Monday, November 14, 2011

School Board Meeting - this Wednesday, November 16

A little earlier in the month because of Thanksgiving...

Wednesday, November 16
District Event
School Board Meeting
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM



Anonymous said...

Bus Porblems AGAIN.

I was informed by my child that the 8th grade students attending an orientation trip to the Tech School had to wait 30 minutes for the bus to take them to the Tech school today and 15 minutes to bring them back to MHS. They were only scheduuled to be at the Tech school for about 2 hours so a good part of the time that should have been spent visiting the many departments was wasted waiting around for a bus. They did not get to visit all the depeartments as they should have but had to pick the ones they wanted to see the most.
My child said the bus company was FIRST STUDENT. This is the same bus company that has been very in late picking up our kids from after school sports games on several occasions this school year.
My understanding is that the school board & administaration decided to use the First Student bus company this year with an "unexclusive" contract in order to save money. This means that they do not service our students exclusively, which means they go out on other assignments, before, after, and in between providing service to Morrisville and other clients. It is not a problem when going on a trip a long distance away because it is too much for the bus company to come back and run other routes in between. But when a group goes somewhere that is close by it seems to be a big problem because the bus company has other routes to run and is often late either for the initial or return trip(s), or both
You obviously get what you pay for, thus the poor service. But how much money is the district actually saving and is it worth the loss of time our students are forced to bear.
In this case it was a hefty cost to pay. Missing the opportunity to learn about all of the tech departments instead of a few and at the same time loosing precious classroom instruction time that could have been avoided had the lateness been communicated. I
So One Big waste after another in the name of a few dollars. UNACCEPTABLE?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You should send an email now to the Super with board copied and ask for it to be addressed on Weds like it was addressed with Delval. Dont wait they need to look into it and see what options are available to alleviate the issue since this is the 3rd one that I remember hearing about.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of the ousted members bother to show up. It's not as if some of them have exemplary attendance to start with!!! If there's less than a quorum, do they just cancel the meeting and go home?

Anonymous said...

I think there will be a quorum.

There is ongoing board business to conduct.

Anonymous said...

Who are any of you kidding? After four years of mismanagement, you really think the defeated SOCs would pass up an opportunity for a final shot?

Anonymous said...

Not when there's a bowling coach to hire.

Donna said...

There is going to be a Winterfest Parade. It is going to be Sat, Dec 6th. We are looking for groups who want to march in the parade. Maybe you could give this it's own post. Robin and I will keep checking in.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is Saturday December 3rd. The 6th is a Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is Saturday December 3rd. The 6th is a Tuesday.

Jon said...

Awesome, Donna! Thanks for the updates!

Donna said...

Opps sorry. The parade is Saturday December 3.

Anonymous said...

I love a parade,the tramping of feet,
I love every beat I hear of a drum.
I love a parade, when I hear a band
I just want to stand and cheer as they come.
That rat-a tat-tat, the blare of a horn.
That rat-a tat-tat, a bright uniform;
The sight of a drill will give me a thrill,
I thrill at the skill of everything military.
I love a parade, a handful of vets,
A line of cadets or any brigade,
For I love a parade.

Anonymous said...

Shame Shame Shame on you Marlys. What a dispicable way to end the meeting you showed your true colors.

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD the reign of terror is over! I expect much better from our new school board members. Four years of real leadership and concern for education and taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

Ding Dong the witch is dead!

Anonymous said...

Witch isn't dead but makes you feel like death warmed over the room every time she stumbles in

Anonymous said...

ok guys give it up. what did marlys do?

Anonymous said...

it was a shameful display of sour grapes I would have hope to have seen the out going SOC members give congrats and best of luck to the new members but we were treated to her throwing mud,snd lies about union help which I didn't know was illegal. I think they forget that Morrisville is a blue collar town and a lot of people were or are in unions.
and Hellmann was a no show
so all and all the SOC camp showed there true colors sore losers and cry babies

Jon said...

Marlys was indeed incredibly heinous. But Hellmann offered good luck to the incoming board members in absentia. John DeWilde had some well-wishing remarks. Worob, Buckman, Stout, and Ruthrauff didn't say much of anything. I don't think Worob said 1 word all meeting. Sometimes it's better to say nothing. Marlys proved that last night. I would have liked her to continue speaking. It was fascinating in a twisted, swirling-down-the-bowl sort of way.

Anonymous said...

Mihok's words were right out of the Jane Burger handbook. Dave Rivella who sits on borough council has been hearing crap for years because he belongs to a union. On the school board, Worob and Buckman belong to unions who obviously don't have enough faith in them to support them in any way. Lets not forget that the school board's employees, the teachers, all belong to a union. Mihok would have been sour if she won and sour if she lost because she is a sour person.

I also find it fascinating when Mihok speaks, have for years. I find it kind of comical in a way and sad at the same time. Its funny because, all those years going by with her spending her days so negative & mentally out of control without even knowing it. Its sad because all those years going by without her being properly diagnosed and medicated. - seriously

Anonymous said...

I thought having a serious illness that left her with a walker and an oxygen tank in her 50's would infuse her with a sense of the fragility of life and soften her outlook.
Was I wrong.
The world and the town are passing her by.

Anonymous said...

Can someone provide a readers digest version of what happened last night? It sounds like there was a crazed Oompah-Loompah on the loose. Seriously though... What happened to generate all these comments. Also, no surprise that Hellman didn't show. I am only surprised that some of the others did.

Anonymous said...

Ding Dong the witch is gone, the witch is gone, the witch is gone.
Ding Dong the wicked SOC witch is gone.
Hi Ho the derry-o. Sing it high, Sing it low.

Jon said...

Video of the 11/16 mtg. is now available on the district's website:

Mihok's thing starts around 35:00.

Anonymous said...

Darn - deWilde cut her off before she went full oompa loompa! Wise move. Merciful.

Anonymous said...

And thats what this town elected to represent their kids. Thank God they woke up in 2011

Anonymous said...

I finally had the time to watch the last school board meeting. Oh Marlys, just have to be mean till the end. Some things just never will change.

Anonymous said...

Please pity the poor woman. Pray for her release from the demons that haunt her. Pray that she finds the peace she has denied others.

Once you're done with that, make this a Marlys-free zone. She's sour grapes old news.

Anonymous said...

To the incoming school board members, please include these in your mountain of lists of things needing your attention in January.

On the district's website it says,
"The Morrisville School District recently purchased three vans to transport students with disabilities to school locations within or outside the district. Each of the students in grades K-12are either medically, physically or mentally disabled."
It has been brought to my attention that these vans are not handicapped accessible, they are just regular vans. There is no lift, railings & they have not been fitted with special seatbelts or any of the other features that make something like this handicapped accessible. Instead of buying three regular vans, perhaps it would have been more responsible to purchase only one that works properly for the safety of the children.

Also, its my understanding that there is a bus that transports children of all ages to the Manor Park area of Morrisville WITHOUT adult supervision. I know of at least one young child who will not take this bus because of bullies, etc. This child is afraid. This is an accident waiting to happen.

Jon said...

I think this is called "burying the lead".

Watch the video starting at 7:20. Paul DeAngelo says that for the prior school year (2010-11), revenues were $17,764,000, and expenses were $18,176,000.

That means the actual deficit was $412,000.

I remembered that going into 2010-11, the budget deficit was projected to be $250,000, which was targeted to come from the Fund Balance.

$412,000 is $162,000 greater than $250,000. So, at the meeting, I wondered if the district had to tap the Fund Balance for $162,000 more than they budgeted for.

Mr. DeAngelo said the "AFR" (Annual Financial Report) is on the website, and it is, here:

It's 88 pages and not an easy read, but on p. 73, you see that the Fund Balance dropped $441,000 (from $2,865,000 to $2,424,000). That's the $412,000 actual deficit plus an additional $29,000 transferred out of the Fund Balance to some other fund (see p. 43, (Line 5200, "Interfund Transfers Out").

So, it looks like the Fund Balance was tapped for $191,000 more than budgeted for going in.

Anonymous said...

It seems so obvious that the vans (or at least 1 or 2 of the 3) should be equipped to accommodate students with disabilities. It must have been looked into prior to their purchase, right? I hope this isn't true. Can the vans be retrofitted if necessary?

Anonymous said...

word of advice. posting on blog wont fix anything or get to the right people. call school,go to meetings,bring it up to those in charge.

Anonymous said...

it may take four years, but posting on a blog does fix some things. look back day after day and read about small minded elected officials behaving badly. morrisville is going to pay for years for listening to these people.

Anonymous said...

Is the new board prepared to hear what "reeeealy" happened to Yonson?

Jon said...

Just curious: why would incoming board members be privy to the particulars of what I thought was a gag-ordered legal settlement from 2010?

And why is Mihok pushing her legal luck talking about it?

Anonymous said...

Mihok CHOSE to put the idea out there that Dr YOnson left because Dr Yonson did something illegal. HOwever, MIhok should not be saying anything due to the gag order. Assuming the new board members do find out the real deal they will be under the same gag order. Being that the new people are known to follow the rules they will not say anything one way or another and the perseption that DR Yonson did something illegal will remain in the minds of everyone thanks to the incredibly evil Marlys Mihok.

Anonymous said...

I would take any idea that Marlys put out there as sad and misguided. The SOC had the idea that they were only a taxpayers group. They didn't understand they were the stewards of this community"s future..the students. This town has been hurt but can come back. The hope is that Morrisville Matters has the taxpayers and students interests at heart.

Jon said...

Mihok has help. At the polls on Nov. 8, another outgoing board member flatly stated that Dr. Yonson she should be imprisoned for what she did. I hope the terms of the settlement allow statements like this, or that Dr. Yonson isn't a litigious person. Or do they just feel lucky?

Anonymous said...

Fabrication of facts is a favorite tool of SOC.
At the last meeting Mihok also stated that the Morrisville Matters campaign was largely funded by the Concrete Union which is absolutely false.
Just another of many, many fabrications.
Can anyone state the most common SOC fabrication of all? It is kind of all we've heard from them over the last four years, yet a completely false and misleading statement.

Anonymous said...

Fabrication of facts is a favorite tool of SOC.
At the last meeting Mihok also stated that the Morrisville Matters campaign was largely funded by the Concrete Union which is absolutely false.
Just another of many, many fabrications.
Can anyone state the most common SOC fabrication of all? It is kind of all we've heard from them over the last four years, yet a completely false and misleading statement.

Anonymous said...

I wish those concrete workers delivered flyers, would have helped on the feet of those who did. You know, those who really supported MM, the parents, students, homeowners, apt. dwellers, renters etc, Mostly every part of this community because they believe change was needed

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Mihok's lowest vote total of all candidates means people caught onto her nasty lying poor character.

Let's hope we can move on. Question is, will she?

Anonymous said...

Modern cynics and skeptics... see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.
John F. Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.
Zig Ziglar

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD! we've removed most of the haters and idiots from the Morrisville School Board
--Anonymous, longtime professional sandpounder

proud sandpounder said...

I worked the fourth ward polls on election day and people came out in droves for change and for board members who know the number one job of board member is to educate their children at lowest cost possiable to the taxpayer

Anonymous said...

I voted for less lies.

Anonymous said...

I voted for people that I believe in and can trust. I know that MM will do their best to make a positive change in our district. I wish them all well in the months ahead.

Anonymous said...

Me too. Not being Hellman, Mihok, Radosti & Ruthrauff is good for starters.
Stout, Buckman & Worob are still there ugh!

new member said...

I hope they work with M&M and do whats best for the district and the town and most of all whats best for the students

New Member said...

All I can add, is I don't think all of what they did was wrong or bad. But some how they didn't see that low taxes wasn't all everyone wanted. Low taxes are great, but you need schools that people, who thinking of moving into town, want to send their children too. some how that idea was lost on them. just offering a ok education is not enough anymore. If this town is to grow, it needs attract families willing to grow roots here.

Anonymous said...

old member says
Best Wishes were expressed to all of the new guards, including the spin doctor of this blogsite, infact he was the first I shook the hand of,(on Nov.9@LGI) as he is the force that drives MM. I am saddened that you forget, Jon, seeing that you accepted so timidly, yet graciously!
In response to new member, you will see how hard it is going to be, real change does not come easy. There are many obstacles, most of them working directly against what would be best for the children of Pa. Therefore, what does MM consider as being the major setback, as far as the missing ingredient, in the halls of our institution? I have always spoke up, even upon my exit. The real truth is the PDE, they are the deciding factor. My opinion, we should be supplementing & reforming public school education, I've been saying this since 2007.
America is #26. Norway is #1 with a 3 hr. schoolday(at which the children can stay the total 6 1/2 if they want). How does that work? Consider this, angry yet? I've been, this is a real problem!
Enjoy the parade, and best wishes to all the inner children. "Healing the Child Within" author John Bradshaw, very insightful book, may be helpful to some of our Floaters.

Jon said...

You didn't shake my hand on Nov. 9, but you did offer best wishes, and I thanked you. I didn't forget. It just didn't make the blog.

I am not the force that drives MM. Not by a long shot. That's unfair to the candidates and their many supporters.

Anonymous said...

Of course it didn't make the blog, wasn't negative enough. At that moment, when I bid you best wishes I felt as though I was doing more than shaking your hand, I was reaching out, Jon, and that's because I care. I think you do to, but you go in and out of it quickly, I understand. Powerlessness is a frightening thing. It's plain to see, that's why you continue on and on here, re-hashing and re-inventing negative, so you can divert the attention of what is really going on, what you are reluctant to face.
Do yourself and your supporters a great service and try to stay focused on the REAL problems we are facing with Ed. You have posted some truth on Ed. from time to time, but only skimming the surface. Face it, NO ONE is interested, you see, never a response to the crucial facts you post about Ed., my opinion, most that post here need a parent in the room when they blog!
The destruction of Morrisville is bound under the banter of much ego & gossip.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margret Meade, American Anthropologist 1901-78

Jon said...

Margaret Meade aside, that was kind of negative.

But please, seriously, post more about what I am reluctant to face, and more about Education.

Anonymous said...

Ad hominem attacks aside, I think the departing member makes good points about just how hard it is to bear the responsibility of being a school director, and the reality of just how hard it is to effect positive change is a world with so many strictures. What is disingenuous about his/her posts is the complete failure to acknowledge the lies, lack of transparency and disdain for the people that was readily expressed by the departing board during their tenure. This has been well documented here and elsewhere, and for that alone, this blog and the others deserves praise. There was no spin doctoring involved, just statements of facts.

Jon said...

Good post.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne I know it's you I just want to know why the sour grapes you know if you won you would be rubbing it in our faces

Anonymous said...

That falls into the category of 'not worth it'.
It is tremendously unlikely that you will get the answers you seek from her.
Let's believe in miracles and see what happens.