Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let's Talk About Voting Record

Let's talk about voting record

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Posted: Sunday, November 6, 2011 6:00 am | Updated: 7:15 pm, Fri Nov 4, 2011.
Regarding Morrisville School Board President Bill Hellman's letter from Oct. 25: Mr. Hellman told everyone to avoid the trash talking but he cannot avoid his administration's voting record.
Did Mr. Hellmann forget that he voted YES to combine 9-year-olds with 18-year-olds after he said it would be unsafe to do so and that he voted to cut down the student's basketball court from Grandview? Why does Mr. Hellmann continue say there are no cuts yet voted to eliminate kindergarten specials, middle school football and aides from the classrooms?
Why does Mr. Hellmann pay a communications director $25,000 but eliminated the Dean of Students position only to fill it with a male teacher? Why does he avoid his voting record like he avoids the 2011 PSSA scores?
His platform says test scores are up but the public knows scores are down. Who is really trash-talking?
The Morrisville Matters candidates stand up for the kids, the parents and the taxpayers without prejudice. We are not for a new school but we are for fixing the educational system inside that has been whittled away for four years.
Wanda Kartal, candidate for
Morrisville School Board

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for writing into the paper. I was so glad to see MM candidates getting their last word in and good words at that. Good luck tomorrow!