Monday, May 9, 2011

2nd Ward: Graeme Thomson Wants You to Vote for Him

Put community above politics and personal interests

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Posted: Monday, May 9, 2011 12:00 am
Democratic voters in Morrisville's Second Ward have a choice in this primary election on May 17. You can vote to open the door to a better Morrisville or continue on with politics as usual, where politics comes first!
I am running for a seat on our borough council to offer new leadership and restore open government. We live in tough economic times and Morrisville is hurting, too. My goal is to make sure our elected officials spend carefully and keep our taxes down.
In this election I am pitted against a seasoned politician. What successful accomplishments has my opponent Nancy Sherlock initiated in 20 years on borough council? In 2009, she voted against zoning amendments that would have protected our downtown from an adult entertainment business. Fortunately, the amendment passed.
Remember Solkatronics? The company asked the state Department of Environmental Protection for a permit to add production of another dangerous gas. This plan was a major threat to the safety of the surrounding neighborhood. In a special meeting on May 8, 2001, council had to vote to officially require her (Sherlock) to contact our state senator and state representative no later than noon May 9, 2001, to reaffirm the official position of Morrisville Borough Council as stated in the resolution of April 10 and have DEP convene a public hearing on Solkatronic's permit application. The DEP meeting was held, and DEP ultimately denied the permit, but no credit went to Sherlock. On June 6, council voted to reorganize and removed Sherlock as council president.
Twenty years later we are still talking about economic redevelopment and revitalization. It's time for action and a real partnership with the business community. This election is about our future. This is time for a new start.
I ask for your vote May 17 so I can serve Morrisville with honest, good leadership and high standards. Together, we can put our community above politics and personal interests.
Graeme Thomson


Anonymous said...

For anyone who is unaware. Thomson is associated with Stay on track. To me that means STAY AWAY!!!!!

Shake and Bake said...

Remember Solkatronics? yEAH, WHAT ABOUT IT? Blah blah blah 2001..... put politics in the back seat where it belongs ...blah blah blah ...Nancy Sherlock bad.....she loves strip clubs ....blah blah blah.

On June 6, 2011 (10 FRIGGIN' YEARS LATER) ... council voted to reorganize and removed Sherlock as council president.


The MAgic Man. Now you see him, no you don't. THAT just happened!!!

That's the best you can do???

Anonymous said...

WOW! Just keep bangin you head against that wall buddy. LOL

Nancy Sherlock is the top vote getter in Morrisville, every time. Picking on her and not even saying anything real is a really bad campaign strategy. I'm sure Jane helped the guy with this one. I really cannot blame Jane for sacrificing candidates over and over again just to be able to get some digs in on Sherlock. After all, Nancy is everything Jane is not. For those of us who have watched Jane attack Nancy in one form or another over the years can clearly see this fact really bothers Jane.

As for Graeme. Buddy were you even in Morrisville in 2001? I don't think so. Who gave you that info - like I don't know. The guy was a vote splitter in the last mayors' election as well and only got like 100 votes borough-wide. I should thank the guy because its these same old Burger tactics that make people want to rally around Sherlock.

All of this aside, Graeme had an yet another opportunity to explain to the people of Morrisville Borough why he should be picked to be on council over two more qualified candidates but chose to come out bashing someone else.

The way is not backwards, its forward.

Jon said...

Here is Graeme Thomson's 4/15/09 posting on the SavetheMorrisvilleSchool" blog, when he was running for Mayor.........

I guess it is time for me to chime in and introduce myself.

I am running for mayor I decided to run for mayor the day our incumbent told the school board and citizens at a school board meeting something to the effect that he had spoken to 1000 people about the school issue. It is time for absentee mayor to end and to bring someone in to the position.

I moved to Morrisville, I decided to live here, because of the town and because of the people.

When I chose Morrisville for my home I worked in New York, it was certainly not because it was close to where I worked but I wanted a home where I could raise my family. I can’t think of any place better then Morrisville.

I worked for 12 years in "Advertising and Public Relations", I know better then any of the other candidates how to talk to business leaders, and I know how to show them what a great opportunity Morrisville is.

Morrisville has some hard times ahead if we do not select a business leader. The Calhoun Street Bridge is about to be shutdown for an extended period of time cutting seriously into the number of consumers coming in to Morrisville. To make matters worse PA has increased the taxes on tobacco, making it more expensive for people from New Jersey to here and buy cigarettes then buy them in NJ. I do not smoke and wish we had a better “draw” in Morrisville but at the moment it is the biggest “draw” we have for consumers. More people come to Morrisville to buy cigarettes then any other single item. While they are here people stop at some of our other business. Weather they buy a slice of pizza or a haircut every dollar they spend while they are here adds to our economy.

We need to take strong action to remind Morrisville residents of Morrisville, this is the prime time to do just that. With the cost of fuel on the rise again it is time for the town to learn how to shop local again. During the 2nd world war there were billboards all over reminding people to conserve fuel. That combined with letting people know what businesses and services we have will bring local consumers into our shops. As the shops do better in the area we will be able to meet with business owners and show them that stores in Morrisville can make profit, if you gave a business a tax free ride they will not move here if they do not think they can make profit. It will be a long process, bringing more business into Morrisville but together we can.

As for my being a puppet, life would be a lot simpler if I were. The only person who tells me what to do is my wife, and honestly even she is not completely happy with those results☺ I have always stood up for what I believe and will fight for what I think is right, and though I am willing to listen to other opinions, my decisions are my own not what I was told. I think about my words and actions before I speak or act, so I do not need handlers.

With the work and this campaign keeping me busy I can not promise to keep popping in to this blog, but I am a computer nerd both professionally and at home so this is as good of place as any to leave questions.

Even if you do not vote for me in May I hope you will get out and vote. I also hope you will support who ever is elected in November.

Think Green, Buy Local

Anonymous said...

Like the Old South, a Tobacco-Based road to prosperity, combined with Billboards telling you what to do?? Indigo and Cotton don't grow well in these Northern climes, and that's a shame.

Anonymous said...

"I know better then any of the other candidates how to talk to business leaders, and I know how to show them what a great opportunity Morrisville is."

As a rule, I like to stay clear of people who make statements like this. To boost himself up, he spoke as if he had known the other candidates personally for years when the reality is that he had no idea what experience they had in working with the business sector. The obvious question is this: If the guy spoke about working with the business sector in 2009, what has he done to accomplish this in the time that has passed? NOTHING - it was not his intention to actually DO it, just to say it to get noticed. You don't have to be the mayor to work with the community but you do have to do more than talk.

"The Calhoun Street Bridge is about to be shutdown for an extended period of time cutting seriously into the number of consumers coming in to Morrisville."

Guess the sky wasn't really falling on that one. We seemed to have gotten past this tragedy in the making. LOL

"To make matters worse PA has increased the taxes on tobacco, making it more expensive for people from New Jersey to here and buy cigarettes then buy them in NJ. I do not smoke and wish we had a better “draw” in Morrisville but at the moment it is the biggest “draw” we have for consumers. More people come to Morrisville to buy cigarettes then any other single item."

It sounds like Graeme should have run for something higher up, like state rep. Oh wait, that didn't pan out very well for his buddy Jane. The cigarette problem cannot be solved by Morrisville. It's a state issue.

As far as the "shop local" stuff goes, I believe most residents do understand the need to shop local and do so when possible.

"if you gave a business a tax free ride"

What a dangerous thing to say. Look out home owners. Looks like if Graeme is elected to council he wants to you pay more than the 82% of taxes you are now shouldering to give the business sector a free ride. This would include smoke shops by the way.

Keep in mind that none of the things he talked about are under the umbrella of the roll of being mayor.

For anyone doubting the puppet bit, take a ride past Jane Burger's house to see the stack of Graeme's signs there.

I know its pretty clear that I am no fan of this guy. In my opinion, he has no substance, no backbone. He is puffed up by people who are no longer in power to be the first step in reclaiming their old days of controlling everything without seeing that Morrisville has already moved onto better days without them. It should never be about power, it should be about electing people who can work together to make Morrisville better than they found it. Graeme does not represent this in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

You summed it up nicely. I will take a pass on Mr. Graeme Thomson.

Anonymous said...

i don't live in the 2nd ward, but come on 2nd ward voters don't vote for Thomson!

Peter said...

"I worked for 12 years in "Advertising and Public Relations", I know better then any of the other candidates how to talk to business leaders, and I know how to show them what a great opportunity Morrisville is."

The irony found in this sentence truly amuses me.