Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not Bad People, Just Bad Managers

Not bad people, just bad managers

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Posted: Sunday, November 6, 2011 6:00 am | Updated: 7:15 pm, Fri Nov 4, 2011.
In response to Ms. Mihok and the other perennial school board members: Over the last four years, they have spent $7.5 million. How low would our taxes be if they hadn't spent those millions?
Several board members are perennial, and yet they have not been able to raise the test scores. 
My opponents have proven they can spend money, and turn the administration into one that "goes along with" their scheming. They have never made public any long-term plan for the school district. They will not respond to public comment. Don't we want better?
Our opponents aren't bad people, just bad managers with no vision, who won't communicate. The Morrisville Matters candidates, Kartal, Parker, Miller, Stoneburner have solutions for education and taxes. We are concerned about more than a single interest. We are professionals who have children in the schools and who pay taxes in Morrisville. For our tax dollars, for our students, for our Morrisville. BECAUSE Morrisville Matters.
David Stoneburner


Hacky SOC said...

And now, a word from our sponsor, $25,000/yr Morrisville School Board Communications Director and MOEF Board member Pat Wandling. She's not a career politician, she just gets hired and works for them.

A Democrat in GOP's clothing

Posted: Sunday, November 6, 2011 6:00 am | Updated: 7:15 pm, Fri Nov 4, 2011.
No one knows Commissioner Diane Marseglia like the people of Middletown Township, so it was surprising to see this supremely partisan, liberal Democrat portraying herself as an advocate of Republican principles like sound business management and fiscal responsibility in her recent guest opinion.
Suffice it to say, here is a Democrat trying to revise Republican history in the waning days of a low level campaign, replete with false and irresponsible mailer attacks on the Republican commissioner candidates and Commissioner Rob Loughery, in particular, and now this latest opinion piece with its utter disregard for the truth.

It was my privilege to work for two Republican administrations (the last being Commissioners Charley Martin and Mike Fitzpatrick) and the Bucks County Courier Times in between. And for Democratic commissioners who knew when to govern and when to campaign.
The record shows the county achieved the distinction of being a great place to live and work under Republican leadership. Meanwhile, other initiatives in land use and land preservation, economic development and government services were recognized statewide and the open space/farmland preservation program is a model for other counties. You cannot separate Commissioner Martin from that.
Republicans held the line on taxes for the last five years, contained costs, ensured the county's financial stability and retained a triple A bond rating. Historically, Republican leaders have been responsible public servants, who did not tarnish the commissioners office with scandal or corruption.
It is clear the incumbent commissioner and her running mate are trying to cloak themselves with certain pro-business, fiscally conservative programs usually associated with Republicans, while proclaiming mismanagement on the part of their opponents.
Who are they? Marseglia and Ansinn are the beneficiaries of union backing, according to campaign reports filed last month by the Bucks Victory Campaign Committee (Marseglia-Ansinn campaign) and the Bucks Democratic Committee.
So they can't rewrite history anymore than they can deny their financial backers. Truth is still on the run in this campaign.

Pat Wandling
Middletown Township

Anonymous said...

Sure hope my tax dollars are not paying for this letter written by Pat Wandling.

Anonymous said...

We'll never know.

However, this is known:

Wandling's not good at the job the School District pays her for with our tax dollars. She's a quite clueless Republican Machine busybody on the payroll primarily to promote her SOC political allies.

Te Mighty Wandling said...

Good thing is we NOW know she knows the address to the paper!

Anonymous said...

Wandling is kind of all over the place with what she wrote. Maybe off her meds.

Its bad enough that a person cannot work for the public without having to be put into the category of either a Dem or a Rep but it really bothers me when a person talks as though a person is simply molded into one or the other like the borg collective on Star Trek. The term Liberal Democrat really bothers me. So what she is saying is that Democrats cannot possibly care about "sound business management and fiscal responsibility." Just Ridiculous.

I realize that people like Wandling have their purpose and its to do what she does best, take pen in hand (computer on desk?) and make her buddies look good while stepping on everyone else.

I don't agree that Wandling isn't good at the job she is paid to purform by the Morrisville School District. Everyone knows why she was really hired. Her job is to make the current school board look good, ie., write opinions in their names, come up with fake school newsletters, campaign lit, etc.

Anonymous said...

"Wandling's not good at the job the School District pays her for with our tax dollars. She's a quite clueless Republican Machine busybody on the payroll primarily to promote her SOC political allies."

Love this. Right on the money. Nice job.