Friday, May 4, 2012

Not as Easy as it Seems

Not as easy as it seems

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Posted: Friday, May 4, 2012 6:00 am | Updated: 6:25 pm, Thu May 3, 2012.
It is not an open and shut case. While Bill Ferrara is Morrisville School District's chief educator, he is not the public records coordinator. Paul DeAngelo is the business manager. The newspaper's request for a copy of the current teachers contract should have been to him.
The Bucks County Courier Times believes it's easy; just pull out an old contract and hand it over. That is not the case. Some things in the current contract have flexibility such as health care and some job assignments. In most cases our union teachers, knowing the previous board with Bill Hellmann at the helm and even the present board with John DeWilde as president, are trying to be reasonable.
Mr. DeAngelo cannot release the contract until he confirms the original agreements with those flexible terms.
It is obvious that the Courier's interest of creating news rather than reporting news is different than the school boards, which is to get a contract that is fair and equitable under current state laws and financing.
Jack Buckman
Morrisville School Board


Jon said...

No, it's pretty easy. You pull out the old contract and hand it over. Everything else sounds like a thick layer of overly-complicated obfuscating blather.

Jon said...

Reading between the lines, it also makes it seem like maybe the district wasn’t abiding by the terms of the contract.

Tricky Dick said...

This is getting more Nixonian by the minute.

Anonymous said...

Obfuscating blather seems to be an accurate description. SOT/SOC has been caught in so many self-serving truth-challenged statements I don't trust them for anything.

Anonymous said...

"Reading between the lines, it also makes it seem like maybe the district wasn’t abiding by the terms of the contract."

Yeah, but knowing what a great guy Hellmann, CPA is, they went along with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh! what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive.

Every single time one of these SOC-SOT gang opens their mouth, it seems like they just make things worse.

I predict there will be some further skeletons that emerge as a result of this debacle, and once again, the brain trust behind these issues will leave the citizens holding the bag, convinced that somehow they are not at fault.

To all the Leaders of Morrisville and everywhere else, please stop lying. Just tell the truth. Why is that so hard for you?

Anonymous said...

from a little birdie,
Oh Buckman, pay your trash, water & sewer bills! LOL now that he has so much extra free time, your very own savior is coming after YOU now Jack. So get ready to remortgage your house to pay your bills and don't blame it on the borough. You brought this on yourself.

You have more problems than open records violations and you don't even know it yet. So let this be my gift to you by way of a warning.

While you are busy protecting your administration buddies, your fav cpa has been hard at work with Jane's arm up his puppet hole, plotting away to take down people who dare to want better for Morrisville and they are going to take down people like you and Eileen with them. The best of luck to you Jack, you're going to need it.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds dramatic!

I for one will be interested to see just to what you are referring. It can't simply be the unpaid bills, as they've festered for years.

Now I am all curious as to just what the man in green behind the curtain is up to.

Anonymous said...

Good lord can these nuts make any more trouble in our town? Well someone voted them in, hope you are happy. Thank God there seems to be 4 fairly normal everyday people in the board seats right now who keep challenging everyone and are not afraid to speak during a meeting, thank you for the good video footage lately

Anonymous said...

It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Forget about the past and all your sorrows,
The future won't last,
It will soon be over tomorrow.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it just ain't easy.

Open up your heart, let's come together,
Use a little love
And we will make it work out better.

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Peace, remember peace is how we make it,
Here within your reach
If you're big enough to take it.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it don't come easy.

Jon said...

Ringo (or anyone else),

I wanted to go to the Superintendent Advisory meeting last night, but I couldn't make it. Any highlights or lowlights? Any discussions on how it don't come easy to fork over a 6 year old public document, or how you can make things as complicated as you want to make them when you don't want to do something?