real motivation behind Cicero's friends running against Rivella.

In a letter from Victor Cicero to council, dated August 23, 2013, Victor Cicero says, "Last Monday I suggested we examine dissolving the department and contract for services."

Furthermore, recently it was Victor Cicero and the borough manager who secretly met with Chief Wilcox from the Falls Twp PD to have a discussion about outsourcing but Wilcox gave them a price tag of two million dollars annually which is more than the MPD currently costs to operate.

Mike Honcho, facts are interesting things when used properly, try it."!

Anonymous said...

Let's quite ting each other up by being negative. The police issue is not our only problem. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that.
How can the mayor and council make Morrisville better? That is the question.

Anonymous said...

"Westrope, who is an active community member, said she has two goals if elected.
For one, she wants to get the police department fully staffed. Westrope would have the department undergo an evaluation and improve from there."

Did no one else notice this little chestnut? She wants the department to undergo an evaluation, then go from there! WTF? We've been evaluated and found sorely lacking! This comment alone tells me all I need to know about her. She is a ditherer, who is likely to continue in the same vein as the obstructionists on council, never acting and always "Looking for more information, " even when the information is right there staring her in the face!!

So, for me, it's now down to Peppy-tone and Riverella. The question I have to answer for myself is, "Does the councilman understand what needs gto be done and have the testicular fortitude to see it through? And for the NYPD candidiate, does he understand what he is doing, what is really needed in this role, and is he anything more than a lot of hot wind. On the one hand, we know Riverella. ON the other hand, Peppy-tone is a newcomer without the baggage of any existing ties to the local political scene. His resignation from the MDC is troubling. When the going gets tough, will he get going on the job? or get going out the door?

Anonymous said...

I have to go with Dave Rivella.

One of my own problems is that Pepitone is not a newcomer. He has been here and hasn't paid attention and now he wants my vote. The one thing he did, he quit. I have heard more whisper down the lane kind of stuff about Rivella than any actual evidence that he is a bad guy. He seems to be working for the town. He has been doing his homework and putting the time in. Again I cannot ignore this.

As for politics & baggage, Pepitone has managed to create quite a bit of political baggage in the few months that I even knew he lived here and I don't see any of it being good for the town. It kind of sounds like more of the same bashers with a new face.

As a councilman, Rivella has been a pretty proactive/capable guy. One thing I see that I like is that he is talking about working with entities to make positive change, not just blaming everyone for Morrisville's problems. I feel that the truth of it is the Pepitone is burning bridges before they are even in place.

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't know more about Morrisville and it's local municipal government than two of the three people running for mayor.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why I will not vote for Bill Pepitone:

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." —Albert Einstein
FACT-10 months and counting without a police chief
FACT-The DeVesa Report-not one suggestion followed to date
FACT-The Cornerstone Report-$200,000 of our money and zero results"

FACT-Council has been bound to follow this instructions of the insurance company which I'm sure Bill knows.
FACT-Bill would have no idea what has been followed to date with regards to Devesa's report. How could he possibly?
FACT-It wasn't $200,00. Nice rounding up. It is not in the hands of Morrisville. Isn't it in the hands of the three agencies higher up than Morrisville? I suppose council is supposed to be controlling them now as well.

As far as the quote from Einstein, what a hypocrite, when he said he hasn't done anything.

I can't stand this kind of campaigning. This is not NY! Every time this man or anyone publicly behaves derogatorily, it impacts all of us and the way we are viewed by others. This is the man who is supposed to positively represent the borough?! He is an even worse candidate than Kitty.

Anonymous said...

I saw this on his facebook page too. I keep telling myself to look away but the page is like that train wreck you just have to watch in disbelief.

Anonymous said...

FACT-Bill is basing his entire campaign on scare tactics, manipulations and lies.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone it down, man!

Anonymous said...

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Cal Naughton, Jr. said...

Anonymous said...

Oh great...went out front this evening to find that there is a Stout sign in the yard across the street. Now I have to look at the thing until election day. That really stinks!!!!!

Jon said...

You have my sympathies. Try not to look directly at it but, if you must, always wear protective eyewear.

You can make sure you don't have to see Mr. S up at the school board dais much longer by voting for Dann Dingle on the Democratic ballot on Tues., November 5.

The contrast in energy, professionalism, commitment, participation, ability, and, er, wakefulness, is striking. Dann Dingle wins by a mile.

Dann Dingle on November 5.

Joe Gilleo, Ivan Colon, and yours truly, Jon Perry, too.

Out with Stout.

Anonymous said...

"Out with Stout" - Love it!

Anonymous said...

I declare martial law!

Anonymous said...

Oh great...went out front this evening to find that there is a Stout sign in the yard across the street. Now I have to look at the thing until election day. That really stinks!!!!!

So make it disappear..or is that only something the SOS group is capable of...

First Warder said...

It’s horrible the way everyone can sit here anonymously and trash a man who was willing to put his head and neck on the line and try to be a part of change instead of sitting here typing on a computer. You all have such big opinions on how and what others do but you certainly are not putting yourself out there now are you. Anyone can sit behind the keyboard and bash others, it takes a real man or woman to put those words to use and try to make a difference. Nobody is born a politician or automatically knows all that goes into running a campaign, you learn as you go and he is doing what he feels is right for what he believes in. perhaps you do not like it but don’t hate the man for no reason. and remember, he has a family and children in this community too so what you say about him reflects on his family and I’m sure you did not wake up this morning to hurt someone’s wife and children. chill it out and try to do something good for once and stop trashing people. It’s really so sickening

Jon said...

Nobody steal anything, please! Leave that to SOC. I caution potential SOC sign stealers that the metal sign frames probably really hurt when you shove them into your pants.

Anonymous said...

Don't be one-sided. Take a holistic approach and apply those exact same words to Mike Honcho.

Anonymous said...

First Warder, are you new or have you just not been paying attention AT ALL? You would have to be to make the statement above.

Anonymous said...

I remember another campaign season. Ron Stout had gone into the library and harassed Amanda Rivella for 45 minutes about her Dad. I was with Janet when her daughter called home from the library bathroom, crying hysterically. Janet tried to get her to call the police but Amanda wouldn't because she thought it would just make her work situation worse. We both ended up going to the library and staying there for the rest of the afternoon. It was actually kind of nice. I don't get so spend enough time in the library.

What I find really sad about "First Warder" is that while someone on here is talking crap about the Rivella family, this person is silent.

Oh, wait, in reading the comment again, I think First Warder is actually talking about the Rivellas. Thank you for your support of Dave.

Anonymous said...

First warder, OH, I mean Eileen, feeling defensive? You should. You should feel bad for the crappy job you did, and the mess you made. It was easy when it was you criticizing others from the audience, but when it was your turn, you screwed it up even more. Also, this is just a blog. Anyone who takes this too seriously needs to learn a little about the modern world.

Anonymous said...

WOW - I just read the comment of "First Warder"

It is unfortunate that the people following the law and order candidate are as equally detached from Morrisville as the candidate himself. I cannot understand how this person and his followers can be so totally unaware of their own community.

Anonymous said...

Dave, Kitty, do not debate Pepitone. He is looking for an audience, don't give him one.

Anonymous said...

But ... but it's the kind of theatre we simultaneously crave and are digusted with.

Anonymous said...

"a man who was willing to put his head and neck on the line and try to be a part of change instead"

Kinda seems like we have all done this, accept of course for this blogger and her candidate.

This wording gets me every time. WAKE UP! This can be said of all candidates. Even more so for the ones who bother to go through the voting process to get put on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

...or vote themselves, which apparently, Pepitone, does not.

Anonymous said...

"I remember another campaign season. Ron Stout had gone into the library and harassed Amanda Rivella for 45 minutes about her Dad."

Seriously? We have child predator laws.

Jon said...

Ron Stout is the guy who, as a sitting school board member, apparently thought if was funny to joke about there being more parent suicides if the board were to cut back from full day to half day kindergarten, presumably because they'd have to spend more time with their children. These kind of things bring the man's judgment into question.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, nothing would surprise me.

Mike Honcho said...

What will David Janet Rivella do to protect Mo'villians?
He will make another facebook page like the Morrisville Jazz Festival or the Morrisville Irish Festival. Thanks to his inovative approach we no longer need to be harrassed by Gingers who like Jazz music.

To Cal Naughton Jr. Good find. You found me out.

Anonymous said...

What is your post even supposed to mean? Leave Dave's wife out of your nonsense. I will point out the obvious. Creating the two fb pages you talked about is still more than Pepitone has done to positively move forward.

Anonymous said...

A schoolyard bully.

Anonymous said...

Honcho I notice that you're all about your zingers but that you NEVER answer the questions posed to you or dispute anyone correcting your lies.

Anonymous said...

Pepitone is using bullies to get his message out and Dave didn't take the bait. His Restore page is a joke filled with fellow nasty naysayers.

Thankfully, I think most people have seen right through it.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
...or vote themselves, which apparently, Pepitone, does not."

Pepitone voted in the Nov 12 general election, but didn't vote in the May 13 primary.
Other than that, I don't know him or his voting history.

Anonymous said...

Meh. Turnout always sucks. People exercise their God given freedom not to vote, in droves.

Eileen Dreisbach said...

For your information, I am not the first warder. I don't try to be defensive, unless I am been attached. And for your information, I use to be one of the few individuals in the audience, for over 20 years. Attending almost every meeting. So don't try to tell me I don't know what I'm doing up there. ,I've seen the good and the bad.
How many years or meetings have you attended? Have you gon to the microphone and stated your concerns? Maybe you should. Not saying you get an honest answer, or any answer at all! I don't even know why I was brought into this debate. I have nothing to do with this reticle!

Anonymous said...

Do you look at what you type before you post?

Anonymous said...

Westrope's campaign page is

Anonymous said...

Gee. It's clear now who this anonymous person is, Rivella.

Anonymous said...

Rivella can't be trusted when it comes to the police department. He secretly had the solicitor do research on rationalizing and dissolving the police department on our dime.

Anonymous said...

Anyone running for any office, if elected, needs to do their due diligence. Westrope cannot rely on previous evaluations because the information cannot be trusted. Therefore, new evaluations MUST be done to ensure the information is correct and up to date. There is way more crime being committed in MV that's not reported so it must be done when a new mayor is elected.

Anonymous said...

Rivella is not reliable. As council president in 2011, he eliminated all agenda meetings. In 2013, he voted to eliminate 3 police officers from the budget. In July and August of 2012, he did not support the police chief and mayor's request to replace the three officers. Get a copy of the council minutes and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Rivella said when he was campaigning that he will work to ensure that all measures in Mr. Devasa's report is implemented. Devasa reported they needed new police cars. In 2011 and 2012 to eliminate police cars from the budget. How is that supporting Devasa's recommendations?

Anonymous said...

Removing or vandalizing signs is illegal. Kitty Westrope put out signs for the primary and SOMEONE stole and/or vandalized them. She had permission to put her signs where she did unlike her opponent who put them everywhere regardless of permission.

Anonymous said...

Reason? What is his goal?

Anonymous said...

How many council meetings has Pepitone attended? Kitty is there all the time. She only missed two all year. Kitty knows what's going on. Pepitone only knows what people tell him.

Anonymous said...

"Rivella can't be trusted when it comes to the police department. He secretly had the solicitor do research on rationalizing and dissolving the police department on our dime." was Victor Cicero.

(just make it up as you go along)

Anonymous said...

LOL you can't 'secretly' have the solicitor look up know nothing about how local government works.

Anonymous said...

"How many council meetings has Pepitone attended? Kitty is there all the time. She only missed two all year. Kitty knows what's going on. Pepitone only knows what people tell him."

Oh Kitty, you know you only started going to council meetings when you decided to run in the spring. Yes we know you go to council meeting. We know you sit with Jane Burger at them, which is the kiss of death.

Going to council meetings is not a prerequisite to being elected to anything.

That being said, I will have you some advise (only because you are the endorsed candidate). I am not planning on voting for either Republican.

Two people of the same party debating is a huge mistake. You are the endorsed candidate, therefore you already will receive far more votes than any write in.

Debating Pepitone is a trap that you are falling into. My advise to you is to NOT debate him. By debating him you are helping him and hurting yourself because you are actually adding credibility to his candidacy to the voters who view you as the only Republican candidate because you are on the ballot. This is politics 101. You are giving him a voice where he would otherwise have none.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kitty, we all know the old saying, "statistics don't lie but liars use statistics."

Tell the whole story, not just your convenient part. Stop manipulating what Jane tells you to.

A few years ago when the vote for hiring two police officers came up, it was recommended not to hire full time officers and to instead hire as many part time officers as the department needed. Thus eliminating the benefit package per officer which is more than $20,000 an employee to save YOU money without reducing services in any way. It's convenient and irresponsible of you as a candidate to only tell part of a situation to attempt to garnish support. Being fiscally responsible is part of governing well. Obviously, Rivella has more of this than either of the other people seeking the mayor's seat. In Morrisville our representatives MUST be able to think outside the box to govern responsibly.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would you pay tax dollars to hold a non-business meeting just to have three obstructionist and their cronies can argue about what would be talked about the following week. There are costs involved in holding agenda meetings. The most obvious one being the more expensive Republican borough solicitor's firm. Where was Kitty's outcry when the solicitor, at a higher per hour rate, was voted in by the obstructionists? Maybe she wasn't paying attention then, or maybe it was because it was who Jane wanted in as solicitor.

Facts are amazing things when used properly. Prior to Dave being council president, Council President Sherlock cancelled agenda meetings on a month to month basis. In fact, whether to hold the agenda meetings was voted on by council more than once and the majority voted not to have them. Once again, I see Dave gets the blame for everything and anything that is a "council" decision. There haven't been agenda meetings for the past two years and Dave hasn't been council president in that time. The fact is that council has saved thousands of dollars by not holding agenda meetings.

To the poster, you have a choice to either manipulate information or be honest about information. It's unfortunate for Kitty that you have
chosen your path.

Mike Honcho said...

you are correct, the solicitor can not look anything up without it being detailed in the bill.

So that is why I am holding page 1 and 2 of the Solicitor bill dated 09/01/2011 which clearly talks about D Rivella discussing regionalization of the police department and the reduction of officers.

Dave Rivella doesn't care about the police nor borough safety. He cares about JCI contracts and political cronyism.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Kitty has not been on this site. She has chosen to stay out of these petty arguments. Theer are other people who make points, etc. based on their own knowledge of her. I told her about this site and she refused to buy into it. She doesn't want to be part of this at all. I just feel that she has gotten a bad rep and all she wants to do is run a clean and honest campaign. I've tried to goat her into making statements and she shuts me down. So I guess she has that going for her.

Anonymous said...

"you are correct, the solicitor can not look anything up without it being detailed in the bill.

So that is why I am holding page 1 and 2 of the Solicitor bill dated 09/01/2011 which clearly talks about D Rivella discussing regionalization of the police department and the reduction of officers."

Honcho gets it wrong again. "Discussing" a regionalization, which is most definitely a legitimate topic, is not the same as "supporting" it or "voting" for it.

"Dave Rivella doesn't care about the police nor borough safety. He cares about JCI contracts and political cronyism."

Where's your proof you fricking tool! How many breaths are you able to take before you reinsert your head back into your posterior? Where in here did you mention JCI at all? If anything you're the NYPD crony and getting jobs for the PBA buddies. I do like the show. You make the idiots in Washington look a little better.

Anonymous said...

Reverend Kitty glides effortlessly above this pettiness and will serenely guide Morrisville toward fulfilling its divine destiny.

Mike Honcho said...

Anonymous Rivella Troll,
At what point did David T Rivella do anything to support the police department?

To the contrary he worked with Tom Bates to prevent the Mayor of the borough from performing her duties.

RE:"08/04/2011 Telephone conference with T Dates and D Rivella regarding request for letter to mayor prohibiting her in negotiation sessions for CBA"

i can post more if you wish and make this whole thing on public? but you 10 idiots are enough.

Anonymous said...

Honcho, post it all. Let's see it. All of it. What it really says, not you're versions of it, given you've proven your own credibility is suspect. Stop pussy footing around. What are you waiting for, genious, the day after the election?

Anonymous said...

Ditto Honcho. Union thugs like you with badges and guns are still just union thugs. Put up or crawl back into your hole.

Anonymous said...

Honcho sounds like the town watch page bully that also has a fake name and fake picture...

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
Can you share a link?

Anonymous said...

Honcho, you are making the opposite point of your own argument. This is basic stuff. Negotiations with the police department are private, not public. It sounds like Rivella was trying to follow simple meeting rules even if Ledger was not. People present for these meetings are borough reps and police reps. These are not public meetings. If even her own cops didn't want her to be a part of their negotiating team, why would she be present to a meeting that isn't public? If she or anyone from the public were there they should have been asked to leave because they are private meetings.

Anonymous said...

I have assumed the Town Watch bully is Bill Pepitone. The writing style is the same.

Anonymous said...

To the person who is "somewhat" representing Kitty on here, please read the post about debating. It is in this thread, several above. I agree with this post and hope you will relay this to Kitty. She is actually helping him by giving voice to this fanatical opportunist who would otherwise not have one and shooting herself in the foot in the process.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Kitty should back out of the debate. "fanatical opportunist" nailed it.

Mike Honcho said...

I don't think Donald Kronnagel is a fake profile.

As for releasing the rest, I gave you specifics and told you exactly what I was quoting. If you want more or believe I am not quoting acurately then you should pull the same paperwork and read for yourself.

Anonymous said...

You said you could post more if we wish and make this whole thing public. Someone asked for more and now you renege. And you called us idiots? And you want us to vote for Pepitone?

Anonymous said...

No, but Brian Jones is a fake name and both his profile picture and cover page picture are from movies.
Think he's Peppitone.

Anonymous said...

Psssssst. I'll let you in on a little secret.

Mike Honcho has nothing. He just wants to create the illusion he has something, through rumor, innuendo, distortion, lies. All to garner support for a mayoral candidate who claims he's going to do things differently.

If he had a so called smoking gun, don't you think it would be plastered all over the place by now?

Anonymous said...

Same goes for Brian Jones. He drowned at the bottom of his own swimming pool in 1969.

Jon said...

Some believe it was a murder/conspiracy. Which is understandable, because he took such good care of himself.

Anonymous said...

Mike Honcho said...

Give me some time, I'm busily working on doctoring paperwork, falsifying documents and changing my strategy AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Call the cops! Arrest this person for impersonating an imposter!

Sgt. Lincoln Osiris said...

Mike Honcho said...

From the February bill list:
02/08/2011 "Research police services agreement requested by D Rivella;"

I guess you want me to explain what a Police services agreement is. Cicero may have written about this recently, but Rivella has be looking to outsource the PD for 2 years now.

Also I truly appreciate the disdain for officers of the law. i like being called a union thug especially when you call me to your house because you kid is on drugs, AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

I commend Rivella for getting legal research into the agreement. With an incompetent Mayor and all the dysfunction and drama in the police dept, it would be irresponsible not to research the nature and terms of the agreement to assess options.

As someone said earlier, it's one thing to research another to call for a vote. No call for a vote has been made, 2 years and counting. If Rivella was hell-bent on outsourcing he's doing a terrible job of it.

Speaking of terrible jobs, you are doing an absolute shit job stumping for Pepitone. If you are Pepitone, you are doing a shit job of stumping for yourself. You're stirring up dirt without substance and insulting potential supporters. You're more of the same of exactly what we don't need. Keep talking and digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole.

Anonymous said...

Hey Honcho, thanks a pantload for getting involved now. I hope the circulation is returning to your ass after sitting on it all these years.

Anonymous said...

Heard Pepitone was only running because he's "stuck here" since he couldn't sell his house.
Now he's creating fake profiles on Facebook and wasting time dropping fake bombs on here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about that rumor but that's all it is so I won't put stock in it.

Mike Honcho said...

I am not pepitone either. That is now two incorrect names you have called me.
Maybe you 10 idiots need wait for orders but it is funny watching you squirm. I guess that is why David Janet Rivella won't open debate anyone. He knows he has no chance at help from his trolls.

Anonymous said...

Honcho - you're the idiot. Rivella and his wife share a Facebook page. Do you think "Janet" is his middle name??????

Anonymous said...


How much does the Rivella campaign owe you for destroying Pepitone? Seriously. I thought about writing him in and you single-handedly made me sh*tcan that idea.

Anonymous said...

"watching you squirm?" I must have missed this.

Anonymous said...

" He knows he has no chance at help from his trolls."

As opposed to Peps, whose "trolls" are only his own fake profiles!

Anonymous said...

Really, we don't need anymore of this nastiness. Why would we vote that in!

Anonymous said...

No shill or troll for Rivella here. Mike Honcho, your nastiness and dishonesty is backfiring on you and Pepitone. It makes Rivella appear the better man.

Anonymous said...

"Also I truly appreciate the disdain for officers of the law. i like being called a union thug especially when you call me to your house because you kid is on drugs, AGAIN."

Honcho I really dont care if you dont like being called a police union thug. You work for me and shut up while you do it. If you want that freedom become an electrical union member.

Anonymous said...

I truly doubt Honcho is a cop, he just plays one on the internet. If he is, we're in even deeper doo doo than we think.

Anonymous said...

Mike Honcho = Pepto-Dismal

Anonymous said...

The alternative would be Westrope.

Anonymous said...

The mayor was not incompetent. She was prevented from doing her job. Only after she sued the borough did she get proper access to the police department and an office - both of which were given freely to all former mayors that were men.

Anonymous said...

Excuses, excuses, excuses, gender card.

Anonymous said...

Not buying it. 3 years into her term before making a stink if what you're saying is true, which I'm skeptical?


Anonymous said...

Then vote for Westrope.

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to believe or be told they suck at their job. Excuses like that are a defense mechanism because the truth hurts, and denial is a powerful thing.

Anonymous said...

And himself.

Anonymous said...

He could be a cop or chief but not mayor.

Anonymous said...

Westrope? Uh oh. They're starting to abandon USS Pepitone.

Anonymous said...

Question. Let's say this Johnson Controls cap improvement project went thru. Is it 100% guaranteed the work would be done by unions?

Anonymous said...

No. There were bids accepted from non- union companies. Not all of the upgrades are union trade jobs either. This was not a program to make jobs for unions ( but the added bonus is that it does create work), it was done to move us from the 1950's to the 21st century.
The place is falling apart and we are wasting energy like crazy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. An example of yet another red herring thrown up by the misinformed or intentionally deceitful.

Mike Honcho said...

How did you like my flyer?

Anonymous said...

Westrope is a much better choice than Pepitone. He jumped into the race at the last minute as a write in. Where was he for the primary? Hard to trust an indecisive candidate.

Anonymous said...

Then why is it that Eileen did a right to know for copies of all the bids and it came back as "no such document exists"? There were no other bids.

Anonymous said...

You could be right about Westrope. An incompetent Burgerbot may be a better choice than a Johnny Come Lately overblown authoritarian. Still, it's like choosing between a crap sandwich and a vomit sandwich. I'm voting for Rivella.

Anonymous said...

Rivella's a limburger sandwich. Stinky, but easier to take than the other two!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I watched the debate between Pepitone and Westrope. Pepitone's answer to everything is cop, cop, cop, etc. At least Westrope has other ideas besides cop. And I noticed Pepitone brought up Rivella and Westrope didn't.
Like it or not, Westrope may be the better of the two. She doesn't seem to be angry like Pepitone. Hmmm. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Why is it Dave came out with an answer to the cornerstone report only after ask the candidates and not at the. borough council meeting when asked about it? sure seems like he had alot to say then

Anonymous said...

Check out the time and date it was posted. not even a half hr after it was over

Anonymous said...

With the crime problem going on in morrisville. What knowledge does an electrician have to deal with these situations. Does he know special tactics on these things to confront them. Being #1 job is to over see the police department and not getting roads paved or cleaning the canal up. I know if i want somebody to protect my family i dont call 911 for an electrician for a burglar at my house or a drug dealer dealing drugs on my corner

Anonymous said...

If Dave has done so much for the comunity being on the borough council and has more power on Borough council to make the town better. Then why not stay there and continue what hes been doing?

Anonymous said...

I know if I want somebody to protect my family I don't call 911 for a Mayor. If you want to be a cop, be a cop.

Anonymous said...

Silly season ends tomorrow - or does it???

Anonymous said...

I don't care who the mayor is or what their profession is, if I have a burglar in my house or see a crime being committed I'm calling the police. Honestly, that is the lamest thing to say. If that's the best you've got then I'm voting for Rivella because at least he knows where his boundaries are with the police department.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Rivella too. I watched the debate video. Westope and Pepitone don't understand the scope of the Mayor's job. I hear Mayor Ledger was front and center in the debate audience. She must have no shame.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Ledger vetoed at least 2 budgets during her term. These vetoes were big chances for her to stand on principle and insist on budgetary changes she must have felt very strongly about.

Guess what she never cited as a reason for her vetoes, to my knowledge?

The police. Hmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

How can someone over see the operations of a pd if has no knowledge of how its suppose to be run. so we will be rt back where we are now. yes he has done things to make it nice but if we keep the dealers and crime around how can we enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

I think Rivella doesnt know the scope of mayor either do you. why dont you do research on the mayors duties for him and inform him. Goggle is a wonderful way to find out what it is and come back and tell me what the it says the mojor responseabilty is

Anonymous said...

Spell and grammar checks are wonderful tools.

Anonymous said...

Mr Mojo Risin

Anonymous said...

Find it funny people know about Rivella and only answered the statements below why he came out with the explenation for the cornerstone. And cant give a rebutle to that question. why couldnt he just have answered it at the meeting. Is there something not totally true in his explanation and would have had to answer it correctly in front of his peers and not behind a computer where he could delete the questions asked on his page

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for the intellegent explanation for the mayors responsablities are. Seems like you have an answer for every comment but the ones that need an actual answer.

Jon said...

Bill Hellmann (he's a CPA in case you didn't know), Marlys Mihok, Al Radosti, Bill Farrell, Jack Buckman, Steve Worob, Ron Stout et al. didn't answer many questions when they were asked at public school board meetings.

And when I say many, I mean M-A-N-Y. Over several years (i.e. 2007-11). And I don't just mean that they answered a few weeks later via social media. I mean E-V-E-R. And you got glares to go along with the stony silence.

How do you feel about these folks? You'll have a hard time convincing me they were great representatives and leaders.

I'll give you an example. They were asked repeatedly about Manor Park school and the lease with Head Start. They offered no answers. Then they booted Head Start, a $28,000/yr rent paying tenant, and then stiffed them under the terms of the lease. The lawsuit filed by Head Start is for $325,000. That's somewhere between 1.6 and 2 Cornerstone Reports.

Dave Rivella can defend himself. I'm not going to do it for him.

But I think a little perspective is in order.

Anonymous said...

For those among us not running for or from anything, instead of ordering people to do research projects, if you know the answer already, post the relevant sections of the boro code re: mayor responsibilities.

Anonymous said...

Im not saying they were great.But jon everything on here is about the mayors in this blog. But since you brought that up why couldnt the board have answered that the way you just did when asked. I did even see one person ask that on here but well you brought that up and answered it quit well now i know where i have to ask the questions and it not to the borough council. guess we have to ask it here where people can hide under fake names and anonymous ones to so people cant be held accountable.

And as for Dave yes he can defend himself but seems like he has his minions doing it for him well trying or is he one of the anonymous people. i know i want someone that can answer to the public in person and not behind fb or blogs. he lost my respect. atleast the other 2 candidates had the balls to show up in public and answer questions that the public asked them and not behind a computer or one on one conversation.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think Nancy Sherlock as current council pres has more of a responsibility to respond than Rivella.
Nancy's not up for election at this time, though, so .....

Anonymous said...

I looked up the borough code and can't find anything that lists the responsibilities of the mayor. Even did a google search as suggested under "mayor responsibilities Morrisville PA" and still nothing.

I'd really like to know the truth and not just someone saying it. Where is the information? Please send a link.

Anonymous said...

Goggle pa mayor responsibilities

Anonymous said...

Below is a link to a boro mayor's manual. Now go research why you're so evasive and difficult, and report back.

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