Friday, October 7, 2011

"I'm Not Gonna Tell You Who to Vote for ..."


Anonymous said...

Go guys!!! You have my family's votes.

Anonymous said...

What are the political affiliations of each member of Morrisville Matters?

Anonymous said...

For school board elections, it's pretty non-partisan. Everyone cross-files on both the Democratic and Republican tickets. One of the candidates on the taxpayer ticket is on both the Republican and Democratic lines.

It's better to ask what the MM candidates stand for.

Anonymous said...

I know what they stand for, I want to know whether they are republicants or demoncrats.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer ticket? I pay taxes. We all pay taxes. They're not MY ticket.

Anonymous said...

By registration,I think Kartal and Miller are D's, Parker and Stoneburner are R's. Does that influence your vote?

Hellman R
Mihok D
Radosti R
Worob R
Ruthrauff D
Marone D

Personally, party affiliation isn't very important to me at this level and for this position. it's more about the person, what they stand for, how they conduct themselves. Hellman, Mihok, Radosti, Worob, Ruthrauff have failed on this account.

Anonymous said...

Kartal, Parker, Miller, Stoneburner are all on the Democratic ballot when you go into the voting booth November 8.

Anonymous said...

Party affiliation provides some insight into what an individual values, and how they may vote concerning certain issues

This info does matter to some voters

Anonymous said...

New school board members are needed.
Buckman (R), Stout (D), Dewilde (R)aren't up for election. They'll still be there.
Worob (R) and Marone (D) are virtually automatic since they're on both D and R ballots.
So post election, 5 SOCs on a 9 person board(Buckman, Stout, Dewilde, Worob, Marone) will be there.
The 4 MM candidates Kartal, Parker, Miller, Stoneburner can help bring back some balance to the board.Their voices at the table can be counterweights to absolute power (which is never a good thing).
Just ask the kids who used to play basketball at Grandview, Coach Bresnan, the 10 fired aides, Dr Yonson, Tech School students and parents, etc etc etc

Ted Parker said...

I'm republican because most of my family was but my views and my values are my own. Party affiliation has no bearing on how I may feel on a subject or how I would vote.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why or how some people picked the party they registered in. It often goes against logic.
Party affiliation is important to some people. I don't put too much stock in the R or the D in a local school board race.
Knowing who the candidates are on both sides, I don't see much correlation between party registration and values. For example, Ron Stout and Marlys Mihok are registered Democrats. In my opinion, that's a joke.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Kartal, Parker, Miller & Stoneburner.
I trust them more. You can have productive conversations with them. They're not rigid 'My Way or the Highways'.
Their heads and hearts are in the right place.
They can only help bring more openness, respect & community involvement to the board.

Morrisville Matters said...

Thank you for your comments regarding Morrisville Matters. We invite you to meet us at the Pasta Dinner on 10/13 5-8pm at the Italian American Social Club. There is no better way to get informed than first hand from the candidates. We hope to see you there, $5.00 per person, Tickets at the door. Enjoy a great meal and meet Wanda Kartal, Ted Parker, Damon Miller and Dave Stoneburner

Anonymous said...

"For example, Ron Stout and Marlys Mihok are registered Democrats. In my opinion, that's a joke."

Yes they are Dems but people like Mihok, Hughes, Stout and so many others are politically called a DINO. (Dem in name only) They are in a particular party to rock the boat so to speak. It has many uses. In Mihok's case, it enabled her to have the inside Election Day seat for all those years. DINOs are not a new idea and they tend to be very effective in obstructing a party. For instance, they vote a certain way that is contrary to Dem views, are able to attend functions of the Dem party, stategically affiliate themselves with certain Dems, they can become moles, talk badly about their own party or about people within their own party, etc. Its not just Dems, on the Republican side they are called RINOs. I do not agree with the tactic and would not use this or ask others to use this tactic. I'm just saying its an old political tactic that is very widely used.

Anonymous said...

Good post!
I would like to see them become FSBM's (Former School Board Members).
For the toxic Mihok, we can make that happen on November 8.

Anonymous said...

The problem, IMHO, with the two parties is that it is hard to get a firm handle on what it means anymore. Republican used to mean conservative small government, but all one needs to do is look at the Republican position on so many issues to see that they have morphed into some sort of totalitarian group who believes it is their role to legislate morality. Dems used to be the party of progressive ideas and the middle class. Look at them now, just as high-handed and hypocritical as their corrupt brethren on the other side of the aisle. The time of these dinosaurs should be over, but I suppose it will take a political meteor to bring about that kind of change. Why do we allow these unwieldy, anachronistic behemoths to stay in power is beyond my comprehension, and I certainly refuse to consider one's party registration when evaluating that person's character. As long as the system requires these registrations to vote in certain elections, you need to be one or the other, or you are locked out of the process. How many folks are registered one way or the other for no other reason than this? Why is this even an issue at the SB level, when all of the candidates are cross-filed? Maybe one party or the other may leave certain individuals off their sample ballot (And yes, this has happened repeatedly in MSD elections), but it only tarnishes the petty party faithful, and not the integrity of the candidate.

Anonymous said...

Good intelligent post.

Don't get too hung up on the D or the R. Focus on the person.

Parties need organization, but when the machinery takes the place of your brain, that's a problem.

Damon said...

To answer the question of which party I am affiliated with, I have been a registered Democrat for less than 10 years. Prior to that I was Independent and still am in my ideals and thinking. Unfortunately our political system requires a voter to register with either the Democratic or Republican party if they choose to vote in a Primary Election which was what happened to me. Since it was a Democratic representative I wanted to vote for, I chose Democratic.

As far as school board goes, I don't see votes divided by party lines and that goes beyond this current board. I like the idea of being cross-filed because I truly believe that I represent both viewpoints and can see where another person with another belief or idea is coming from.

And to the Anonymous poster who wrote "They're not MY ticket", maybe you feel our opposition is more to your liking and that is your opinion and you are welcome to it. Keep in mind though that if I or any of the Morrisville Matters candidates get elected, your ideas and input will be welcomed and listened to which is a lot more than I can say about this current board.

Anonymous said...

Damon, while I appreciate your open approach to all opinions, responding to trolls simply feeds them more incentive to come and drop their turd bombs. That comment was only meant to inflame indignant responses, not to inform or add to the discussion. History shows that feeding trolls only encourages them.

Anonymous said...

I like turd bombs from trolls. It shows their true color. Brown.

Anonymous said...

If you cannot compete intelligently in an arena of ideas, do you really deserve to hold office?

I think not.

Why do we as a community allow this to occur over and over again?

Damon said...

Regarding the Anonymous that responded to my above comment, I'm sure there are those that get their kicks making snide comments and yes it does not add to the discussion or inform anyone but let's face it, I think both sides are guilty of that.

Even the Morrisville Matters candidates have been made as ones that are inciting the public instead of taking part in their school community. I believe the opposite has taken place. Only a few short years ago there was picketing of houses by our opposition. There has been none of that. We haven't told people to "grab their pitchforks and torches and storm the castle". We have simply provided the community with information they may otherwise not receive and listened to them, and answered their questions. I believe through meeting with community members, we got more people involved and informed.

More people attended the last Superintendent Advisory meeting than any other in the past year. Why? Because we told them to come and get their answers. By the time the meeting ended, people were nodding their heads in agreement and understanding Mr. Ferrara's suggestions and plans for the Tech School busing issue and Kindergarten. Why? Because they got the knowledge first hand and not through rumors. Everyone there can attest to the fact that there was no yelling, just discussion. Those parents will then tell other parents and then maybe some of the questions will be answered and satisfy those who feel left in the dark.

Have the Morrisville Matters candidates been critical of the current school board? Yes. We have looked at the facts and examined the history of Morrisville before making statements critical of this board. Our opposition talk rumors of "new schools" and "high taxes". Their "facts" are simply based on heresay, lies, and past comments that are no longer relevant.

Am I "feeding the trolls"? Maybe. But I have always been one that is willing to listen to others because sometimes the best ideas come from those on the opposite side of the table. And because I strongly believe that, I wouldn't run for office with those that don't feel the same way.

I'm all for stopping the pettiness. Let's work together as a community because in the end we will all benefit. Let it begin with me. I'm willing. Are you? If you are, will you put your name out there as I did mine? If you aren't, will you put your name out there or just make some anonymous snide comment then run back into the shadows?

Anonymous said...

It got close to yelling at the last super meeting. WHo was the guy, not Ferrara, who was saying it's not dead its not dead to somebody asking about the Grandview basketball court. He was getting hotheaded and I didn't understand why?

Anonymous said...

"Taxpayer ticket? I pay taxes. We all pay taxes. They're not MY ticket."

I could be wrong, but it appears that this person was speaking about the "Stay on Coarse" people,not the MM people.

Anonymous said...

You are correct.I meant that I pay taxes, we all pay taxes, and SOC does NOT represent me. In fact, SOC goes out of its way to not represent me, and I have children in the district.

Anonymous said...

"It got close to yelling at the last super meeting. WHo was the guy, not Ferrara, who was saying it's not dead its not dead to somebody asking about the Grandview basketball court. He was getting hotheaded and I didn't understand why?"

That was John DeWilde, a school board member.

Wanda Kartal said...

And it was me who John DeWilde was attacking at the meeting for asking about the basketball courts. Which, by the way, are now on the back burner, 90% on the back burner, per the Superintendent. We were told to review policy 707 before coming to the next meeting, which I did, along with finding two other policies that countered that one. Once that was brought up suddenly they didnt want to talk about it anymore. It was a usual tactic to move what was important to the students and parents away from the spotlight.

For the record, I registered Republican when I was 18 for no other reason than I wanted to vote so I just picked one and have I have voted ever since. I recently switched to Dem to vote in the primary for Obama and I am still a Democrat on the official voter registration. However, I have never voted for someone because of their registration status, I vote because its the right thing to do and I vote for the person I believe may be the right candidate for the job at the time. I look at it from the same perspective I look at everything else, the person, not the party, color, affiliation, friends list etc etc.
As far as the school board, it should not be looked at as Rep or Dem but as who is the right person for the job at this time based on their morals, integrity, reputation, honesty and dedication to the work ahead. If you have met any of the candidates of Morrisville Matters you know that we meet all of the above criteria and if you have not met us yet we encourage you to do so by calling 267-798-6916. Our candidates have been open and honest and out in front of the community since day one of signing the petitions to get on the ballot and way before that as parents, tax payers and community members. We do not meet in basements or behind closed doors or pretend to be selling used items at a flea market in order to talk to people. You see us, we are accessible, we are available, we are approachable and we welcome it because that is another quality of a good school board member. If you are going to tonights Homecoming game we will be there as well. Because we always are, not because it is an election year but because our kids are in the schools, they are involved in activities and we attend those activities for them and in support of our school and community. That is another good quality of a school board member but it is also of a parent, which comes first!

Anonymous said...

John DeWilde, is he a trustworthy bridge-builder??? No. I do not think so. Duplicity is the operative word. Keep trying!!!!

Damon said...

Regarding the "Taxpayer ticket" comments, I'm sorry I misread your statement. Since this post was about our advertisement in the Morrisville Times and we mentioned that we are four taxpayers, I thought the comment was critical of us. Thank you for clearing it up and also looking beyond just the "lower taxes" issue.

In regards to the yelling at the Superintendent meeting, I was referring to the issues we have been criticized of "stirring the pot" namely kindergarten specials and early dismissal. There was discussion and no yelling during that time. There was also no yelling in regards to the tech bus situation.

People came to the meeting expecting to discuss the basketball courts and were prepared to do so after being directed by Mr. Ferrara. As far as that and any other issue discussed at the meeting, I cannot vouch to understand the motivation of other's behavior. It is up to them to explain if they choose to.

Anonymous said...

Damon, I can tell you're not Stay on Coarse. You're too thoughtful and you said "I'm sorry".

Wanda Kartal said...

Although It is disturbing to see SOC's new slogan "For the Love of Morrisville" all you have to do is look at their campaign and service history and see that they really DO NOT Love Morrsiville.

Have you noticed our slogan has always been about Morrisville, as in Morrisville Matters.

Have you noticed that they chose Red as their color and our selection is the traditional Morrisville colors, blue and gold.

Have you noticed they rarely show up at school and community functions but you always see a Morrisville Matters member there because we always have been.

Have you noticed they have a 20+ year political history in this town but all they have proven over and over is that they lack integrity and honesty. However, the candidates of Morrisville Matters are parents first then community members who have always participated, volunteered and contributed and we consistently show we can work with others, carry through on projects and keep our promises to our kids and our neighbors.

When you look at the slogans and the misinformation that is being distributed, remember which candidates consistently show their respect and 'love' for their district, their community and the kids. MORRISVILLE MATTERS.



Jon said...

Al Radosti ran on the ticket of "It's Time for a Change" in 2003. The ticket was recruited and boosted by the usual cabal of Mihok, Hellmann, Worob, Burger, Buckman, etc. who have been hovering in and around Morrisville politics for decades. You know, the time when the school buildings were deteriorating while nothing was being done.

At the victory party at his house, Steve Worob got up on his furniture to proclaim himself "King of Morrisville". Worob insisted that this board be the one to decide what to do about the school buildings.

Remind me again, how did that work out?

Anonymous said...

How did that work out?

Extremely poorly.

But we must be masochistic gluttons for punishment, for we keep putting these self serving self righteous self promoters back in office with regularity.

Even when we reject them in the voting booth, they get themselves appointed right back into office by their buddies.

A sickening vicious cycle that needs to end. Now.


Our Opponents have said in their latest flyer that they have made no cuts to the schools programs...I guess Cutting Middle School Football, Cutting the Life Skills class option from the regular specials selection, Cutting Track, Cutting Art, Music and Gym from Kindergarten then leaving it to the discretion of the teacher to fit it into their now Cut day from 3pm to 2:15pm or the 10 aides they cut in June doesnt count as "cutting"? Lets not forget about the Basketball hoops they Cut down in August and threw away leaving the kids with nothing to do in our area isn't really a 'cut' either. Do you want 4 more years of the "No Cuts" lies from your current board or are you going to vote on November 8th for the 4 candidates who have been honest throughout the years and have fought for you and the kids regarding traffic safety, tech bus issues, basketball court replacement, Kindergarden overcrowding, and multiple other issues that have hurt our kids and our district? Vote November 8th for Kartal, Parker, Miller and Stoneburner. Be sure to Pull ALL 4 Levers 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B and TAKE BACK YOUR SCHOOL.



Morrisville Matters said...


YOUR candidates for
Morrisville School Board 2011

Wanda Kartal
Ted Parker
Damon Miller
David Stoneburner

4 Homeowners

4 Tax Payers

4 Parents

On May 17, 2011 YOU spoke loud and clear and moved YOUR candidates to the General election in November!

We are the candidates who have a vested interest in your children and their education!

We are the candidates who speak up and follow-through with school safety issues!

We are the candidates who have both financial and management backgrounds to balance your tax dollars with an educational program that fits all or our children's needs so we are planning for the future and not just putting out fires!

We listen and we respect your comments! We will work with you, not against you, to create a cohesive board that can make great things happen for the future of our District!

Anonymous said...

Let's help Morrisville realize its' full potential and BEcome the best it can BE! Vote for the Morrisville Matters candidates on Nov. 8th! Pull levers 12B,13B 14B and 15B for Kartal, Parker, Miller and Stoneburner. You will BE glad you did!

Morrisville Matters said...